getComponentAttributeValueAndRemoveIfPresent(PagePath::PROPERTY_NAME); if ($pathString != null) { try { return WikiPath::createMarkupPathFromPath($pathString); } catch (ExceptionBadArgument $e) { LogUtility::warning("Error while creating the path for the page image with the path value ($pathString)", PageImageTag::CANONICAL, $e); } } $executionContext = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv(); try { $markupHandler = $executionContext->getExecutingMarkupHandler(); $contextData = $markupHandler ->getContextData(); $path = $contextData[PagePath::PROPERTY_NAME]; if ($path !== null) { try { return WikiPath::createMarkupPathFromPath($path); } catch (ExceptionBadArgument $e) { LogUtility::internalError("The path string should be absolute, we should not get this error", PageImageTag::CANONICAL, $e); } } return $markupHandler->getRequestedContextPath(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // no markup handler } return $executionContext->getContextPath(); } /** * Syntax Type. * * Needs to return one of the mode types defined in $PARSER_MODES in parser.php * @see * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::getType() */ function getType(): string { return 'container'; } /** * How Dokuwiki will add P element * * * 'normal' - Inline * * 'block' - Block (p are not created inside) * * 'stack' - Block (p can be created inside) * * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::getPType() * @see */ function getPType(): string { return 'block'; } /** * @return array * Allow which kind of plugin inside * * No one of array('baseonly','container', 'formatting', 'substition', 'protected', 'disabled', 'paragraphs') * because we manage self the content and we call self the parser * * Return an array of one or more of the mode types {@link $PARSER_MODES} in Parser.php */ function getAllowedTypes(): array { return array('container', 'formatting', 'substition', 'protected', 'disabled', 'paragraphs'); } function getSort(): int { return 201; } public function accepts($mode): bool { return syntax_plugin_combo_preformatted::disablePreformatted($mode); } function connectTo($mode) { $pattern = XmlTagProcessing::getContainerTagPattern(self::TAG); $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern($pattern, $mode, PluginUtility::getModeFromTag($this->getPluginComponent())); } public function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('', PluginUtility::getModeFromTag($this->getPluginComponent())); } /** * * The handle function goal is to parse the matched syntax through the pattern function * and to return the result for use in the renderer * This result is always cached until the page is modified. * @param string $match * @param int $state * @param int $pos - byte position in the original source file * @param Doku_Handler $handler * @return array * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::handle() * */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler): array { switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $tagAttributes = TagAttributes::createFromTagMatch($match); $callStackArray = $tagAttributes->toCallStackArray(); return array( PluginUtility::STATE => $state, PluginUtility::ATTRIBUTES => $callStackArray ); case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : // We should not ever come here but a user does not not known that return PluginUtility::handleAndReturnUnmatchedData(self::TAG, $match, $handler); case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : $callStack = CallStack::createFromHandler($handler); $openTag = $callStack->moveToPreviousCorrespondingOpeningCall(); /** * Scanning the callstack and extracting the information * such as sql and template instructions */ $pageSql = null; $pageSqlAttribute = []; $beforeTemplateCallStack = []; $templateStack = []; $afterTemplateCallStack = []; $parsingState = "before"; $complexMarkupFound = false; while ($actualCall = $callStack->next()) { $tagName = $actualCall->getTagName(); if ($tagName === syntax_plugin_combo_edit::TAG) { /** * Not capturing the edit button because the markup is generated */ continue; } switch ($tagName) { case syntax_plugin_combo_iteratordata::TAG: switch ($actualCall->getState()) { case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED: $pageSql = $actualCall->getCapturedContent(); break; case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER: $pageSqlAttribute = $actualCall->getAttributes(); break; } continue 2; case FragmentTag::FRAGMENT_TAG: $parsingState = "after"; if ($actualCall->getState() === DOKU_LEXER_EXIT) { $templateStack = $actualCall->getPluginData(FragmentTag::CALLSTACK); /** * Do we have markup where the instructions should be generated at once * and not line by line * * ie a list or a table */ foreach ($templateStack as $templateInstructions) { $templateCall = Call::createFromInstruction($templateInstructions); if (in_array($templateCall->getComponentName(), Call::BLOCK_MARKUP_DOKUWIKI_COMPONENTS)) { $complexMarkupFound = true; } } } continue 2; default: if ($parsingState === "before") { $beforeTemplateCallStack[] = $actualCall->toCallArray(); } else { $afterTemplateCallStack[] = $actualCall->toCallArray(); }; break; } } /** * Wipe the content of iterator */ $callStack->deleteAllCallsAfter($openTag); /** * Enter Tag is the driver tag * (To be able to add class by third party component) */ $openTag->setPluginData(self::PAGE_SQL, $pageSql); $openTag->setPluginData(self::PAGE_SQL_ATTRIBUTES, $pageSqlAttribute); $openTag->setPluginData(self::COMPLEX_MARKUP_FOUND, $complexMarkupFound); $openTag->setPluginData(self::BEFORE_TEMPLATE_CALLSTACK, $beforeTemplateCallStack); $openTag->setPluginData(self::AFTER_TEMPLATE_CALLSTACK, $afterTemplateCallStack); $openTag->setPluginData(self::TEMPLATE_CALLSTACK, $templateStack); return array( PluginUtility::STATE => $state ); } return array(); } /** * Render the output * @param string $format * @param Doku_Renderer $renderer * @param array $data - what the function handle() return'ed * @return boolean - rendered correctly? (however, returned value is not used at the moment) * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::render() * * */ function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data): bool { if ($format === "xhtml") { $state = $data[PluginUtility::STATE]; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT: return true; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED: $renderer->doc .= PluginUtility::renderUnmatched($data); return true; case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER: $pageSql = $data[self::PAGE_SQL]; /** * Data Processing */ if ($pageSql === null) { $renderer->doc .= "A data node could not be found as a child of the iterator."; return false; } if (empty($pageSql)) { $renderer->doc .= "The data node definition needs a logical sql content"; return false; } /** * Sqlite available ? */ try { $sqlite = Sqlite::createOrGetSqlite(); } catch (ExceptionSqliteNotAvailable $e) { $renderer->doc .= "The iterator component needs Sqlite to be able to work"; return false; } $executionContext = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv(); /** * Create the SQL */ try { $tagAttributes = TagAttributes::createFromCallStackArray($data[self::PAGE_SQL_ATTRIBUTES]); $path = $tagAttributes->getValue(PagePath::PROPERTY_NAME); if ($path !== null) { $contextualPage = MarkupPath::createPageFromAbsoluteId($path); } else { $contextualPage = MarkupPath::createPageFromPathObject($executionContext->getContextPath()); } $pageSql = PageSql::create($pageSql, $contextualPage); } catch (Exception $e) { $renderer->doc .= "The page sql is not valid. Error Message: {$e->getMessage()}. Page Sql: ($pageSql)"; return false; } $table = $pageSql->getTable(); try { $cacheDependencies = $executionContext ->getExecutingMarkupHandler() ->getOutputCacheDependencies(); switch ($table) { case PageSqlTreeListener::BACKLINKS: $cacheDependencies->addDependency(MarkupCacheDependencies::BACKLINKS_DEPENDENCY); // The requested page dependency could be determined by the backlinks dependency $cacheDependencies->addDependency(MarkupCacheDependencies::REQUESTED_PAGE_DEPENDENCY); break; case PageSqlTreeListener::DESCENDANTS: $cacheDependencies->addDependency(MarkupCacheDependencies::PAGE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCY); break; default: } } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // not a fetcher markup run } /** * Execute the generated SQL */ try { $executableSql = $pageSql->getExecutableSql(); $parameters = $pageSql->getParameters(); $request = $sqlite ->createRequest() ->setQueryParametrized($executableSql, $parameters); $rowsInDb = []; try { $rowsInDb = $request ->execute() ->getRows(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $renderer->doc .= "The sql statement generated returns an error. Sql statement: $executableSql"; return false; } finally { $request->close(); } $rows = []; foreach ($rowsInDb as $sourceRow) { /** * We use id until path is full in the database */ $id = $sourceRow["ID"]; $contextualPage = MarkupPath::createMarkupFromId($id); if ($contextualPage->isHidden()) { continue; } if (!