syntax_plugin_code.php - A PHP4 class that implements the * DokuWiki plugin for highlighting code fragments. * *

* Usage:
* <code [language startno |[fh] text |[hs]]>...</code> *

 *	Copyright (C) 2006, 2008  M.Watermann, D-10247 Berlin, FRG
 *			All rights reserved
 *		EMail : <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. *
* @author Matthias Watermann * @version $Id: syntax_plugin_code.php,v 1.29 2008/07/22 09:22:47 matthias Exp $ * @since created 24-Dec-2006 */ class syntax_plugin_code extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /** * @privatesection */ //@{ /** * Additional markup used with older DokuWiki installations. * * @private * @see _fixJS() */ var $_JSmarkup = FALSE; /** * Indention "text" used by _addLines(). * *

* Note that we're using raw UTF-8 NonBreakable Spaces here. *

* @private * @see _addLines() */ var $_lead = array('', ' ', '  ', '   ', '    ', '     ', '      ', '       '); /** * Section counter for ODT export * * @private * @see render() * @since created 08-Jun-2008 */ var $_odtSect = 0; /** * Prepare the markup to render the DIFF text. * * @param $aText String The DIFF text to markup. * @param $aFormat String The DIFF format used ("u", "c", "n|r", "s"). * @param $aDoc String Reference to the current renderer's * doc property. * @return Boolean TRUE. * @private * @see render() */ function _addDiff(&$aText, &$aFormat, &$aDoc) { // Since we're inside a PRE block we need the leading LFs: $ADD = "\n" . ''; $DEL = "\n" . ''; $HEAD = "\n" . ''; $CLOSE = ''; // Common headers for all formats; // the RegEx needs at least ")#" appended! $DiffHead = '#\n((?:diff\s[^\n]*)|(?:Index:\s[^\n]*)|(?:={60,})' . '|(?:RCS file:\s[^\n]*)|(?:retrieving revision [0-9][^\n]*)'; switch ($aFormat) { case 'u': // unified output $aDoc .= preg_replace( array($DiffHead . '|(?:@@[^\n]*))#', '|\n(\+[^\n]*)|', '|\n(\-[^\n]*)|'), array($HEAD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE), $aText); return TRUE; case 'c': // context output $sections = preg_split('|(\n\*{5,})|', preg_replace($DiffHead . ')#', $HEAD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $aText), -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $sections[0] = preg_replace( array('|\n(\-{3}[^\n]*)|', '|\n(\*{3}[^\n]*)|'), array($ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE), $sections[0]); $c = count($sections); for ($i = 1; $c > $i; ++$i) { $hits = array(); if (preg_match('|^\n(\*{5,})|', $sections[$i], $hits)) { unset($hits[0]); $sections[$i] = $HEAD . $hits[1] . $CLOSE; } else if (preg_match('|^\n(\x2A{3}\s[^\n]*)(.*)|s', $sections[$i], $hits)) { unset($hits[0]); // free mem $parts = preg_split('|\n(\-{3}\s[^\n]*)|', $hits[2], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // $parts[0] == OLD code $parts[0] = preg_replace('|\n([!\-][^\n]*)|', $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE, $parts[0]); // $parts[1] == head of NEW code $parts[1] = $ADD . $parts[1] . $CLOSE; // $parts[2] == NEW code $parts[2] = preg_replace( array('|\n([!\x2B][^\n]*)|', '|\n(\x2A{3}[^\n]*)|'), array($ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE), $parts[2]); if (isset($parts[3])) { // TRUE when handling multi-file patches $parts[3] = preg_replace('|^(\x2D{3}[^\n]*)|', $ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $parts[3]); } // if $sections[$i] = $DEL . $hits[1] . $CLOSE . implode('', $parts); } // if // ELSE: leave $sections[$i] as is } // for $aDoc .= implode('', $sections); return TRUE; case 'n': // RCS output // Only added lines are there so we highlight just the // diff indicators while leaving the text alone. $aDoc .= preg_replace( array($DiffHead . ')#', '|\n(d[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+)|', '|\n(a[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+)|'), array($HEAD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE, $ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE), $aText); return TRUE; case 's': // simple output $aDoc .= preg_replace( array($DiffHead . '|((?:[0-9a-z]+(?:,[0-9a-z]+)*)(?:[^\n]*)))#', '|\n(\x26#60;[^\n]*)|', '|\n(\x26#62;[^\n]*)|'), array($HEAD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE, $ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE), $aText); return TRUE; default: // unknown diff format $aDoc .= $aText; // just append any unrecognized text return TRUE; } // switch } // _addDiff() /** * Add the lines of the given $aList to the specified * $aDoc beginning with the given $aStart linenumber. * * @param $aList Array [IN] the list of lines as prepared by * render(), [OUT] FALSE. * @param $aStart Integer The first linenumber to use. * @param $aDoc String Reference to the current renderer's * doc property. * @private * @see render() */ function _addLines(&$aList, $aStart, &$aDoc) { // Since we're dealing with monospaced fonts here the width of each // character (space, NBSP, digit) is the same. Hence the length of // a digits string gives us its width i.e. the number of digits. $i = $aStart + count($aList); // greatest line number $g = strlen("$i"); // width of greatest number while (list($i, $l) = each($aList)) { unset($aList[$i]); // free mem $aDoc .= '' . $this->_lead[$g - strlen("$aStart")] . "$aStart:" . ((($l) && (' ' != $l)) ? " $l\n" : "\n"); ++$aStart; // increment line number } // while $aList = FALSE; // release memory } // _addLines() /** * Internal convenience method to replace HTML special characters. * * @param $aString String [IN] The text to handle; * [OUT] the modified text (i.e. the method's result). * @return String The string with HTML special chars replaced. * @private * @since created 05-Feb-2007 */ function &_entities(&$aString) { $aString = str_replace(array('&', '<', '>'), array('&', '<', '>'), $aString); return $aString; } // _entities() /** * Try to fix some markup error of the GeSHi SHELL highlighting. * *

