register_hook('PARSER_CACHE_USE', 'AFTER', $this, 'createCacheResult', array()); /** * To add the cache result in the HTML */ $controller->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'addCacheLogHtmlDataBlock', array()); /** * To delete the VARY on css.php, jquery.php, js.php */ $controller->register_hook('INIT_LANG_LOAD', 'BEFORE', $this, 'deleteVaryFromStaticGeneratedResources', array()); /** * Add a icon in the page tools menu * */ $controller->register_hook('MENU_ITEMS_ASSEMBLY', 'AFTER', $this, 'addMenuItem'); } /** * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $params */ function createCacheResult(Doku_Event $event, $params) { /** * To log the cache used by bar * @var \dokuwiki\Cache\CacheParser $data */ $data = $event->data; $slotId = $data->page; if (empty($slotId)) { // on edit mode, the page is emtpy return; } $cacheReporter = CacheManager::getFromContextExecution()->getCacheResultsForSlot($slotId); $cacheReporter->setData($event); } /** * Add cache data to the rendered html page * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $params */ function addCacheLogHtmlDataBlock(Doku_Event $event, $params) { $isPublic = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv() ->isPublicationAction(); if (!$isPublic) { return; } $cacheSlotResults = CacheReportHtmlDataBlockArray::getFromContext(); $cacheJson = \ComboStrap\Json::createFromArray($cacheSlotResults); if (PluginUtility::isDevOrTest()) { $result = $cacheJson->toPrettyJsonString(); } else { $result = $cacheJson->toMinifiedJsonString(); } $event->data["script"][] = array( "type" => CacheReportHtmlDataBlockArray::APPLICATION_COMBO_CACHE_JSON, "_data" => $result, ); } /** * Delete the Vary header * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $params */ public static function deleteVaryFromStaticGeneratedResources(Doku_Event $event, $params) { $script = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; if (in_array($script, self::STATIC_SCRIPT_NAMES)) { // To be extra sure, they must have the buster key if (isset($_REQUEST[IFetcher::CACHE_BUSTER_KEY])) { self::deleteVaryHeader(); } } } /** * * No Vary: Cookie * Introduced at * * But cache problem at: * * */ public static function deleteVaryHeader(): void { if (SiteConfig::getConfValue(action_plugin_combo_staticresource::CONF_STATIC_CACHE_ENABLED, 1)) { Http::removeHeaderIfPresent("Vary"); } } function addMenuItem(Doku_Event $event, $param) { /** * The `view` property defines the menu that is currently built * * If this is not the page menu, return */ if ($event->data['view'] != 'page') return; global $INFO; $exists = $INFO['exists'] ?? null; if (!$exists) { return; } /** * Cache is for manager */ if (!Identity::isManager()) { return; } array_splice($event->data['items'], -1, 0, array(new CacheMenuItem())); } }