*/ /** * Class syntax_plugin_data_table */ class syntax_plugin_data_table extends SyntaxPlugin { /** * will hold the data helper plugin * * @var $dthlp helper_plugin_data */ public $dthlp; public $sums = []; /** * Constructor. Load helper plugin */ public function __construct() { $this->dthlp = plugin_load('helper', 'data'); } /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ public function getType() { return 'substition'; } /** * What about paragraphs? */ public function getPType() { return 'block'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ public function getSort() { return 155; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ public function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern( '----+ *datatable(?: [ a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?-+\n.*?\n----+', $mode, 'plugin_data_table' ); } /** * Handle the match - parse the data * * This parsing is shared between the multiple different output/control * syntaxes * * @param string $match The text matched by the patterns * @param int $state The lexer state for the match * @param int $pos The character position of the matched text * @param Doku_Handler $handler The Doku_Handler object * @return bool|array Return an array with all data you want to use in render, false don't add an instruction */ public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { if (!$this->dthlp->ready()) return null; // get lines and additional class $lines = explode("\n", $match); array_pop($lines); $class = array_shift($lines); $class = preg_replace('/^----+ *data[a-z]+/', '', $class); $class = trim($class, '- '); $data = [ 'classes' => $class, 'limit' => 0, 'dynfilters' => false, 'summarize' => false, 'rownumbers' => (bool)$this->getConf('rownumbers'), 'sepbyheaders' => false, 'headers' => [], 'widths' => [], 'filter' => [] ]; // parse info foreach ($lines as $line) { // ignore comments $line = preg_replace('/(?dthlp->column($col); $data['cols'][$column['key']] = $column; } break; case 'title': $data['title'] = $line[1]; break; case 'head': case 'header': case 'headers': $cols = $this->parseValues($line[1]); $data['headers'] = array_merge($data['headers'], $cols); break; case 'align': $cols = explode(',', $line[1]); foreach ($cols as $col) { $col = trim(strtolower($col)); if ($col[0] == 'c') { $col = 'center'; } elseif ($col[0] == 'r') { $col = 'right'; } else { $col = 'left'; } $data['align'][] = $col; } break; case 'widths': $cols = explode(',', $line[1]); foreach ($cols as $col) { $col = trim($col); $data['widths'][] = $col; } break; case 'min': $data['min'] = abs((int)$line[1]); break; case 'limit': case 'max': $data['limit'] = abs((int)$line[1]); break; case 'order': case 'sort': $column = $this->dthlp->column($line[1]); $sort = $column['key']; if (substr($sort, 0, 1) == '^') { $data['sort'] = [substr($sort, 1), 'DESC']; } else { $data['sort'] = [$sort, 'ASC']; } break; case 'where': case 'filter': case 'filterand': case 'and': // phpcs:ignore PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration.TerminatingComment $logic = 'AND'; case 'filteror': case 'or': if (!$logic) { $logic = 'OR'; } $flt = $this->dthlp->parseFilter($line[1]); if (is_array($flt)) { $flt['logic'] = $logic; $data['filter'][] = $flt; } break; case 'page': case 'target': $data['page'] = cleanID($line[1]); break; case 'dynfilters': $data['dynfilters'] = (bool)$line[1]; break; case 'rownumbers': $data['rownumbers'] = (bool)$line[1]; break; case 'summarize': $data['summarize'] = (bool)$line[1]; break; case 'sepbyheaders': $data['sepbyheaders'] = (bool)$line[1]; break; default: msg("data plugin: unknown option '" . hsc($line[0]) . "'", -1); } } // we need at least one column to display if (!is_array($data['cols']) || $data['cols'] === []) { msg('data plugin: no columns selected', -1); return null; } // fill up headers with field names if necessary $data['headers'] = (array)$data['headers']; $cnth = count($data['headers']); $cntf = count($data['cols']); for ($i = $cnth; $i < $cntf; $i++) { $column = array_slice($data['cols'], $i, 1); $columnprops = array_pop($column); $data['headers'][] = $columnprops['title']; } $data['sql'] = $this->buildSQL($data); // Save current request params for comparison in updateSQL $data['cur_param'] = $this->dthlp->getPurrentParam(false); return $data; } protected $before_item = ''; protected $after_item = ''; protected $before_val = ''; protected $after_val = ''; /** * Handles the actual output creation. * * @param string $format output format being rendered * @param Doku_Renderer $renderer the current renderer object * @param array $data data created by handler() * @return boolean rendered correctly? (however, returned value is not used at the moment) */ public function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { if ($format != 'xhtml') return false; if (is_null($data)) return false; if (!