* The GeShi highlighting for type "sh" (i.e. "bash") is, well, * seriously flawed (at least up to version i.e. 2007-07-01). * Especially handling of comments and embedded string as well as * keyword is plain wrong. *

* This internal helper method tries to solve some minor problems by * removing highlight markup embedded in comment markup. * This is, however, by no means a final resolution: GeSHi obviously * keeps a kind of internal state resulting in highlighting markup * spawing (i.e. repeated on) several lines. * Which - if that state is wrong - causes great demage not by * corrupting the data but by confusing the reader with wrong markup. * The easiest way to trigger such a line spawning confusion is to use * solitary doublequotes or singlequotes (apostrophe) in a comment * line ... *

* @param $aMarkup String [IN] The highlight markup as returned by GeSHi; * [OUT] FALSE. * @param $aDoc String Reference to the current renderer's * doc property. * @private * @since created 04-Aug-2007 * @see render() */ function _fixGeSHi_Bash(&$aMarkup, &$aDoc) { $hits = array(); if (defined('GESHI_VERSION') && preg_match('|(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)|', GESHI_VERSION, $hits) && ($hits = sprintf('%02u%02u%02u%03u', $hits[1] * 1, $hits[2] * 1, $hits[3] * 1, $hits[4] * 1)) && ('010007020' < $hits)) { // GeSHi v1.0.7.21 has the comments bug fixed $aDoc .= $aMarkup; $aMarkup = FALSE; // release memory return; } // if $lines = explode("\n", $aMarkup); $aMarkup = FALSE; // release memory while (list($i, $l) = each($lines)) { $hits = array(); // GeSHi "bash" module marks up comments with CSS class "re3": if (preg_match('|^((.*))(.*)$|i', $l, $hits)) { if ('#!/bin/' == substr($hits[3], 0, 7)) { $lines[$i] = $hits[2] . strip_tags($hits[3]); } else { $lines[$i] = $hits[1] . strip_tags($hits[3]) . ''; } // if } else if (! preg_match('|^\s*_JSmarkup) { // Markup already added (or not needed) return; } // if $localdir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'; $webdir = DOKU_BASE . 'lib/plugins/code/'; $css = ''; if (file_exists($localdir . 'style.css')) { ob_start(); @include($localdir . 'style.css'); // Remove whitespace from CSS and expand IMG paths: if ($css = preg_replace( array('|\s*/\x2A.*?\x2A/\s*|s', '|\s*([:;\{\},+!])\s*|', '|(?:url\x28\s*)([^/])|', '|^\s*|', '|\s*$|'), array(' ', '\1', 'url(' . $webdir . '\1'), ob_get_contents())) { $css = ''; } // if ob_end_clean(); } // if $js = (file_exists($localdir . 'script.js')) ? '' : ''; if ($this->_JSmarkup = $css . $js) { $aRenderer->doc = $this->_JSmarkup . preg_replace('|\s*


