/** * @fileoverview *

* syntax_plugin_code is a static JavaScript class providing * visibility toggling for DokuWiki's CODE markup. *

* All that's to be done in the corresponding HTML file is to include * this file by placing * '<script type="text/javascript" src="syntax_plugin_code.js"> * </script> * in the HEAD section; with DokuWiki this is done automatically. * The script is initialized and activated automatically at loadtime. *

 *		Copyright (C) 2007, 2010  M.Watermann, D-10247 Berlin, FRG
 *			All rights reserved
 *		EMail : <support@mwat.de>
* @author Matthias Watermann * @version $Id: syntax_plugin_code.js,v 1.8 2010/02/21 14:36:29 matthias Exp $ * @since created 07-Feb-2007 */ /*jslint bitwise:true,browser:true,eqeqeq:true,evil:false,forin:true, immed:false,laxbreak:false,newcap:true,nomen:false,onevar:true, plusplus:false,regexp:true,sub:false,undef:true,white:false */ /*global window */ /** * Setup the syntax_plugin_code behaviour. * *

* To avoid polluting the global namespace even more than it already * is with DokuWiki we define and invoke a function to create a closure * that serves as our private namespace. * This object is just a meaningless value as far as the application is * concerned. * It encapsulates all methods and properties in its private closure. *

* @public */ var syntax_plugin_code = function() { // Private member fields (preallocated strings to avoid repeated // memory allocations inside loops and event handlers): var _cH = ' codeHidden', // CSS class _cS = ' codeShown', // dito _reH = /\s*\bcodeHidden\b/gi, // RegEx to match CSS class _reS = /\s*\bcodeShown\b/gi, // dito // The "_Divs()" and "_Ps()" methods are one-time-only - meaning that // they're needed only during setup. Hence they are declared as function // members and will be reset to a meaningless value once they've done // their respective job. /** * Get a list of DIV elements with CSS class "code". * * @returns Array A (possibly empty) list of div elements * with CSS class "code" assigned. * @private * @member syntax_plugin_code * @type Array */ _Divs = function() { var d, // list of DIVs e, // the currently handled element l, // length of DIV list r = [], // the method's result re = /\bcode\b/i; // RegEx to match CSS class try { if ((d = window.document.getElementsByTagName('div')) && (l = d.length)) { do { if ((e = d[--l]) && (e.className) && // there's a CSS class re.test(e.className)) { // it contains the "code" class // "Array.push()" is not implemented by older M$IE r[r.length] = e; } // if } while (l); } // if } catch(X) { // non standards compliant browser // return the empty list } // try return r; }, // _Divs() /** * Get a list of P elements representing a footer/header * for CODE markup. * * @returns Array A (possibly empty) list of P elements * referencing the footer/header elements of the respective * PRE elements. * @private * @member syntax_plugin_code * @type Array */ _Ps = function() { var d = _Divs(), // list of DIVs e, // the currently handled element fc, // the element's first child node fcn, // the first child's tag name l, // length of DIV list lc, // the element's last child node lcn, // the larst child's tag name p = 'p', pf = 'pre', r = []; // the method's result _Divs = 0; // release memory (method no longer needed) if ((l = d.length)) { try { do { if ((e = d[--l]) && (fc = e.firstChild) && (fcn = fc.tagName.toLowerCase()) && (lc = e.lastChild) && (lcn = lc.tagName.toLowerCase())) { if ((pf === fcn) && (p === lcn)) { // footer line lc._PRE = fc; // link PRE to P r[r.length] = lc; } else if ((pf === lcn) && (p === fcn)) { // header line fc._PRE = lc; // link PRE to P r[r.length] = fc; } // if // ELSE: unknown markup scheme (i.e. ignore) } // if d.length = l; // free mem } while (l); } catch(X) { // return the empty list } // try } // if return r; }, // _Ps() _r; // undefined function result /** * Swap two class names of the given O. * *

* This method gets called internally by the _t() method. *

* @param O Object The document's element whose class is to change. * @param R2d Object A RegEx object matching the CSS class to remove. * @param C2a String The CSS class name to add. * @private * @member syntax_plugin_code */ function _sw(O, R2d, C2a) { R2d.lastIndex = 0; if (R2d.test(O.className)) { R2d.lastIndex = 0; O.className = (C2a) ? O.className.replace(R2d, C2a) : O.className.replace(R2d, ''); } else if (C2a) { // Old class not set currently O.className += C2a; } // if R2d.lastIndex = 0; } // _sw() /** * Toggle the visibility of the associated PRE element. * *

* Event handler used by the header/footer P elements. *

* @param E Object The current event object. * @private * @member syntax_plugin_code */ function _t(E) { if ((E = E || window.event)) { E.cancelBubble = true; E.returnValue = false; } // if if (this.className) { if (_reH.test(this.className)) { _sw(this._PRE, _reH, _cS); _sw(this, _reH, _cS); } else { _sw(this, _reS, _cH); _sw(this._PRE, _reS, _cH); } // if } else { this.className = this._PRE.className = _cH; } // if return false; // no further action required } // _t() /** * Setup the behaviour. * *

* This method is sort of constructor. * It sets up all code blocks marked up by the (PHP) * syntax_plugin_code with header/footer lines so that they * toggle the respective PRE's visibility (by means of exchanging * CSS classes). *

* @member syntax_plugin_code */ function ini() { if (! _Ps) { return; // something's broken ... } // if var d = _Ps(), // list of header/footer paragraphs l = d.length, // length of P list p, // the currently handled element re = /\s*\bHideOnInit\b/ig; // RegEx to match CSS class _Ps = 0; // release memory while (l) { if ((p = d[--l]) && (p._PRE)) { if (re.test(p.className)) { re.lastIndex = 0; p._PRE.className += _cH; // add CSS class p.className = p.className.replace(re, _cH); // dito } else { p._PRE.className += _cS; // add CSS class p.className += _cS; // dito } // if p.onclick = _t; // assign event handler re.lastIndex = 0; // reset search position } // if } // while } // ini() // Delay the setup until after the document is loaded. if ('undefined' !== typeof(window.addEvent)) { try { window.addEvent(window, 'load', ini); } catch(X) { // DokuWiki's event library not loaded or broken. // Let a background thread do the job: window.setTimeout(ini, 512); } // try } else { // Older DokuWiki release: using background thread: window.setTimeout(ini, 512); } // if return _r; }(); // syntax_plugin_code /* _EoF_ */