setExecutionContext($executionContext); } public function setExecutionContext(ExecutionContext $executionContext): HttpResponse { $this->executionContext = $executionContext; return $this; } public static function createFromDokuWikiResponse(\TestResponse $response): HttpResponse { $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($statusCode === null) { $statusCode = HttpResponseStatus::ALL_GOOD; } try { $contentTypeHeader = Http::getFirstHeader(self::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, $response->getHeaders()); $contentTypeValue = Http::extractHeaderValue($contentTypeHeader); $mime = Mime::create($contentTypeValue); } catch (ExceptionNotFound|ExceptionNotExists $e) { $mime = Mime::getBinary(); } return (new HttpResponse()) ->setStatus($statusCode) ->setBody($response->getContent(), $mime) ->setHeaders($response->getHeaders()) ->setDokuWikiResponse($response); } public function setEvent(\Doku_Event $event): HttpResponse { $this->event = $event; return $this; } public function end() { $this->hasEnded = true; /** * Execution context can be unset * when it's used via a {@link self::createFromDokuWikiResponse()} */ if (isset($this->executionContext)) { $this->executionContext->closeMainExecutingFetcher(); } if (isset($this->mime)) { Http::setMime($this->mime->toString()); } else { Http::setMime(Mime::PLAIN_TEXT); } // header should before the status // because for instance a `"Location` header changes the status to 302 foreach ($this->headers as $header) { header($header); } if ($this->status !== null) { Http::setStatus($this->status); } else { $status = Http::getStatus(); if ($status === null) { Http::setStatus(HttpResponseStatus::INTERNAL_ERROR); LogUtility::log2file("No status was set for this soft exit, the default was set instead", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR, $this->canonical); } } /** * Payload */ if (isset($this->body)) { echo $this->body; } /** * Exit * (Test run ?) */ $isTestRun = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv()->isTestRun(); if (!$isTestRun) { if ($this->status !== HttpResponseStatus::ALL_GOOD && isset($this->body)) { // if this is a 304, there is no body, no message LogUtility::log2file("Bad Http Response: $this->status : {$this->getBody()}", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR, $this->canonical); } exit; } /** * Test run * We can't exit, we need * to send all data back to the {@link TestRequest} * * Note that the {@link TestRequest} exists only in a test * run (note in a normal installation) */ $testRequest = TestRequest::getRunning(); if (isset($this->body)) { $testRequest->addData(self::EXIT_KEY, $this->body); } /** * Output buffer * Stop the buffer * Test request starts a buffer at {@link TestRequest::execute()}, * it will capture the body until this point */ ob_end_clean(); /** * To avoid phpunit warning `Test code or tested code did not (only) close its own output buffers` * and * Send the output to the void */ ob_start(function ($value) { }); /** * We try to set the dokuwiki processing * but it does not work every time * to stop the propagation and prevent the default */ if ($this->event !== null) { $this->event->stopPropagation(); $this->event->preventDefault(); } /** * In test, we don't exit to get the data, the code execution will come here then * but {@link act_dispatch() Act dispatch} calls always the template, * We create a fake empty template */ global $conf; $template = "combo_test"; $conf['template'] = $template; $main = LocalPath::createFromPathString(DOKU_INC . "lib/tpl/$template/main.php"); FileSystems::setContent($main, ""); } public function setCanonical($canonical): HttpResponse { $this->canonical = $canonical; return $this; } public function addHeader(string $header): HttpResponse { $this->headers[] = $header; return $this; } /** * @param string|array $messages */ public function setBodyAsJsonMessage($messages): HttpResponse { if (is_array($messages) && sizeof($messages) == 0) { $messages = ["No information, no errors"]; } $message = json_encode(["message" => $messages]); $this->setBody($message, Mime::getJson()); return $this; } public function setBody(string $body, Mime $mime): HttpResponse { $this->body = $body; $this->mime = $mime; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getBody(): string { return $this->body; } /** */ public function getHeaders(string $headerName): array { return Http::getHeadersForName($headerName, $this->headers); } /** * Return the first header value (as an header may have duplicates) * @throws ExceptionNotFound */ public function getHeader(string $headerName): string { $headers = $this->getHeaders($headerName); if (count($headers) == 0) { throw new ExceptionNotFound("No header found for the name $headerName"); } return $headers[0]; } /** * @throws ExceptionNotFound - if the header was not found * @throws ExceptionNotExists - if the header value could not be identified */ public function getHeaderValue(string $headerName): string { $header = $this->getHeader($headerName); return Http::extractHeaderValue($header); } public function setHeaders(array $headers): HttpResponse { $this->headers = $headers; return $this; } /** * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax */ public function getBodyAsHtmlDom(): XmlDocument { return XmlDocument::createHtmlDocFromMarkup($this->getBody()); } public function setStatus(int $status): HttpResponse { $this->status = $status; return $this; } public function setStatusAndBodyFromException(\Exception $e): HttpResponse { try { $this->setStatus(self::getStatusFromException($e)); } catch (ExceptionBadArgument $e) { $this->setStatus(HttpResponseStatus::INTERNAL_ERROR); } $this->setBodyAsJsonMessage($e->getMessage()); return $this; } public function getStatus(): int { return $this->status; } public function hasEnded(): bool { return $this->hasEnded; } /** * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax */ public function getBodyAsJsonArray(): array { return Json::createFromString($this->getBody())->toArray(); } private function setDokuWikiResponse(\TestResponse $response): HttpResponse { $this->dokuwikiResponseObject = $response; return $this; } public function getDokuWikiResponse(): \TestResponse { return $this->dokuwikiResponseObject; } /** * @param Exception $e * @return $this */ public function setException(Exception $e): HttpResponse { /** * Don't throw an error on exception * as this may be wanted */ $message = "


"; try { $status = self::getStatusFromException($e); $this->setStatus($status); } catch (ExceptionBadArgument $e) { $this->setStatus(HttpResponseStatus::INTERNAL_ERROR); $message = "


$message"; } $this->setBody($message, Mime::getHtml()); return $this; } /** * */ public function getBodyContentType(): string { try { return $this->getHeader(self::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { return Mime::BINARY_MIME; } } /** * @param int $waitTimeInSecondToComplete - the wait time after the load event to complete * @return $this */ public function executeBodyAsHtmlPage(int $waitTimeInSecondToComplete = 0): HttpResponse { $browserRunner = BrowserRunner::create(); $this->body = $browserRunner ->executeHtmlPage($this->getBody(), $waitTimeInSecondToComplete) ->getHtml(); if ($browserRunner->getExitCode() !== 0) { throw new ExceptionRuntime("HtmlPage Execution Error: \n{$browserRunner->getExitMessage()} "); } return $this; } /** * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax */ public function getBodyAsJson(): Json { return Json::createFromString($this->getBody()); } }