ref = $ref; $this->type = $type; $this->url = Url::createEmpty(); $ref = trim($ref); /** * Email validation pattern * E-Mail (pattern below is defined in inc/mail.php) * * Example: * [[ world]] * [[]] */ $emailRfc2822 = "0-9a-zA-Z!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-"; $emailPattern = '[' . $emailRfc2822 . ']+(?:\.[' . $emailRfc2822 . ']+)*@(?i:[0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*\.)+(?i:[a-z]{2,63})'; if (preg_match('<' . $emailPattern . '>', $ref)) { $this->refScheme = self::EMAIL_URI; $position = strpos($ref, "?"); if ($position !== false) { $email = substr($ref, 0, $position); $queryStringAndFragment = substr($ref, $position + 1); $this->url = Url::createFromString("mailto:$email"); $this->parseAndAddQueryStringAndFragment($queryStringAndFragment); } else { $this->url = Url::createFromString("mailto:$ref"); } return; } /** * Case when the URL is just a full conform URL * * Example: `https://` or `ftp://` * * Other scheme are not yet recognized * because it can also be a wiki id * For instance, `mailto:` is also a valid page * * same as {@link media_isexternal()} check only http / ftp scheme */ if (preg_match('#^([a-z0-9\-.+]+?)://#i', $ref)) { try { $this->url = Url::createFromString($ref); $this->refScheme = self::WEB_URI; /** * Authorized scheme only (to not inject code ?) */ $authorizedSchemes = self::loadAndGetAuthorizedSchemes(); if (!in_array($this->url->getScheme(), $authorizedSchemes)) { throw new ExceptionBadSyntax("The scheme ({$this->url->getScheme()}) of the URL ({$this->url}) is not authorized"); } try { $isImage = FileSystems::getMime($this->url)->isImage(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { $isImage = false; } if ($isImage) { $properties = $this->url->getQueryProperties(); if (count($properties) >= 1) { try { /** * The first parameter is the `Width X Height` */ $widthAndHeight = array_key_first($properties); $xPosition = strpos($widthAndHeight, "x"); if ($xPosition !== false) { $width = DataType::toInteger(substr($widthAndHeight, 0, $xPosition)); if ($width !== 0) { $this->url->addQueryParameter(Dimension::WIDTH_KEY, $width); } $height = DataType::toInteger(substr($widthAndHeight, $xPosition + 1)); $this->url->addQueryParameter(Dimension::HEIGHT_KEY, $height); } else { $width = DataType::toInteger($widthAndHeight); $this->url->addQueryParameter(Dimension::WIDTH_KEY, $width); } $this->url->deleteQueryParameter($widthAndHeight); if ($this->url->hasProperty(MediaMarkup::LINKING_NOLINK_VALUE)) { $this->url->addQueryParameter(MediaMarkup::LINKING_KEY, MediaMarkup::LINKING_NOLINK_VALUE); $this->url->deleteQueryParameter(MediaMarkup::LINKING_NOLINK_VALUE); } } catch (ExceptionBadArgument $e) { // not a number/integer } } } return; } catch (ExceptionBadSyntax $e) { throw new ExceptionBadSyntax("The url string was not validated as an URL ($ref). Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } /** * Windows share link */ if (preg_match('/^\\\\\\\\[^\\\\]+?\\\\/u', $ref)) { $this->refScheme = self::WINDOWS_SHARE_URI; $this->url = LocalPath::createFromPathString($ref)->getUrl(); return; } /** * Only Fragment (also known as local link) */ if (preg_match('/^#.?/', $ref)) { $this->refScheme = self::LOCAL_URI; $fragment = substr($ref, 1); if ($fragment !== "") { $fragment = OutlineSection::textToHtmlSectionId($fragment); } $this->url = Url::createEmpty()->setFragment($fragment); $this->path = WikiPath::createRequestedPagePathFromRequest(); return; } /** * Interwiki ? */ if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9.]+>/u', $ref)) { $this->refScheme = MarkupRef::INTERWIKI_URI; switch ($type) { case self::MEDIA_TYPE: $this->interWiki = InterWiki::createMediaInterWikiFromString($ref); break; case self::LINK_TYPE: $this->interWiki = InterWiki::createLinkInterWikiFromString($ref); break; default: LogUtility::internalError("The type ($type) is unknown, returning a interwiki link ref"); $this->interWiki = InterWiki::createLinkInterWikiFromString($ref); break; } $this->url = $this->interWiki->toUrl(); return; } /** * It can be a link with a ref template */ if (syntax_plugin_combo_variable::isVariable($ref)) { $this->refScheme = MarkupRef::VARIABLE_URI; return; } /** * Doku Path * We parse it */ $this->refScheme = MarkupRef::WIKI_URI; $questionMarkPosition = strpos($ref, "?"); $wikiPath = $ref; $fragment = null; $queryStringAndAnchorOriginal = null; if ($questionMarkPosition !== false) { $wikiPath = substr($ref, 0, $questionMarkPosition); $queryStringAndAnchorOriginal = substr($ref, $questionMarkPosition + 1); } else { // We may have only an anchor $hashTagPosition = strpos($ref, "#"); if ($hashTagPosition !