results = $results; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getResults() { return $this->results; } /** * Throw WebDriverExceptions based on WebDriver status code. * * @param int|string $status_code * @param string $message * @param mixed $results * * @throws ElementClickInterceptedException * @throws ElementNotInteractableException * @throws ElementNotSelectableException * @throws ElementNotVisibleException * @throws ExpectedException * @throws IMEEngineActivationFailedException * @throws IMENotAvailableException * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * @throws InsecureCertificateException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws InvalidCookieDomainException * @throws InvalidCoordinatesException * @throws InvalidElementStateException * @throws InvalidSelectorException * @throws InvalidSessionIdException * @throws JavascriptErrorException * @throws MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException * @throws NoAlertOpenException * @throws NoCollectionException * @throws NoScriptResultException * @throws NoStringException * @throws NoStringLengthException * @throws NoStringWrapperException * @throws NoSuchAlertException * @throws NoSuchCollectionException * @throws NoSuchCookieException * @throws NoSuchDocumentException * @throws NoSuchDriverException * @throws NoSuchElementException * @throws NoSuchFrameException * @throws NoSuchWindowException * @throws NullPointerException * @throws ScriptTimeoutException * @throws SessionNotCreatedException * @throws StaleElementReferenceException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws UnableToCaptureScreenException * @throws UnableToSetCookieException * @throws UnexpectedAlertOpenException * @throws UnexpectedJavascriptException * @throws UnknownCommandException * @throws UnknownErrorException * @throws UnknownMethodException * @throws UnknownServerException * @throws UnrecognizedExceptionException * @throws UnsupportedOperationException * @throws XPathLookupException */ public static function throwException($status_code, $message, $results) { if (is_string($status_code)) { // @see switch ($status_code) { case 'element click intercepted': throw new ElementClickInterceptedException($message, $results); case 'element not interactable': throw new ElementNotInteractableException($message, $results); case 'insecure certificate': throw new InsecureCertificateException($message, $results); case 'invalid argument': throw new InvalidArgumentException($message, $results); case 'invalid cookie domain': throw new InvalidCookieDomainException($message, $results); case 'invalid element state': throw new InvalidElementStateException($message, $results); case 'invalid selector': throw new InvalidSelectorException($message, $results); case 'invalid session id': throw new InvalidSessionIdException($message, $results); case 'javascript error': throw new JavascriptErrorException($message, $results); case 'move target out of bounds': throw new MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException($message, $results); case 'no such alert': throw new NoSuchAlertException($message, $results); case 'no such cookie': throw new NoSuchCookieException($message, $results); case 'no such element': throw new NoSuchElementException($message, $results); case 'no such frame': throw new NoSuchFrameException($message, $results); case 'no such window': throw new NoSuchWindowException($message, $results); case 'script timeout': throw new ScriptTimeoutException($message, $results); case 'session not created': throw new SessionNotCreatedException($message, $results); case 'stale element reference': throw new StaleElementReferenceException($message, $results); case 'timeout': throw new TimeoutException($message, $results); case 'unable to set cookie': throw new UnableToSetCookieException($message, $results); case 'unable to capture screen': throw new UnableToCaptureScreenException($message, $results); case 'unexpected alert open': throw new UnexpectedAlertOpenException($message, $results); case 'unknown command': throw new UnknownCommandException($message, $results); case 'unknown error': throw new UnknownErrorException($message, $results); case 'unknown method': throw new UnknownMethodException($message, $results); case 'unsupported operation': throw new UnsupportedOperationException($message, $results); default: throw new UnrecognizedExceptionException($message, $results); } } switch ($status_code) { case 1: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException($message, $results); case 2: throw new NoCollectionException($message, $results); case 3: throw new NoStringException($message, $results); case 4: throw new NoStringLengthException($message, $results); case 5: throw new NoStringWrapperException($message, $results); case 6: throw new NoSuchDriverException($message, $results); case 7: throw new NoSuchElementException($message, $results); case 8: throw new NoSuchFrameException($message, $results); case 9: throw new UnknownCommandException($message, $results); case 10: throw new StaleElementReferenceException($message, $results); case 11: throw new ElementNotVisibleException($message, $results); case 12: throw new InvalidElementStateException($message, $results); case 13: throw new UnknownServerException($message, $results); case 14: throw new ExpectedException($message, $results); case 15: throw new ElementNotSelectableException($message, $results); case 16: throw new NoSuchDocumentException($message, $results); case 17: throw new UnexpectedJavascriptException($message, $results); case 18: throw new NoScriptResultException($message, $results); case 19: throw new XPathLookupException($message, $results); case 20: throw new NoSuchCollectionException($message, $results); case 21: throw new TimeoutException($message, $results); case 22: throw new NullPointerException($message, $results); case 23: throw new NoSuchWindowException($message, $results); case 24: throw new InvalidCookieDomainException($message, $results); case 25: throw new UnableToSetCookieException($message, $results); case 26: throw new UnexpectedAlertOpenException($message, $results); case 27: throw new NoAlertOpenException($message, $results); case 28: throw new ScriptTimeoutException($message, $results); case 29: throw new InvalidCoordinatesException($message, $results); case 30: throw new IMENotAvailableException($message, $results); case 31: throw new IMEEngineActivationFailedException($message, $results); case 32: throw new InvalidSelectorException($message, $results); case 33: throw new SessionNotCreatedException($message, $results); case 34: throw new MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException($message, $results); default: throw new UnrecognizedExceptionException($message, $results); } } }