\s*|', '', $aRenderer->doc); //ELSE: Neither CSS nor JS files found. } // if // Set member field to skip tests with next call: $this->_JSmarkup = TRUE; } // _fixJS() /** * RegEx callback to markup spaces in ODT mode. * * @param $aList Array A list of RegEx matches. * @private * @static * @since created 07-Jun-2008 * @see render() */ function _preserveSpaces($aList) { return ($len = strlen($aList[1])) ? '' : ' '; } // _preserveSpaces() /** * Add the lines of the given $aText to the specified * $aDoc beginning with the given $aStart linenumber. * * @param $aText String [IN] the text lines as prepared by * handle(), [OUT] FALSE. * @param $aStart Integer The first linenumber to use; * if 0 (zero) no linenumbers are used. * @param $aDoc String Reference to the current renderer's * doc property. * @param $aClass String The CSS class name for the PRE tag. * @param $addTags Boolean Used in "ODT" mode to suppress tagging * the line numbers. * @private * @since created 03-Feb-2007 * @see render() */ function _rawMarkup(&$aText, $aStart, &$aDoc, $aClass, $addTags = TRUE) { if ($addTags) { $aDoc .= '
' . "\n";
		} // if
		if ($aStart) {
			// Split the prepared data into a list of lines:
			$aText = explode("\n", $aText);
			// Add the numbered lines to the document:
			$this->_addLines($aText, $aStart, $aDoc);
		} else {
			$aDoc .= $aText;
		} // if
		if ($addTags) {
			$aDoc .= '
'; } // if $aText = FALSE; // release memory } // _rawMarkup() /** * RegEx callback to replace SPAN tags in ODT mode. * * @param $aList Array A list of RegEx matches. * @private * @static * @since created 07-Jun-2008 * @see render() */ function _replaceSpan($aList) { return ($aList[3]) ? '' : ''; } // _replaceSpan() //@} /** * @publicsection */ //@{ /** * Tell the parser whether the plugin accepts syntax mode * $aMode within its own markup. * * @param $aMode String The requested syntaxmode. * @return Boolean FALSE (no nested markup allowed). * @public * @see getAllowedTypes() */ function accepts($aMode) { return FALSE; } // accepts() /** * Connect lookup pattern to lexer. * * @param $aMode String The desired rendermode. * @public * @see render() */ function connectTo($aMode) { // look-ahead to minimize the chance of false matches: $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern( '\x3Ccode(?=[^>]*\x3E\r?\n.*\n\x3C\x2Fcode\x3E)', $aMode, 'plugin_code'); } // connectTo() /** * Get an array of mode types that may be nested within the * plugin's own markup. * * @return Array Allowed nested types (none). * @public * @see accepts() * @static */ function getAllowedTypes() { return array(); } // getAllowedTypes() /** * Get an associative array with plugin info. * *

* The returned array holds the following fields: *

Author of the plugin
Email address to contact the author
Last modified date of the plugin in * YYYY-MM-DD format
Name of the plugin
Short description of the plugin (Text only)
Website with more information on the plugin * (eg. syntax description)
* @return Array Information about this plugin class. * @public * @static */ function getInfo() { $c = 'code'; // hack to hide "desc" field from GeShi return array( 'author' => 'Matthias Watermann', 'email' => '', 'date' => '2008-07-22', 'name' => 'Code Syntax Plugin', 'desc' => 'Syntax highlighting with line numbering <' . $c . ' lang 1 |[fh] text |[hs]> ... ', 'url' => ''); } // getInfo() /** * Define how this plugin is handled regarding paragraphs. * *

* This method is important for correct XHTML nesting. * It returns one of the following values: *

The plugin can be used inside paragraphs.
Open paragraphs need to be closed before * plugin output.
Special case: Plugin wraps other paragraphs.
* @return String "block". * @public * @static */ function getPType() { return 'block'; } // getPType() /** * Where to sort in? * * @return Integer 194 (below "Doku_Parser_Mode_code"). * @public * @static */ function getSort() { // class "Doku_Parser_Mode_code" returns 200 return 194; } // getSort() /** * Get the type of syntax this plugin defines. * * @return String "protected". * @public * @static */ function getType() { return 'protected'; } // getType() /** * Handler to prepare matched data for the rendering process. * *