== false) { $wikiPath = substr($ref, 0, $hashTagPosition); $fragment = substr($ref, $hashTagPosition + 1); } } /** * * Clean it */ $wikiPath = $this->normalizePath($wikiPath); /** * The URL * The path is created at the end because it may have a revision */ switch ($type) { case self::MEDIA_TYPE: $this->url = UrlEndpoint::createFetchUrl(); break; case self::LINK_TYPE: $this->url = UrlEndpoint::createDokuUrl(); break; default: throw new ExceptionBadArgument("The ref type ($type) is unknown"); } /** * Parsing Query string if any */ if ($queryStringAndAnchorOriginal !== null) { $this->parseAndAddQueryStringAndFragment($queryStringAndAnchorOriginal); } /** * The path */ try { $rev = $this->url->getQueryPropertyValue(WikiPath::REV_ATTRIBUTE); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { $rev = null; } /** * The wiki path may be relative */ switch ($type) { case self::MEDIA_TYPE: $this->path = WikiPath::createMediaPathFromId($wikiPath, $rev); $this->url->addQueryParameter(MediaMarkup::$MEDIA_QUERY_PARAMETER, $this->path->getWikiId()); $this->addRevToUrl($rev); if ($fragment !== null) { $this->url->setFragment($fragment); } break; case self::LINK_TYPE: /** * The path may be an id if it exists * otherwise it's a relative path * MarkupPath is important because a link to * a namespace (ie wikiPath = `ns:`) * should become `ns:start`) */ $markupPath = MarkupPath::createMarkupFromStringPath($wikiPath); if (!FileSystems::exists($markupPath) && $wikiPath !== "") { // We test for an empty wikiPath string // because if the wiki path is the empty string, // this is the current requested page // An empty id is the root and always exists $idPath = MarkupPath::createMarkupFromId($wikiPath); if (FileSystems::exists($idPath)) { $markupPath = $idPath; } } /** * The path may be a namespace, in the page system * the path should then be the index page */ try { $this->path = $markupPath->getPathObject()->toWikiPath(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("Path should be a wiki path"); } $this->url->addQueryParameter(DokuwikiId::DOKUWIKI_ID_ATTRIBUTE, $this->path->getWikiId()); $this->addRevToUrl($rev); if ($fragment !== null) { $fragment = OutlineSection::textToHtmlSectionId($fragment); $this->url->setFragment($fragment); } break; default: throw new ExceptionBadArgument("The ref type ($type) is unknown"); } } /** * @throws ExceptionBadArgument * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax * @throws ExceptionNotFound */ public static function createMediaFromRef($refProcessing): MarkupRef { return new MarkupRef($refProcessing, self::MEDIA_TYPE); } /** * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax * @throws ExceptionBadArgument * @throws ExceptionNotFound */ public static function createLinkFromRef($refProcessing): MarkupRef { return new MarkupRef($refProcessing, self::LINK_TYPE); } // private static function loadAndGetAuthorizedSchemes(): array { return ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv() ->getConfig() ->getAuthorizedUrlSchemes(); } /** * In case of manual entry, the function will normalize the path * @param string $wikiPath - a path entered by a user * @return string */ public function normalizePath(string $wikiPath): string { if ($wikiPath === "") { return $wikiPath; } // slash to double point $wikiPath = str_replace(WikiPath::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_SLASH, WikiPath::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_POINT, $wikiPath); $isNamespacePath = false; if ($wikiPath[strlen($wikiPath) - 1] === WikiPath::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_POINT) { $isNamespacePath = true; } $isPath = false; if ($wikiPath[0] === WikiPath::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_POINT) { $isPath = true; } $pathType = "unknown"; if ($wikiPath[0] === WikiPath::CURRENT_PATH_CHARACTER) { $pathType = "current"; if (isset($wikiPath[1])) { if ($wikiPath[1] === WikiPath::CURRENT_PATH_CHARACTER) { $pathType = "parent"; } } } /** * Dokuwiki Compliance */ $cleanPath = cleanID($wikiPath); if ($isNamespacePath) { $cleanPath = "$cleanPath:"; } switch ($pathType) { case "current": if (!$isNamespacePath) { $cleanPath = WikiPath::CURRENT_PATH_CHARACTER . WikiPath::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_POINT . $cleanPath; } else { $cleanPath = WikiPath::CURRENT_PATH_CHARACTER . $cleanPath; } break; case "parent": if (!