dateTime = new DateTime(); } else { $this->dateTime = $dateTime; } } /** * @param $dateString * @return Iso8601Date * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax if the format is not supported */ public static function createFromString(string $dateString): Iso8601Date { $original = $dateString; $dateString = trim($dateString); /** * Time ? * (ie only YYYY-MM-DD) */ if (strlen($dateString) <= 10) { /** * We had the time to 00:00:00 * because {@link DateTime::createFromFormat} with a format of * Y-m-d will be using the actual time otherwise * */ $dateString .= "T00:00:00"; } /** * Space as T */ $dateString = str_replace(" ", "T", $dateString); if (strlen($dateString) <= 13) { /** * We had the time to 00:00:00 * because {@link DateTime::createFromFormat} with a format of * Y-m-d will be using the actual time otherwise * */ $dateString .= ":00:00"; } if (strlen($dateString) <= 16) { /** * We had the time to 00:00:00 * because {@link DateTime::createFromFormat} with a format of * Y-m-d will be using the actual time otherwise * */ $dateString .= ":00"; } /** * Timezone */ if (strlen($dateString) <= 19) { /** * Because this text metadata may be used in other part of the application * We add the timezone to make it whole * And to have a consistent value */ $dateString .= date('P'); } $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::getFormat(), $dateString); if ($dateTime === false) { $message = "The date string ($original) is not in a valid date format. (" . join(", ", self::VALID_FORMATS) . ")"; throw new ExceptionBadSyntax($message, self::CANONICAL); } return new Iso8601Date($dateTime); } public static function createFromTimestamp($timestamp): Iso8601Date { $dateTime = new DateTime(); $dateTime->setTimestamp($timestamp); return new Iso8601Date($dateTime); } /** * And note {@link DATE_ISO8601} * because it's not the compliant IS0-8601 format * as explained here * * ATOM is * * This format is used by Sqlite, Google and is pretty the standard everywhere * */ public static function getFormat(): string { return DATE_ATOM; } /** * */ public static function isValid($value): bool { try { $dateObject = Iso8601Date::createFromString($value); return $dateObject->isValidDateEntry(); // ??? Validation seems to be at construction } catch (ExceptionBadSyntax $e) { return false; } } public function isValidDateEntry(): bool { if ($this->dateTime !== false) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static function createFromDateTime(DateTime $dateTime): Iso8601Date { return new Iso8601Date($dateTime); } public static function createFromNow(): Iso8601Date { return new Iso8601Date(); } /** * @throws ExceptionNotFound */ public static function getInternationalFormatter($constant): int { $constantNormalized = trim(strtolower($constant)); switch ($constantNormalized) { case "none": return IntlDateFormatter::NONE; case "full": return IntlDateFormatter::FULL; case "relativefull": return IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_FULL; case "long": return IntlDateFormatter::LONG; case "relativelong": return IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_LONG; case "medium": return IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM; case "relativemedium": return IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_MEDIUM; case "short": return IntlDateFormatter::SHORT; case "relativeshort": return IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_SHORT; case "traditional": return IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL; default: throw new ExceptionNotFound("The constant ($constant) is not a valid constant", self::CANONICAL); } } public function getDateTime() { return $this->dateTime; } public function __toString() { return $this->getDateTime()->format(self::getFormat()); } public function toIsoStringMs() { return $this->getDateTime()->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u"); } /** * Shortcut to {@link DateTime::format()} * Format only in English * @param $string * @return string * @link */ public function format($string): string { return $this->getDateTime()->format($string); } public function toString() { return $this->__toString(); } /** * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax */ public function formatLocale($pattern = null, $locale = null) { /** * * As been deprecated * The only alternative with local is * * * Based on ISO date * ICU Date formatter: * ICU Date formats: * ICU User Guide: * ICU Formatting Dates and Times: */ if (strpos($pattern, "%") !== false) { LogUtility::warning("The date format ($pattern) is no more supported. Why ? Because Php has deprecated strftime. You need to use the Unicode Date Time format", self::CANONICAL); return strftime($pattern, $this->dateTime->getTimestamp()); } /** * This parameters * are used to format date with the locale * when the pattern is null * Doc: * * They may be null by the way. * */ $dateType = self::DATE_FORMATTER_TYPE; $timeType = self::TIME_FORMATTER_TYPE; if ($pattern !== null) { $normalFormat = explode(" ", $pattern); if (sizeof($normalFormat) === 2) { try { $dateType = self::getInternationalFormatter($normalFormat[0]); $timeType = self::getInternationalFormatter($normalFormat[1]); $pattern = null; } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // ok } } } /** * Formatter instantiation */ $formatter = datefmt_create( $locale, $dateType, $timeType, $this->dateTime->getTimezone(), IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, $pattern ); $formatted = datefmt_format($formatter, $this->dateTime); if ($formatted === false) { if ($locale === null) { $locale = ""; } if ($pattern === null) { $pattern = ""; } throw new ExceptionBadSyntax("Unable to format the date with the pattern ($pattern) and locale ($locale)"); } return $formatted; } public function olderThan(DateTime $rightTime): bool { $internalMs = DataType::toMilliSeconds($this->dateTime); $externalMilliSeconds = DataType::toMilliSeconds($rightTime); if ($externalMilliSeconds > $internalMs) { return true; } return false; } public function diff(DateTime $rightTime): \DateInterval { // example get the s part of the diff (even if there is day of diff) // $seconds = $diff->format('%s'); return $this->dateTime->diff($rightTime, true); } }