markupPath = $markup; } $this->isFragment = $isFragment; $this->buildOutline($callStack); $this->storeH1(); $this->storeTocForMarkupIfAny(); } /** * @param CallStack $callStack * @param MarkupPath|null $markupPath - needed to store the parsed toc, h1, ... (null if the markup is dynamic) * @param bool $isFragment - needed to control the structure of the outline (if this is a preview, the first heading may be not h1) * @return Outline */ public static function createFromCallStack(CallStack $callStack, MarkupPath $markupPath = null, bool $isFragment = false): Outline { return new Outline($callStack, $markupPath, $isFragment); } private function buildOutline(CallStack $callStack) { /** * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_analytics tag analytics} * By default, in a test environment * this is set to 0 * to speed test and to not pollute */ $analtyicsEnabled = SiteConfig::getConfValue(syntax_plugin_combo_analytics::CONF_SYNTAX_ANALYTICS_ENABLE, true); $analyticsTagUsed = []; /** * Processing variable about the context */ $this->rootSection = OutlineSection::createOutlineRoot() ->setStartPosition(0); $this->actualSection = $this->rootSection; $actualLastPosition = 0; $callStack->moveToStart(); while ($actualCall = $callStack->next()) { $state = $actualCall->getState(); /** * Block Post Processing * to not get any unwanted p * to counter {@link Block::process()} * setting dynamically the {@link SyntaxPlugin::getPType()} * * Unfortunately, it can't work because this is called after * {@link Block::process()} */ if ($analtyicsEnabled) { if (in_array($state, CallStack::TAG_STATE)) { $tagName = $actualCall->getTagName(); // The dokuwiki component name have open in their name $tagName = str_replace("_open", "", $tagName); $actual = $analyticsTagUsed[$tagName] ?? 0; $analyticsTagUsed[$tagName] = $actual + 1; } } /** * We don't take the outline and document call if any * This is the case when we build from an actual stored instructions * (to bundle multiple page for instance) */ $tagName = $actualCall->getTagName(); switch ($tagName) { case "document_start": case "document_end": case SectionTag::TAG: continue 2; case syntax_plugin_combo_header::TAG: if ($actualCall->isPluginCall() && $actualCall->getContext() === self::CONTEXT) { continue 2; } } /** * Wrap the table */ $componentName = $actualCall->getComponentName(); if ($componentName === "table_open") { $position = $actualCall->getFirstMatchedCharacterPosition(); $originalInstructionCall = &$actualCall->getInstructionCall(); $originalInstructionCall = Call::createComboCall( TableTag::TAG, DOKU_LEXER_ENTER, [PluginUtility::POSITION => $position], null, null, null, $position, \syntax_plugin_combo_xmlblocktag::TAG )->toCallArray(); } /** * Enter new section ? */ $shouldWeCreateASection = false; switch ($tagName) { case syntax_plugin_combo_headingatx::TAG: $actualCall->setState(DOKU_LEXER_ENTER); if ($actualCall->getContext() === HeadingTag::TYPE_OUTLINE) { $shouldWeCreateASection = true; } $this->enterHeading($actualCall); break; case HeadingTag::HEADING_TAG: case syntax_plugin_combo_headingwiki::TAG: if ($state == DOKU_LEXER_ENTER && $actualCall->getContext() === HeadingTag::TYPE_OUTLINE) { $shouldWeCreateASection = true; $this->enterHeading($actualCall); } break; case self::DOKUWIKI_HEADING_CALL_NAME: // Should happen only on outline section // we take over inside a component if (!$actualCall->isPluginCall()) { /** * ie not {@link syntax_plugin_combo_header} * but the dokuwiki header (ie heading) */ $shouldWeCreateASection = true; $this->enterHeading($actualCall); // The dokuiki heading call (header) is a one call for the whole heading, // It enters and exits at the same time $this->exitHeading(); } break; } if ($shouldWeCreateASection) { if ($this->actualSection->hasParent()) { // -1 because the actual position is the start of the next section $this->actualSection->setEndPosition($actualCall->getFirstMatchedCharacterPosition() - 1); } $actualSectionLevel = $this->actualSection->getLevel(); if ($actualCall->isPluginCall()) { try { $newSectionLevel = DataType::toInteger($actualCall->getAttribute(HeadingTag::LEVEL)); } catch (ExceptionBadArgument $e) { LogUtility::internalError("The level was not present on the heading call", self::CANONICAL); $newSectionLevel = $actualSectionLevel; } } else { $headerTagName = $tagName; if ($headerTagName !