*/ // for the configuration manager $lang['max'] = 'Maximum number of words displayed'; $lang['width'] = 'Width in pixels (500 or more is recommended)'; $lang['height'] = 'Height in pixels (ideally around 3/4 of the width)'; $lang['tcolor'] = 'Color of the tags (HEX color value without the ‘#’ prefix)'; $lang['tcolor2'] = 'Optional second color for gradient (HEX color value without the ‘#’ prefix)'; $lang['hicolor'] = 'Optional highlight color (HEX color value without the ‘#’ prefix)'; $lang['bgcolor'] = 'Background color (HEX color value without the ‘#’ prefix)'; $lang['trans'] = 'Background transparency'; $lang['distr'] = 'Distribute tags evenly on sphere'; $lang['speed'] = 'Rotation speed (percentage, default is 100)'; $lang['showtags'] = 'Show tags when Flash not loading'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :