* @author Chris P. Jobling * @author Stephane Chazelas * @author Andy Webber */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); class syntax_plugin_cli extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { const PROMPT=0; const CONT=1; const COMMENT=2; const TYPE=3; const STYLE=4; // prompt, continue and comment stack protected $stack; protected $namedpcc=array(); protected $init=false; protected $genhtml=''; function __construct() { // Delay init until we actually need to parse some return; } /** * @return string Syntax mode type */ public function getType() { return 'protected'; } /** * What about paragraph ? * * Because we want to nest without having an open paragraph when an inner * cli is closed, we lie. We will close and open paragraph ourselves. * * @return string Paragraph type */ public function getPType() { return 'normal'; } /** * @return int Sort order - Low numbers go before high numbers */ public function getSort() { return 601; } /** * delaied initialization. * * @return null */ protected function _init() { if( $this->init ) return; // DokuWiki always loads and instanciates the plugin. // We don't want to load all this when the class is // loaded. Only when the syntax is really met and there // is need to parse should we do all this. It's not // even needed to render() a conversation. // hardcoded defaults $this->stack=array(array('/^.{0,30}[$%>#](?:$|\\s)/', '/^.{0,30}>(?:$|\\s)/', '/(?:^#)|\\s#/', '', '')); // override defaults with user config if exists. if(''!=($s=$this->getConf('prompt'))) $this->stack[0][self::PROMPT]=$this->_toregexp($s); if(''!=($s=$this->getConf('continue'))) $this->stack[0][self::CONT]=$this->_toregexp($s); if(''!=($s=$this->getConf('comment'))) $this->stack[0][self::COMMENT]=$this->_toregexp($s, 1); $this->_parsenamedparam($this->getConf('namedprompt'), self::PROMPT); $this->_parsenamedparam($this->getConf('namedcontinue'), self::CONT); $this->_parsenamedparam($this->getConf('namedcomment'), self::COMMENT); $this->init = true; } /** * override default accepts() method to allow nesting * * ie, to get the plugin accepts its own entry syntax */ function accepts($mode) { if ($mode == substr(get_class($this), 7)) return true; return parent::accepts($mode); } /** * Connect lookup pattern to lexer. * * @author Stephane Chazelas * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné * @param string $mode Parser mode */ public function connectTo($mode) { // by the way, '\r?\n?(?=.*?)' is the worst idea ever. $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern(']|[(?:])*>\r?\n?'. '(?=.*?)' ,$mode,'plugin_cli'); /* * The [)]? and |[(?:] is to work around a bug in lexer.php * wrt nested (...) */ } /** * Connect exit pattern to lexer. * * @author Stephane Chazelas */ function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('\r?\n?','plugin_cli'); } /** * Handle matches of the cli syntax * * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné * @param string $match The match of the syntax * @param int $state The state of the handler * @param int $pos The position in the document * @param Doku_Handler $handler The handler * @return mixed[] array of "lines". a "line" is a String or String[3] */ public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler){ switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $this->_init(); $level=count($this->stack) - 1; $args = substr(rtrim($match), 4, -1); // strip 'EOL?' $params=$this->_parseparams($args); $type=$params['type']; $style=$params['style']; $this->current=array(); // nested cli that only define style inherit prompts if( $level && !empty($style) && ! $type && ! $params['prompt'] && ! $params['continue'] && ! $params['comment'] ) { $last=end($this->stack); $this->current[self::PROMPT]=$last[self::PROMPT]; $this->current[self::CONT]=$last[self::CONT]; $this->current[self::COMMENT]=$last[self::COMMENT]; $this->current[self::TYPE]=$last[self::TYPE]; } else { $this->current[self::PROMPT]=($params['prompt']) ? $this->_toregexp($params['prompt']) : (($type && ($t=$this->namedpcc[$type][self::PROMPT])) ? $t : $this->stack[0][self::PROMPT] ); $this->current[self::CONT]=($params['continue']) ? $this->_toregexp($params['continue']) : (($type && ($t=$this->namedpcc[$type][self::CONT])) ? $t : $this->stack[0][self::CONT] ); $this->current[self::COMMENT]=($params['comment']) ? $this->_toregexp($params['comment'],1) : (($type && ($t=$this->namedpcc[$type][self::COMMENT])) ? $t : $this->stack[0][self::COMMENT] ); $this->current[self::TYPE]=$type; } $this->current[self::STYLE]=$style; $this->stack[]=$this->current; // return nesting level and type and style return array($state, count($this->stack) - 2, $type, $style); case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : // return parsed conversation and type and style $top=end($this->stack); return array( $state, $this->_parse_conversation($match), $top[self::TYPE], $top[self::STYLE] ); case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : $top=array_pop($this->stack); $this->current=end($this->stack); // return same nested level as DOKU_LEXER_ENTER and type and style return array($state, count($this->stack) -1, $top[self::TYPE], $top[self::STYLE] ); } return array(); //not reached } /** * analyze the conversation. * * The conversation is split in lines and analyzed line by * line. If no prompt can be recognised on a line, then that * line is obviously a computer output and it is kept as it * is. Otherwise, the line is further split into (prompt, * input, comment) triplet. Input and comment may be empty. * * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné * @author Andy Webber * @param $txt String potentially multiline string * @return mixed[] array of String or Array */ protected function _parse_conversation($txt) { $res=array(); $main_prompt=$this->current[self::PROMPT]; $cont_prompt=$this->current[self::CONT]; $lines = preg_split('/\n\r|\n|\r/',$txt); // skip first and last line if they are empty if ( trim($lines[0]) == '' ) unset( $lines[0] ); if ( trim(end($lines)) == '' ) array_pop($lines); // continuation lines can only appear after a main-prompt line or continuation-line // but NOT as the first prompt. IE not after a line where there was no prompt. $prompt_continue=false; $parsed_lines=array(); foreach($lines as $line) { if ($prompt_continue && preg_match($cont_prompt, $line, $matches)) { $parsed_lines[]=$this->_parseline( $line, $matches[0] ); continue; } $prompt_continue=false; if (preg_match($main_prompt, $line, $matches)) { $prompt_continue=true; $parsed_lines[]=$this->_parseline( $line, $matches[0] ); continue; } $parsed_lines[]=$line; } return $parsed_lines; } /** * split line in (prompt, command, comment) triplet. * * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné * @param $line String the original line * @param $prompt String The current recognised prompt * @return String[] the 3 components of the line : prompt, command, comment */ protected function _parseline( $line, $prompt ) { $comment=''; $index=strlen($prompt); $comcom = substr( $line, $index ); $ar=preg_split($this->current[self::COMMENT], $comcom, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if( isset($ar[1]) ) { $comment=$ar[1].end($ar); } $ret=array( $prompt, $ar[0], $comment ); return $ret; } /** * Render output. step by step generate html. * When generation is complete, check mode : if mode is xhtml, then * adds generate text to document. If mode is odt, then call odt renderer * that will convert html to odt. * * @param string $mode Renderer mode (supported modes: xhtml) * @param Doku_Renderer $renderer The renderer * @param array $data The data from the handler() function * @return bool If rendering was successful. */ public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { if($mode !== 'xhtml' && $mode !== 'odt' && $mode !== 'odt_pdf') { return false; } list($state, $thing, $type, $style) = $data; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : // $thing is nesting level here. // for outer , initialize string. // for nested , add a div. if( 0 == $thing ) { $this->genhtml = ''; } else { $this->genhtml .= "