== self::DOKUWIKI_HEADING_CALL_NAME) { throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("This is not a dokuwiki header call", self::CANONICAL); } $newSectionLevel = $actualCall->getInstructionCall()[1][1]; } $newOutlineSection = OutlineSection::createFromEnterHeadingCall($actualCall); $sectionDiff = $newSectionLevel - $actualSectionLevel; if ($sectionDiff > 0) { /** * A child of the actual section * We append it first before the message check to * build the {@link TreeNode::getTreeIdentifier()} */ try { $this->actualSection->appendChild($newOutlineSection); } catch (ExceptionBadState $e) { throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("The node is not added multiple time, this error should not fired. Error:{$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL, 1, $e); } if ($sectionDiff > 1 & !($actualSectionLevel === 0 && $newSectionLevel === 2)) { $expectedLevel = $actualSectionLevel + 1; if ($actualSectionLevel === 0) { /** * In a fragment run (preview), * the first heading may not be the first one */ if (!$this->isFragment) { $message = "The first section heading should have the level 1 or 2 (not $newSectionLevel)."; } } else { $message = "The child section heading ($actualSectionLevel) has the level ($newSectionLevel) but is parent ({$this->actualSection->getLabel()}) has the level ($actualSectionLevel). The expected level is ($expectedLevel)."; } if (isset($message)) { LogUtility::warning($message, self::CANONICAL); } $actualCall->setAttribute(HeadingTag::LEVEL, $newSectionLevel); } } else { /** * A child of the parent section, A sibling of the actual session */ try { $parent = $this->actualSection->getParent(); for ($i = 0; $i < abs($sectionDiff); $i++) { $parent = $parent->getParent(); } try { $parent->appendChild($newOutlineSection); } catch (ExceptionBadState $e) { throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("The node is not added multiple time, this error should not fired. Error:{$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL, 1, $e); } } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { /** * no parent * May happen in preview (ie fragment) */ if (!$this->isFragment) { LogUtility::internalError("Due to the level logic, the actual section should have a parent"); } try { $this->actualSection->appendChild($newOutlineSection); } catch (ExceptionBadState $e) { throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("The node is not added multiple time, this error should not fired. Error:{$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL, 1, $e); } } } $this->actualSection = $newOutlineSection; continue; } /** * Track the number of lines * to inject ads */ switch ($tagName) { case "linebreak": case "tablerow": // linebreak is an inline component $this->actualSection->incrementLineNumber(); break; default: $display = $actualCall->getDisplay(); if ($display === Call::BlOCK_DISPLAY) { $this->actualSection->incrementLineNumber(); } break; } /** * Track the position in the file */ $currentLastPosition = $actualCall->getLastMatchedCharacterPosition(); if ($currentLastPosition > $actualLastPosition) { // the position in the stack is not always good $actualLastPosition = $currentLastPosition; } switch ($actualCall->getComponentName()) { case \action_plugin_combo_instructionspostprocessing::EDIT_SECTION_OPEN: case \action_plugin_combo_instructionspostprocessing::EDIT_SECTION_CLOSE: // we don't store them continue 2; } /** * Close/Process the heading description */ if ($this->actualHeadingParsingState === DOKU_LEXER_ENTER) { switch ($tagName) { case HeadingTag::HEADING_TAG: case syntax_plugin_combo_headingwiki::TAG: if ($state == DOKU_LEXER_EXIT) { $this->addCallToSection($actualCall); $this->exitHeading(); continue 2; } break; case "internalmedia": // no link for media in heading $actualCall->getInstructionCall()[1][6] = MediaMarkup::LINKING_NOLINK_VALUE; break; case syntax_plugin_combo_media::TAG: // no link for media in heading $actualCall->addAttribute(MediaMarkup::LINKING_KEY, MediaMarkup::LINKING_NOLINK_VALUE); break; case self::DOKUWIKI_HEADING_CALL_NAME: if (SiteConfig::getConfValue(syntax_plugin_combo_headingwiki::CONF_WIKI_HEADING_ENABLE, syntax_plugin_combo_headingwiki::CONF_DEFAULT_WIKI_ENABLE_VALUE) == 1) { LogUtility::msg("The combo heading wiki is enabled, we should not see `header` calls in the call stack"); } break; case "p": if ($this->actualHeadingCall->getTagName() === syntax_plugin_combo_headingatx::TAG) { // A new p is the end of an atx call switch ($actualCall->getComponentName()) { case "p_open": // We don't take the p tag inside atx heading // therefore