type = $type; } public static function createInfoMessage($plainText = null): Message { $message = new Message(self::TYPE_INFO); if ($plainText !== null) { $message->addPlainTextContent($plainText); } return $message; } public static function createWarningMessage($plainText = null): Message { $message = new Message(self::TYPE_WARNING); if ($plainText !== null) { $message->addPlainTextContent($plainText); } return $message; } public function addContent($message, $mime): Message { if (!isset($this->content[$mime])) { $this->content[$mime] = []; } $this->content[$mime][] = $message; return $this; } public static function createErrorMessage(string $plainText): Message { $message = new Message(self::TYPE_ERROR); if ($plainText !== null) { $message->addPlainTextContent($plainText); } return $message; } public function addHtmlContent($message): Message { return $this->addContent($message, Mime::HTML); } public function setCanonical($canonical): Message { $this->canonical = $canonical; return $this; } public function setClass($class): Message { $this->class = $class; return $this; } public function getContent($mime = null): string { if ($mime != null) { return implode(DOKU_LF, $this->content[$mime]); } $contentAll = ""; foreach ($this->content as $contentArray) { $contentAll .= implode(DOKU_LF, $contentArray); } return $contentAll; } public function getPlainTextContent(): ?string { $plainTextLines = $this->content[Mime::PLAIN_TEXT]; if ($plainTextLines === null) { return null; } return implode(DOKU_LF, $plainTextLines); } public function getType(): string { return $this->type; } public function setSignatureName($signatureName): Message { $this->signatureName = $signatureName; return $this; } /** * Return an HTML Box (Used when sending message and in the main content) * @return string */ public function toHtmlBox(): string { PluginUtility::getSnippetManager()->attachCssInternalStyleSheet(self::TAG); $message = ""; $tagAttributes = TagAttributes::createEmpty("message") ->addClassName("alert") ->addOutputAttributeValue("role", "alert"); if ($this->class !== null) { $tagAttributes->addClassName($this->class); } if (sizeof($this->content) <> 0) { if ($this->getType() == Message::TYPE_INFO) { $tagAttributes->addClassName("alert-success"); } else { $tagAttributes->addClassName("alert-warning"); } $message = $tagAttributes->toHtmlEnterTag("div"); $htmlContent = $this->getContent(Mime::HTML); if ($htmlContent !== null) { $message .= $htmlContent; } /** * If this is a test call without a plugin * we have no plugin attached */ $firedByLang = "This message was fired by the "; if ($this->plugin != null) { $firedByLang = $this->plugin->getLang('message_come_from'); } $message .= '
' . $firedByLang . PluginUtility::getDocumentationHyperLink($this->canonical, $this->signatureName, false) . '
'; $message .= ''; /** * In dev, to spot the XHTML compliance error */ if (PluginUtility::isDevOrTest()) { $isXml = XmlSystems::isXml($message); if (!$isXml) { LogUtility::msg("This message is not xml compliant ($message)"); $message = <<

This message is not xml compliant

EOF; } } } return $message; } /** * This is barely used because the syntax plugin does * not even inherit from {@link \dokuwiki\Extension\Plugin} * but from {@link \dokuwiki\Parsing\ParserMode\Plugin} * What fuck up is fucked upx * @param Plugin $plugin * @return $this */ public function setPlugin(Plugin $plugin): Message { $this->plugin = $plugin; return $this; } public function addPlainTextContent($text): Message { return $this->addContent($text, Mime::PLAIN_TEXT); } public function sendToLogUtility() { $content = $this->getContent(Mime::PLAIN_TEXT); switch ($this->type) { case self::TYPE_WARNING: $type = LogUtility::LVL_MSG_WARNING; break; case self::TYPE_INFO: $type = LogUtility::LVL_MSG_INFO; break; case self::TYPE_ERROR: $type = LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR; break; default: $type = LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR; } LogUtility::msg($content, $type, $this->canonical); } public function getDocumentationHyperLink(): ?string { if ($this->canonical !== null) { $canonicalPath = WikiPath::createFromUnknownRoot($this->canonical); $label = ResourceName::getFromPath($canonicalPath); return PluginUtility::getDocumentationHyperLink($this->canonical, $label, false); } else { return null; } } /** * An exit code / status * @param int $status * @return $this */ public function setStatus(int $status): Message { $this->status = $status; return $this; } public function getStatus(): int { if ($this->status !== null) { return $this->status; } if (!isset($this->type)) { return HttpResponseStatus::ALL_GOOD; } switch ($this->type) { case self::TYPE_ERROR: return HttpResponseStatus::INTERNAL_ERROR; case self::TYPE_INFO: default: return HttpResponseStatus::ALL_GOOD; } } public function setType(string $type): Message { $this->type = $type; return $this; } }