name = $name; /** * Get the brands */ $brandDictionary = Brand::getBrandDictionary(); /** * Build the data for the brand */ $this->brandDict = $brandDictionary[$this->name] ?? null; switch ($this->name) { case self::CURRENT_BRAND: $this->brandUrl = Site::getBaseUrl(); $secondaryColor = Site::getSecondaryColor(); if ($secondaryColor !== null) { // the predicates on the secondary value is to avoid a loop with the the function below $this->secondaryColor = $secondaryColor->toCssValue(); } break; default: if ($this->brandDict !== null) { $colors = $this->brandDict["colors"] ?? null; if ($colors !== null) { $this->secondaryColor = $colors["secondary"]; } else { $this->secondaryColor = null; } $this->brandUrl = $this->brandDict["url"] ?? null; return; } $this->unknown = true; break; } } /** * @return string[] */ public static function getAllKnownBrandNames(): array { $brands = self::getAllBrands(); $brandNames = [self::CURRENT_BRAND]; foreach ($brands as $brand) { $brandNames[] = $brand->getName(); try { $brandNames[] = $brand->getAbbr(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // ok } } return $brandNames; } /** * @return Brand[] */ public static function getAllBrands(): array { $brandDictionary = self::getBrandDictionary(); $brands = []; foreach (array_keys($brandDictionary) as $brandName) { $brands[] = self::create($brandName); } return $brands; } /** * @param $type - the button type (ie one of {@link BrandButton::TYPE_BUTTONS} * @return array - the brand names that can be used as type in the brand button */ public static function getBrandNamesForButtonType($type): array { $brands = self::getAllBrands(); $brandNamesForType = []; foreach ($brands as $brand) { if ($brand->supportButtonType($type)) { $brandNamesForType[] = $brand->getName(); try { $brandNamesForType[] = $brand->getAbbr(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // ok } } } return $brandNamesForType; } /** * */ public static function getBrandDictionary(): array { if (!isset(Brand::$brandDictionary)) { try { Brand::$brandDictionary = Dictionary::getFrom("brands"); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { // Should never happens Brand::$brandDictionary = []; LogUtility::error("We can't load the brands dictionary. Error: " . $e->getMessage(), self::CANONICAL, $e); } } return Brand::$brandDictionary; } /** * @var string * The name of the brand, * for company, we follow the naming of * */ private $name; public static function create(string $brandName): Brand { $brandNameQualified = strtolower($brandName); $brandNameQualified = Brand::getBrandNameFromAbbr($brandNameQualified); $objectIdentifier = self::CANONICAL . "-" . $brandNameQualified; $executionContext = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv(); try { return $executionContext->getRuntimeObject($objectIdentifier); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { $brandObject = new Brand($brandNameQualified); $executionContext->setRuntimeObject($objectIdentifier, $brandObject); return $brandObject; } } private static function getBrandNameFromAbbr(string $name) { if (!isset(self::$BRAND_ABBR)) { $brandDictionary = self::getBrandDictionary(); foreach ($brandDictionary as $brandName => $brandProperties) { $abbr = $brandProperties[self::ABBR_PROPERTY] ?? null; if (empty($abbr)) { continue; } self::$BRAND_ABBR[$abbr] = $brandName; } } if (isset(self::$BRAND_ABBR[$name])) { return self::$BRAND_ABBR[$name]; } return $name; } /** * If the brand name is unknown (ie custom) * @return bool */ public function isUnknown(): bool { return $this->unknown; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function __toString() { if ($this->name === Brand::CURRENT_BRAND) { return $this->name . " (" . Site::getTitle() . ")"; } return $this->name; } /** * Shared/Follow Url template * the endpoint template url (for sharing and following) * @var string $type - the type of button */ public function getWebUrlTemplate(string $type): ?string { if (isset($this->brandDict[$type])) { return $this->brandDict[$type]["web"]; } return null; } /** * Brand button title * @return string * @var ?string $type - the button type */ public function getTitle(string $type = null): ?string { if ($this->name === self::CURRENT_BRAND) { return Site::getTitle(); } if ($this->brandDict !== null && $type !== null) { if (isset($this->brandDict[$type])) { return $this->brandDict[$type]["popup"]; } } return null; } public function getPrimaryColor(): ?string { if ($this->brandDict !== null) { $primaryColor = $this->brandDict["colors"]["primary"]; if ($primaryColor !== null) { return $primaryColor; } } // Unknown or current brand / unknown color try { return ExecutionContext::getExecutionContext() ->getConfig() ->getPrimaryColor(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { return null; } } public function getSecondaryColor(): ?string { return $this->secondaryColor; } /** * @param string|null $type - the button type * @return string|null */ public function getIconName(?string $type): ?string { switch ($this->name) { case self::CURRENT_BRAND: try { return Site::getLogoAsSvgImage() ->getWikiId(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // no logo installed } break; default: if (isset($this->brandDict["icons"])) { return $this->brandDict["icons"][$type]; } break; } return null; } public function getBrandUrl(): ?string { return $this->brandUrl; } /** */ public function supportButtonType(string $type): bool { switch ($type) { case BrandButton::TYPE_BUTTON_SHARE: case BrandButton::TYPE_BUTTON_FOLLOW: if ($this->getWebUrlTemplate($type) !== null) { return true; } return false; default: case BrandButton::TYPE_BUTTON_BRAND: return true; } } /** * @throws ExceptionNotFound */ private function getAbbr() { $value = $this->brandDict['abbr'] ?? null; if (empty($value)) { throw new ExceptionNotFound("No abbreviations"); } return $value; } }