* The $aState parameter gives the type of pattern * which triggered the call to this method: *

ordinary text encountered within the plugin's syntax mode * which doesn't match any pattern.
* @param $aMatch String The text matched by the patterns. * @param $aState Integer The lexer state for the match. * @param $aPos Integer The character position of the matched text. * @param $aHandler Object Reference to the Doku_Handler object. * @return Array Index [0] holds the current $aState, * index [1] the embedded text to highlight, * index [2] the language/dialect (or FALSE), * index [3] the first line number (or 0), * index [4] the top title (or FALSE), * index [5] the bottom title (or FALSE), * index [6] hidding CSS flag (or ""). * @public * @see render() * @static */ function handle($aMatch, $aState, $aPos, &$aHandler) { if (DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED != $aState) { return array($aState); // nothing to do for "render()" } // if $aMatch = explode('>', $aMatch, 2); // $aMatch[0] : lang etc. // $aMatch[1] : text to highlight $n = explode('>', trim($aMatch[1])); $l = 'extern'; // external resource requested? // Check whether there's an external file to fetch: if ($l == $n[0]) { if ($n[1] = trim($n[1])) { if (is_array($n[0] = @parse_url($n[1])) && ($n[0] = $n[0]['scheme'])) { // Don't accept unsecure schemes like // "file", "javascript", "mailto" etc. switch ($n[0]) { case 'ftp': case 'http': case 'https': //XXX This might fail due to global PHP setup: if ($handle = @fopen($n[1], 'rb')) { $aMatch[1] = ''; while (! @feof($handle)) { //XXX This might fail due to // memory constraints: $aMatch[1] .= @fread($handle, 0x8000); } // while @fclose($handle); } else { $aMatch = array($l, 'Failed to retrieve: ' . $n[1]); } // if break; default: $aMatch = array($l, 'Unsupported URL scheme: ' . $n[0]); break; } // switch } else { $aMatch = array($l, 'Invalid URL: ' . $n[1]); } // if } else { $aMatch = array($l, 'Missing URL: ' . $aMatch[1]); } // if } // if // Strip leading/trailing/EoL whitespace, // replace TABs by four spaces, " " by NBSP: $aMatch[1] = preg_replace( array('#(?>\r\n)|\r#', '|^\n\n*|', '|[\t ]+\n|', '|\s*\n$|'), array("\n", '', "\n", ''), str_replace(' ', ' ', str_replace("\t", ' ', $aMatch[1]))); $css = ''; // default: no initial CSS content hidding $l = FALSE; // default: no language $n = 0; // default: no line numbers $ht = $ft = FALSE; // default: no (head/foot) title $hits = array(); // RegEx matches from the tag attributes /* The free form of the RegEx to parse the arguments here is: /^ # "eat" leading whitespace: \s* (?=\S) # Look ahead: do not match empty lines. This is # needed since all other expressions are optional. # Make sure, nothing is given away once it matched: (?> # We need a separate branch for "diff" because it may be # followed by a _letter_ (not digit) indicating the format. (?> (diff) # match 1 (?>\s+([cnrsu]?))? # match 2 ) | # Branch for standard language highlighting (?> # extract language: ([a-z][^\x7C\s]*) # match 3 (?> # extract starting line number: \s+(\d\d*) # match 4 )? ) | # Branch for line numbering only (\d\d*) # match 5 | \s* # dummy needed to match "title only" markup (below) ) # "eat" anything else up to the text delimiter: [^\x7C]* (?> \x7C # extract the position flag: ([bfht])?\s* # match 6 # extract the header,footer line: ([^\x7C]+) # match 7 (?> # see whether there is a class flag: \x7C\s* (h|s)?.