*/ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); class syntax_plugin_dataloop_loop extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /** * will hold the data helper plugin */ var $dthlp = null; var $loophelper = null; /** * Constructor. Load helper plugin */ function syntax_plugin_dataloop_loop(){ $this->dthlp =& plugin_load('helper', 'data'); if(!$this->dthlp) msg('Loading the data helper failed. Make sure the data plugin is installed.',-1); $this->loophelper =& plugin_load('helper', 'dataloop'); if(!$this->loophelper) msg('Loading the dataloop helper failed. Make sure the dataloop plugin is installed.',-1); } /** * Return some info */ function getInfo(){ return $this->loophelper->getInfo('Data Loop'); } /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ function getType(){ return 'container'; } function getAllowedTypes() { return array('baseonly','formatting', 'substition', 'disabled','container','paragraphs'); } /** * What about paragraphs? */ function getPType(){ return 'stack'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort(){ return 1; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('(?=.*?)',$mode,'plugin_dataloop_loop'); //$this->Lexer->addPattern('----+ *dataloop(?: [ a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?-+\n.*?\n----+',$mode,'plugin_dataloop_loop'); } function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('','plugin_dataloop_loop'); } /** * Handle the match - parse the data */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){ switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $lines = explode("\n",$match); array_pop($lines); $class = array_shift($lines); $class = str_replace('dataloop','',$class); $class = trim($class,'- '); $data = array(); $data['classes'] = $class; // parse info foreach ( $lines as $line ) { // ignore comments $line = preg_replace('/(?dthlp->_column($col); $data['cols'][$key] = $type; // fix type for special type if($key == '%pageid%') $data['cols'][$key] = 'page'; if($key == '%title%') $data['cols'][$key] = 'title'; } break; case 'title': case 'titles': case 'head': case 'headings': case 'header': case 'headers': $headlevelsplits = explode(';',$line[1]); foreach($headlevelsplits as $iLevel => $sCols) { $cols = explode(',',$sCols); foreach($cols as $col){ $col = trim($col); $col = trim($col); if(!$col) continue; list($key,$type) = $this->dthlp->_column($col); $data['headings'][$key] = $iLevel+1; } } //msg("data['headings']= '".var_export($data['headings'], true)."'",-1); break; case 'limit': case 'max': $data['limit'] = abs((int) $line[1]); break; case 'order': case 'sort': list($sort) = $this->dthlp->_column($line[1]); if(substr($sort,0,1) == '^'){ $data['sort'] = array(substr($sort,1),'DESC'); }else{ $data['sort'] = array($sort,'ASC'); } break; case 'where': case 'filter': case 'filterand': case 'and': $logic = 'AND'; case 'filteror': case 'or': if(preg_match('/^(.*?)(=|<|>|<=|>=|<>|!=|=~|~)(.*)$/',$line[1],$matches)){ list($key) = $this->dthlp->_column(trim($matches[1])); $val = trim($matches[3]); $val = sqlite_escape_string($val); //pre escape $com = $matches[2]; if($com == '<>'){ $com = '!='; }elseif($com == '=~' || $com == '~'){ $com = 'LIKE'; $val = str_replace('*','%',$val); } $data['filter'][] = array('key' => $key, 'value' => $val, 'compare' => $com, 'logic' => $logic ); } break; default: msg("data plugin: unknown option '".hsc($line[0])."'",-1); } } // if no header titles were given, use column names if(!is_array($data['headers'])){ foreach(array_keys($data['cols']) as $col){ if($col == '%pageid%'){ $data['headers'][] = 'pagename'; #FIXME add lang string }elseif($col == '%title%'){ $data['headers'][] = 'page'; #FIXME add lang string }else{ $data['headers'][] = $col; } } } $this->aData = $data; return array($state, $data, $match); break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : return array($state, $this->aData, $match); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : return array($state, $this->aData, ''); break; } return array(); } /** * Create output or save the data */ function render($format, &$renderer, $alldata) { global $ID; //dbg($alldata); if($format != 'xhtml') return false; if(!