"; if( $mode != 'xhtml' ) // odt needs an additional CR. bug ? $this->genhtml .= DOKU_LF; } break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : // Here $thing is an array of parsed lines as returned by _parseline $not_first_line=false; foreach( $thing as $line ) { if($not_first_line) $this->genhtml .= DOKU_LF; else $not_first_line=true; if(is_array($line)) { $this->genhtml .= '' . hsc($line[0]) . ""; if( '' != $line[1] ) $this->genhtml .= '' . hsc($line[1]) . ""; if( '' != $line[2] ) $this->genhtml .= '' . hsc($line[2]) . ""; } else { $this->genhtml .= '' . hsc($line) . ""; } } break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : // $thing is nesting level here. // only close
 if we're closing the outermost 
            if( 0 === $thing ) {
                if( $mode == 'xhtml' ) {
                    $renderer->doc .= "

                    $renderer->doc .= $this->genhtml;
                    $renderer->doc .= '

'; } else { if(!$renderer->styleExists('Command Line Interface')) { $style=array(//FIXME: list of style porperties is in lib/plugins/odt/ODT/styles/ODTParagraphStyle.php 'style-name' => 'Command Line Interface', 'style-display-name' => 'Command Line Interface', 'background-color' => $this->getConf('odtbackground'), 'border' => $this->getConf('odtborderwidth').' solid '. $this->getConf('odtbordercolor'), ); $renderer->createParagraphStyle( $style ); } $options=array(); // see https://github.com/LarsGit223/dokuwiki-plugin-odt/commit/19f42d58f1d97758a2ccbac38aae7253826eb59a $options ['escape_content'] = 'false'; $options ['space'] = 'preserve'; $options ['media_selector'] = 'screen'; $options ['p_style'] = 'Command Line Interface'; $options ['element'] = 'pre'; $renderer->generateODTfromHTMLCode($this->genhtml, $options); } } else // closing inner $this->genhtml .= '

'; if( $mode != 'xhtml' ) // odt needs an additional CR. bug ? $this->genhtml .= DOKU_LF; break; } } /** * parse named prompts or comments from config * * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné * @param $s String The configuration value * @param $kind Int One of self::PROMPT, CONT, COMMENT * @return void */ protected function _parsenamedparam($s, $kind) { foreach(preg_split('/\n\r|\n|\r/',$s) as $line){ if(''==$line) continue; list($nom,$val)=explode(':', $line, 2); $this->namedpcc[$nom][$kind]=$this->_toregexp($val, $kind == self::COMMENT); } } /** * transform a string or regexp into a regexp. * * The string is to match either a prompt * or a comment, and is thus anchored accordingly. * * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné * @param $s String The string to transform * @param $is_comment_re Boolean true if the re is going to match a comment. * @return String The regexp. */ function _toregexp( $s, $is_comment_re=false ) { if(preg_match('/^([\/|=,;%@#]).+(\1)$/', $s)) { if( $is_comment_re ) $s = $s[0] . '(' . substr( $s, 1, -1 ) . ')' . $s[0]; return $s; } $r= $is_comment_re? '/(' : '/^.*?'; foreach( str_split( $s ) as $c ) $r .= ('\\' == $c || $c == '/') ? "[\\$c]" : "[$c]"; $r .= $is_comment_re? ')/' : '/'; return $r; } /** * tokenize a string. Could'nt find the correct set of regexps, So I use * a DFA. * * recognize bare word, =, \-escaped char, and single or double quoted strings. * ie «a\ b="foo\"bar"» produces "a b", '=', 'foo"bar'. * This function implements the following DFA. See dot(1) if you * need to visualize it. Or trust me and run something like that : * sed -ne '/digr''aph/,/}/s/ *.//p' syntax.php | dot -Tpng >/tmp/graph.png * digraph { * node [shape=circle]; * 0 -> 0 [label="\\s"] * 0 -> 1 [label="\""] * 0 -> 3 [label="'"] * 0 -> 6 [label="\\ [+]"] * 0 -> 7 [label="= [+]"] * 0 -> 5 [label=". [+]"] * * 1 -> 2 [label="\\ [+]"] * 1 -> 0 [label="\" [A]"] * 1 -> 1 [label=". [+]"] * 2 -> 1 [label="[\"\\] [-]"] * 2 -> 8 [label=". [+]"] * 8 -> 2 [label="\\ [+]"] * 8 -> 0 [label="\" [A]"] * 8 -> 1 [label=". [+]"] * * 3 -> 4 [label="\\ [+]"] * 3 -> 0 [label="' [A]"] * 3 -> 3 [label=". [+]"] * 4 -> 3 [label="['\\] [-]"] * 4 -> 9 [label=". [+]"] * 9 -> 4 [label="\\ [+]"] * 9 -> 0 [label="' [A]"] * 9 -> 3 [label=". [+]"] * * 5 -> 6 [label="\\ [+]"] * 5 -> 0 [label="\\s [A]"] * 5 -> 7 [label="= [A+]"] * 5 -> 1 [label="\" [A]"] * 5 -> 3 [label="' [A]"] * 5 -> 5 [label=". [+]"] * * 6 -> 5 [label="[\"' =\\>] [-]"] * 6 -> 5 [label=". [+]"] * * 7 -> 0 [label="\\s [A]"] * 7 -> 1 [label="\" [A]"] * 7 -> 3 [label="' [A]"] * 7 -> 6 [label="\\ [A+]"] * 7 -> 5 [label=". [A+]"] * e [shape=box,label="arc