lang $this->setupLocale(); } public function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) { /** * To add the snippets in the header */ $controller->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'componentSnippetHead', array()); /** * To add the snippets in the content * if they have not been added to the header * * Not TPL_ACT_RENDER * or * because it works only for the main content * in {@link tpl_content()} * * We use * * that is in {@link p_render()} and takes into account also the slot page. */ $controller->register_hook('RENDERER_CONTENT_POSTPROCESS', 'AFTER', $this, 'componentSnippetContent', array()); } /** * * Add the snippets in the head * * @param $event */ function componentSnippetHead($event) { /** * Advertise that this event has occurred * In a strap template, this event is last because head are added after content rendering * In another template, this event is first * The function {@link action_plugin_combo_snippets::componentSnippetContent()} used it to determine if * the snippets should be added into the content */ ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv() ->setRuntimeBoolean(self::HEAD_EVENT_WAS_CALLED, true); /** * For each processed slot in the execution, retrieve the snippets */ $cacheReporters = CacheManager::getFromContextExecution()->getCacheResults(); foreach ($cacheReporters as $cacheReporter) { foreach ($cacheReporter->getResults() as $report) { if ($report->getMode() !== FetcherMarkup::XHTML_MODE) { continue; } $markupPath = $report->getMarkupPath(); try { $fetcherMarkupForMarkup = $markupPath->createHtmlFetcherWithRequestedPathAsContextPath(); } catch (ExceptionNotExists $e) { LogUtility::internalError("The executing markup path ($markupPath) should exists because it was executed."); continue; } $fetcherMarkupForMarkup->loadSnippets(); } } $snippetSystem = SnippetSystem::getFromContext(); $snippets = $snippetSystem->getSnippets(); foreach ($snippets as $snippet) { /** * In a dokuwiki standard template, head is called * first, then the content, to not add the snippet in the head and in the content * there is an indicator that tracks if the output was asked */ if (!$snippet->hasHtmlOutputAlreadyOccurred()) { try { $tag = $snippet->toDokuWikiArray(); } catch (\Exception $e) { LogUtility::error("We couldn't get the attributes of the snippet ($snippet). It has been skipped. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); continue; } $tagType = $snippet->getHtmlTag(); $event->data[$tagType][] = $tag; } } } /** * * This function store the snippets in the HTML content when needed * (mostly admin page or any other template than strap ...) * * This event/function is called first because {@link \ComboStrap\FetcherPage} parse the main markup first (It's the driver) * * In any other template, they follows the creation of the page, the * header are called first, then the content * * * @param $event */ function componentSnippetContent($event) { /** * Add snippet in the content * - if the header output was already called * - if this is not a page rendering (ie an admin rendering) * for instance, the upgrade plugin call {@link p_cached_output()} on local file */ /** * Dynamic rendering call this event * We don't add any component at this moment */ global $ACT; if ($ACT === FetcherMarkup::MARKUP_DYNAMIC_EXECUTION_NAME) { return; } $format = $event->data[0]; if ($format !== "xhtml") { return; } $executionContext = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv(); try { $headEventWasCalled = $executionContext->getRuntimeBoolean(self::HEAD_EVENT_WAS_CALLED); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { $headEventWasCalled = false; } /** * Put snippet in the content * if this is not a show (ie Admin page rendering) * * And if the header output was already called * (case that the template is not strap) */ $putAllSnippetsInContent = $headEventWasCalled === true || ($ACT !== "show" && $ACT !== null); if (!$putAllSnippetsInContent) { return; } $snippetManager = PluginUtility::getSnippetManager(); $xhtmlContent = &$event->data[1]; /** * What fucked up is fucked up * * In admin page, as we don't know the source of the processing text * (It may be a partial (ie markup) to create the admin page * We may have several times the same global request slot * * We can't make the difference. * * For now, we add therefore only the snippet for the slots. * The snippet for the request should have been already added with the * DOKUWIKI_STARTED hook */ $snippets = $snippetManager->getSnippets(); if (sizeof($snippets) > 0) { $class = self::CLASS_SNIPPET_IN_CONTENT; $htmlForSlots = $snippetManager->toHtmlForSlotSnippets(); if (empty($htmlForSlots)) { return; } $htmlForSlotsWrapper = << {$htmlForSlots} EOF; $xhtmlContent .= $htmlForSlotsWrapper; } } }