lang $this->setupLocale(); } public function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) { $controller->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'metaFacebookProcessing', array()); } /** * * @param $event */ function metaFacebookProcessing($event) { $executionContext = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv(); try { $templateForWebPage = $executionContext->getExecutingPageTemplate(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { return; } if (!$templateForWebPage->isSocial()) { return; } /** * "og:url" is already created in the {@link action_plugin_combo_metacanonical} * "og:description" is already created in the {@link action_plugin_combo_metadescription} */ try { $requestedPath = $templateForWebPage->getRequestedContextPath(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { return; } $page = MarkupPath::createPageFromPathObject($requestedPath); $facebookMeta = array( "og:title" => StringUtility::truncateString($page->getTitleOrDefault(), 70) ); $descriptionOrElseDokuWiki = $page->getDescriptionOrElseDokuWiki(); if (!empty($descriptionOrElseDokuWiki)) { // happens in test with document without content $facebookMeta["og:description"] = $descriptionOrElseDokuWiki; } $title = Site::getName(); if (!empty($title)) { $facebookMeta["og:site_name"] = $title; } /** * Type of page */ $pageType = $page->getTypeOrDefault(); switch ($pageType) { case PageType::ARTICLE_TYPE: // try { $facebookMeta["article:published_time"] = $page->getPublishedElseCreationTime()->format(DATE_ISO8601); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // Internal error, the page should exist LogUtility::error("Internal Error: We were unable to define the publication date for the page ($page)", self::CANONICAL); } try { $modifiedTime = $page->getModifiedTimeOrDefault(); $facebookMeta["article:modified_time"] = $modifiedTime->format(DATE_ISO8601); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // Internal error, the page should exist LogUtility::error("Internal Error: We were unable to define the modification date for the page ($page)", self::CANONICAL); } $facebookMeta["og:type"] = $pageType; break; default: // The default facebook value $facebookMeta["og:type"] = PageType::WEBSITE_TYPE; break; } $facebookImages = $page->getImagesForTheFollowingUsages([PageImageUsage::FACEBOOK, PageImageUsage::SOCIAL, PageImageUsage::ALL]); if (empty($facebookImages)) { $defaultFacebookImage = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_DEFAULT_FACEBOOK_IMAGE); if (!empty($defaultFacebookImage)) { $dokuPath = WikiPath::createMediaPathFromId($defaultFacebookImage); if (FileSystems::exists($dokuPath)) { try { $facebookImages[] = IFetcherLocalImage::createImageFetchFromPath($dokuPath); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("We were unable to add the default facebook image ($defaultFacebookImage) because of the following error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); } } else { if ($defaultFacebookImage != ":logo-facebook.png") { LogUtility::error("The default facebook image ($defaultFacebookImage) does not exist", self::CANONICAL); } } } } if (!empty($facebookImages)) { /** * One of image/jpeg, image/gif or image/png * As stated here: **/ $facebookMimes = [Mime::JPEG, Mime::GIF, Mime::PNG]; foreach ($facebookImages as $facebookImage) { $path = $facebookImage->getSourcePath(); if (!FileSystems::exists($path)) { LogUtility::error("The image ($path) does not exist and was not added", self::CANONICAL); continue; } try { $mime = FileSystems::getMime($path); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { LogUtility::internalError($e->getMessage()); continue; } if (!in_array($mime->toString(), $facebookMimes)) { continue; } $toSmall = false; // There is a minimum size constraint of 200px by 200px // The try is in case we can't get the width and height try { $intrinsicWidth = $facebookImage->getIntrinsicWidth(); $intrinsicHeight = $facebookImage->getIntrinsicHeight(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("No image was added for facebook. Error while retrieving the dimension of the image: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); break; } if ($intrinsicWidth < 200) { $toSmall = true; } else { $facebookMeta["og:image:width"] = $intrinsicWidth; if ($intrinsicHeight < 200) { $toSmall = true; } else { $facebookMeta["og:image:height"] = $intrinsicHeight; } } if ($toSmall) { $message = "The facebook image ($facebookImage) is too small (" . $intrinsicWidth . " x " . $intrinsicHeight . "). The minimum size constraint is 200px by 200px"; try { $firstImagePath = $page->getFirstImage()->getSourcePath(); if ( $path->toAbsolutePath()->toAbsoluteId() !== $firstImagePath->toAbsolutePath()->toAbsoluteId() ) { // specified image LogUtility::error($message, self::CANONICAL); } else { // first image LogUtility::log2BrowserConsole($message); } } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // no first image LogUtility::error($message, self::CANONICAL); } } /** * We may don't known the dimensions */ if (!$toSmall) { $facebookMeta["og:image:type"] = $mime->toString(); try { $facebookMeta["og:image"] = $facebookImage->getFetchUrl()->toAbsoluteUrlString(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { // Oeps LogUtility::internalError("Og Image could not be added. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); } // One image only break; } } } $facebookMeta["fb:app_id"] = self::FACEBOOK_APP_ID; // FYI default if not set by facebook: "en_US" $locale = ComboStrap\Locale::createForPage($page, "_")->getValueOrDefault(); $facebookMeta["og:locale"] = $locale; /** * Add the properties */ foreach ($facebookMeta as $property => $content) { $event->data['meta'][] = array("property" => $property, "content" => $content); } } }