{"version":3,"sources":["../../node_modules/codemirror/mode/puppet/puppet.js"],"names":["mod","exports","module","require","define","amd","CodeMirror","defineMode","words","variable_regex","style","string","split","i","length","tokenString","stream","state","current","prev","found_var","eol","next","pending","backUp","continueString","tokenize","word","match","attribute","resource","special_resource","ch","inDefinition","inInclude","hasOwnProperty","test","skipToEnd","eatWhile","peek","startState","token","eatSpace","defineMIME"],"mappings":"CAGA,SAAUA,GACR,SAAWC,UAAW,gBAAmBC,SAAU,SACjDF,EAAIG,QAAQ,6BACT,UAAWC,SAAU,YAAcA,OAAOC,IAC7CD,QAAQ,wBAAyBJ,OAEjCA,GAAIM,cACL,SAASA,GACZ,YAEAA,GAAWC,WAAW,SAAU,WAE9B,GAAIC,KAEJ,IAAIC,GAAiB,kEAIrB,SAASL,GAAOM,EAAOC,GACrB,GAAIC,GAAQD,EAAOC,MAAM,IACzB,KAAK,GAAIC,GAAI,EAAGA,EAAID,EAAME,OAAQD,IAAK,CACrCL,EAAMI,EAAMC,IAAMH,GAKtBN,EAAO,UAAW,iDAClBA,GAAO,UAAW,uCAClBA,GAAO,OAAQ,yDACfA,GAAO,UAAW,kEAChB,kFACA,2EACA,wEACA,4EACA,2EACA,mFACA,gFACA,kFACA,mCAKF,SAASW,GAAYC,EAAQC,GAC3B,GAAIC,GAASC,EAAMC,EAAY,KAC/B,QAAQJ,EAAOK,QAAUH,EAAUF,EAAOM,SAAWL,EAAMM,QAAS,CAClE,GAAIL,IAAY,KAAOC,GAAQ,MAAQF,EAAMM,SAAW,IAAK,CAC3DH,EAAY,IACZ,OAEFD,EAAOD,EAET,GAAIE,EAAW,CACbJ,EAAOQ,OAAO,GAEhB,GAAIN,GAAWD,EAAMM,QAAS,CAC5BN,EAAMQ,eAAiB,UAClB,CACLR,EAAMQ,eAAiB,KAEzB,MAAO,SAIT,QAASC,GAASV,EAAQC,GAExB,GAAIU,GAAOX,EAAOY,MAAM,QAAS,MAEjC,IAAIC,GAAYb,EAAOY,MAAM,mBAAoB,MAGjD,IAAIE,GAAWd,EAAOY,MAAM,uBAAwB,MAEpD,IAAIG,GAAmBf,EAAOY,MAAM,+BAAgC,MAGpE,IAAII,GAAKhB,EAAOM,MAGhB,IAAIU,IAAO,IAAK,CACd,GAAIhB,EAAOY,MAAMnB,GAAiB,CAEhC,MAAOQ,GAAMQ,eAAiB,aAAe,WAG/C,MAAO,QAGT,GAAIR,EAAMQ,eAAgB,CAExBT,EAAOQ,OAAO,EACd,OAAOT,GAAYC,EAAQC,GAG7B,GAAIA,EAAMgB,aAAc,CAEtB,GAAIjB,EAAOY,MAAM,uBAAwB,CACvC,MAAO,MAGTZ,EAAOY,MAAM,OACbX,GAAMgB,aAAe,MAGvB,GAAIhB,EAAMiB,UAAW,CAEnBlB,EAAOY,MAAM,kBACbX,GAAMiB,UAAY,KAClB,OAAO,MAIT,GAAIlB,EAAOY,MAAM,eAAgB,CAC/BZ,EAAOQ,OAAO,EACd,OAAO,MAGT,GAAIK,EAAW,CACbb,EAAOY,MAAM,YACb,OAAO,MAGT,GAAID,GAAQnB,EAAM2B,eAAeR,GAAO,CAEtCX,EAAOQ,OAAO,EAEdR,GAAOY,MAAM,QAGb,IAAIZ,EAAOY,MAAM,aAAc,OAAQ,CACrCX,EAAMgB,aAAe,KAEvB,GAAIN,GAAQ,UAAW,CACrBV,EAAMiB,UAAY,KAGpB,MAAO1B,GAAMmB,GAGf,GAAI,sBAAsBS,KAAKT,GAAO,CAEpCX,EAAOQ,OAAO,EAEdR,GAAOY,MAAM,sBACb,OAAO,MAGT,GAAIE,EAAU,CACZd,EAAOY,MAAM,gBACb,OAAO,MAGT,GAAIG,EAAkB,CACpBf,EAAOY,MAAM,iBACb,OAAO,UAGT,GAAII,GAAM,IAAK,CACbhB,EAAOqB,WACP,OAAO,UAGT,GAAIL,GAAM,KAAOA,GAAM,IAAK,CAE1Bf,EAAMM,QAAUS,CAEhB,OAAOjB,GAAYC,EAAQC,GAG7B,GAAIe,GAAM,KAAOA,GAAM,IAAK,CAC1B,MAAO,UAIT,GAAIA,GAAM,IAAK,CACbhB,EAAOY,MAAM,QACb,OAAO,aAGT,GAAII,EAAGJ,MAAM,SAAU,CACrBZ,EAAOsB,SAAS,SAChB,OAAO,SAGT,GAAIN,GAAM,IAAK,CACb,GAAIhB,EAAOuB,QAAU,IAAK,CACtBvB,EAAOM,OAEX,MAAO,WAGTN,EAAOsB,SAAS,QAEhB,OAAO,MAGT,OACEE,WAAY,WACV,GAAIvB,KACJA,GAAMgB,aAAe,KACrBhB,GAAMiB,UAAY,KAClBjB,GAAMQ,eAAiB,KACvBR,GAAMM,QAAU,KAChB,OAAON,IAETwB,MAAO,SAAUzB,EAAQC,GAEvB,GAAID,EAAO0B,WAAY,MAAO,KAE9B,OAAOhB,GAASV,EAAQC,MAK9BX,GAAWqC,WAAW,gBAAiB","file":"puppet.min.js","sourcesContent":["// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others\n// Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE\n\n(function(mod) {\n if (typeof exports == \"object\" && typeof module == \"object\") // CommonJS\n mod(require(\"../../lib/codemirror\"));\n else if (typeof define == \"function\" && define.amd) // AMD\n define([\"../../lib/codemirror\"], mod);\n else // Plain browser env\n mod(CodeMirror);\n})(function(CodeMirror) {\n\"use strict\";\n\nCodeMirror.defineMode(\"puppet\", function () {\n // Stores the words from the define method\n var words = {};\n // Taken, mostly, from the Puppet official variable standards regex\n var variable_regex = /({)?([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)?((::[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)*::)?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(})?/;\n\n // Takes a string of words separated by spaces and adds them as\n // keys with the value of the first argument 'style'\n function define(style, string) {\n var split = string.split(' ');\n for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {\n words[split[i]] = style;\n }\n }\n\n // Takes commonly known puppet types/words and classifies them to a style\n define('keyword', 'class define site node include import inherits');\n define('keyword', 'case if else in and elsif default or');\n define('atom', 'false true running present absent file directory undef');\n define('builtin', 'action augeas burst chain computer cron destination dport exec ' +\n 'file filebucket group host icmp iniface interface jump k5login limit log_level ' +\n 'log_prefix macauthorization mailalias maillist mcx mount nagios_command ' +\n 'nagios_contact nagios_contactgroup nagios_host nagios_hostdependency ' +\n 'nagios_hostescalation nagios_hostextinfo nagios_hostgroup nagios_service ' +\n 'nagios_servicedependency nagios_serviceescalation nagios_serviceextinfo ' +\n 'nagios_servicegroup nagios_timeperiod name notify outiface package proto reject ' +\n 'resources router schedule scheduled_task selboolean selmodule service source ' +\n 'sport ssh_authorized_key sshkey stage state table tidy todest toports tosource ' +\n 'user vlan yumrepo zfs zone zpool');\n\n // After finding a start of a string ('|\") this function attempts to find the end;\n // If a variable is encountered along the way, we display it differently when it\n // is encapsulated in a double-quoted string.\n function tokenString(stream, state) {\n var current, prev, found_var = false;\n while (!stream.eol() && (current = stream.next()) != state.pending) {\n if (current === '$' && prev != '\\\\' && state.pending == '\"') {\n found_var = true;\n break;\n }\n prev = current;\n }\n if (found_var) {\n stream.backUp(1);\n }\n if (current == state.pending) {\n state.continueString = false;\n } else {\n state.continueString = true;\n }\n return \"string\";\n }\n\n // Main function\n function tokenize(stream, state) {\n // Matches one whole word\n var word = stream.match(/[\\w]+/, false);\n // Matches attributes (i.e. ensure => present ; 'ensure' would be matched)\n var attribute = stream.match(/(\\s+)?\\w+\\s+=>.*/, false);\n // Matches non-builtin resource declarations\n // (i.e. \"apache::vhost {\" or \"mycustomclasss {\" would be matched)\n var resource = stream.match(/(\\s+)?[\\w:_]+(\\s+)?{/, false);\n // Matches virtual and exported resources (i.e. @@user { ; and the like)\n var special_resource = stream.match(/(\\s+)?[@]{1,2}[\\w:_]+(\\s+)?{/, false);\n\n // Finally advance the stream\n var ch = stream.next();\n\n // Have we found a variable?\n if (ch === '$') {\n if (stream.match(variable_regex)) {\n // If so, and its in a string, assign it a different color\n return state.continueString ? 'variable-2' : 'variable';\n }\n // Otherwise return an invalid variable\n return \"error\";\n }\n // Should we still be looking for the end of a string?