$isNamespacePath) { $cleanPath = WikiPath::CURRENT_PARENT_PATH_CHARACTER . WikiPath::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_POINT . $cleanPath; } else { $cleanPath = WikiPath::CURRENT_PARENT_PATH_CHARACTER . $cleanPath; } break; } if ($isPath) { $cleanPath = ":$cleanPath"; } return $cleanPath; } public function getUrl(): Url { return $this->url; } /** * @throws ExceptionNotFound */ public function getPath(): WikiPath { if ($this->path === null) { throw new ExceptionNotFound("No path was found"); } return $this->path; } public function getRef(): string { return $this->ref; } public function getSchemeType(): string { return $this->refScheme; } /** * @throws ExceptionNotFound */ public function getInterWiki(): InterWiki { if ($this->interWiki === null) { throw new ExceptionNotFound("This ref ($this->ref) is not an interWiki."); } return $this->interWiki; } private function addRevToUrl($rev = null): void { if ($rev !== null) { $this->url->addQueryParameter(WikiPath::REV_ATTRIBUTE, $rev); } } public function getType(): string { return $this->type; } /** * A query parameters value may have a # for the definition of a color * This process takes it into account * @param string $queryStringAndFragment * @return void */ private function parseAndAddQueryStringAndFragment(string $queryStringAndFragment) { /** * The value $queryStringAndAnchorOriginal * is kept to create the original queryString * at the end if we found an anchor * * We parse token by token because we allow a hashtag for a hex color */ $queryStringAndAnchorProcessing = $queryStringAndFragment; while (strlen($queryStringAndAnchorProcessing) > 0) { /** * Capture the token * and reduce the text */ $questionMarkPos = strpos($queryStringAndAnchorProcessing, "&"); if ($questionMarkPos !== false) { $token = substr($queryStringAndAnchorProcessing, 0, $questionMarkPos); $queryStringAndAnchorProcessing = substr($queryStringAndAnchorProcessing, $questionMarkPos + 1); } else { $token = $queryStringAndAnchorProcessing; $queryStringAndAnchorProcessing = ""; } /** * Sizing (wxh) */ $sizing = []; if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)(?:x([0-9]+))?/', $token, $sizing)) { $this->url->addQueryParameter(Dimension::WIDTH_KEY, $sizing[1]); if (isset($sizing[2])) { $this->url->addQueryParameter(Dimension::HEIGHT_KEY, $sizing[2]); } $token = substr($token, strlen($sizing[0])); if ($token === "") { // no anchor behind we continue continue; } } /** * Linking */ $found = preg_match('/^(nolink|direct|linkonly|details)/i', $token, $matches); if ($found) { $linkingValue = $matches[1]; $this->url->addQueryParameter(MediaMarkup::LINKING_KEY, $linkingValue); $token = substr($token, strlen($linkingValue)); if ($token == "") { // no anchor behind we continue continue; } } /** * Cache */ $noCacheValue = IFetcherAbs::NOCACHE_VALUE; $found = preg_match('/^(' . $noCacheValue . ')/i', $token, $matches); if ($found) { $this->url->addQueryParameter(IFetcherAbs::CACHE_KEY, $noCacheValue); $token = substr($token, strlen($noCacheValue)); if ($token == "") { // no anchor behind we continue continue; } } /** * Anchor value after a single token case */ if (strpos($token, '#') === 0) { $this->url->setFragment(substr($token, 1)); continue; } /** * Key, value * explode to the first `=` * in the anchor value, we can have one * * Ex with media.pdf#page=31 */ $tokens = explode("=", $token, 2); $key = $tokens[0]; if (count($tokens) == 2) { $value = $tokens[1]; } else { $value = null; } /** * Case of an anchor after a boolean attribute (ie without =) * at the end */ $anchorPosition = strpos($key, '#'); if ($anchorPosition !== false) { $this->url->setFragment(substr($key, $anchorPosition + 1)); $key = substr($key, 0, $anchorPosition); } /** * Test Anchor on the value */ if ($value !== null) { if (($countHashTag = substr_count($value, "#")) >= 3) { LogUtility::msg("The value ($value) of the key ($key) for the link ($this) has $countHashTag `#` characters and the maximum supported is 2.", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR); continue; } } else { /** * Boolean attribute * (null does not make it) */ $value = null; } $anchorPosition = false; $lowerCaseKey = strtolower($key); if ($lowerCaseKey === TextColor::CSS_ATTRIBUTE) { /** * Special case when color has one color value as hexadecimal # * and the hashtag */ if (strpos($value, '#') == 0) { if (substr_count($value, "#") >= 2) { /** * The last one */ $anchorPosition = strrpos($value, '#'); } // no anchor then } else { // a color that is not hexadecimal can have an anchor $anchorPosition = strpos($value, "#"); } } else { // general case $anchorPosition = strpos($value, "#"); } if ($anchorPosition !== false) { $this->url->setFragment(substr($value, $anchorPosition + 1)); $value = substr($value, 0, $anchorPosition); } switch ($lowerCaseKey) { case Dimension::WIDTH_KEY_SHORT: // used in a link w=xxx $this->url->addQueryParameter(Dimension::WIDTH_KEY, $value); break; case Dimension::HEIGHT_KEY_SHORT: // used in a link h=xxxx $this->url->addQueryParameter(Dimension::HEIGHT_KEY, $value); break; default: $this->url->addQueryParameter($key, $value); break; } } } public function __toString() { return $this->getRef(); } }