$contextualPage->exists()) { LogUtility::error("Internal Error: the page selected ($contextualPage) was not added. It does not exist and was deleted from the database index.", self::CANONICAL); $contextualPage->getDatabasePage()->delete(); continue; } $standardMetadata = $contextualPage->getMetadataForRendering(); $rows[] = $standardMetadata; } } catch (Exception $e) { $renderer->doc .= "Error during Sql Execution. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"; return false; } /** * Loop */ $elementCounts = sizeof($rows); if ($elementCounts === 0) { $parametersString = implode(", ", $parameters); LogUtility::debug("The physical query (Sql: {$pageSql->getExecutableSql()}, Parameters: $parametersString) does not return any data", syntax_plugin_combo_iterator::CANONICAL); return true; } /** * Template stack processing */ $iteratorTemplateInstructions = $data[self::TEMPLATE_CALLSTACK]; if ($iteratorTemplateInstructions === null) { $renderer->doc .= "No template was found in this iterator."; return false; } /** * Split template * Splits the template into header, main and footer * in case of complex header */ $templateHeader = array(); $templateMain = $iteratorTemplateInstructions; $templateFooter = array(); $complexMarkupFound = $data[self::COMPLEX_MARKUP_FOUND]; if ($complexMarkupFound) { /** * @var Call $actualCall */ $templateCallStack = CallStack::createFromInstructions($iteratorTemplateInstructions); $actualStack = array(); $templateCallStack->moveToStart(); while ($actualCall = $templateCallStack->next()) { switch ($actualCall->getComponentName()) { case "listitem_open": case "tablerow_open": $templateHeader = $actualStack; $actualStack = [$actualCall->toCallArray()]; continue 2; case "listitem_close": case "tablerow_close": $actualStack[] = $actualCall->toCallArray(); $templateMain = $actualStack; $actualStack = []; continue 2; default: $actualStack[] = $actualCall->toCallArray(); } } $templateFooter = $actualStack; } $contextPath = $executionContext->getContextPath(); /** * Rendering */ $renderDoc = ""; /** * Header */ $iteratorHeaderInstructions = $data[self::BEFORE_TEMPLATE_CALLSTACK]; if (!empty($iteratorHeaderInstructions)) { /** * Table with an header * If this is the case, the table_close of the header * and the table_open of the template should be * deleted to create one table */ if (!empty($templateHeader)) { $firstTemplateCall = Call::createFromInstruction($templateHeader[0]); if ($firstTemplateCall->getComponentName() === "table_open") { $lastIterationHeaderElement = sizeof($iteratorHeaderInstructions) - 1; $lastIterationHeaderInstruction = Call::createFromInstruction($iteratorHeaderInstructions[$lastIterationHeaderElement]); if ($lastIterationHeaderInstruction->getComponentName() === "table_close") { unset($iteratorHeaderInstructions[$lastIterationHeaderElement]); unset($templateHeader[0]); } } } } /** * Template */ try { if (!empty($iteratorHeaderInstructions)) { /** * Hack: Rebuild the whole header to have also the table open * to avoid the row_counter problem */ $templateHeader = array_merge($iteratorHeaderInstructions, $templateHeader); } $fetcherMarkup = FetcherMarkup::confChild() ->setRequestedContextPath($contextPath) ->setRequestedMimeToXhtml() ->setIsDocument(false) ->setRequestedInstructions($templateHeader) ->build(); $renderDoc .= $fetcherMarkup->getFetchString(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("Error while rendering the template header. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); return false; } foreach ($rows as $row) { try { $renderDoc .= $fetcherMarkup ->setNextIteratorInstructionsWithContext($templateMain, $row) ->getFetchString(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("Error while rendering a data row. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL, $e); continue; } } try { $renderDoc .= $fetcherMarkup ->setNextIteratorInstructionsWithContext($templateFooter) ->getFetchString(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("Error while rendering the template footer. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); return false; } /** * Iterator Footer */ $callStackFooterInstructions = $data[self::AFTER_TEMPLATE_CALLSTACK]; if (!empty($callStackFooterInstructions)) { try { $renderDoc .= $fetcherMarkup ->setNextIteratorInstructionsWithContext($callStackFooterInstructions) ->getFetchString(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("Error while rendering the iterator footer. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); return false; } } /** * Renderer */ $renderer->doc .= $renderDoc; return true; } } // unsupported $mode return false; } }