$this->dthlp->ready()) return false; $sqlite = $this->dthlp->getDB(); if (!$sqlite) return false; $renderer->info['cache'] = false; //reset counters $this->sums = []; if ($this->hasRequestFilter() || isset($_REQUEST['dataofs'])) { $this->updateSQLwithQuery($data); // handles request params } $this->dthlp->replacePlaceholdersInSQL($data); // run query $clist = array_keys($data['cols']); $rows = $sqlite->queryAll($data['sql']); $cnt = count($rows); if ($cnt === 0) { $this->nullList($data, $clist, $renderer); return true; } if ($data['limit'] && $cnt > $data['limit']) { $rows = array_slice($rows, 0, $data['limit']); } //build classnames per column $classes = []; $class_names_cache = []; $offset = 0; if ($data['rownumbers']) { $offset = 1; //rownumbers are in first column $classes[] = $data['align'][0] . 'align rownumbers'; } foreach ($clist as $index => $col) { $class = ''; if (isset($data['align'])) { $class .= $data['align'][$index + $offset]; } $class .= 'align ' . hsc(sectionID($col, $class_names_cache)); $classes[] = $class; } //start table/list $renderer->doc .= $this->preList($clist, $data); foreach ($rows as $rownum => $row) { // build data rows $renderer->doc .= $this->before_item; if ($data['rownumbers']) { $renderer->doc .= sprintf($this->before_val, 'class="' . $classes[0] . '"'); $renderer->doc .= $rownum + 1; $renderer->doc .= $this->after_val; } foreach (array_values($row) as $num => $cval) { $num_rn = $num + $offset; $renderer->doc .= sprintf($this->beforeVal($data, $num_rn), 'class="' . $classes[$num_rn] . '"'); $renderer->doc .= $this->dthlp->formatData( $data['cols'][$clist[$num]], $cval, $renderer ); $renderer->doc .= $this->afterVal($data, $num_rn); // clean currency symbols $nval = str_replace('$€₤', '', $cval); $nval = str_replace('/ [A-Z]{0,3}$/', '', $nval); $nval = str_replace(',', '.', $nval); $nval = trim($nval); // summarize if ($data['summarize'] && is_numeric($nval)) { if (!isset($this->sums[$num])) { $this->sums[$num] = 0; } $this->sums[$num] += $nval; } } $renderer->doc .= $this->after_item; } $renderer->doc .= $this->postList($data, $cnt); return true; } /** * Before value in table cell * * @param array $data instructions by handler * @param int $colno column number * @return string */ protected function beforeVal(&$data, $colno) { return $this->before_val; } /** * After value in table cell * * @param array $data * @param int $colno * @return string */ protected function afterVal(&$data, $colno) { return $this->after_val; } /** * Create table header * * @param array $clist keys of the columns * @param array $data instruction by handler * @return string html of table header */ public function preList($clist, $data) { global $ID; global $conf; // Save current request params to not loose them $cur_params = $this->dthlp->getPurrentParam(); //show active filters $text = '
'; if (isset($_REQUEST['dataflt'])) { $filters = $this->dthlp->getFilters(); $fltrs = []; foreach ($filters as $filter) { if (strpos($filter['compare'], 'LIKE') !== false) { if (strpos($filter['compare'], 'NOT') !== false) { $comparator_value = '!~' . str_replace('%', '*', $filter['value']); } else { $comparator_value = '*~' . str_replace('%', '', $filter['value']); } $fltrs[] = $filter['key'] . $comparator_value; } else { $fltrs[] = $filter['key'] . $filter['compare'] . $filter['value']; } } $text .= '
'; $text .= '

' . sprintf($this->getLang('tablefilteredby'), hsc(implode(' & ', $fltrs))) . '

'; $text .= ''; $text .= '
