* (c) Webuni s.r.o. * (c) Colin O'Dell * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace League\CommonMark\Extension\Table; use League\CommonMark\Extension\Attributes\Util\AttributesHelper; use League\CommonMark\Node\Node; use League\CommonMark\Renderer\ChildNodeRendererInterface; use League\CommonMark\Renderer\NodeRendererInterface; use League\CommonMark\Util\HtmlElement; use League\CommonMark\Xml\XmlNodeRendererInterface; final class TableCellRenderer implements NodeRendererInterface, XmlNodeRendererInterface { private const DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = [ TableCell::ALIGN_LEFT => ['align' => 'left'], TableCell::ALIGN_CENTER => ['align' => 'center'], TableCell::ALIGN_RIGHT => ['align' => 'right'], ]; /** @var array> */ private array $alignmentAttributes; /** * @param array> $alignmentAttributes */ public function __construct(array $alignmentAttributes = self::DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES) { $this->alignmentAttributes = $alignmentAttributes; } /** * @param TableCell $node * * {@inheritDoc} * * @psalm-suppress MoreSpecificImplementedParamType */ public function render(Node $node, ChildNodeRendererInterface $childRenderer): \Stringable { TableCell::assertInstanceOf($node); $attrs = $node->data->get('attributes'); if (($alignment = $node->getAlign()) !== null) { $attrs = AttributesHelper::mergeAttributes($attrs, $this->alignmentAttributes[$alignment]); } $tag = $node->getType() === TableCell::TYPE_HEADER ? 'th' : 'td'; return new HtmlElement($tag, $attrs, $childRenderer->renderNodes($node->children())); } public function getXmlTagName(Node $node): string { return 'table_cell'; } /** * @param TableCell $node * * @return array * * @psalm-suppress MoreSpecificImplementedParamType */ public function getXmlAttributes(Node $node): array { TableCell::assertInstanceOf($node); $ret = ['type' => $node->getType()]; if (($align = $node->getAlign()) !== null) { $ret['align'] = $align; } return $ret; } }