<?php namespace Facebook\WebDriver; use Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\NoSuchElementException; use Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\UnexpectedTagNameException; use Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\WebDriverException; use Facebook\WebDriver\Support\XPathEscaper; /** * Provides helper methods for checkboxes and radio buttons. */ abstract class AbstractWebDriverCheckboxOrRadio implements WebDriverSelectInterface { /** @var WebDriverElement */ protected $element; /** @var string */ protected $type; /** @var string */ protected $name; public function __construct(WebDriverElement $element) { $tagName = $element->getTagName(); if ($tagName !== 'input') { throw new UnexpectedTagNameException('input', $tagName); } $this->name = $element->getAttribute('name'); if ($this->name === null) { throw new WebDriverException('The input does not have a "name" attribute.'); } $this->element = $element; } public function getOptions() { return $this->getRelatedElements(); } public function getAllSelectedOptions() { $selectedElement = []; foreach ($this->getRelatedElements() as $element) { if ($element->isSelected()) { $selectedElement[] = $element; if (!$this->isMultiple()) { return $selectedElement; } } } return $selectedElement; } public function getFirstSelectedOption() { foreach ($this->getRelatedElements() as $element) { if ($element->isSelected()) { return $element; } } throw new NoSuchElementException( sprintf('No %s are selected', $this->type === 'radio' ? 'radio buttons' : 'checkboxes') ); } public function selectByIndex($index) { $this->byIndex($index); } public function selectByValue($value) { $this->byValue($value); } public function selectByVisibleText($text) { $this->byVisibleText($text); } public function selectByVisiblePartialText($text) { $this->byVisibleText($text, true); } /** * Selects or deselects a checkbox or a radio button by its value. * * @param string $value * @param bool $select * @throws NoSuchElementException */ protected function byValue($value, $select = true) { $matched = false; foreach ($this->getRelatedElements($value) as $element) { $select ? $this->selectOption($element) : $this->deselectOption($element); if (!$this->isMultiple()) { return; } $matched = true; } if (!$matched) { throw new NoSuchElementException( sprintf('Cannot locate %s with value: %s', $this->type, $value) ); } } /** * Selects or deselects a checkbox or a radio button by its index. * * @param int $index * @param bool $select * @throws NoSuchElementException */ protected function byIndex($index, $select = true) { $elements = $this->getRelatedElements(); if (!isset($elements[$index])) { throw new NoSuchElementException(sprintf('Cannot locate %s with index: %d', $this->type, $index)); } $select ? $this->selectOption($elements[$index]) : $this->deselectOption($elements[$index]); } /** * Selects or deselects a checkbox or a radio button by its visible text. * * @param string $text * @param bool $partial * @param bool $select */ protected function byVisibleText($text, $partial = false, $select = true) { foreach ($this->getRelatedElements() as $element) { $normalizeFilter = sprintf( $partial ? 'contains(normalize-space(.), %s)' : 'normalize-space(.) = %s', XPathEscaper::escapeQuotes($text) ); $xpath = 'ancestor::label'; $xpathNormalize = sprintf('%s[%s]', $xpath, $normalizeFilter); $id = $element->getAttribute('id'); if ($id !== null) { $idFilter = sprintf('@for = %s', XPathEscaper::escapeQuotes($id)); $xpath .= sprintf(' | //label[%s]', $idFilter); $xpathNormalize .= sprintf(' | //label[%s and %s]', $idFilter, $normalizeFilter); } try { $element->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath($xpathNormalize)); } catch (NoSuchElementException $e) { if ($partial) { continue; } try { // Since the mechanism of getting the text in xpath is not the same as // webdriver, use the expensive getText() to check if nothing is matched. if ($text !== $element->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath($xpath))->getText()) { continue; } } catch (NoSuchElementException $e) { continue; } } $select ? $this->selectOption($element) : $this->deselectOption($element); if (!$this->isMultiple()) { return; } } } /** * Gets checkboxes or radio buttons with the same name. * * @param string|null $value * @return WebDriverElement[] */ protected function getRelatedElements($value = null) { $valueSelector = $value ? sprintf(' and @value = %s', XPathEscaper::escapeQuotes($value)) : ''; $formId = $this->element->getAttribute('form'); if ($formId === null) { $form = $this->element->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath('ancestor::form')); $formId = $form->getAttribute('id'); if ($formId === '' || $formId === null) { return $form->findElements(WebDriverBy::xpath( sprintf('.//input[@name = %s%s]', XPathEscaper::escapeQuotes($this->name), $valueSelector) )); } } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#form return $this->element->findElements( WebDriverBy::xpath(sprintf( '//form[@id = %1$s]//input[@name = %2$s%3$s' . ' and ((boolean(@form) = true() and @form = %1$s) or boolean(@form) = false())]' . ' | //input[@form = %1$s and @name = %2$s%3$s]', XPathEscaper::escapeQuotes($formId), XPathEscaper::escapeQuotes($this->name), $valueSelector )) ); } /** * Selects a checkbox or a radio button. */ protected function selectOption(WebDriverElement $element) { if (!$element->isSelected()) { $element->click(); } } /** * Deselects a checkbox or a radio button. */ protected function deselectOption(WebDriverElement $element) { if ($element->isSelected()) { $element->click(); } } }