"; const SNIPPET_ID = "edit-button"; /** * The target drive the type of editor * As of today, there is two type * section and table */ const TARGET_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "target"; const TARGET_SECTION_VALUE = "section"; /** * The table does not have an edit form at all * It's created by {@link \Doku_Renderer_xhtml::table_close()} * They are not printed by default via CSS. Edittable show them by default via Javascript */ const TARGET_TABLE_VALUE = "table"; public const EDIT_SECTION_TARGET = 'section'; const RANGE = "range"; const DOKUWIKI_FORMAT = "dokuwiki"; const COMBO_FORMAT = "combo"; const TAG = "edit-button"; const CLASS_SUFFIX = "edit-button"; private $label; /** * @var string */ private $wikiId; /** * Edit type * @var string * This is the default */ private string $target = self::TARGET_SECTION_VALUE; /** * @var int */ private int $startPosition; private ?int $endPosition; /** * @var string $format - to conform or not to dokuwiki format */ private string $format = self::COMBO_FORMAT; /** * the id of the heading, ie the id of the section * Not really needed, just to be conform with Dokuwiki * When the edit button is not for an outline may be null */ private ?string $outlineHeadingId = null; /** * @var ?int $sectionid - sequence id of the section used only by dokuwiki * When the edit button is not for an outline may be null */ private ?int $outlineSectionId = null; /** * Section constructor. */ public function __construct($label) { $this->label = $label; } public static function create($label): EditButton { return new EditButton($label); } public static function createFromCallStackArray($attributes): EditButton { $label = $attributes[\syntax_plugin_combo_edit::LABEL]; $startPosition = $attributes[\syntax_plugin_combo_edit::START_POSITION]; $endPosition = $attributes[\syntax_plugin_combo_edit::END_POSITION]; $wikiId = $attributes[TagAttributes::WIKI_ID]; $editButton = EditButton::create($label) ->setStartPosition($startPosition) ->setEndPosition($endPosition) ->setWikiId($wikiId); $headingId = $attributes[\syntax_plugin_combo_edit::HEADING_ID]; if ($headingId !== null) { $editButton->setOutlineHeadingId($headingId); } $sectionId = $attributes[\syntax_plugin_combo_edit::SECTION_ID]; if ($sectionId !== null) { $editButton->setOutlineSectionId($sectionId); } $format = $attributes[\syntax_plugin_combo_edit::FORMAT]; if ($format !== null) { $editButton->setFormat($format); } return $editButton; } public static function deleteAll(string $html) { // Dokuwiki way is to delete // but because they are comment, they are not shown // We delete to serve clean page to search engine return preg_replace(SEC_EDIT_PATTERN, '', $html); } public static function replaceOrDeleteAll(string $html_output) { try { return EditButton::replaceAll($html_output); } catch (ExceptionNotAuthorized|ExceptionBadState $e) { return EditButton::deleteAll($html_output); } } /** * See {@link \Doku_Renderer_xhtml::finishSectionEdit()} */ public function toTag(): string { /** * The following data are mandatory from: * {@link html_secedit_get_button} */ $wikiId = $this->getWikiId(); /** * We follow the order of Dokuwiki for compatibility purpose */ $data[self::TARGET_ATTRIBUTE_NAME] = $this->target; if ($this->format === self::COMBO_FORMAT) { /** * In the combo edit format, we had the dokuwiki id * because the edit button may also be on the secondary slot */ $data[self::WIKI_ID] = $wikiId; } $data[self::EDIT_MESSAGE] = $this->label; if ($this->format === self::COMBO_FORMAT) { /** * In the combo edit format, we had the dokuwiki id as form id * to make it unique on the whole page * because the edit button may also be on the secondary slot */ $slotPath = WikiPath::createMarkupPathFromId($wikiId); $formId = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv() ->getIdManager() ->generateNewHtmlIdForComponent(self::CANONICAL, $slotPath); $data[self::FORM_ID] = $formId; } else { $data[self::FORM_ID] = $this->getHeadingId(); $data["codeblockOffset"] = 0; // what is that ? $data["secid"] = $this->getSectionId(); } $data[self::RANGE] = $this->getRange(); return self::EDIT_BUTTON_PREFIX . Html::encode(json_encode($data)); } /** * * @throws ExceptionBadArgument - if the wiki id could not be found * @throws ExceptionNotEnabled */ public function toHtmlComment(): string { global $ACT; if ($ACT === FetcherMarkup::MARKUP_DYNAMIC_EXECUTION_NAME) { // ie weblog, they are generated via dynamic markup // meaning that there is no button to edit the file if (!PluginUtility::isTest()) { return ""; } } /** * We don't encode there is only internal information * and this is easier to see / debug the output */ return self::ENTER_HTML_COMMENT . " " . $this->toTag() . " " . self::CLOSE_HTML_COMMENT; } public function __toString() { return "Section Edit $this->label"; } /** * @throws ExceptionNotAuthorized - if the user cannot modify the page * @throws ExceptionBadState - if the page is a revision page or the HTML is not the output of a page */ public static function replaceAll($html) { if (!Identity::isWriter()) { throw new ExceptionNotAuthorized("Page is not writable by the user"); } /** * Delete the edit comment * * if not writable * * or an old revision * Original: {@link html_secedit()} {@link html_secedit_get_button()} */ global $INFO; if (isset($INFO)) { // the page is a revision page $rev = $INFO['rev'] ?? 0; if ($rev !== 0) { throw new ExceptionBadState("Internal Error: No edit button can be added to a revision page"); } } /** * Request based because the button are added only for a user that can write */ $snippetManager = PluginUtility::getSnippetManager(); $snippetManager->attachCssInternalStylesheet(self::SNIPPET_ID); $snippetManager->attachJavascriptFromComponentId(self::SNIPPET_ID); /** * The callback function on all edit comment * @param $matches * @return string */ $editFormCallBack = function ($matches) { $json = Html::decode($matches[1]); $data = json_decode($json, true); $target = $data[self::TARGET_ATTRIBUTE_NAME]; $message = $data[self::EDIT_MESSAGE]; unset($data[self::EDIT_MESSAGE]); if ($message === null || trim($message) === "") { $message = "Edit {$target}"; } if ($data === NULL) { LogUtility::internalError("No data found in the edit comment", self::CANONICAL); return ""; } $wikiId = $data[self::WIKI_ID] ?? null; unset($data[self::WIKI_ID]); if ($wikiId === null) { try { $page = MarkupPath::createPageFromExecutingId(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { LogUtility::internalError("A page id is mandatory for a edit button (no wiki id, no global ID were found). No edit buttons was created then.", self::CANONICAL); return ""; } } else { $page = MarkupPath::createMarkupFromId($wikiId); } $formId = $data[self::FORM_ID]; unset($data[self::FORM_ID]); $data["summary"] = $message; try { $data['rev'] = $page->getPathObject()->getRevisionOrDefault(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { //LogUtility::internalError("The file ({$page->getPathObject()}) does not exist, we cannot set the last modified time on the edit buttons.", self::CANONICAL); } $hiddenInputs = ""; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $inputAttributes = TagAttributes::createEmpty() ->addOutputAttributeValue("name", $key) ->addOutputAttributeValue("value", $val) ->addOutputAttributeValue("type", "hidden"); $hiddenInputs .= $inputAttributes->toHtmlEmptyTag("input"); } $url = $page->getUrl() ->withoutRewrite() ->toHtmlString(); $classPageEdit = StyleAttribute::addComboStrapSuffix(self::CLASS_SUFFIX); /** * Important Note: the first div and the public class is mandatory for the edittable plugin * See {@link editbutton.js file} */ $editTableClass = "editbutton_{$target}"; return <<
EOF; }; /** * The replacement */ return preg_replace_callback(self::SEC_EDIT_PATTERN, $editFormCallBack, $html); } public function setWikiId(string $id): EditButton { $this->wikiId = $id; return $this; } /** * Page / Section edit * (This is known as the target for dokuwiki) * @param string $target * @return $this * */ public function setTarget(string $target): EditButton { $this->target = $target; return $this; } public function setStartPosition(int $startPosition): EditButton { $this->startPosition = $startPosition; return $this; } public function setEndPosition(?int $endPosition): EditButton { $this->endPosition = $endPosition; return $this; } /** * @return string the file character position range of the section to edit */ private function getRange(): string { $range = ""; if (isset($this->startPosition)) { $range = $this->startPosition; } $range = "$range-"; if (isset($this->endPosition)) { $range = "$range{$this->endPosition}"; } return $range; } public function toComboCallComboFormat(): Call { return $this->toComboCall(self::COMBO_FORMAT); } public function toComboCall($format): Call { return Call::createComboCall( \syntax_plugin_combo_edit::TAG, DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL, [ \syntax_plugin_combo_edit::START_POSITION => $this->startPosition, \syntax_plugin_combo_edit::END_POSITION => $this->endPosition, \syntax_plugin_combo_edit::LABEL => $this->label, \syntax_plugin_combo_edit::FORMAT => $format, \syntax_plugin_combo_edit::HEADING_ID => $this->getHeadingId(), \syntax_plugin_combo_edit::SECTION_ID => $this->getSectionId(), TagAttributes::WIKI_ID => $this->getWikiId() ] ); } /** * */ private function getWikiId(): string { $wikiId = $this->wikiId; if ($wikiId !== null) { return $wikiId; } return ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv()->getRequestedPath()->getWikiId(); } public function toComboCallDokuWikiForm(): Call { return $this->toComboCall(self::DOKUWIKI_FORMAT); } /** @noinspection PhpReturnValueOfMethodIsNeverUsedInspection */ private function setFormat($format): EditButton { if (!in_array($format, [self::DOKUWIKI_FORMAT, self::COMBO_FORMAT])) { LogUtility::internalError("The tag format ($format) is not valid", self::CANONICAL); return $this; } $this->format = $format; return $this; } public function setOutlineHeadingId($id): EditButton { $this->outlineHeadingId = $id; return $this; } /** * @return string|null */ private function getHeadingId(): ?string { return $this->outlineHeadingId; } private function getSectionId(): ?int { return $this->outlineSectionId; } public function setOutlineSectionId(int $sectionSequenceId): EditButton { $this->outlineSectionId = $sectionSequenceId; return $this; } }