we continue continue 3; case "p_close": $endAtxCall = Call::createComboCall( syntax_plugin_combo_headingatx::TAG, DOKU_LEXER_EXIT, $this->actualHeadingCall->getAttributes(), $this->actualHeadingCall->getContext(), ); $this->addCallToSection($endAtxCall); $this->exitHeading(); // We don't take the p tag inside atx heading // therefore we continue continue 3; } } break; } } $this->addCallToSection($actualCall); } // empty text if (sizeof($analyticsTagUsed) > 0) { $pluginAnalyticsCall = Call::createComboCall( syntax_plugin_combo_analytics::TAG, DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL, $analyticsTagUsed ); $this->addCallToSection($pluginAnalyticsCall); } // Add label the heading text to the metadata $this->saveOutlineToMetadata(); } public static function getOutlineHeadingClass(): string { return StyleAttribute::addComboStrapSuffix(self::OUTLINE_HEADING_PREFIX); } public function getRootOutlineSection(): OutlineSection { return $this->rootSection; } /** */ public static function merge(Outline $inner, Outline $outer) { /** * Get the inner section where the outer section will be added */ $innerRootOutlineSection = $inner->getRootOutlineSection(); $innerTopSections = $innerRootOutlineSection->getChildren(); if (count($innerTopSections) === 0) { $firstInnerSection = $innerRootOutlineSection; } else { $firstInnerSection = $innerTopSections[count($innerTopSections)]; } $firstInnerSectionLevel = $firstInnerSection->getLevel(); /** * Add the outer sections */ $outerRootOutlineSection = $outer->getRootOutlineSection(); foreach ($outerRootOutlineSection->getChildren() as $childOuterSection) { /** * One level less than where the section is included */ $childOuterSection->setLevel($firstInnerSectionLevel + 1); $childOuterSection->detachBeforeAppend(); try { $firstInnerSection->appendChild($childOuterSection); } catch (ExceptionBadState $e) { // We add the node only once. This error should not happen throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("Error while adding a section during the outline merge. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL, 1, $e); } } } public static function mergeRecurse(Outline $inner, Outline $outer) { $innerRootOutlineSection = $inner->getRootOutlineSection(); $outerRootOutlineSection = $outer->getRootOutlineSection(); } /** * Utility class to create a outline from a markup string * @param string $content * @return Outline */ public static function createFromMarkup(string $content, Path $contentPath, WikiPath $contextPath): Outline { $instructions = MarkupRenderer::createFromMarkup($content, $contentPath, $contextPath) ->setRequestedMimeToInstruction() ->getOutput(); $callStack = CallStack::createFromInstructions($instructions); return Outline::createFromCallStack($callStack); } /** * Get the heading numbering snippet * @param string $type heading or toc - for {@link Outline::TOC_NUMBERING} or {@link Outline::OUTLINE_HEADING_NUMBERING} * @return string - the css internal stylesheet * @throws ExceptionNotEnabled * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax * Page on DokuWiki * */ public static function getCssNumberingRulesFor(string $type): string { $enable = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_ENABLE, Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_ENABLE_DEFAULT); if (!$enable) { throw new ExceptionNotEnabled(); } $level2CounterStyle = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL2, "decimal"); $level3CounterStyle = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL3, "decimal"); $level4CounterStyle = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL4, "decimal"); $level5CounterStyle = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL5, "decimal"); $level6CounterStyle = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL6, "decimal"); $counterSeparator = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_SEPARATOR, "."); $prefix = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_PREFIX, ""); $suffix = SiteConfig::getConfValue(self::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_SUFFIX, " - "); switch ($type) { case self::OUTLINE_HEADING_NUMBERING: global $ACT; /** * Because the HTML file structure is not really fixed * (we may have section HTML element with a bar, the sectioning heading * may be not enabled) * We can't select via html structure * the outline heading consistently * We do it then with the class value */ $outlineClass = Outline::getOutlineHeadingClass(); if ($ACT === "preview") { $mainContainerSelector = ".pad"; } else { $mainContainerSelector = "#" . TemplateSlot::MAIN_CONTENT_ID; } /** * Counter inheritance works by sibling and if not found on parents * we therefore needs to take into account the 2 HTML structure * * one counter on h1 if this is the flat structure * one counter on the section if this is the section structure */ $reset = << h2.