label : current char [actions]\n+: add current char to token\n-: replace last char in token with current char\nA: Accept cur token. New token\nInitial state: 0\nValid end states : 0, 5, 7"] * } * * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné * @param $str String The string to tokenize * @return String[] An array of tokens */ protected function _tokenize( $str ) { $trs=array( //array ( current chart > new state,... ) 0 => array( ' ' => 0, "\t" => 0, '"' => 1, "'" => 3, '\\' => 6, '=' => 7, 'def' => 5 ), 1 => array( '\\' => 2, '"' => 0, 'def' => 1 ), 2 => array( 'def' => 1 ), 3 => array( '\\' => 4, "'" => 0, 'def' => 3 ), 4 => array( 'def' => 3 ), 5 => array( '\\' => 6, ' ' => 0, "\t" => 0, '=' => 7, '"' => 1, "'" => 3, 'def' => 5), 6 => array( 'def' => 5 ), 7 => array( ' ' => 0, "\t" => 0, '"' => 1, "'" => 3, "\\" => 6, 'def' => 5), ); $acs=array( // new state => action OR new state => array ( char => action, char => action... ) 0 => array( 6 => '+', 7 => '+', 5 => '+',), 1 => array( 2 => '+', 0 => 'A', 1 => '+',), 2 => array( 1 => array( '"' => '-', "\\" => '-', 'def' => '+')), 3 => array( 4 => '+', 0 => 'A', 3 => '+',), 4 => array( 3 => array( "'" => '-', "\\" => '-', 'def' => '+',)), 5 => array( 6 => '+', 0 => 'A', 7 => 'A+', 1 => 'A', 3 => 'A', 5 => '+',), 6 => array( 5 => array( '"' => '-', "'" => '-', ' ' => '-', '=' => '-', "\\" => '-', '>' => '-', 'def' =>'+'),), 7 => array( 0 => 'A', 1 => 'A', 3 => 'A', 6 => 'A+', 5 => 'A+',), ); $toks=array(); $tok=''; $state=0; foreach( str_split($str) as $c ) { $to = array_key_exists($c, $trs[$state]) ? $trs[$state][$c] : $trs[$state]['def']; if( array_key_exists($to, $acs[$state]) ) { $action=$acs[$state][$to]; if(is_array($action)) { $action = array_key_exists($c, $action) ? $action[$c] : $action['def']; } switch($action) { case '+' : $tok .= $c; break; case '-' : $tok = substr($tok, 0, -1).$c; break; case 'A' : $toks[] = $tok; $tok=''; break; case 'A+' : $toks[] = $tok; $tok=$c; break; } } $state=$to; } if($tok != '') { if ($state == 0 || $state == 5 || $state == 7) $toks[] = $tok; else msg( 'In <cli ...>, ignored malformed text «'.hsc($tok).'».', 2, '', '', MSG_USERS_ONLY ); } if($this->getConf('debug')) msg( "line
parsed as :
" ); return $toks; } /** * * parse params of "" line * * param is expected to be a blank separated list of foo[=bar] * statement. When there is no =bar part, then t=foo is assumed. * The last non assigment statement will overwrite all the others. * For example, for «a=b c = "d" zorg», the returned * array will be ( 'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd', 't' => 'zorg' ). * * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné * @param $str String The string to tokenize * @return array The associative array of tokens */ protected function _parseparams( $str ) { if($this->getConf('debug')) msg('_parseparams calling _tokenize("'.hsc($str).'")', 1); $toks=$this->_tokenize($str); $n=count($toks) ; $values=array( 'prompt' => false, 'continue' => false, 'comment' => false, 'type' => false, 'style' => '', ); // check tokens by triplet. for( $i = 0; $i < $n - 2; ++$i ) { if( $toks[$i + 1] === '=' ) { $key=$this->_map($toks[$i]); if($key) { if( $values[$key] !== false) { msg( 'In <cli ...>, value «'.hsc($toks[$i+2]).'» override previously defined '.hsc($key).' «'. hsc($values[$key]).'».', 2, '', '', MSG_USERS_ONLY ); } $values[$key]=$toks[$i+2]; } else { msg( 'Error, unknown attribute «' . hsc($toks[$i]) . '» in <cli> parametre', -1, '', '', MSG_USERS_ONLY ); } $i += 2; } else { // if not format X = Y, add current token to style. $values['style'].=' '.$toks[$i]; } } // add 1 or 2 remaining tokens to style for( ; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $values['style'].=' '.$toks[$i]; } return $values; } /** * check * @return Mixed canonical attribute name or false if attr is unknown * One of 'type', 'prompt', 'continue', 'comment'. */ protected function _map( $s ) { if( $s == 'lang' || $s == 'language' || $s == 'type' || $s == 't' || $s == 'l' || $s == 'lng' ) return 'type'; if( $s == 'prompt' ) return 'prompt'; if( $s == 'continue' || $s == 'cont' ) return 'continue'; if( $s == 'comment' ) return 'comment'; return false; } }