\n if (state.continueString) {\n // If so, go through the loop again\n stream.backUp(1);\n return tokenString(stream, state);\n }\n // Are we in a definition (class, node, define)?\n if (state.inDefinition) {\n // If so, return def (i.e. for 'class myclass {' ; 'myclass' would be matched)\n if (stream.match(/(\\s+)?[\\w:_]+(\\s+)?/)) {\n return 'def';\n }\n // Match the rest it the next time around\n stream.match(/\\s+{/);\n state.inDefinition = false;\n }\n // Are we in an 'include' statement?\n if (state.inInclude) {\n // Match and return the included class\n stream.match(/(\\s+)?\\S+(\\s+)?/);\n state.inInclude = false;\n return 'def';\n }\n // Do we just have a function on our hands?\n // In 'ensure_resource(\"myclass\")', 'ensure_resource' is matched\n if (stream.match(/(\\s+)?\\w+\\(/)) {\n stream.backUp(1);\n return 'def';\n }\n // Have we matched the prior attribute regex?\n if (attribute) {\n stream.match(/(\\s+)?\\w+/);\n return 'tag';\n }\n // Do we have Puppet specific words?\n if (word && words.hasOwnProperty(word)) {\n // Negates the initial next()\n stream.backUp(1);\n // rs move the stream\n stream.match(/[\\w]+/);\n // We want to process these words differently\n // do to the importance they have in Puppet\n if (stream.match(/\\s+\\S+\\s+{/, false)) {\n state.inDefinition = true;\n }\n if (word == 'include') {\n state.inInclude = true;\n }\n // Returns their value as state in the prior define methods\n return words[word];\n }\n // Is there a match on a reference?\n if (/(^|\\s+)[A-Z][\\w:_]+/.test(word)) {\n // Negate the next()\n stream.backUp(1);\n // Match the full reference\n stream.match(/(^|\\s+)[A-Z][\\w:_]+/);\n return 'def';\n }\n // Have we matched the prior resource regex?\n if (resource) {\n stream.match(/(\\s+)?[\\w:_]+/);\n return 'def';\n }\n // Have we matched the prior special_resource regex?\n if (special_resource) {\n stream.match(/(\\s+)?[@]{1,2}/);\n return 'special';\n }\n // Match all the comments. All of them.\n if (ch == \"#\") {\n stream.skipToEnd();\n return \"comment\";\n }\n // Have we found a string?\n if (ch == \"'\" || ch == '\"') {\n // Store the type (single or double)\n state.pending = ch;\n // Perform the looping function to find the end\n return tokenString(stream, state);\n }\n // Match all the brackets\n if (ch == '{' || ch == '}') {\n return 'bracket';\n }\n // Match characters that we are going to assume\n // are trying to be regex\n if (ch == '/') {\n stream.match(/.*?\\//);\n return 'variable-3';\n }\n // Match all the numbers\n if (ch.match(/[0-9]/)) {\n stream.eatWhile(/[0-9]+/);\n return 'number';\n }\n // Match the '=' and '=>' operators\n if (ch == '=') {\n if (stream.peek() == '>') {\n stream.next();\n }\n return \"operator\";\n }\n // Keep advancing through all the rest\n stream.eatWhile(/[\\w-]/);\n // Return a blank line for everything else\n return null;\n }\n // Start it all\n return {\n startState: function () {\n var state = {};\n state.inDefinition = false;\n state.inInclude = false;\n state.continueString = false;\n state.pending = false;\n return state;\n },\n token: function (stream, state) {\n // Strip the spaces, but regex will account for them eitherway\n if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;\n // Go through the main process\n return tokenize(stream, state);\n }\n };\n});\n\nCodeMirror.defineMIME(\"text/x-puppet\", \"puppet\");\n\n});\n"]}