The two files and pseudo-cron-image.php must be in the same directory on the server. The advantage of using this script is that pseudocron is called in a separate request and thus does not slow down output of the main page as it would if called from there. ***************************************************************************/ define("PC_MINUTE", 1); define("PC_HOUR", 2); define("PC_DOM", 3); define("PC_MONTH", 4); define("PC_DOW", 5); define("PC_CMD", 7); define("PC_COMMENT", 8); define("PC_CRONLINE", 20); // set some info about Dokuwiki define('DOKU_INC', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../../').'/'); define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); //include(""); $cronojob = new cronojob(true); $cronojob->dojobs(); $cronojob->sendGif(); /*************************************************************************** pseudo-cron v1.3 (c) 2003,2004 Kai Blankenhorn This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. **************************************************************************** Usually regular tasks like backup up the site's database are run using cron jobs. With cron jobs, you can exactly plan when a certain command is to be executed. But most homepage owners can't create cron jobs on their web server – providers demand some extra money for that. The only thing that's certain to happen quite regularly on a web page are page requests. This is where pseudo-cron comes into play: With every page request it checks if any cron jobs should have been run since the previous request. If there are, they are run and logged. Pseudo-cron uses a syntax very much like the Unix cron's one. For an overview of the syntax used, see a page of the UNIXGEEKS. The syntax pseudo-cron uses is different from the one described on that page in the following points: - there is no user column - the executed command has to be an include()able file (which may contain further PHP code) All job definitions are made in a text file on the server with a user-definable name. A valid command line in this file is, for example: * 2 1,15 * * This runs at 2am on the 1st and 15th of each month. Features: - runs any PHP script - periodical or time-controlled script execution - logs all executed jobs - can be run from an IMG tag in an HTML page - follow Unix cron syntax for crontabs Usage: - Modify the variables in the config section below to match your server. - Write a PHP script that does the job you want to be run regularly. Be sure that any paths in it are relative to pseudo-cron. - Set up your crontab file with your script - put an include(""); statement somewhere in your most accessed page or call pseudo-cron-image.php from an HTML img tag - Wait for the next scheduled run :) Note: You can log messages to pseudo-cron's log file from cron jobs by calling $this->logMessage("log a message"); Release notes for v1.2.2: This release changed the way cron jobs are called. The file paths you specify in the crontab file are now relative to the location of, instead of to the calling script. Example: If /include/ is included in /index.php and your cronjobs are in /include/cronjobs, then your crontab file looked like this: 10 1 * * * include/cronjobs/dosomething.php # do something Now you have to change it to 10 1 * * * cronjobs/dosomething.php # do something After you install the new version, each of your cronjobs will be run once, and the .job files will have different names than before. ***************************************************************************/ // || PLEASE NOTE: // || all paths used here and in cron scripts // || must be absolute or relative to! // || // || To easily use absolute paths, have a look at how the // || crontab location is defined below. class cronojob { /****************************************/ /* config section */ /****************************************/ // The string that contains the job descriptions. // One job for line // #scheduled jobs // #comments start with # // #mi h d m dow job comment'; // For