manifest * * [[doku>devel:manifest|webmanifest]] * */ class action_plugin_combo_manifest extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin { function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) { /* This will call the function _manifest */ $controller->register_hook( 'MANIFEST_SEND', 'AFTER', $this, '_manifest', array() ); } /** * Main function; dispatches the visual comment actions * @param $event Doku_Event * * We take into account the file generated by * * * */ function _manifest(&$event, $param) { $mediaId = ":android-chrome-192x192.png"; $mediaFile = mediaFN($mediaId); if (file_exists($mediaFile)) { $url = ml($mediaId, '', true, '', true); $event->data['icons'][] = array( "src" => $url, "sizes" => "192x192", "type" => "image/png" ); } $primaryColor = Site::getPrimaryColor(); if ($primaryColor !== null) { $event->data["theme_color"] = $primaryColor->toRgbHex(); } /** * Id setting * * It seems that this is a unique id domain based * We set then the start_url (ie another pwa may be living on another path) */ $event->data["id"] = $event->data["start_url"]; /** * Svg must be size any for svg * * otherwise we get this kind of error in devtool. * `` * Actual Size (150x150)px of Icon .... svg does not match the specified size (17x17, 512x512) * `` * Note: * * 150x150 is not the true size * * (17x17, 512x512) is set by dokuwiki */ foreach ($event->data['icons'] as &$iconArray) { if ($iconArray["type"] === Mime::SVG) { $iconArray["sizes"] = "any"; } } } }