* # match 8 )? )? # Anchored to make sure everything gets matched: $/xiu Since compiling and applying a free form RegEx slows down the overall matching process I've folded it all to a standard RegEx. Benchmarking during development gave me free form: 20480 loops, 552960 hits, 102400 fails, 12.994689 secs standard: 20480 loops, 552960 hits, 102400 fails, 8.357169 secs */ if (preg_match('/^\s*(?=\S)(?>(?>(diff)(?>\s+([cnrsu]?))?)|' . '(?>([a-z][^\x7C\s]*)(?>\s+(\d\d*))?)|(\d\d*)|\s*)[^\x7C]*' . '(?>\x7C([bfht])?\s*([^\x7C]+)(?>\x7C\s*(h|s)?.*)?)?$/iu', $aMatch[0], $hits)) { unset($hits[0]); // free mem // $hits[1] = "diff" // $hits[2] = type (of [1]) // $hits[3] = LANG // $hits[4] = NUM (of [3]) // $hits[5] = NUM (alone) // $hits[6] = Top/Bottom flag (of [7]) // $hits[7] = TITLE // $hits[8] = s/h CSS flag if (isset($hits[3]) && ($hits[3])) { $l = strtolower($hits[3]); if (isset($hits[4]) && ($hits[4])) { $n = (int)$hits[4]; } // if $hits[3] = $hits[4] = FALSE; } else if (isset($hits[1]) && ($hits[1])) { $l = strtolower($hits[1]); $hits[2] = (isset($hits[2])) ? strtolower($hits[2]) . '?' : '?'; $n = $hits[2]{0}; $hits[1] = $hits[2] = FALSE; } else if (isset($hits[5]) && ($hits[5])) { $n = (int)$hits[5]; } // if if (isset($hits[7]) && ($hits[7])) { $hits[6] = (isset($hits[6])) ? strtolower($hits[6]) . 'f' : 'f'; switch ($hits[6]{0}) { case 'h': case 't': $ht = trim($hits[7]); break; default: $ft = trim($hits[7]); break; } // switch if (isset($hits[8])) { $hits[8] = strtolower($hits[8]) . 's'; if ('h' == $hits[8]{0}) { // This class is handled by JavaScript (there // _must_not_ be any CSS rules for this): $css = ' HideOnInit'; } // if } // if $hits[6] = $hits[7] = $hits[8] = FALSE; } // if // ELSE: no arguments given to CODE tag } // if switch ($l) { case 'console': // nothing additional to setup here break; case 'diff': if ("\n" != $aMatch[1]{0}) { // A leading LF is needed to recognize and handle // the very first line with all the REs used. $aMatch[1] = "\n" . $aMatch[1]; } // if switch ($n) { case 'u': // DIFF cmdline switch for "unified" case 'c': // DIFF cmdline switch for "context" case 'n': // DIFF cmdline switch for "RCS" case 's': // We believe the format hint ... // (or should we be more suspicious?) break; case 'r': // Mnemonic for "RCS" $n = 'n'; break; default: // try to figure out the format actually used if (preg_match( '|\n(?:\x2A{5,}\n\x2A{3}\s[1-9]+.*?\x2A{4}\n.+?)+|s', $aMatch[1])) { $n = 'c'; } else if (preg_match( '|\n@@\s\-[0-9]+,[0-9]+[ \+,0-9]+?@@\n.+\n|s', $aMatch[1])) { $n = 'u'; } else if (preg_match( '|\n[ad][0-9]+\s+[0-9]+\r?\n|', $aMatch[1])) { // We've to check this _before_ "simple" since // the REs are quite similar (but this one is // slightly more specific). $n = 'n'; } else if (preg_match( '|\n(?:[0-9a-z]+(?:,[0-9a-z]+)*)(?:[^\n]*\n.*?)+|', $aMatch[1])) { $n = 's'; } else { $n = '?'; } // if break; } // switch break; case 'htm': // convenience shortcut case 'html': // dito $l = 'html4strict'; break; case 'js': // shortcut $l = 'javascript'; break; case 'sh': // shortcut $l = 'bash'; break; default: if (! $l) { // no language: simple PRE markup will get generated $l = FALSE; } // if break; } // switch return array(DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED, $aMatch[1], $l, $n, $ht, $ft, $css); } // handle() /** * Add exit pattern to lexer. * * @public */ function postConnect() { // look-before to minimize the chance of false matches: $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('(?<=\n)\x3C\x2Fcode\x3E', 'plugin_code'); } // postConnect() /** * Handle the actual output (markup) creation. * *

