#!/bin/bash # This script is under public domain do with it whatever you want (yes, that includes eating it). if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [animal domain or directory]" exit 1 fi # set_basedir # Author: Myron Turner set_basedir() { BARN=`pwd | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }'` echo "'/"$BARN"/$1/'" } ANIMAL=${PWD}/${1} ANIMAL_TITLE=$1 if [ -d $ANIMAL ]; then echo "ERROR: $ANIMAL exists already!" exit 1 fi echo ">> adding animal $1" echo ">> creating directory structure ..." mkdir -p ${ANIMAL}/{data/{attic,cache,index,locks,media,media_attic,media_meta,meta,pages,tmp},conf} find ${ANIMAL}/ -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \; touch ${ANIMAL}/conf/{local.php,local.protected.php,acl.auth.php,users.auth.php,plugins.local.php} chmod 666 ${ANIMAL}/conf/{local.php,acl.auth.php,users.auth.php,plugins.local.php} echo ">> creating basic configuration ..." echo " ${ANIMAL}/conf/local.php echo ">> setting fixed configuration ..." echo " ${ANIMAL}/conf/local.protected.php echo ">> setting basic permissions ..." echo "# * @admin 255 * @ALL 1" > ${ANIMAL}/conf/acl.auth.php echo ">> adding admin user ..." echo '# admin:$1$cce258b2$U9o5nK0z4MhTfB5QlKF23/:admin:admin@mail.org:admin,user' > ${ANIMAL}/conf/users.auth.php echo ">> IMPORTANT: Don't forget to change your admin username + password!" echo ">> finished!" echo ">> bye!" exit 0 # vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet:enc=utf-8: