nocheck: ckgedit will make no changes to the default direction setting; '
. ' dokuwiki: the current Dokuwiki language direction; ltr: Left-to-right ; rtl: Right-to-left.';
$lang['scayt_auto'] = 'Set whether or not the Scayt check-as-you-type spell checker is active at startup. Defaults to off
; the user can re-enable spell checking on a per page basis.' .
' To remove the Scayt spell checker completely, select disable
. '.
'(See ckgedit:configuration#scayt_auto") ';
$lang['scayt_auto_o_on'] = 'on';
$lang['scayt_auto_o_off'] = 'off';
$lang['scayt_auto_o_disable'] = 'disable';
$lang['scayt_lang']="Set SCAYT default language.";
$lang['smiley_hack'] = "Reset URL for CKeditor's smilies when moving to new server. This is done on a page by page basis when page is loaded for editing and saved. This option should normally be turned off.";
$lang['complex_tables'] ="Use the complex tables algorithm. As opposed to the standard parsing of tables, this should give better results when mixing complex arrangements of rowspans and colspans. But slightly more processing time.";
$lang['duplicate_notes'] = "Set this to true if users create multiple footnotes with the same footnote texts; required to prevent notes from being corrupted.";
$lang['winstyle'] = 'Use direct path to media directory instead of fckeditor/userfiles. This function copies
fckeditor/userfiles/ to data/media/.htaccess; if not, this should be done manually';
$lang['other_lang'] = 'Your default language for the CKEditor is the language set for your browser. You can, however, choose another language here; it is independent of the Dokuwiki interface language.';
#$lang['dw_priority'] = "Make Dokuwiki editor the default editor: does not work in farms";
$lang['nofont_styling'] = 'Display font styles in editor as plugin markup. See the ckgedit plugin page at for details.';
$lang['font_options'] = 'Remove font options.';
$lang['color_options'] = 'Remove Color options.';
$lang['alt_toolbar'] = 'Functions to remove from CKEditor toolbar.
Any other functions can be removed by including them as a comma separated list in the text box:
' .
'Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike, Subscript, Superscript, RemoveFormat, Find, Replace, SelectAll, Scayt, ' .
'Image, Table, Tags, Link, Unlink, Format, Styles,TextColor, BGColor, NumberedList, BulletedList, ' .
'Cut, Copy, Paste, PasteText, PasteFromWord, Undo, Redo, Source, Maximize, About.';
$lang['mfiles'] = 'Enable mfile support';
$lang['extra_plugins'] = "Comma separated list of additional Ckeditor plugins to be added to toolbar. See ckgedit plugin's config page for details";
#$lang['dw_users'] = "Group name of users whose editor defaults to Dokuwiki editor when dw_priority is selected. If not defined, then all users get the native Dokuwiki editor when dw_priority is selected.";
$lang['allow_ckg_filebrowser'] = 'Select which file/media browser(s) users can use';
$lang['default_ckg_filebrowser'] = 'Select which file/media browser is the default. This will be overridden if the selected browser is not allowed';
$lang['htmlblock_ok'] ='When using HTML_BLOCK
s either this setting or Dokuwiki\'s htmlok
option must be enabled. ' .
' It doesn\'t pose the same level of security risk as htmlok
. Nevertheless, it is should be used only in a trusted user environment, and not in an open wiki.';
$lang['dblclk']="Set to off
to turn off the double click feature which enables section editing using the Dokuwiki editor (see: direct_access_to_dokuwiki_editor)";
$lang['preserve_enc'] ="Preserve urlencoding in urls when the dokuwiki deaccent option is active.";
$lang['gui'] = "Select CKEditor GUI.";
$lang['rel_links'] = "Activate support for relative internal and image links";
$lang['style_sheet'] = 'Use an alternate style sheet for the Ckeditor editing window.' .
' For more information see the CKEditor editor CSS tool, under Additional Plugins on the Admin
page. Or ' .
' see the ckgedit plugin page.';
$lang['imgpaste'] = 'If the imgpaste plugin is installed, use the imgpaste naming system for naming your saved images.';