* The method checks the given $aFormat to decide how to * handle the specified $aData. * The standard case (i.e. "xhtml") is handled completely * by this implementation, preparing linenumbers and/or head/foot * lines are requested. * For the "odt" format all plugin features (incl. linenumbers * and header/footer lines) are supported by generating the appropriate * ODT/XML markup. * All other formats are passed back to the given $aRenderer * instance for further handling. *

* $aRenderer contains a reference to the renderer object * which is currently in charge of the rendering. * The contents of the given $aData is the return value * of the handle() method. *

* @param $aFormat String The output format to generate. * @param $aRenderer Object A reference to the renderer object. * @param $aData Array The data created/returned by the * handle() method. * @return Boolean TRUE. * @public * @see handle() */ function render($aFormat, &$aRenderer, &$aData) { if (DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED != $aData[0]) { return TRUE; } // if if ('xhtml' == $aFormat) { if ($tdiv = (($aData[4]) || ($aData[5]))) { $this->_fixJS($aRenderer); // check for old DokuWiki versions $aRenderer->doc .= '
'; if ($aData[4]) { //XXX Note that "_headerToLink()" is supposed to be a // _private_ method of the renderer class; so this code // will fail once DokuWiki is rewritten in PHP5 which // implements encapsulation of private methods and // properties: $aRenderer->doc .= '

' . $this->_entities($aData[4]) . '

'; $aData[4] = $aData[6] = FALSE; // free mem } // if } // if if ($aData[2]) { // lang was given if ('console' == $aData[2]) { $this->_rawMarkup($this->_entities($aData[1]), $aData[3], $aRenderer->doc, $aData[2]); } else if ('diff' == $aData[2]) { $this->_entities($aData[1]); $aRenderer->doc .= '
					$this->_addDiff($aData[1], $aData[3], $aRenderer->doc);
					$aRenderer->doc .= '
'; } else { $isSH = ('bash' == $aData[2]); $geshi = new GeSHi($aData[1], $aData[2], GESHI_LANG_ROOT); if ($geshi->error()) { // Language not supported by "GeSHi" $geshi = NULL; // release memory $this->_rawMarkup($this->_entities($aData[1]), $aData[3], $aRenderer->doc, 'code'); } else { $aData[1] = FALSE; // free mem $geshi->enable_classes(); $geshi->set_encoding('utf-8'); $geshi->set_header_type(GESHI_HEADER_PRE); $geshi->set_overall_class('code ' . $aData[2]); global $conf; if ($conf['target']['extern']) { $geshi->set_link_target($conf['target']['extern']); } // if if ($aData[3]) { // line numbers requested // Separate PRE tag from parsed data: $aData[1] = explode('>', $geshi->parse_code(), 2); // [1][0] = leading "doc .= $aData[1][0] . '>'; // Separate trailing PRE tag: $aData[1] = explode('', $aData[1][1], 2); // [1][0] = GeSHi markup // [1][1] = trailing "_fixGeSHi_Bash($aData[1][0], $aData[1][1]); } else { // Set reference to fixed markup to sync with // the "bash" execution path (above): $aData[1][1] =& $aData[1][0]; } // if // Split the parsed data into a list of lines: $aData[2] = explode("\n", $aData[1][1]); $aData[1] = FALSE; // free mem // Add the numbered lines to the document: $this->_addLines($aData[2], $aData[3], $aRenderer->doc); // Close the preformatted section markup: $aRenderer->doc .= ''; } else { // w/o line numbering if ($isSH) { // Separate trailing PRE tag which // sometimes is "forgotten" by GeSHi: $aData[2] = explode('', $geshi->parse_code(), 2); // [1][0] = GeSHi markup // [1][1] = trailing "_fixGeSHi_Bash($aData[2][0], $aRenderer->doc); $aRenderer->doc .= ''; } else { $aRenderer->doc .= $geshi->parse_code(); } // if $geshi = NULL; // release memory } // if } // if } // if } else { $this->_rawMarkup($this->_entities($aData[1]), $aData[3], $aRenderer->doc, 'code'); } // if if ($tdiv) { if ($aData[5]) { //XXX See "_headerToLink()" note above. $aRenderer->doc .= '

' . $this->_entities($aData[5]) . '

