setResource($page); } static public function getTab(): ?string { return MetaManagerForm::TAB_QUALITY_VALUE; } static public function getDescription(): string { return "If checked, the quality message will not be shown for the page."; } static public function getLabel(): string { return "Disable the quality control of this page"; } static public function getCanonical(): string { return QualityMessageHandler::CANONICAL; } static public function getName(): string { return self::PROPERTY_NAME; } static public function getPersistenceType(): string { return Metadata::PERSISTENT_METADATA; } static public function isMutable(): bool { return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function getValueOrDefault(): bool { try { return $this->getValue(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { return $this->getDefaultValue(); } } /** * @return bool */ public function getDefaultValue(): bool { return self::EXECUTE_DYNAMIC_QUALITY_MONITORING_DEFAULT; } static public function isOnForm(): bool { return true; } }