register_hook( 'ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE', $this,
'handle_act' );
$controller->register_hook( 'DOKUWIKI_STARTED', 'BEFORE', $this,
'check_cp_redirect' );
$controller->register_hook( 'HTML_EDITFORM_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this,
'print_edit_form' );
if( $this->getConf( 'cp_add_links' ) )
$controller->register_hook( 'TPL_CONTENT_DISPLAY', 'BEFORE', $this,
'add_cp_links' );
* Save page: create and delete crossposts here
function handle_act(&$e, $param)
global $ID;
global $INPUT;
global $conf;
if( !is_object( $INPUT ) || !$INPUT->post ||
!$INPUT->post->param( 'crosspost_plugin' ) ) return;
$match = $INPUT->post->param( 'crosspost_to' );
$match = preg_split( '/[\s,]+/', $match, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$meta = p_get_metadata( $ID, 'crosspost_to' );
$meta = preg_split( '/[\s,]+/', $meta, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$name = noNS( $ID );
$save = array();
foreach( $match as $page )
if( strpos( $ID, ':' ) === false ) $page .= ':' . $ID;
else $page .= ':' . $name;
if( auth_quickaclcheck( $page ) < AUTH_CREATE ) continue;
$exists = @file_exists( wikiFN( $page ) );
if( $ID != $page && !$exists )
saveWikiText( $page, "{{page>$ID}}", 'link from ' . $ID );
p_set_metadata( $page,
array('crosspost_source' => $ID
) );
p_set_metadata( $page,
array('cache' => 'expire'
), false, false );
if( !in_array( $page, $save ) ) $save[] = $page;
foreach( $meta as $page )
if( !in_array( $page, $match ) )
@unlink( wikiFN( $page ) );
p_set_metadata( $page,
array('crosspost_source' => '','cache' => 'expire'
), false, false );
p_set_metadata( $ID,
array('crosspost_to' => join( ',', $save ),'cache' => 'expire'
) );
$sidebar = isset( $conf['sidebar'] ) ? $conf['sidebar'] : 'sidebar';
if( $sidebar ) p_set_metadata( $sidebar,
array('cache' => 'expire'
), false, false );
* Redirect to "original" page if edited page is copy
function check_cp_redirect(&$e, $param)
global $ID;
global $ACT;
if( $ACT != 'edit' ) return;
$meta = p_get_metadata( $ID, 'crosspost_source' );
if( !$meta ) return;
if( $meta == $ID ) return;
send_redirect( wl( $meta ) . '?do=edit' );
private function _getTitle($mode, $entry)
$title = $entry;
$header = false;
if( $mode == 'title' )
$header = p_get_first_heading( $entry );
elseif( $mode == 'section' )
$header = p_get_first_heading( getNS( $entry ) );
elseif( $mode == 'last section:title' )
$header = p_get_first_heading( $entry );
if( $header )
$ns = p_get_first_heading( getNS( $entry ) );
if( $ns ) $header = $ns . ':' . $header;
elseif( $mode == 'full title' )
$header = p_get_first_heading( $entry );
if( $header )
$allns = explode( ':', $entry );
array_pop( $allns );
while( count( $allns ) )
$ns = p_get_first_heading( join( ':', $allns ) );
if( $ns )
$header = "$ns:$header";
array_pop( $allns );
$header = array_pop( $allns ) . ":$header";
return $header ? $header : $title;
private function _skip_ns($xns, $ns)
foreach( $xns as $x )
if( $x{0} == '!' )
$pos = strpos( $ns, ltrim( $x, '!' ) );
if( $pos !== false && $pos == 0 ) return true;
if( $x == $ns ) return true;
return false;
* Add NS selection to edit page form
function print_edit_form(&$e, $param)
global $ID;
global $ACT;
global $conf;
if( $ACT != 'edit' ) return;
$xns = $this->getConf( 'cp_disable_on' );
$xns = preg_split( '/[\s,+]/', $xns, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
if( $this->_skip_ns( $xns, getNS( $ID ) ) ) return;
$title_mode = $this->getConf( 'cp_form_titles' );
$namespaces = array();
search( $namespaces, $conf['datadir'], 'search_namespaces', array() );
$this_ns = '';
$meta = p_get_metadata( $ID, 'crosspost_to' );
$meta = preg_split( '/[\s,+]/', $meta, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $meta ); $i++ )
$ns = getNS( $meta[$i] );
if( $meta[$i] == $ID )
array_splice( $meta, $i, 1 );
$this_ns = $ns;
if( auth_quickaclcheck( $ns ) >= AUTH_CREATE )
$meta[$i] = $ns;
array_splice( $meta, $i, 1 );
if( !$this_ns ) $this_ns = getNS( $ID );
$xns = $this->getConf( 'cp_ns_disabled' );
$xns = preg_split( '/[\s,+]/', $xns, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$links = array();
foreach( $namespaces as $ns )
if( $ns['id'] == $this_ns ) continue;
if( $this->_skip_ns( $xns, $ns['id'] ) ) continue;
$header = $this->_getTitle( $title_mode, $ns['id'] );
$link = '' . $header .
$links[] = $link;
$input = '' . $this->getlang( 'cp_to' ) . '
' .
'' .
'' .