*/ $lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8'; $lang['direction'] = 'ltr'; // ******************** Messages *********************************** // Insufficient privileges to perform this operation $lang['msg_wrn_priv'] = 'Insufficient privilege to carry out this action'; // A name has to be entered for the table! $lang['msg_wrn_tab_nam'] = 'Please enter a name for the table'; // When a table is created, the user is informed and the form to enter the first column is displayed $lang['msg_tab_cre'] = 'The table has been created - enter the first column in that table'; // The following messages are displayed when a potential reference table is being modified $lang['msg_ref_tab_wng_1'] = 'Take care before modifying records in this table'; $lang['msg_ref_tab_wng_2'] = 'This table could be used as a reference table'; $lang['msg_ref_tab_wng_3'] = 'Changing a record here could have an effect on records in other tables referring to it'; // ***************************************************************** // ******************** Create New Table form ********************** $lang['ttl_cre_tab'] = 'Create New Table'; $lang['prompt_ent_tab_name'] = 'Enter the name of a new table'; $lang['btn_cre_new_tab'] = 'Create New Table'; // The following message is displayed at the top of the form if an attempt was made to re-use a name $lang['err_tab_nam'] = ' is already used - enter another'; // ***************************************************************** // ***** General buttons *********************** $lang['btn_back'] = 'Back'; $lang['btn_home'] = 'Home'; // ************************************************* // ************* The List contents of table screen *********** $lang['btn_lst_cre_new_rec'] = 'Create New Record'; $lang['btn_adm_tab_str'] = 'Admin table structure'; $lang['btn_lst_srch_srt'] = 'Search and/or Sort'; // Radio button - No Sort $lang['rad_lst_no_srt'] = 'No Sort'; // On each line - these are hints on the icons rather than buttons $lang['btn_lst_edt'] = 'Edit'; $lang['btn_lst_del'] = 'Delete'; // *********************************************************** // ************* Admin List columns ************************* $lang['btn_lst_cre_new_col'] = 'Create New Column'; $lang['btn_lst_tab_cnt'] = 'List the table contents'; // *********************************************************** // *********Used on create/edit forms ************** // as in Create record or Create column $lang['prompt_col'] = 'column'; $lang['prompt_rec'] = 'record'; // ************************************************* // ***** Used on Create Record/column form ******* // The title i.e. Create column or Create record $lang['prompt_cre'] = 'Create'; // Create Button $lang['btn_cre_cre'] = 'Create'; // ************************************************* // ***** Used on Edit Record/column form ******* // The title i.e. Edit column or Edit record $lang['prompt_edt'] = 'Edit'; // The update button $lang['btn_edt_upd'] = 'Update'; // ************************************************* // **************** Used on Delete form *********** // Title - N.B. columns can't be deleted $lang['prompt_del_rec'] = 'Delete record'; // The confirm delete button $lang['btn_del_cnf'] = 'Confirm Delete'; // ************************************************* // Used by validation routine $lang['err_dat_typ_dat'] = ' must be of the format yyyy/mm/dd e.g. 2008/12/25: value entered: '; $lang['err_dat_typ_num'] = ' must be a number - value entered: '; $lang['err_dat_typ_man'] = ' must be entered since it is mandatory'; $lang['err_dat_typ_int'] = ' format [[link|name]] , e.g. [[wiki:myPage|My Details]] value entered: '; // v1.0.3 $lang['err_dat_typ_ext'] = ' format [[link|name]] , e.g. [[http://www.splitbrain.com/|Splitbrain]] value entered: '; // v1.0.3 $lang['err_dat_missing_pipe'] = ' must contain a | character'; // v1.0.3 $lang['err_dat_extra_pipe'] = ' must not contain a | character'; // v1.0.3 $lang['err_lost_update'] = 'The record has been updated by somebody else, please make the change again'; // v1.0.3 $lang['err_dup_val'] = ' Duplicate value found - No change made'; // The unique columns already exists when updating or inserting $lang['err_dup_rec'] = ' This record already exists - No change made'; // This record already exists when updating or inserting $lang['prompt_no_selection'] = 'No Selection'; // At top of drop-down where not mandatory $lang['prompt_referencing'] = 'Referencing'; // Used for Column Types with Referencing Countries etc $lang['prompt_looking_up'] = 'Looking up'; // Used for Column Types with Looking Up Gender etc // Lookups // 1. Gender // 2. YesOrNo // 3. Title // Further ones can be added but would need to be added again whenever an upgrade was installed $lang['lookup'][1][1]='Gender'; $lang['lookup'][1][2]='Female'; $lang['lookup'][1][3]='Male'; $lang['lookup'][2][1]='YesOrNo'; $lang['lookup'][2][2]='Yes'; $lang['lookup'][2][3]='No'; $lang['lookup'][3][1]='Title'; $lang['lookup'][3][2]='Dr'; $lang['lookup'][3][3]='Miss'; $lang['lookup'][3][4]='Mr'; $lang['lookup'][3][5]='Mrs'; $lang['lookup'][3][6]='Ms'; $lang['lookup'][3][7]='Prof'; // Admin Table Structures - The column labels $lang['column_label'][1] = 'Name'; $lang['column_label'][2] = 'Label'; $lang['column_label'][3] = 'Mandatory'; $lang['column_label'][4] = 'Unique'; $lang['column_label'][5] = 'Type'; $lang['column_label'][6] = 'Visible'; // v1.0.3 // Data types $lang['type_string'] = 'String'; $lang['type_number'] = 'Number'; $lang['type_date'] = 'Date'; $lang['type_internal_link'] = 'Internal Link'; // v1.0.3 $lang['type_external_link'] = 'External Link'; // v1.0.3