setResource($page); } /** * @return int */ public function getValue(): int { return substr_count($this->getResource()->getPathObject()->toAbsoluteId(), WikiPath::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_POINT) - 1; } static public function getName(): string { return self::PROPERTY_NAME; } static public function getPersistenceType(): string { return Metadata::DERIVED_METADATA; } static public function getTab(): string { return MetaManagerForm::TAB_PAGE_VALUE; } static public function getDescription(): string { return "The level of the page on the file system (The home page is at level 0)"; } static public function getLabel(): string { return "Page Level"; } static public function isMutable(): bool { return false; } static public function getCanonical(): string { return self::PROPERTY_NAME; } static public function isOnForm(): bool { return true; } }