'; } // build table $text .= ''; // build column headers $text .= ''; if ($data['rownumbers']) { $text .= ''; } foreach ($data['headers'] as $num => $head) { $ckey = $clist[$num]; $width = ''; if (isset($data['widths'][$num]) && $data['widths'][$num] != '-') { $width = ' style="width: ' . $data['widths'][$num] . ';"'; } $text .= ''; // add sort arrow if (isset($data['sort']) && $ckey == $data['sort'][0]) { if ($data['sort'][1] == 'ASC') { $text .= ' '; $ckey = '^' . $ckey; } else { $text .= ' '; } } // Clickable header for dynamic sorting $text .= '' . hsc($head) . ''; $text .= ''; } $text .= ''; // Dynamic filters if ($data['dynfilters']) { $text .= ''; if ($data['rownumbers']) { $text .= ''; } foreach ($data['headers'] as $num => $head) { $text .= ''; } $text .= ''; } return $text; } /** * Create an empty table * * @param array $data instruction by handler() * @param array $clist keys of the columns * @param Doku_Renderer $R */ public function nullList($data, $clist, $R) { $R->doc .= $this->preList($clist, $data); $R->tablerow_open(); $R->tablecell_open(count($clist), 'center'); $R->cdata($this->getLang('none')); $R->tablecell_close(); $R->tablerow_close(); $R->doc .= '
'; $form = new Doku_Form(['method' => 'GET']); $form->_hidden = []; if (!$conf['userewrite']) { $form->addHidden('id', $ID); } $key = 'dataflt[' . $data['cols'][$clist[$num]]['colname'] . '*~' . ']'; $val = $cur_params[$key] ?? ''; // Add current request params foreach ($cur_params as $c_key => $c_val) { if ($c_val !== '' && $c_key !== $key) { $form->addHidden($c_key, $c_val); } } $form->addElement(form_makeField('text', $key, $val, '')); $text .= $form->getForm(); $text .= '
'; } /** * Create table footer * * @param array $data instruction by handler() * @param int $rowcnt number of rows * @return string html of table footer */ public function postList($data, $rowcnt) { global $ID; $text = ''; // if summarize was set, add sums if ($data['summarize']) { $text .= ''; $len = count($data['cols']); if ($data['rownumbers']) $text .= ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $text .= ''; if (!empty($this->sums[$i])) { $text .= '∑ ' . $this->sums[$i]; } else { $text .= ' '; } $text .= ''; } $text .= ''; } // if limit was set, add control if ($data['limit']) { $text .= ''; $offset = (int)$_REQUEST['dataofs']; if ($offset) { $prev = $offset - $data['limit']; if ($prev < 0) { $prev = 0; } // keep url params $params = $this->dthlp->a2ua('dataflt', $_REQUEST['dataflt']); if (isset($_REQUEST['datasrt'])) { $params['datasrt'] = $_REQUEST['datasrt']; } $params['dataofs'] = $prev; $text .= ''; } $text .= ' '; if ($rowcnt > $data['limit']) { $next = $offset + $data['limit']; // keep url params $params = $this->dthlp->a2ua('dataflt', $_REQUEST['dataflt']); if (isset($_REQUEST['datasrt'])) { $params['datasrt'] = $_REQUEST['datasrt']; } $params['dataofs'] = $next; $text .= ''; } $text .= ''; } $text .= ''; return $text; } /** * Builds the SQL query from the given data * * @param array &$data instruction by handler * @return bool|string SQL query or false */ public function buildSQL(&$data) { $cnt = 0; $tables = []; $select = []; $from = ''; $from2 = ''; $where2 = '1 = 1'; $sqlite = $this->dthlp->getDB(); if (!$sqlite) return false; // prepare the columns to show foreach ($data['cols'] as &$col) { $key = $col['key']; if ($key == '%pageid%') { // Prevent stripping of trailing zeros by forcing a CAST $select[] = '" " || pages.page'; } elseif ($key == '%class%') { // Prevent stripping of trailing zeros by forcing a CAST $select[] = '" " || pages.class'; } elseif ($key == '%lastmod%') { $select[] = 'pages.lastmod'; } elseif ($key == '%title%') { $select[] = "pages.page || '|' || pages.title"; } else { if (!isset($tables[$key])) { $tables[$key] = 'T' . (++$cnt); $from .= ' LEFT JOIN data AS ' . $tables[$key] . ' ON ' . $tables[$key] . '.pid = W1.pid'; $from .= ' AND ' . $tables[$key] . ".key = " . $sqlite->getPdo()->quote($key); } $type = $col['type']; if (is_array($type)) { $type = $type['type']; } switch ($type) { case 'pageid': case 'wiki': //note in multivalued case: adds pageid only to first value $select[] = "pages.page || '|' || GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(" . $tables[$key] . ".value,'\n')"; break; default: // Prevent stripping of trailing zeros by forcing a CAST $select[] = 'GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(" " || ' . $tables[$key] . ".value,'\n')"; } } } unset($col); // prepare sorting if (isset($data['sort'])) { $col = $data['sort'][0]; if ($col == '%pageid%') { $order = 'ORDER BY pages.page ' . $data['sort'][1]; } elseif ($col == '%class%') { $order = 'ORDER BY pages.class ' . $data['sort'][1]; } elseif ($col == '%title%') { $order = 'ORDER BY pages.title ' . $data['sort'][1]; } elseif ($col == '%lastmod%') { $order = 'ORDER BY pages.lastmod ' . $data['sort'][1]; } else { // sort by hidden column? if (!