'; } // if $aRenderer->doc .= '
'; } // if } else if ('odt' == $aFormat) { $inLI = array(); if (preg_match('|^\s*\s*(.*)$|si', $aRenderer->doc, $inLI)) { // remove leading whitespace $aRenderer->doc = $inLI[1]; } // if // The "renderer_plugin_odt" doesn't clean (close) // its own tags before calling this plugin. // To work around that bug we have to check some // private properties of the renderer instance. $inLI = FALSE; if (is_a($aRenderer, 'renderer_plugin_odt')) { if ($inLI = ($aRenderer->in_list_item)) { // If we're in a list item, we've to close the paragraph: $aRenderer->doc .= ''; } // if if ($aRenderer->in_paragraph) { $aRenderer->doc .= ''; $aRenderer->in_paragraph = FALSE; } // if } // if // Init (open) our text section: $aRenderer->doc .= "\n" . ''; if ($tdiv = (($aData[4]) || ($aData[5]))) { // Check whether we need a top caption ("header"): if ($aData[4]) { $aRenderer->doc .= '' . "\n" . $aData[4] . "\n"; $aData[4] = $aData[6] = FALSE; // free mem } // if } // if // The following code resembles the "xhtml" processing // above except that we're not using "pre" tags here // but ODT/XML markup. $aData[0] = ''; // tmp. container of processed data if ($aData[2]) { // lang was given if ('console' == $aData[2]) { $this->_rawMarkup($this->_entities($aData[1]), $aData[3], $aData[0], $aData[2], FALSE); } else if ('diff' == $aData[2]) { $this->_addDiff($this->_entities($aData[1]), $aData[3], $aData[0]); } else { $isSH = ('bash' == $aData[2]); $geshi = new GeSHi($aData[1], $aData[2], GESHI_LANG_ROOT); if ($geshi->error()) { // Language not supported by "GeSHi" $geshi = NULL; // release memory $this->_rawMarkup($this->_entities($aData[1]), $aData[3], $aData[0], '', FALSE); } else { $aData[1] = FALSE; // free mem $geshi->enable_classes(); $geshi->set_encoding('utf-8'); $geshi->set_header_type(GESHI_HEADER_PRE); $geshi->set_overall_class('code ' . $aData[2]); global $conf; if ($conf['target']['extern']) { $geshi->set_link_target($conf['target']['extern']); } // if // Separate PRE tag from parsed data: $aData[1] = explode('>', $geshi->parse_code(), 2); // [1][0] = leading "', $aData[1][1], 2); // [1][0] = GeSHi markup // [1][1] = trailing "_fixGeSHi_Bash($aData[1], $aData[2]); } else { $aData[2] = $aData[1]; } // if $aData[1] = FALSE; // release memory if ($aData[3]) { // line numbers requested // Split the parsed data into a list of lines: $aData[1] = explode("\n", $aData[2]); $aData[2] = FALSE; // release memory // Add the numbered lines to the document: $this->_addLines($aData[1], $aData[3], $aData[0]); } else { // w/o line numbers $aData[0] = $aData[2]; $aData[2] = FALSE; // release memory } // if } // if } // if } else { $this->_rawMarkup($this->_entities($aData[1]), $aData[3], $aData[0], '', FALSE); } // if if ('console' == $aData[2]) { $aRenderer->doc .= ''; } else { $aRenderer->doc .= ''; } // if // Replace the HTML "span" tags (for highlighting) by // the appropriate ODT/XML markup. // For unknown reasons we need an additional space // in front of the very first line. $aData[0] = '' . preg_replace_callback('|(]*)?>)|', array('syntax_plugin_code', '_replaceSpan'), // OOo (v2.3) crashes on " " str_replace(' ', chr(194) . chr(160), str_replace('
', '', strip_tags($aData[0], '')))); // Now append our markup to the renderer's document; // TABs, LFs and SPACEs are replaced by their respective // ODT/XML equivalents: $aRenderer->doc .= preg_replace_callback('|( {2,})|', array('syntax_plugin_code', '_preserveSpaces'), str_replace("\n", "\n", $aData[0])); $aData[0] = FALSE; // release memory // Check whether we need a bottom caption ("footer"): if ($tdiv && ($aData[5])) { $aRenderer->doc .= '' . $aData[5]; } // if // Close all our open tags: $aRenderer->doc .= "\n"; if ($inLI) { // Workaround (see above): (re-)open a paragraph: $aRenderer->doc .= ''; } // if } else { // unsupported output format $aData[0] = $aData[4] = $aData[5] = FALSE; // avoid recursion // Pass anything else back to the renderer instance // (which will - hopefully - know how to handle it): $aRenderer->code($aData[1], $aData[2]); } // if $aData = array(FALSE); // don't process this text again return TRUE; } // render() //@} } // class syntax_plugin_code } // if ?>