*/ if ( !defined('DOKU_INC') ) { define('DOKU_INC', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); } if ( !defined('DOKU_PLUGIN') ) { define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); } require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); class syntax_plugin_dataplot extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /** * What about paragraphs? */ function getPType() { return 'normal'; } /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ function getType() { return 'substition'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort() { return 200; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\n.*?\n', $mode, 'plugin_dataplot'); } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { $info = $this->getInfo(); // Set-up default data $return = array( 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'align' => '', 'layout' => '2D', 'columns' => 2, 'plottype' => 'linespoints', 'smooth' => false, 'xlabel' => '', 'ylabel' => '', 'xrange' => '', 'yrange' => '', 'gnuplot' => '', 'debug' => false, 'version' => '' ); $gnu_colors = array( 'white', 'red', 'medium-blue', 'orange-red', 'dark-violet', 'dark-turquoise', 'dark-chartreuse', 'grey40', 'black' ); // Prepare input $lines = explode("\n", $match); $conf = array_shift($lines); array_pop($lines); $lines = trim(join("\n", $lines))."\n"; $lines = explode("\n", $lines); // Get number of data columns $cols = explode(" ", preg_replace("!\s+!", " ", trim($lines[0]))); $return['columns'] = count($cols); // Match config options // Note: treating xlabel and ylabel first then removing them from the // config string, in order to avoid misinterpretations of // further options. if ( preg_match('/xlabel="([^"]*)"/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['xlabel'] = $match[1]; $conf = preg_replace('/xlabel="([^"]*)"/i', '', $conf); } if ( preg_match('/ylabel="([^"]*)"/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['ylabel'] = $match[1]; $conf = preg_replace('/ylabel="([^"]*)"/i', '', $conf); } if ( preg_match('/xrange=(-?\d*\.\d+(e-?\d+)?:-?\d*\.\d+(e-?\d+)?)/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['xrange'] = $match[1]; } if ( preg_match('/yrange=(-?\d*\.\d+(e-?\d+)?:-?\d*\.\d+(e-?\d+)?)/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['yrange'] = $match[1]; } if ( preg_match('/\b(2D|3D)\b/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['layout'] = strtolower($match[1]); } if ( preg_match('/\b(boxes|lines|linespoints|points)\b/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['plottype'] = $match[1]; } if ( preg_match('/\b(smooth)\b/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['smooth'] = true; } if ( preg_match('/\b(left|center|right)\b/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['align'] = $match[1]; } if ( preg_match('/\b(\d+)x(\d+)\b/', $conf, $match) ) { $return['width'] = $match[1]; $return['height'] = $match[2]; } if ( preg_match('/\bwidth=([0-9]+)\b/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['width'] = $match[1]; } if ( preg_match('/\bheight=([0-9]+)\b/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['height'] = $match[1]; } if ( preg_match('/\b(debug)\b/i', $conf, $match) ) { $return['debug'] = true; } // Force rebuild of images on update $return['version'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $return['hash'] = (string) uniqid("dataplot_", true); // Generate Gnuplot code (must be last) $input = trim(join("\n", $lines))."\n"; if ( $return['width'] != 0 && $return['height'] != 0 ) { $gnu_size = ' size '.$return['width'].','.$return['height']; } else { $gnu_size = ''; } $gnu_labels = ''; if ( strlen($return['xlabel']) > 0 ) { $gnu_labels .= "set xlabel \"".$return['xlabel']."\"\n"; } if ( strlen($return['ylabel']) > 0 ) { $gnu_labels .= "set ylabel \"".$return['ylabel']."\"\n"; } if ( strlen($return['xrange']) > 0 ) { $gnu_ranges .= "set xrange [".$return['xrange']."]\n"; } if ( strlen($return['yrange']) > 0 ) { $gnu_ranges .= "set yrange [".$return['yrange']."]\n"; } $gnu_code = "# Input parameters:\n#\n"; foreach ($return as $param => $value) { if ( $param != 'gnuplot' ) { $gnu_code .= "# - $param = $value\n"; } } $gnu_code .= "#\n\n"; $gnu_code .= 'set terminal pngcairo enhanced dashed font "arial,14" linewidth 2'.$gnu_size."\n"; $gnu_code .= $gnu_labels; $gnu_code .= $gnu_ranges; $gnu_code .= "set output \"@gnu_output@\"\n"; for ($i=1; $i_cachename($return, 'txt'), $input); return $return; } /** * Cache file is based on parameters that influence the resulting image */ function _cachename($data, $ext) { return getcachename( $data['hash'].'x'.$data['layout'].'x'.$data['plottype'], '.'.$ext); } /** * Create output */ function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { if ( $format == 'xhtml' ) { $img = DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/dataplot/img.php?'.buildURLparams($data); $renderer->doc .= 'doc .= ' width="'.$data['width'].'"'; if ( $data['height'] ) $renderer->doc .= ' height="'.$data['height'].'"'; if ( $data['align'] == 'right' ) $renderer->doc .= ' align="right"'; if ( $data['align'] == 'left' ) $renderer->doc .= ' align="left"'; $renderer->doc .= '/>'; // Debugging if ( $data['debug'] ) { $renderer->doc .= '
'; } return true; } elseif ( $format == 'odt' ) { $src = $this->_imgfile($data); $renderer->_odtAddImage($src, $data['width'], $data['height'], $data['align']); return true; } return false; } /** * Return path to the rendered image on our local system */ function _imgfile($data) { $cache = $this->_cachename($data, 'png'); // Create the file if needed if ( !file_exists($cache) ) { $in = $this->_cachename($data, 'txt'); if ( $this->getConf('path') ) { $ok = $this->_run($data, $in, $cache); } else { $ok = false; } if ( !$ok ) return false; clearstatcache(); } // Resized version if ( $data['width'] ) { $cache = media_resize_image($cache, 'png', $data['width'], $data['height']); } // Something went wrong, we're missing the file if ( !file_exists($cache) ) return false; return $cache; } /** * Run Gnuplot */ function _run($data, $in, $out) { global $conf; // Check input data if ( !file_exists($in) ) { if ( $conf['debug'] ) { dbglog($in,'no such dataplot input file'); } return false; } // Create Gnuplot script $gnu_code = $data['gnuplot']; $gnu_code = preg_replace('!@gnu_input@!', $in, $gnu_code); $gnu_code = preg_replace('!@gnu_output@!', $out, $gnu_code); $gnu_script = tempnam('/tmp', 'dataplot'); $gnu_handle = fopen($gnu_script, 'w'); fwrite($gnu_handle, $gnu_code); fclose($gnu_handle); // Run command $cmd = $this->getConf('path'); $cmd .= ' '.$gnu_script; exec($cmd, $output, $error); // Remove Gnuplot script //unlink($gnu_script); if ( $error != 0 ) { if ( $conf['debug'] ) { dbglog(join("\n", $output), 'dataplot command failed: '.$cmd); } return false; } return true; } }