a description of the format, see // and var $cronTab; // The directory where the script can store information on completed jobs and its log file. // include trailing slash var $writeDir; // Control logging, true=use log file, false=don't use log file var $useLog; // Where to send cron results. var $sendLogToEmail; // Maximum number of jobs run during one call of pseudocron. // Set to a low value if your jobs take longer than a few seconds and if you scheduled them // very close to each other. Set to 0 to run any number of jobs. var $maxJobs = 1; // Turn on / off debugging output // DO NOT use this on live servers! var $debug = false; /****************************************/ /* don't change anything here */ /****************************************/ var $resultsSummary; var $pluginname; var $dokuwikititle; function cronojob($debug = false) { $this->debug = $debug; $this->writeDir = DOKU_INC."data/tmp/"; $this->pluginname = "cronojob"; // legge la configurazione $path = DOKU_PLUGIN.$this->pluginname.'/conf/'; $conf = array(); if (@file_exists($path.'default.php')) { include($path.'default.php'); } $conf_plug = $conf; $path = DOKU_INC.'conf/'; $conf = array(); if (@file_exists($path.'local.php')) { include($path.'local.php'); } $this->dokuwikititle = $conf['title']; foreach ($conf_plug as $key => $value) { if (isset($conf['plugin'][$this->pluginname][$key])) $conf_plug[$key] = $conf['plugin'][$this->pluginname][$key]; } // legge la configurazione $this->cronTab = $conf_plug['cronotab']; $this->sendLogToEmail = $conf_plug['email']; if ($conf_plug['maxjobs'] > 0) $this->maxjobs = $conf_plug['maxjobs']; $this->useLog = $conf_plug['uselog']; } function dojobs() { if ($this->debug) echo "
    $jobs = $this->parseCronFile($this->cronTab);
    $jobsRun = 0;
    for ($i=0;$imaxJobs==0 || $jobsRun<$this->maxJobs) {
        if ($this->runJob($jobs[$i])) $jobsRun++;
    if ($this->debug) echo "
"; } function logMessage($msg) { if ($msg[strlen($msg)-1]!="\n") { $msg.="\n"; } if ($this->debug) echo $msg." ".$this->useLog; $this->resultsSummary.= $msg; if ($this->useLog) { $logfile = $this->writeDir."pseudo-cron.log"; $file = fopen($logfile,"a"); fputs($file,date("r",time())." ".$msg); fclose($file); } } function lTrimZeros($number) { while ($number[0]=='0') { $number = substr($number,1); } return $number; } function multisort(&$array, $sortby, $order='asc') { foreach($array as $val) { $sortarray[] = $val[$sortby]; } $c = $array; $const = $order == 'asc' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC; $s = array_multisort($sortarray, $const, $c, $const); $array = $c; return $s; } function parseElement($element, &$targetArray, $numberOfElements) { $subelements = explode(",",$element); for ($i=0;$i<$numberOfElements;$i++) { $targetArray[$i] = $subelements[0]=="*"; } for ($i=0;$ilTrimZeros($matches[2]);$j<=$this->lTrimZeros($matches[4]);$j+=$this->lTrimZeros($matches[6])) { $targetArray[$j] = TRUE; } } } } function incDate(&$dateArr, $amount, $unit) { if ($this->debug) echo sprintf("Increasing from %02d.%02d. %02d:%02d by %d %6s ",$dateArr[mday],$dateArr[mon],$dateArr[hours],$dateArr[minutes],$amount,$unit); if ($unit=="mday") { $dateArr["hours"] = 0; $dateArr["minutes"] = 0; $dateArr["seconds"] = 0; $dateArr["mday"] += $amount; $dateArr["wday"] += $amount % 7; if ($dateArr["wday"]>6) { $dateArr["wday"]-=7; } $months28 = Array(2); $months30 = Array(4,6,9,11); $months31 = Array(1,3,5,7,8,10,12); if ( (in_array($dateArr["mon"], $months28) && $dateArr["mday"]==28) || (in_array($dateArr["mon"], $months30) && $dateArr["mday"]==30) || (in_array($dateArr["mon"], $months31) && $dateArr["mday"]==31) ) { $dateArr["mon"]++; $dateArr["mday"] = 1; } } elseif ($unit=="hour") { if ($dateArr["hours"]==23) { $this->incDate($dateArr, 1, "mday"); } else { $dateArr["minutes"] = 0; $dateArr["seconds"] = 0; $dateArr["hours"]++; } } elseif ($unit=="minute") { if ($dateArr["minutes"]==59) { $this->incDate($dateArr, 1, "hour"); } else { $dateArr["seconds"] = 0; $dateArr["minutes"]++; } } if ($this->debug) echo sprintf("to %02d.