* MUST implements this class
* To add a custom test in condition_plugin_custom_tester you just have to add a method like :
* function test_dummy($b, &$bug, $lop=false) { if($lop) return array(); return true; }
* this test will react to of
* or
* function test_IP($b, &$bug, $lop=false) {
* if($lop) return array('\=\=?', 'eq', '\!\=', 'neq?', '\~\='); // pcre regexp list of allowed test operators
* $ip = clientIP(true);
* if(!$b['test'] || ($b['test'] == '') || !$b['value'] || ($b['value'] == '') || ($ip == '')) {
* $bug = true;
* return false;
* }
* switch($b['test']) {
* case '=' :
* case 'eq' :
* case '==' :
* return ($ip == $b['value']); break;
* case '!=' :
* case 'ne' :
* case 'neq' :
* return ($ip != $b['value']); break;
* case '~=' : // such new test operators must be added in syntax.php
* return (strpos($ip, $b['value']) !== false); break;
* default: // non allowed operators for the test must lead to a bug flag raise
* $bug = true;
* return false;
* }
* }
* this test will react to
class condition_plugin_base_tester {
function __construct() {}
// Wrapper for all tests
function run($b, &$bug) {
if(method_exists($this, 'test_'.$b['key'])) {
return call_user_func(array($this, 'test_'.$b['key']), $b, $bug);
$bug = true;
return false;
// Get allowed keys
function getkeys() {
$keys = array();
foreach(get_class_methods($this) as $m) {
if(preg_match('`^test_(.+)$`', $m, $r)) $keys[] = $r[1];
return $keys;
// Get test operators
function getops() {
$ops = array();
foreach($this->getkeys() as $m) $ops = array_merge($ops, call_user_func(array($this, 'test_'.$m), null, $dummy, true));
return array_unique($ops);
// Tests follows
// -------------
// user based tests
function test_user($b, &$bug, $lop=false) {
if($lop) return array('\=\=?', 'eq', '\!\=', 'neq?');
$rh = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] : '';
if(!$b['test'] || ($b['test'] == '')) return ($rh && ($rh != ''));
switch($b['test']) {
case '=' :
case 'eq' :
case '==' :
return $rh == $b['value']; break;
case '!=' :
case 'ne' :
case 'neq' :
return $rh != $b['value']; break;
$bug = true;
return false;
function test_group($b, &$bug, $lop=false) {
if($lop) return array('\=\=?', 'eq', '\!\=', 'neq?');
global $INFO;
$grps = isset($INFO['userinfo']) ? $INFO['userinfo']['grps'] : array();
if(!$b['test'] || ($b['test'] == '')) return (count($grps) != 0);
switch($b['test']) {
case '=' :
case 'eq' :
case '==' :
if(!$b['value'] || ($b['value'] == '')) return (count($grps) == 0);
return in_array($b['value'], $grps); break;
case '!=' :
case 'ne' :
case 'neq' :
if(!$b['value'] || ($b['value'] == '')) return (count($grps) != 0);
return !in_array($b['value'], $grps); break;
$bug = true;
return false;
// namespace based tests
function test_nsread($b, &$bug, $lop=false) {
if($lop) return array('\=\=?', 'eq', '\!\=', 'neq?');
if(!$b['test'] || ($b['test'] == '')) {
$bug = true;
return false;
if(!$b['value'] || ($b['value'] == '')) $b['value'] = '.';
switch($b['test']) {
case '=' :
case 'eq' :
case '==' :
return (auth_quickaclcheck($b['value']) >= AUTH_READ); break;
case '!=' :
case 'ne' :
case 'neq' :
return (auth_quickaclcheck($b['value']) < AUTH_READ); break;
$bug = true;
return false;
function test_nsedit($b, &$bug, $lop=false) {
if($lop) return array('\=\=?', 'eq', '\!\=', 'neq?');
if(!$b['test'] || ($b['test'] == '')) {
$bug = true;
return false;
if(!$b['value'] || ($b['value'] == '')) $b['value'] = '.';
switch($b['test']) {
case '=' :
case 'eq' :
case '==' :
return (auth_quickaclcheck($b['value']) >= AUTH_EDIT); break;
case '!=' :
case 'ne' :
case 'neq' :
return (auth_quickaclcheck($b['value']) < AUTH_EDIT); break;
$bug = true;
return false;
// time based tests
function test_time($b, &$bug, $lop=false) {
if($lop) return array('\=\=?', 'eq', '\!\=', 'neq?', '\<\=?', 'lt', '\>\=?', 'gt');
global $INFO;
if(!$b['test'] || ($b['test'] == '') || !$b['value'] || ($b['value'] == '')) {
$bug = true;
return false;
switch($b['test']) {
case '=' :
case 'eq' :
case '==' :
return $this->_bt_cmptimeandstr($b['value']); break;
case '!=' :
case 'ne' :
case 'neq' :
return !$this->_bt_cmptimeandstr($b['value']); break;
case '<' :
case 'lt' :
$t = time();
return ($t < $this->_bt_strtotime($b['value'], $t)); break;
case '>' :
case 'gt' :
$t = time();
return ($t > $this->_bt_strtotime($b['value'], $t)); break;
case '<=' :
$t = time();
return ($t <= $this->_bt_strtotime($b['value'], $t)); break;
case '>=' :
$t = time();
return ($t >= $this->_bt_strtotime($b['value'], $t)); break;
$bug = true;
return false;
function _bt_strtotime($value, $default) {
if(preg_match('`^([0-9]{4})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(\s+([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?)?$`', $value, $reg)) $value = mktime($reg[7], $reg[8], $reg[10], $reg[3], $reg[5], $reg[1]); // YYYY(-|/)MM(-|/)DD (HH:II(:SS)?)?
