getValueAndRemoveIfPresent(ColorRgb::COLOR); if ($color !== null) { $attributes->addComponentAttributeValue(BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUND_COLOR, $color); } } /** * @param CallStack $callStack * @param TagAttributes $backgroundAttributes * @param $state * @return array */ public static function setAttributesToParentAndReturnData(CallStack $callStack, TagAttributes $backgroundAttributes, $state): array { /** * The data array */ $data = array(); /** * Set the backgrounds attributes * to the parent * There is two state (special and exit) * Go to the opening call if in exit */ if ($state == DOKU_LEXER_EXIT) { $callStack->moveToEnd(); $openingCall = $callStack->moveToPreviousCorrespondingOpeningCall(); } $parentCall = $callStack->moveToParent(); /** @noinspection PhpPointlessBooleanExpressionInConditionInspection */ if ($parentCall != false) { if ($parentCall->getTagName() == BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUNDS) { /** * The backgrounds node * (is already relative) */ $parentCall = $callStack->moveToParent(); } else { /** * Another parent node * With a image background, the node should be relative */ if ($backgroundAttributes->hasComponentAttribute(BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUND_IMAGE)) { $parentCall->addAttribute(Position::POSITION_ATTRIBUTE, "relative"); } } $backgrounds = $parentCall->getAttribute(BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUNDS); if ($backgrounds == null) { $backgrounds = [$backgroundAttributes->toCallStackArray()]; } else { $backgrounds[] = $backgroundAttributes->toCallStackArray(); } $parentCall->addAttribute(BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUNDS, $backgrounds); } else { $data[PluginUtility::EXIT_MESSAGE] = "A background should have a parent"; } /** * Return the image data for the metadata * (Metadat is taken only from enter/exit) */ if ($state === DOKU_LEXER_EXIT && isset($openingCall)) { // exit state $backgroundImage = $backgroundAttributes->getComponentAttributeValue(BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUND_IMAGE); $openingCall->setAttribute(BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUND_IMAGE, $backgroundImage); } else { // special state $data[PluginUtility::ATTRIBUTES] = $backgroundAttributes->toCallStackArray(); } return $data; } /** * Print only any error */ public static function renderExitSpecialHtml($data): string { if (isset($data[PluginUtility::EXIT_MESSAGE])) { $class = LinkMarkup::TEXT_ERROR_CLASS; $error = $data[PluginUtility::EXIT_MESSAGE]; return "


" . DOKU_LF; } return ""; } public static function handleExit($handler): array { $callStack = CallStack::createFromHandler($handler); $openingTag = $callStack->moveToPreviousCorrespondingOpeningCall(); $backgroundAttributes = TagAttributes::createFromCallStackArray($openingTag->getAttributes()) ->setLogicalTag(BackgroundTag::LOGICAL_TAG); /** * if the media syntax of Combo is not used, try to retrieve the media of dokuwiki */ $imageTag = [syntax_plugin_combo_media::TAG, MediaMarkup::INTERNAL_MEDIA_CALL_NAME]; /** * Collect the image if any */ while ($actual = $callStack->next()) { $tagName = $actual->getTagName(); if (in_array($tagName, $imageTag)) { $imageAttribute = $actual->getAttributes(); if ($tagName == syntax_plugin_combo_media::TAG) { $backgroundImageAttribute = BackgroundAttribute::fromMediaToBackgroundImageStackArray($imageAttribute); /** * Hack for tile svg */ $fill = $openingTag->getAttribute(BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUND_FILL); if ($fill === FetcherSvg::TILE_TYPE) { $ref = $backgroundImageAttribute[MarkupRef::REF_ATTRIBUTE]; if (!str_contains($ref, TagAttributes::TYPE_KEY) && str_contains($ref, "svg")) { if (str_contains($ref, "?")) { $ref = "$ref&type=$fill"; } else { $ref = "$ref?type=$fill"; } } $backgroundImageAttribute[MarkupRef::REF_ATTRIBUTE] = $ref; } } else { /** * As seen in {@link Doku_Handler::media()} */ $backgroundImageAttribute = [ MediaMarkup::MEDIA_DOKUWIKI_TYPE => MediaMarkup::INTERNAL_MEDIA_CALL_NAME, MediaMarkup::DOKUWIKI_SRC => $imageAttribute[0], Dimension::WIDTH_KEY => $imageAttribute[3], Dimension::HEIGHT_KEY => $imageAttribute[4], IFetcherAbs::CACHE_KEY => $imageAttribute[5] ]; } $backgroundAttributes->addComponentAttributeValue(BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUND_IMAGE, $backgroundImageAttribute); $callStack->deleteActualCallAndPrevious(); } } return BackgroundTag::setAttributesToParentAndReturnData($callStack, $backgroundAttributes, DOKU_LEXER_EXIT); } public static function renderEnterTag(): string { /** * background is printed via the {@link BackgroundAttribute::processBackgroundAttributes()} */ return ""; } public static function renderMeta(array $data, Doku_Renderer_metadata $renderer) { $attributes = $data[PluginUtility::ATTRIBUTES]; if (isset($attributes[BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUND_IMAGE])) { $image = $attributes[BackgroundAttribute::BACKGROUND_IMAGE]; syntax_plugin_combo_media::registerImageMeta($image, $renderer); } } }