insertBefore(Call::createComboCall( BoxTag::TAG, DOKU_LEXER_EXIT, [BoxTag::HTML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE => "li"], null, null, null, null, \syntax_plugin_combo_xmlblocktag::TAG )); } /** * * @param CallStack $callStack * @return void * @throws ExceptionBadArgument */ private static function insertNumberedWrapperOpenTag(CallStack $callStack) { $attributesNumberedWrapper = [ Align::ALIGN_ATTRIBUTE => Align::Y_TOP_CHILDREN, // To have the number at the top and not centered as for a combostrap flex TagAttributes::CLASS_KEY => syntax_plugin_combo_contentlistitem::LIST_GROUP_ITEM_CLASS, BoxTag::HTML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE => "li" ]; $callStack->insertBefore(Call::createComboCall( BoxTag::TAG, DOKU_LEXER_ENTER, $attributesNumberedWrapper, null, null, null, null, \syntax_plugin_combo_xmlblocktag::TAG )); } /** * Syntax Type. * * Needs to return one of the mode types defined in $PARSER_MODES in parser.php * @see * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::getType() */ function getType(): string { return 'container'; } /** * How Dokuwiki will add P element * * * 'normal' - Inline * * 'block' - Block (p are not created inside) * * 'stack' - Block (p can be created inside) * * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::getPType() * @see */ function getPType(): string { return 'stack'; } /** * @return array * Allow which kind of plugin inside * * No one of array('baseonly','container', 'formatting', 'substition', 'protected', 'disabled', 'paragraphs') * because we manage self the content and we call self the parser * * Return an array of one or more of the mode types {@link $PARSER_MODES} in Parser.php */ function getAllowedTypes(): array { return array('container', 'formatting', 'substition', 'protected', 'disabled', 'paragraphs'); } public function accepts($mode): bool { return syntax_plugin_combo_preformatted::disablePreformatted($mode); } function getSort(): int { return 15; } function connectTo($mode) { foreach (self::COMBO_TAGS as $tag) { $pattern = XmlTagProcessing::getContainerTagPattern($tag); $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern($pattern, $mode, PluginUtility::getModeFromTag($this->getPluginComponent())); } } public function postConnect() { foreach (self::COMBO_TAGS as $tag) { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('', PluginUtility::getModeFromTag($this->getPluginComponent())); } } /** * * The handle function goal is to parse the matched syntax through the pattern function * and to return the result for use in the renderer * This result is always cached until the page is modified. * @param string $match * @param int $state * @param int $pos - byte position in the original source file * @param Doku_Handler $handler * @return array * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::handle() * */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler): array { switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $knownType = [self::FLUSH_TYPE]; $default = [ Dimension::WIDTH_KEY => "fit", self::NUMBERED => self::NUMBERED_DEFAULT ]; $attributes = TagAttributes::createFromTagMatch($match, $default, $knownType); if ($attributes->hasComponentAttribute(TagAttributes::TYPE_KEY)) { $type = trim(strtolower($attributes->getType())); if ($type === self::FLUSH_TYPE) { // // $attributes->addClassName("list-group-flush"); } } return array( PluginUtility::STATE => $state, PluginUtility::ATTRIBUTES => $attributes->toCallStackArray() ); case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : return PluginUtility::handleAndReturnUnmatchedData(self::MARKI_TAG, $match, $handler); case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : /** * Add to all children the list-group-item */ $callStack = CallStack::createFromHandler($handler); $openingTag = $callStack->moveToPreviousCorrespondingOpeningCall(); /** * The number are inside (this is a **content** list) * and not as with a marker box, outside. * * It's in the `before` box and is therefore a invisible box * To make it easy for the user (it does need to known that), * we wrap the user markup in a flex with a top placement */ $numbered = DataType::toBoolean($openingTag->getAttribute(self::NUMBERED, self::NUMBERED_DEFAULT)); if ($numbered === true) { $firstChild = $callStack->moveToFirstChildTag(); if ($firstChild !== false) { try { self::insertNumberedWrapperOpenTag($callStack); while ($callStack->moveToNextSiblingTag()) { self::insertNumberedWrapperCloseTag($callStack); self::insertNumberedWrapperOpenTag($callStack); } self::insertNumberedWrapperCloseTag($callStack); } catch (ExceptionBadArgument $e) { LogUtility::error("We were unable to wrap the content list to enable numbering placement. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); } } } else { foreach ($callStack->getChildren() as $child) { $child->addClassName(syntax_plugin_combo_contentlistitem::LIST_GROUP_ITEM_CLASS); if ($child->getTagName() === BoxTag::HTML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE) { $child->addAttribute(BoxTag::HTML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE, "li"); } } } return array( PluginUtility::STATE => $state, PluginUtility::ATTRIBUTES => $openingTag->getAttributes() ); } return array(); } /** * Render the output * @param string $format * @param Doku_Renderer $renderer * @param array $data - what the function handle() return'ed * @return boolean - rendered correctly? (however, returned value is not used at the moment) * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::render() * * */ function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data): bool { if ($format == 'xhtml') { /** @var Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer */ $state = $data[PluginUtility::STATE]; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : PluginUtility::getSnippetManager()->attachCssInternalStyleSheet(self::MARKI_TAG); $tagAttributes = TagAttributes::createFromCallStackArray($data[PluginUtility::ATTRIBUTES], self::MARKI_TAG); $tagAttributes->addClassName("list-group"); $numbered = $tagAttributes->getBooleanValueAndRemoveIfPresent(self::NUMBERED, self::NUMBERED_DEFAULT); $htmlElement = "ul"; if ($numbered) { $tagAttributes->addClassName("list-group-numbered"); $htmlElement = "ol"; } $renderer->doc .= $tagAttributes->toHtmlEnterTag($htmlElement); break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : $renderer->doc .= PluginUtility::renderUnmatched($data); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : $tagAttributes = TagAttributes::createFromCallStackArray($data[PluginUtility::ATTRIBUTES], self::MARKI_TAG); $numbered = $tagAttributes->getValueAndRemoveIfPresent(self::NUMBERED, self::NUMBERED_DEFAULT); $htmlElement = "ul"; if ($numbered) { $htmlElement = "ol"; } $renderer->doc .= ""; break; } return true; } // unsupported $mode return false; } }