getMajorVersion(); $eventHeaderTypes = $event->data; $executionContextConfig = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv()->getConfig(); foreach ($eventHeaderTypes as $headTagName => $headTagsAsArray) { switch ($headTagName) { case "link": /** * Link tag processing * ie index, rss, manifest, search, alternate, stylesheet */ $headTagsAsArray[] = $bootstrap->getCssSnippet()->toDokuWikiArray(); // preload all CSS is an heresy as it creates a FOUC (Flash of non-styled element) // but we know it only now and this is fun to experience for the user $cssPreloadConf = $executionContextConfig->getValue(self::CONF_PRELOAD_CSS, self::CONF_PRELOAD_CSS_DEFAULT); $newLinkData = array(); foreach ($headTagsAsArray as $linkData) { $rel = $linkData['rel'] ?? null; switch ($rel) { case 'edit': break; case 'preload': /** * Preload can be set at the array level with the critical attribute * If the preload attribute is present * We get that for instance for css animation style sheet * that are not needed for rendering */ if (isset($linkData["as"])) { if ($linkData["as"] === "style") { $newLinkData[] = self::captureStylePreloadingAndTransformToPreloadCssTag($linkData); continue 2; } } $newLinkData[] = $linkData; break; case 'stylesheet': if ($cssPreloadConf) { $newLinkData[] = self::captureStylePreloadingAndTransformToPreloadCssTag($linkData); continue 2; } $newLinkData[] = $linkData; break; default: $newLinkData[] = $linkData; break; } } $newHeaderTypes[$headTagName] = $newLinkData; break; case "script": /** * Script processing * * Do we delete the dokuwiki javascript ? */ $scriptToDeletes = []; $disableBackend = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_DISABLE_BACKEND_JAVASCRIPT, 0); if (!Identity::isLoggedIn() && $disableBackend) { $scriptToDeletes = [ //'JSINFO', Don't delete Jsinfo !! It contains metadata information (that is used to get context) 'js.php' ]; if ($bootStrapMajorVersion == "5") { // bs 5 does not depends on jquery $scriptToDeletes[] = "jquery.php"; } } /** * The new script array * that will replace the actual */ $newScriptTagAsArray = array(); /** * Scan: * * Capture the Dokuwiki Jquery Tags * * Delete for optimization if needed * * @var array A variable to hold the Jquery scripts * jquery-migrate, jquery, jquery-ui ou jquery.php * see */ $jqueryDokuScriptsTagsAsArray = array(); foreach ($headTagsAsArray as $scriptData) { foreach ($scriptToDeletes as $scriptToDelete) { if (isset($scriptData["_data"]) && !empty($scriptData["_data"])) { $haystack = $scriptData["_data"]; } else { $haystack = $scriptData["src"]; } if (preg_match("/$scriptToDelete/i", $haystack)) { continue 2; } } $critical = false; if (isset($scriptData["critical"])) { $critical = $scriptData["critical"]; unset($scriptData["critical"]); } // defer is only for external resource // if this is not, this is illegal if (isset($scriptData["src"])) { if (!$critical) { $scriptData['defer'] = null; } } if (isset($scriptData["type"])) { $type = strtolower($scriptData["type"]); if ($type == "text/javascript") { unset($scriptData["type"]); } } // The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete. if (isset($scriptData["charset"])) { unset($scriptData["charset"]); } // Jquery ? $jqueryFound = false; // script may also be just an online script without the src attribute if (array_key_exists('src', $scriptData)) { $jqueryFound = strpos($scriptData['src'], 'jquery'); } if ($jqueryFound === false) { $newScriptTagAsArray[] = $scriptData; } else { $jqueryDokuScriptsTagsAsArray[] = $scriptData; } } /** * Add Bootstrap scripts * At the top of the queue */ if ($bootStrapMajorVersion === 4) { $useJqueryDoku = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv()->getConfig()->getBooleanValue(self::CONF_JQUERY_DOKU, self::CONF_JQUERY_DOKU_DEFAULT); if ( !Identity::isLoggedIn() && !$useJqueryDoku ) { /** * We take the Javascript of Bootstrap * (Jquery and others) */ $boostrapSnippetsAsArray = []; foreach ($bootstrap->getJsSnippets() as $snippet) { $boostrapSnippetsAsArray[] = $snippet->toDokuWikiArray(); } /** * At the top of the queue */ $newScriptTagAsArray = array_merge($boostrapSnippetsAsArray, $newScriptTagAsArray); } else { // Logged in // We take the Jqueries of doku and we add Bootstrap $newScriptTagAsArray = array_merge($jqueryDokuScriptsTagsAsArray, $newScriptTagAsArray); // js // We had popper of Bootstrap $newScriptTagAsArray[] = $bootstrap->getPopperSnippet()->toDokuWikiArray(); // We had the js of Bootstrap $newScriptTagAsArray[] = $bootstrap->getBootstrapJsSnippet()->toDokuWikiArray(); } } else { // There is no JQuery in 5 // We had the js of Bootstrap and popper // Add Jquery before the js.php $newScriptTagAsArray = array_merge($jqueryDokuScriptsTagsAsArray, $newScriptTagAsArray); // js // Then add at the top of the top (first of the first) bootstrap // Why ? Because Jquery should be last to be able to see the missing icon // $bootstrapTagArray[] = $bootstrap->getPopperSnippet()->toDokuWikiArray(); $bootstrapTagArray[] = $bootstrap->getBootstrapJsSnippet()->toDokuWikiArray(); $newScriptTagAsArray = array_merge($bootstrapTagArray, $newScriptTagAsArray); } $newHeaderTypes[$headTagName] = $newScriptTagAsArray; break; case "meta": $newHeaderData = array(); foreach ($headTagsAsArray as $metaData) { // Content should never be null // Name may change // if (!key_exists("content", $metaData)) { $message = "The head meta (" . print_r($metaData, true) . ") does not have a content property"; LogUtility::error($message, self::FRONT_END_OPTIMIZATION_CANONICAL); } else { $content = $metaData["content"]; if (empty($content)) { $messageEmpty = "the below head meta has an empty content property (" . ArrayUtility::formatAsString($metaData) . ")"; LogUtility::error($messageEmpty, self::FRONT_END_OPTIMIZATION_CANONICAL); } else { $newHeaderData[] = $metaData; } } } $newHeaderTypes[$headTagName] = $newHeaderData; break; case "noscript": // case "style": $newHeaderTypes[$headTagName] = $headTagsAsArray; break; default: $message = "The header type ($headTagName) is unknown and was not controlled."; $newHeaderTypes[$headTagName] = $headTagsAsArray; LogUtility::error($message, self::FRONT_END_OPTIMIZATION_CANONICAL); } } $event->data = $newHeaderTypes; } /** * @param $linkData - an array of link style sheet data * @return array - the array with the preload attributes */ public static function captureStylePreloadingAndTransformToPreloadCssTag($linkData): array { /** * Save the stylesheet to load it at the end */ $executionContext = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv(); try { $preloadedCss = &$executionContext->getRuntimeObject(TemplateForWebPage::PRELOAD_TAG); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { $preloadedCss = []; $executionContext->setRuntimeObject(TemplateForWebPage::PRELOAD_TAG, $preloadedCss); } $preloadedCss[] = $linkData; /** * Modify the actual tag data * Change the loading mechanism to preload */ $linkData['rel'] = 'preload'; $linkData['as'] = 'style'; return $linkData; } /** * Registers our handler for the MANIFEST_SEND event * * manipulate the list of JavaScripts that will be concatenated * @param Doku_Event_Handler $controller */ public function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) { $controller->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_bootstrap'); } }