if(preg_match('`^(([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?\s+)?([0-9]{4})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{2})$`', $value, $reg)) $value = mktime($reg[2], $reg[3], $reg[5], $reg[8], $reg[10], $reg[6]); // (HH:II(:SS)?)? YYYY(-|/)MM(-|/)DD
if(preg_match('`^([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{4})(\s+([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?)?$`', $value, $reg)) $value = mktime($reg[7], $reg[8], $reg[10], $reg[3], $reg[1], $reg[5]); // DD(-|/)MM(-|/)YYYY (HH:II(:SS)?)?
if(preg_match('`^(([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?\s+)?([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{4})$`', $value, $reg)) $value = mktime($reg[2], $reg[3], $reg[5], $reg[8], $reg[6], $reg[10]); // (HH:II(:SS)?)? DD(-|/)MM(-|/)YYYY
if(!is_numeric($value)) $value = $default;
return $value;
function _bt_cmptimeandstr($str) {
$matched = false;
$t = time();
$time = array('y' => date('Y', $t), 'm' => date('m', $t), 'd' => date('d', $t), 'h' => date('H', $t), 'i' => date('i', $t), 's' => date('s', $t));
$d = array('y' => '', 'm' => '', 'd' => '', 'h' => '', 'i' => '', 's' => '');
// full date y, m and d, time is optionnal
if(preg_match('`^([0-9]{4})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(\s+([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?)?$`', $str, $reg)) {
$d = array('y' => $reg[1], 'm' => $reg[3], 'd' => $reg[5], 'h' => $reg[7], 'i' => $reg[8], 's' => $reg[10]); // YYYY(-|/)MM(-|/)DD (HH:II(:SS)?)?
$matched = true;
if(preg_match('`^(([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?\s+)?([0-9]{4})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{2})$`', $str, $reg)) {
$d = array('y' => $reg[6], 'm' => $reg[8], 'd' => $reg[10], 'h' => $reg[2], 'i' => $reg[3], 's' => $reg[5]); // (HH:II(:SS)?)? YYYY(-|/)MM(-|/)DD
$matched = true;
if(preg_match('`^([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{4})(\s+([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?)?$`', $str, $reg)) {
$d = array('y' => $reg[5], 'm' => $reg[3], 'd' => $reg[1], 'h' => $reg[7], 'i' => $reg[8], 's' => $reg[10]); // DD(-|/)MM(-|/)YYYY (HH:II(:SS)?)?
$matched = true;
if(preg_match('`^(([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?\s+)?([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{4})$`', $str, $reg)) {
$d = array('y' => $reg[10], 'm' => $reg[8], 'd' => $reg[6], 'h' => $reg[2], 'i' => $reg[3], 's' => $reg[5]); // (HH:II(:SS)?)? DD(-|/)MM(-|/)YYYY
$matched = true;
// only month and year
if(preg_match('`^([0-9]{2})(-|/)([0-9]{4})$`', $str, $reg)) {
$d = array('y' => $reg[3], 'm' => $reg[1], 'd' => '', 'h' => '', 'i' => '', 's' => '');
$matched = true;
if(preg_match('`^([0-9]{4})(-|/)([0-9]{2})$`', $str, $reg)) {
$d = array('y' => $reg[1], 'm' => $reg[3], 'd' => '', 'h' => '', 'i' => '', 's' => '');
$matched = true;
// only year
if(preg_match('`^([0-9]{4})$`', $str, $reg)) {
$d = array('y' => $reg[1], 'm' => '', 'd' => '', 'h' => '', 'i' => '', 's' => '');
$matched = true;
// full time hours, minutes (opt) and seconds (opt)
// 11 : 11h
// 11:30 : 11h30min
// 11:30:27 : 11h30min27sec
if(preg_match('`^([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?)?$`', $str, $reg)) {
$d = array('y' => '', 'm' => '', 'd' => '', 'h' => $reg[7], 'i' => $reg[8], 's' => $reg[10]); // YYYY(-|/)MM(-|/)DD (HH:II(:SS)?)?
$matched = true;
// custom datetime format : (XX(XX)?i\s?)+
if(preg_match('`^[0-9]{2}([0-9]{2})?\s?[ymdhis](\s?[0-9]{2}([0-9]{2})?\s?[ymdhis])*$`', $str, $reg)) {
while(preg_match('`^(([0-9]{2}([0-9]{2})?)\s?([ymdhis]))`', $str, $reg)) {
$v = $reg[2];
$i = $reg[4];
$str = substr($str, strlen($reg[1]));
if(($i != 'y') || (strlen($v) == 4)) $d[$i] = $v;
$matched = true;
if(!$matched) return false;
$same = true;
foreach($time as $k => $v) if(($d[$k] != '') && ($d[$k] != $v)) $same = false;
return $same;
// test IP
function test_IP($b, &$bug, $lop=false) {
if($lop) return array('\=\=?', 'eq', '\!\=', 'neq?', '\~\=');
$ip = clientIP(true);
if(!$b['test'] || ($b['test'] == '') || !$b['value'] || ($b['value'] == '') || ($ip == '')) {
$bug = true;
return false;
switch($b['test']) {
case '=' :
case 'eq' :
case '==' :
return ($ip == $b['value']); break;
case '!=' :
case 'ne' :
case 'neq' :
return ($ip != $b['value']); break;
case '~=' :
return (strpos($ip, $b['value']) !== false); break;
$bug = true;
return false;