acquire(); } catch (ExceptionTimeOut $e) { // process running return; } print "$comboFuntionName(): Locked" . NL; try { try { $sqlite = Sqlite::createOrGetBackendSqlite(); } catch (ExceptionSqliteNotAvailable $e) { LogUtility::error("Sqlite is mandatory for asynchronous event", self::CANONICAL, $e); return; } $rows = []; /** * Returning clause * does not work */ $version = $sqlite->getVersion(); if ($version > "3.35.0") { // returning clause is available since 3.35 on delete // $eventTableName = self::EVENT_TABLE_NAME; $statement = "delete from {$eventTableName} returning *"; // if ($sqlite->hasOption("SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT")) { $statement .= "order by timestamp limit {$maxEvent}"; } $request = $sqlite->createRequest() ->setStatement($statement); try { $rows = $request->execute() ->getRows(); if (sizeof($rows) === 0) { return; } } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error($e->getMessage(), $e->getCanonical(), $e); } finally { $request->close(); } } /** * Error in the block before or not the good version * We try to get the records with a select/delete */ if (sizeof($rows) === 0) { // technically the lock system of dokuwiki does not allow two process to run on // the indexer, we trust it $attributes = [self::EVENT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, self::EVENT_DATA_ATTRIBUTE, DatabasePageRow::ROWID]; $select = Sqlite::createSelectFromTableAndColumns(self::EVENT_TABLE_NAME, $attributes); $select .= " order by " . self::TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE . " limit {$maxEvent}"; $request = $sqlite->createRequest() ->setQuery($select); $rowsSelected = []; try { $rowsSelected = $request->execute() ->getRows(); if (sizeof($rowsSelected) === 0) { return; } } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::msg("Error while retrieving the event {$e->getMessage()}", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR, $e->getCanonical()); return; } finally { $request->close(); } $eventTableName = self::EVENT_TABLE_NAME; $rows = []; foreach ($rowsSelected as $row) { $request = $sqlite->createRequest() ->setQueryParametrized("delete from $eventTableName where rowid = ? ", [$row[DatabasePageRow::ROWID]]); try { $changeCount = $request->execute()->getChangeCount(); if ($changeCount !== 1) { LogUtility::msg("The delete of the event was not successful or it was deleted by another process", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR); } else { $rows[] = $row; } } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::msg("Error while deleting the event. Message {$e->getMessage()}", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR, $e->getCanonical()); return; } finally { $request->close(); } } } $eventCounter = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $eventCounter++; $eventName = $row[self::EVENT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE]; $eventData = []; $eventDataJson = $row[self::EVENT_DATA_ATTRIBUTE]; if ($eventDataJson !== null) { try { $eventData = Json::createFromString($eventDataJson)->toArray(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::msg("The stored data for the event $eventName was not in the json format"); continue; } } \dokuwiki\Extension\Event::createAndTrigger($eventName, $eventData); if ($eventCounter >= $maxEvent) { break; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { LogUtility::internalError("An internal error has runned on event. " . $e->getMessage(), self::CANONICAL, $e); } finally { $lock->release(); print "$comboFuntionName(): Lock Released" . NL; } } /** * Ask a replication in the background * @param string $name - a string with the reason * @param array $data */ public static function createEvent(string $name, array $data) { try { $sqlite = Sqlite::createOrGetBackendSqlite(); } catch (ExceptionSqliteNotAvailable $e) { LogUtility::error("Unable to create the event $name. Sqlite is not available"); return; } /** * If not present */ $entry = array( "name" => $name, "timestamp" => Iso8601Date::createFromNow()->toString() ); $entry["data"] = Json::createFromArray($data)->toPrettyJsonString(); $entry["data_hash"] = md5($entry["data"]); /** * Execute */ $request = $sqlite->createRequest() ->setTableRow(self::EVENT_TABLE_NAME, $entry); try { $request->execute(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("Unable to create the event $name. Error:" . $e->getMessage(), self::CANONICAL, $e); } finally { $request->close(); } } /** * @param $pageId * * This is equivalent to {@link TaskRunner} * * lib/exe/taskrunner.php?id='.rawurlencode($ID) * $taskRunner = new \dokuwiki\TaskRunner(); * $taskRunner->run(); * */ public static function startTaskRunnerForPage($pageId) { $tmp = []; // No event data $tmp['page'] = $pageId; $evt = new \dokuwiki\Extension\Event('INDEXER_TASKS_RUN', $tmp); $evt->advise_before(); $evt->advise_after(); } public static function getQueue(string $eventName = null): array { try { $sqlite = Sqlite::createOrGetBackendSqlite(); } catch (ExceptionSqliteNotAvailable $e) { LogUtility::internalError("Sqlite is not available, no events was returned", self::CANONICAL); return []; } /** * Execute */ $attributes = [self::EVENT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, self::EVENT_DATA_ATTRIBUTE, DatabasePageRow::ROWID]; $select = Sqlite::createSelectFromTableAndColumns(self::EVENT_TABLE_NAME, $attributes); $request = $sqlite->createRequest(); if (empty($eventName)) { $request->setQuery($select); } else { $request->setQueryParametrized($select . " where " . self::EVENT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE . " = ?", [$eventName]); } try { return $request->execute() ->getRows(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::internalError("Unable to get the queue. Error:" . $e->getMessage(), self::CANONICAL, $e); return []; } finally { $request->close(); } } /** * @throws ExceptionCompile */ public static function purgeQueue(): int { $sqlite = Sqlite::createOrGetBackendSqlite(); if ($sqlite === null) { throw new ExceptionCompile("Sqlite is not available"); } /** * Execute */ /** @noinspection SqlWithoutWhere */ $request = $sqlite->createRequest() ->setQuery("delete from " . self::EVENT_TABLE_NAME); try { return $request->execute() ->getChangeCount(); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { throw new ExceptionCompile("Unable to count the number of event in the queue. Error:" . $e->getMessage(), self::CANONICAL, 0, $e); } finally { $request->close(); } } /** * @throws ExceptionCompile */ public static function getEvents(string $eventName): array { return Event::getQueue($eventName); } public static function getLock(): Lock { return Lock::create("combo-event"); } }