register_hook('HTML_UPDATEPROFILEFORM_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_profile_update', array()); $controller->register_hook('FORM_UPDATEPROFILE_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_profile_update', array()); } /** * To modify the register form and add class * * Deprecated object passed by the event but still in use * * * Event using the new object but not found anywhere * */ if (SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_ENABLE_PROFILE_DELETE_FORM, 1)) { $controller->register_hook('HTML_PROFILEDELETEFORM_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_profile_delete', array()); $controller->register_hook('FORM_PROFILEDELETE_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_profile_delete', array()); } } function handle_profile_update(&$event, $param) { $form = &$event->data; $class = get_class($form); switch ($class) { case "Doku_Form": /** * Old one * @var Doku_Form $form */ self::updateDokuFormProfileUpdate($form); return; case "dokuwiki\Form\Form"; /** * New One * @var Form $form */ self::updateNewFormProfileUpdate($form); return; } } public function handle_profile_delete($event, $param) { $form = &$event->data; $class = get_class($form); switch ($class) { case Doku_Form::class: /** * Old one * @var Doku_Form $form */ self::updateDokuFormProfileDelete($form); return; case dokuwiki\Form\Form::class; /** * New One * @var Form $form */ self::updateNewFormProfileDelete($form); return; } } private static function updateNewFormProfileDelete(Form &$form) { /** * The Login page is an admin page created via buffer * We print before the forms * to avoid a FOUC */ print IdentityFormsHelper::getHtmlStyleTag(self::TAG_DELETE); $deleteFormClassSuffix = self::FORM_PROFILE_DELETE_CLASS; $form->addClass(Identity::FORM_IDENTITY_CLASS . " " . $deleteFormClassSuffix); /** * Heading */ $headerHTML = IdentityFormsHelper::getHeaderHTML($form, $deleteFormClassSuffix, false); if ($headerHTML != "") { $form->addHTML($headerHTML, 1); } IdentityFormsHelper::deleteFieldSetAndBrFromForm($form); /** * Submit button */ $submitButtonPosition = $form->findPositionByAttribute("type", "submit"); if ($submitButtonPosition === false) { LogUtility::msg("Internal error: No submit button found"); return; } $form->getElementAt($submitButtonPosition) ->addClass("btn") ->addClass("btn-primary"); /** * Password Input */ $passwordElementPosition = $form->findPositionByAttribute("type", "password"); if ($passwordElementPosition === false) { LogUtility::msg("Internal error: No password found"); return; } IdentityFormsHelper::toBootStrapInputElementAndGetNewLoopingPosition($form, $passwordElementPosition, $deleteFormClassSuffix); } private static function updateDokuFormProfileDelete(Doku_Form &$form) { /** * The profile page is created via buffer * We print before the forms to avoid a FOUC */ print IdentityFormsHelper::getHtmlStyleTag(self::TAG_DELETE); $class = &$form->params["class"]; IdentityFormsHelper::addIdentityClass($class, self::FORM_PROFILE_DELETE_CLASS); $newFormContent = []; /** * Header (Logo / Title) */ $newFormContent[] = IdentityFormsHelper::getHeaderHTML($form, self::FORM_PROFILE_DELETE_CLASS, false); /** * Field */ foreach ($form->_content as $field) { if (!is_array($field)) { continue; } $fieldName = $field["name"]; if ($fieldName == null) { // this is not an input field if ($field["type"] == "submit") { /** * This is important to keep the submit element intact * for forms integration such as captcha * They search the submit button to insert before it */ $classes = "btn btn-primary btn-block"; if (isset($field["class"])) { $field["class"] = $field["class"] . " " . $classes; } else { $field["class"] = $classes; } $newFormContent[] = $field; } continue; } switch ($fieldName) { case "oldpass": $passwordText = $field["_text"]; $passwordFieldHTML = << EOF; $newFormContent[] = $passwordFieldHTML; break; case "confirm_delete": $confirmText = $field["_text"]; $ConfirmValue = $field["value"]; $rememberMeHtml = << EOF; $newFormContent[] = $rememberMeHtml; break; default: $tag = self::TAG_DELETE; LogUtility::msg("The $tag field name ($fieldName) is unknown", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR, self::CANONICAL); } } $form->_content = $newFormContent; } private static function updateNewFormProfileUpdate(Form &$form) { /** * The Login page is an admin page created via buffer * We print before the forms * to avoid a FOUC */ print IdentityFormsHelper::getHtmlStyleTag(self::TAG_UPDATE); $form->addClass(Identity::FORM_IDENTITY_CLASS . " " . self::FORM_PROFILE_UPDATE_CLASS); /** * Heading */ $headerHTML = IdentityFormsHelper::getHeaderHTML($form, self::FORM_PROFILE_UPDATE_CLASS); if ($headerHTML != "") { $form->addHTML($headerHTML, 1); } IdentityFormsHelper::deleteFieldSetAndBrFromForm($form); /** * Submit and reset button */ IdentityFormsHelper::toBootStrapSubmitButton($form); IdentityFormsHelper::toBootstrapResetButton($form); /** * Input elements */ IdentityFormsHelper::toBoostrapInputElements($form, self::FORM_PROFILE_UPDATE_CLASS); } private static function updateDokuFormProfileUpdate(Doku_Form &$form) { /** * The profile page is created via buffer * We print before the forms to avoid a FOUC */ print IdentityFormsHelper::getHtmlStyleTag(self::TAG_UPDATE); $class = &$form->params["class"]; IdentityFormsHelper::addIdentityClass($class, self::FORM_PROFILE_UPDATE_CLASS); $newFormContent = []; /** * Header (Logo / Title) */ $newFormContent[] = IdentityFormsHelper::getHeaderHTML($form, self::FORM_PROFILE_UPDATE_CLASS); /** * Form Attributes * */ $rowClass = "row"; if (Bootstrap::getBootStrapMajorVersion() == Bootstrap::BootStrapFourMajorVersion) { $rowClass .= " form-group"; } $firstColWeight = 5; $secondColWeight = 12 - $firstColWeight; /** * Replace the field * * The password text localized by lang is shared * between the password and the password check field */ $passwordText = "Password"; foreach ($form->_content as $field) { if (!is_array($field)) { continue; } $fieldName = $field["name"]; if ($fieldName == null) { // this is not an input field switch ($field["type"]) { case "submit": /** * This is important to keep the submit element intact * for forms integration such as captcha * The search the submit button to insert before it */ $classes = "btn btn-primary"; if (isset($field["class"])) { $field["class"] = $field["class"] . " " . $classes; } else { $field["class"] = $classes; } $field["tabindex"] = "6"; $newFormContent[] = $field; break; case "reset": $classes = "btn btn-secondary"; if (isset($field["class"])) { $field["class"] = $field["class"] . " " . $classes; } else { $field["class"] = $classes; } $field["tabindex"] = "7"; $newFormContent[] = $field; break; } continue; } switch ($fieldName) { case "login": $loginText = $field["_text"]; $loginValue = $field["value"]; $loginHTML = <<
EOF; $newFormContent[] = $loginHTML; break; case "fullname": $fullNameText = $field["_text"]; $fullNameValue = $field["value"]; $fullNameHtml = <<
EOF; $newFormContent[] = $fullNameHtml; break; case "email": $emailText = $field["_text"]; $emailValue = $field["value"]; $emailHTML = <<
EOF; $newFormContent[] = $emailHTML; break; case "newpass": $passwordText = $field["_text"]; $passwordHtml = <<
EOF; $newFormContent[] = $passwordHtml; break; case "passchk": $passwordCheckText = $field["_text"]; $passwordCheckHtml = <<
EOF; $newFormContent[] = $passwordCheckHtml; break; case "oldpass": $passwordCheckText = $field["_text"]; $passwordCheckHtml = <<
EOF; $newFormContent[] = $passwordCheckHtml; break; default: $tag = self::TAG_UPDATE; LogUtility::msg("The $tag field name ($fieldName) is unknown", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR, self::CANONICAL); } } /** * Update */ $form->_content = $newFormContent; } }