name = $name; } public static function create($name): FormMeta { return new FormMeta($name); } public function addField(FormMetaField $formField): FormMeta { $this->fields[] = $formField; $tab = $formField->getTab(); if (!empty($tab) && !isset($this->tabs[$tab])) { $this->tabs[$tab] = $tab; } return $this; } public function addTab(FormMetaTab $tab): FormMeta { $this->tabs[$tab->getName()] = $tab; return $this; } public function toAssociativeArray(): array { $fieldsArray = []; foreach ($this->fields as $element) { /** * The order is kept even if we add a key */ $fieldsArray[$element->getName()] = $element->toAssociativeArray(); } $tabs = []; foreach ($this->tabs as $element) { if (!($element instanceof FormMetaTab)) { $tab = FormMetaTab::create($element); } else { $tab = $element; } /** * The order is kept even if we add a key */ $tabs[$tab->getName()] = $tab->toAssociativeArray(); } return [ self::FIELDS_ATTRIBUTE => $fieldsArray, self::TABS_ATTRIBUTE => $tabs ]; } /** * ie nav-tabs versus list-group: * * * @param string $type * @return FormMeta */ public function setType(string $type): FormMeta { if (!in_array($type, self::FORM_TYPES)) { LogUtility::msg("The form type ($type) is unknown"); return $this; } $this->type = $type; return $this; } /** * The data as if it was send by a HTML form to the * post endpoint * * It transforms the fields to an associative array * that should be send with a post request * * ie Equivalent to the javascript api formdata output * (Used in test to simulate a post) * * TODO: Not sure but with the {@link MetadataStore}, this should move to the class * where the target/read store is a {@link MetadataFormDataStore} ? */ public function toFormData(): array { $data = []; $this->toFormDataRecurse($data, $this->fields); return $data; } /** * @param $data * @param FormMetaField[] $fields */ private function toFormDataRecurse(&$data, array $fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field->isMutable()) { $value = $field->getValue(); if ($field->getType() === DataType::BOOLEAN_TYPE_VALUE) { if ($value === $field->getDefaultValue() || $value === null) { continue; } } if ($value === null) { // A form would return empty string $value = ""; } if (is_array($value)) { $temp = []; foreach ($value as $subValue) { if ($subValue === null) { $temp[] = ""; } else { if (is_array($subValue) && $field->isMultiple()) { $temp[] = implode(",", $subValue); } else { $temp[] = $subValue; } } } $value = $temp; } $data[$field->getName()] = $value; } $formMetaChildren = $field->getChildren(); if ($formMetaChildren != null) { $this->toFormDataRecurse($data, $formMetaChildren); } } } /** * @param Metadata $metadata * @return FormMeta */ public function addFormFieldFromMetadata(Metadata $metadata): FormMeta { $field = FormMetaField::createFromMetadata($metadata); $this->addField($field); return $this; } }