%02d. %02d:%02d\n",$dateArr[mday],$dateArr[mon],$dateArr[hours],$dateArr[minutes]); } function getLastScheduledRunTime($job) { $extjob = Array(); $this->parseElement($job[PC_MINUTE], $extjob[PC_MINUTE], 60); $this->parseElement($job[PC_HOUR], $extjob[PC_HOUR], 24); $this->parseElement($job[PC_DOM], $extjob[PC_DOM], 31); $this->parseElement($job[PC_MONTH], $extjob[PC_MONTH], 12); $this->parseElement($job[PC_DOW], $extjob[PC_DOW], 7); $dateArr = getdate($this->getLastActualRunTime($job[PC_CMD])); $minutesAhead = 0; while ( $minutesAhead<525600 AND (!$extjob[PC_MINUTE][$dateArr["minutes"]] OR !$extjob[PC_HOUR][$dateArr["hours"]] OR (!$extjob[PC_DOM][$dateArr["mday"]] OR !$extjob[PC_DOW][$dateArr["wday"]]) OR !$extjob[PC_MONTH][$dateArr["mon"]]) ) { if (!$extjob[PC_DOM][$dateArr["mday"]] OR !$extjob[PC_DOW][$dateArr["wday"]]) { $this->incDate($dateArr,1,"mday"); $minutesAhead+=1440; continue; } if (!$extjob[PC_HOUR][$dateArr["hours"]]) { $this->incDate($dateArr,1,"hour"); $minutesAhead+=60; continue; } if (!$extjob[PC_MINUTE][$dateArr["minutes"]]) { $this->incDate($dateArr,1,"minute"); $minutesAhead++; continue; } } //if ($this->debug) print_r($dateArr); return mktime($dateArr["hours"],$dateArr["minutes"],0,$dateArr["mon"],$dateArr["mday"],$dateArr["year"]); } function getJobFileName($jobname) { $jobfile = $this->writeDir.urlencode($jobname).".job"; return $jobfile; } function getLastActualRunTime($jobname) { $jobfile = $this->getJobFileName($jobname); if (file_exists($jobfile)) { return filemtime($jobfile); } return 0; } function markLastRun($jobname, $lastRun) { $jobfile = $this->getJobFileName($jobname); touch($jobfile); } function runJob($job) { $this->resultsSummary = ""; $lastActual = $job["lastActual"]; $lastScheduled = $job["lastScheduled"]; if ($lastScheduledlogMessage("Running ".$job[PC_CRONLINE]); $this->logMessage(" Last run: ".date("r",$lastActual).", Last scheduled: ".date("r",$lastScheduled)); $e = @error_reporting(0); if ($this->debug) { include(DOKU_PLUGIN.$this->pluginname."/jobs/".$job[PC_CMD]); // display errors only when debugging } else { @include(DOKU_PLUGIN.$this->pluginname."/jobs/".$job[PC_CMD]); // any error messages are supressed } @error_reporting($e); $this->markLastRun($job[PC_CMD], $lastScheduled); $this->logMessage(" Completed ".$job[PC_CRONLINE]); if ($this->sendLogToEmail!="") { mail($this->sendLogToEmail, "[".$this->dokuwikititle."][".$this->pluginname."] ".$job[PC_COMMENT], $this->resultsSummary); } return true; } else { if ($this->debug) { $this->logMessage("Skipping ".$job[PC_CRONLINE]); $this->logMessage(" Last run: ".date("r",$lastActual).", Last scheduled: ".date("r",$lastScheduled)); $this->logMessage(" Completed ".$job[PC_CRONLINE]); } return false; } } function parseCronFile($cronTabFile) { $file = explode("\n", $cronTabFile); // $file = file($cronTabFile); // $file = $cronTabFile; $job = Array(); $jobs = Array(); for ($i=0;$igetJobFileName($jobs[$jobNumber][PC_CMD]); $jobs[$jobNumber]["lastActual"] = $this->getLastActualRunTime($jobs[$jobNumber][PC_CMD]); $jobs[$jobNumber]["lastScheduled"] = $this->getLastScheduledRunTime($jobs[$jobNumber]); } } $this->multisort($jobs, "lastScheduled"); if ($this->debug) var_dump($jobs); return $jobs; } function sendGif() { if($this->debug) return; /* $img = base64_decode("iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAFAAAAAPCAIAAAD8q9/YAAAA5ElEQVRIieVXuw7DIAw8qnwrnrt0 4AM6sDD7a+lAQylg4kp5VOIm63TINucYxVhrMRMWAMx8dRkngYiWNTQ/n+bog9u3oEPxuD8B3K4u 42xM1/DS4Ti+g3LOEylMfpoWAOWQJzIzSo0UVwc3Nd10EB0mAzKfzjnWTAMfnA8up0mllIxSU8YD mUbTPdVzGLKf8m6TTBj42UUqcZd12L2gocMtthweZ1W2MTYTQifKkgSHK+RhVr9euegqZWmgpMF3 z61Mw0AYKGOtZeZJ3mEimu5Zmq7h9RuWt9EAyuXxVzCz/S29AGJYqkfnR9EBAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"); */ $img = base64_decode("R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="); Header("Content-Type: image/gif"); Header('Content-Length: '.strlen($img)); header('Connection: Close'); echo $img; } } ?>