$this->dthlp->_dbconnect()) return false; $renderer->info['cache'] = false; list($state,$data, $match) = $alldata; $sDataLoopSeperator = "£$%DATALOOP£$%"; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $renderer->doc .= $sDataLoopSeperator; break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED: $renderer->doc .= $renderer->_xmlEntities($match); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : $aParts = explode($sDataLoopSeperator, $renderer->doc); //echo '$aParts='.htmlentities(var_export($aParts, true)); $renderer->doc = $aParts[0]; $sBlockText = $aParts[1]; //add some preg matching for heading stuff it doesnt do automatically preg_match_all('/[ \t]*(={2,})([^\n=]+)\s*=+/', $sBlockText, $aMatches); //dbg($aMatches); //foreach($aMatches[1] as $iKey => $sCmd) //{ //[ \t]*={2,}[^\n]+={2,}[ \t]*(?=\n) if (count($aMatches[0])) { $iCurrLevel = 0; $iOpenLevels = 0; //put this into a loop and try and do '
// get level and title foreach($aMatches[0] as $iKey => $sHeadString) { $title = trim($sHeadString); $level = 7 - strspn($title,'='); if($level < 1) $level = 1; $title = trim($title,'='); $title = trim($title); $sStr = "$title"; if($level <= $iCurrLevel) { $sStr = '
'.$sStr; $iOpenLevels --; } if($level >= $iCurrLevel) { $sStr = $sStr.'
'; $iOpenLevels ++; } $iCurrLevel = $level; $sBlockText = str_replace($sHeadString, $sStr, $sBlockText); } $sBlockText .= str_repeat("
", $iOpenLevels); } //echo '$sBlockText='.htmlentities(var_export($sBlockText, true)); //echo '$format='.htmlentities(var_export($format, true)); //echo '$renderer='.htmlentities(var_export($renderer, true)); //dbg($sBlockText); //dbg($data); $sql = $this->_buildSQL($data); // handles GET params, too //dbg($sql); // register our custom aggregate function sqlite_create_aggregate($this->dthlp->db,'group_concat', array($this,'_sqlite_group_concat_step'), array($this,'_sqlite_group_concat_finalize'), 2); // run query $types = array_values($data['cols']); $res = sqlite_query($this->dthlp->db,$sql); // build loop //$renderer->doc .= '
'; // build column headers $cols = array_keys($data['cols']); // build data rows $cnt = 0; while ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($res, SQLITE_NUM)) { $sCurrentText = $sBlockText; foreach($row as $num => $col){ $aMatches = null; preg_match_all('/\@\@('.$cols[$num].'[^\@]*)\@\@/i', $sCurrentText, $aMatches); $xValue = $this->dthlp->_formatData($cols[$num],$col,$types[$num],$renderer); //dbg($aMatches); foreach($aMatches[1] as $iKey => $sCmd) { //dbg($sCmd); $aCommand = split('_', $sCmd); //dbg($aCommand); switch($aCommand[1]) { case 'url': if(!isset($aCommand[2])) { $xValue2 = $xValue; } else { $iColNum = array_search($aCommand[2], $row); //no error checking here $xValue2 = $this->dthlp->_formatData($aCommand[2],$row[$iColNum],$types[$iColNum],$renderer); } $sReplace = ''.$xValue2.''; //dbg($sReplace); break; default: $sReplace = $xValue; break; } $sCurrentText = str_ireplace($aMatches[0][$iKey], $sReplace, $sCurrentText); } } $cnt++; $renderer->doc .= $sCurrentText; if($data['limit'] && ($cnt == $data['limit'])) break; // keep an eye on the limit } /* // if limit was set, add control if($data['limit']){ $renderer->doc .= '