$tables[$col]) { $tables[$col] = 'T' . (++$cnt); $from .= ' LEFT JOIN data AS ' . $tables[$col] . ' ON ' . $tables[$col] . '.pid = W1.pid'; $from .= ' AND ' . $tables[$col] . ".key = " . $sqlite->getPdo()->quote($col); } $order = 'ORDER BY ' . $tables[$col] . '.value ' . $data['sort'][1]; } } else { $order = 'ORDER BY 1 ASC'; } // may be disabled from config. as it decreases performance a lot $use_dataresolve = $this->getConf('use_dataresolve'); // prepare filters $cnt = 0; if (is_array($data['filter']) && count($data['filter'])) { foreach ($data['filter'] as $filter) { $col = $filter['key']; $closecompare = ($filter['compare'] == 'IN(' ? ')' : ''); if ($col == '%pageid%') { $where2 .= " " . $filter['logic'] . " pages.page " . $filter['compare'] . " " . $filter['value'] . $closecompare; } elseif ($col == '%class%') { $where2 .= " " . $filter['logic'] . " pages.class " . $filter['compare'] . " " . $filter['value'] . $closecompare; } elseif ($col == '%title%') { $where2 .= " " . $filter['logic'] . " pages.title " . $filter['compare'] . " " . $filter['value'] . $closecompare; } elseif ($col == '%lastmod%') { # parse value to int? $filter['value'] = (int)strtotime($filter['value']); $where2 .= " " . $filter['logic'] . " pages.lastmod " . $filter['compare'] . " " . $filter['value'] . $closecompare; } else { // filter by hidden column? $table = 'T' . (++$cnt); $from2 .= ' LEFT JOIN data AS ' . $table . ' ON ' . $table . '.pid = pages.pid'; $from2 .= ' AND ' . $table . ".key = " . $sqlite->getPdo()->quote($col); // apply data resolving? if ($use_dataresolve && $filter['colname'] && (substr($filter['compare'], -4) == 'LIKE')) { $where2 .= ' ' . $filter['logic'] . ' DATARESOLVE(' . $table . '.value,' . $sqlite->getPdo()->quote($filter['colname']) . ') ' . $filter['compare'] . " " . $filter['value']; //value is already escaped } else { $where2 .= ' ' . $filter['logic'] . ' ' . $table . '.value ' . $filter['compare'] . " " . $filter['value'] . $closecompare; //value is already escaped } } } } // build the query $sql = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $select) . " FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT pages.pid AS pid FROM pages $from2 WHERE $where2 ) AS W1 $from LEFT JOIN pages ON W1.pid=pages.pid GROUP BY W1.pid $order"; // offset and limit if ($data['limit']) { $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . ($data['limit'] + 1); // offset is added from REQUEST params in updateSQLwithQuery } return $sql; } /** * Handle request paramaters, rebuild sql when needed * * @param array $data instruction by handler() */ public function updateSQLwithQuery(&$data) { if ($this->hasRequestFilter()) { if (isset($_REQUEST['datasrt'])) { if ($_REQUEST['datasrt'][0] == '^') { $data['sort'] = [substr($_REQUEST['datasrt'], 1), 'DESC']; } else { $data['sort'] = [$_REQUEST['datasrt'], 'ASC']; } } // add request filters $data['filter'] = array_merge($data['filter'], $this->dthlp->getFilters()); // Rebuild SQL FIXME do this smarter & faster $data['sql'] = $this->buildSQL($data); } if ($data['limit'] && (int)$_REQUEST['dataofs']) { $data['sql'] .= ' OFFSET ' . ((int)$_REQUEST['dataofs']); } } /** * Check whether a sort or filter request parameters are available * * @return bool */ public function hasRequestFilter() { return isset($_REQUEST['datasrt']) || isset($_REQUEST['dataflt']); } /** * Split values at the commas, * - Wrap with quotes to escape comma, quotes escaped by two quotes * - Within quotes spaces are stored. * * @param string $line * @return array */ protected function parseValues($line) { $values = []; $inQuote = false; $escapedQuote = false; $value = ''; $len = strlen($line); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { if ($line[$i] == '"') { if ($inQuote) { if ($escapedQuote) { $value .= '"'; $escapedQuote = false; continue; } if ($line[$i + 1] == '"') { $escapedQuote = true; continue; } $values[] = $value; $inQuote = false; $value = ''; continue; } else { $inQuote = true; $value = ''; //don't store stuff before the opening quote continue; } } elseif ($line[$i] == ',') { if ($inQuote) { $value .= ','; continue; } else { if (strlen($value) < 1) { continue; } $values[] = trim($value); $value = ''; continue; } } $value .= $line[$i]; } if (strlen($value) > 0) { $values[] = trim($value); } return $values; } }