$outlineClass { counter-increment: h2 1; counter-reset: h3 h4 h5 h6;} $mainContainerSelector > h3.$outlineClass { counter-increment: h3 1; counter-reset: h4 h5 h6;} $mainContainerSelector > h4.$outlineClass { counter-increment: h4 1; counter-reset: h5 h6;} $mainContainerSelector > h5.$outlineClass { counter-increment: h5 1; counter-reset: h6;} $mainContainerSelector > h6.$outlineClass { counter-increment: h6 1; } $mainContainerSelector section.outline-level-2-cs { counter-increment: h2; counter-reset: h3 h4 h5 h6;} $mainContainerSelector section.outline-level-3-cs { counter-increment: h3; counter-reset: h4 h5 h6;} $mainContainerSelector section.outline-level-4-cs { counter-increment: h4; counter-reset: h5 h6;} $mainContainerSelector section.outline-level-5-cs { counter-increment: h5; counter-reset: h6;} EOF; return <<getPathObject(); if (!($path instanceof WikiPath)) { throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("The path is not a wiki path"); } $markup = FileSystems::getContent($path); $instructions = MarkupRenderer::createFromMarkup($markup, $path, $path) ->setRequestedMimeToInstruction() ->getOutput(); $callStack = CallStack::createFromInstructions($instructions); return new Outline($callStack, $markupPath); } public function getInstructionCalls(): array { $totalInstructionCalls = []; $collectCalls = function (OutlineSection $outlineSection) use (&$totalInstructionCalls) { $instructionCalls = array_map(function (Call $element) { return $element->getInstructionCall(); }, $outlineSection->getCalls()); $totalInstructionCalls = array_merge($totalInstructionCalls, $instructionCalls); }; TreeVisit::visit($this->rootSection, $collectCalls); return $totalInstructionCalls; } public function toDokuWikiTemplateInstructionCalls(): array { $totalInstructionCalls = []; $sectionSequenceId = 0; $collectCalls = function (OutlineSection $outlineSection) use (&$totalInstructionCalls, &$sectionSequenceId) { $wikiSectionOpen = Call::createNativeCall( \action_plugin_combo_instructionspostprocessing::EDIT_SECTION_OPEN, array($outlineSection->getLevel()), $outlineSection->getStartPosition() ); $wikiSectionClose = Call::createNativeCall( \action_plugin_combo_instructionspostprocessing::EDIT_SECTION_CLOSE, array(), $outlineSection->getEndPosition() ); if ($outlineSection->hasParent()) { $sectionCalls = array_merge( $outlineSection->getHeadingCalls(), [$wikiSectionOpen], $outlineSection->getContentCalls(), [$wikiSectionClose], ); if ($this->isSectionEditingEnabled()) { /** * Adding sectionedit class to be conform * with the Dokuwiki {@link \Doku_Renderer_xhtml::header()} function */ $sectionSequenceId++; $headingCall = $outlineSection->getEnterHeadingCall(); if ($headingCall->isPluginCall()) { $level = DataType::toIntegerOrDefaultIfNull($headingCall->getAttribute(HeadingTag::LEVEL), 0); if ($level <= $this->getTocMaxLevel()) { $headingCall->addClassName("sectionedit$sectionSequenceId"); } } $editButton = EditButton::create($outlineSection->getLabel()) ->setStartPosition($outlineSection->getStartPosition()) ->setEndPosition($outlineSection->getEndPosition()) ->setOutlineHeadingId($outlineSection->getHeadingId()) ->setOutlineSectionId($sectionSequenceId) ->toComboCallDokuWikiForm(); $sectionCalls[] = $editButton; } } else { // dokuwiki seems to have no section for the content before the first heading $sectionCalls = $outlineSection->getContentCalls(); } $instructionCalls = array_map(function (Call $element) { return $element->getInstructionCall(); }, $sectionCalls); $totalInstructionCalls = array_merge($totalInstructionCalls, $instructionCalls); }; TreeVisit::visit($this->rootSection, $collectCalls); return $totalInstructionCalls; } private function addCallToSection(Call $actualCall) { if ($this->actualHeadingParsingState === DOKU_LEXER_ENTER && !