'; $offset = (int) $_GET['dataofs']; if($offset){ $prev = $offset - $data['limit']; if($prev < 0) $prev = 0; $renderer->doc .= ''; } $renderer->doc .= ' '; if(sqlite_num_rows($res) > $data['limit']){ $next = $offset + $data['limit']; $renderer->doc .= ''; } $renderer->doc .= '
'; } */ //$renderer->doc .= '
'; break; } return true; } /** * Builds the SQL query from the given data */ function _buildSQL(&$data){ //dbg($data); $cnt = 0; $tables = array(); $select = array(); $from = ''; $where = ''; $order = ''; // take overrides from HTTP GET params into account if($_GET['datasrt']){ if($_GET['datasrt']{0} == '^'){ $data['sort'] = array(substr($_GET['datasrt'],1),'DESC'); }else{ $data['sort'] = array($_GET['datasrt'],'ASC'); } } // prepare the columns to show foreach (array_keys($data['cols']) as $col){ if($col == '%pageid%'){ $select[] = 'pages.page'; }elseif($col == '%title%'){ $select[] = "pages.page || '|' || pages.title"; }else{ if(!$tables[$col]){ $tables[$col] = 'T'.(++$cnt); $from .= ' LEFT JOIN data AS '.$tables[$col].' ON '.$tables[$col].'.pid = pages.pid'; $from .= ' AND '.$tables[$col].".key = '".sqlite_escape_string($col)."'"; } $select[] = 'group_concat('.$tables[$col].".value,'\n')"; } } // prepare sorting if($data['sort'][0]){ $col = $data['sort'][0]; if($col == '%pageid%'){ $order = 'ORDER BY pages.page '.$data['sort'][1]; }elseif($col == '%title%'){ $order = 'ORDER BY pages.title '.$data['sort'][1]; }else{ // sort by hidden column? if(!$tables[$col]){ $tables[$col] = 'T'.(++$cnt); $from .= ' LEFT JOIN data AS '.$tables[$col].' ON '.$tables[$col].'.pid = pages.pid'; $from .= ' AND '.$tables[$col].".key = '".sqlite_escape_string($col)."'"; } $order = 'ORDER BY '.$tables[$col].'.value '.$data['sort'][1]; } }else{ $order = 'ORDER BY 1 ASC'; } // add filters if(is_array($data['filter']) && count($data['filter'])){ $where .= ' AND ( 1=1 '; foreach($data['filter'] as $filter){ $col = $filter['key']; if($col == '%pageid%'){ $where .= " ".$filter['logic']." pages.page ".$filter['compare']." '".$filter['value']."'"; }elseif($col == '%title%'){ $where .= " ".$filter['logic']." pages.title ".$filter['compare']." '".$filter['value']."'"; }else{ // filter by hidden column? if(!$tables[$col]){ $tables[$col] = 'T'.(++$cnt); $from .= ' LEFT JOIN data AS '.$tables[$col].' ON '.$tables[$col].'.pid = pages.pid'; $from .= ' AND '.$tables[$col].".key = '".sqlite_escape_string($col)."'"; } $where .= ' '.$filter['logic'].' '.$tables[$col].'.value '.$filter['compare']. " '".$filter['value']."'"; //value is already escaped } } $where .= ' ) '; } // add GET filter if($_GET['dataflt']){ list($col,$val) = split(':',$_GET['dataflt'],2); if(!$tables[$col]){ $tables[$col] = 'T'.(++$cnt); $from .= ' LEFT JOIN data AS '.$tables[$col].' ON '.$tables[$col].'.pid = pages.pid'; $from .= ' AND '.$tables[$col].".key = '".sqlite_escape_string($col)."'"; } $where .= ' AND '.$tables[$col].".value = '".sqlite_escape_string($val)."'"; } // were any data tables used? if(count($tables)){ $where = 'pages.pid = T1.pid '.$where; }else{ $where = '1 = 1 '.$where; } // build the query $sql = "SELECT ".join(', ',$select)." FROM pages $from WHERE $where GROUP BY pages.page $order"; // offset and limit if($data['limit']){ $sql .= ' LIMIT '.($data['limit'] + 1); if((int) $_GET['dataofs']){ $sql .= ' OFFSET '.((int) $_GET['dataofs']); } } return $sql; } /** * Aggregation function for SQLite * * @link http://devzone.zend.com/article/863-SQLite-Lean-Mean-DB-Machine */ function _sqlite_group_concat_step(&$context, $string, $separator = ',') { $context['sep'] = $separator; $context['data'][] = $string; } /** * Aggregation function for SQLite * * @link http://devzone.zend.com/article/863-SQLite-Lean-Mean-DB-Machine */ function _sqlite_group_concat_finalize(&$context) { $context['data'] = array_unique($context['data']); return join($context['sep'],$context['data']); } }