$this->actualSection->hasContentCall()) { $this->actualSection->addHeaderCall($actualCall); } else { // an content heading (not outline) or another call $this->actualSection->addContentCall($actualCall); } } private function enterHeading(Call $actualCall) { $this->actualHeadingParsingState = DOKU_LEXER_ENTER; $this->actualHeadingCall = $actualCall; } private function exitHeading() { $this->actualHeadingParsingState = DOKU_LEXER_EXIT; } /** * @return array - Dokuwiki TOC array format */ public function toTocDokuwikiFormat(): array { $tableOfContent = []; $collectTableOfContent = function (OutlineSection $outlineSection) use (&$tableOfContent) { if (!$outlineSection->hasParent()) { // Root Section, no heading return; } $tableOfContent[] = [ 'link' => '#' . $outlineSection->getHeadingId(), 'title' => $outlineSection->getLabel(), 'type' => 'ul', 'level' => $outlineSection->getLevel() ]; }; TreeVisit::visit($this->rootSection, $collectTableOfContent); return $tableOfContent; } public function toHtmlSectionOutlineCalls(): array { return OutlineVisitor::create($this)->getCalls(); } /** * Fragment Rendering * * does not have any section/edit button * * no outline or edit button for dynamic rendering but closing of atx heading * * The outline processing ({@link Outline::buildOutline()} just close the atx heading * * @return array */ public function toFragmentInstructionCalls(): array { $totalInstructionCalls = []; $collectCalls = function (OutlineSection $outlineSection) use (&$totalInstructionCalls) { $sectionCalls = array_merge( $outlineSection->getHeadingCalls(), $outlineSection->getContentCalls() ); $instructionCalls = array_map(function (Call $element) { return $element->getInstructionCall(); }, $sectionCalls); $totalInstructionCalls = array_merge($totalInstructionCalls, $instructionCalls); }; TreeVisit::visit($this->rootSection, $collectCalls); return $totalInstructionCalls; } /** * Add the label (ie heading text to the cal attribute) * * @return void */ private function saveOutlineToMetadata() { try { $firstChild = $this->rootSection->getFirstChild(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // no child return; } if ($firstChild->getLevel() === 1) { $headingCall = $firstChild->getEnterHeadingCall(); // not dokuwiki header ? if ($headingCall->isPluginCall()) { $headingCall->setAttribute(HeadingTag::HEADING_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE, $firstChild->getLabel()); } } } private function storeH1() { try { $outlineSection = $this->getRootOutlineSection()->getFirstChild(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // return; } if ($this->markupPath != null && $outlineSection->getLevel() === 1) { $label = $outlineSection->getLabel(); $call = $outlineSection->getEnterHeadingCall(); if ($call->isPluginCall()) { // we support also the dokwuiki header call that does not need the label $call->addAttribute(HeadingTag::PARSED_LABEL, $label); } PageH1::createForPage($this->markupPath)->setDefaultValue($label); } } private function storeTocForMarkupIfAny() { $toc = $this->toTocDokuwikiFormat(); try { $fetcherMarkup = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv()->getExecutingMarkupHandler(); $fetcherMarkup->toc = $toc; if ($fetcherMarkup->isDocument()) { /** * We still update the global TOC Dokuwiki variables */ global $TOC; $TOC = $toc; } } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // outline is not runnned from a markup handler } if (!isset($this->markupPath)) { return; } try { Toc::createForPage($this->markupPath) ->setValue($toc) ->persist(); } catch (ExceptionBadArgument $e) { LogUtility::error("The Toc could not be persisted. Error:{$e->getMessage()}"); } } public function getMarkupPath(): ?MarkupPath { return $this->markupPath; } private function getTocMaxLevel(): int { return ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv() ->getConfig()->getTocMaxLevel(); } public function setMetaHeaderCapture(bool $metaHeaderCapture): Outline { $this->metaHeaderCapture = $metaHeaderCapture; return $this; } public function getMetaHeaderCapture(): bool { if (isset($this->metaHeaderCapture)) { return $this->metaHeaderCapture; } try { if ($this->markupPath !== null) { $contextPath = $this->markupPath->getPathObject()->toWikiPath(); $hasMainHeaderElement = TemplateForWebPage::create() ->setRequestedContextPath($contextPath) ->hasElement(TemplateSlot::MAIN_HEADER_ID); $isThemeSystemEnabled = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv() ->getConfig() ->isThemeSystemEnabled(); if ($isThemeSystemEnabled && $hasMainHeaderElement) { return true; } } } catch (ExceptionCast $e) { // to Wiki Path should be good } return false; } public function isSectionEditingEnabled(): bool { return ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv() ->getConfig()->isSectionEditingEnabled(); } }