CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("msword","de",{ title: 'Einfügen aus Word', info: 'Füge den MS Word-Text in das obige Feld ein, und klicke auf OK' , instructionsLabel: "Anleitung", instructions: "To paste text into the Text Window, you must first click inside the window.", instructions_2: "Currently, there is only basic support for lists:", instructions_3: 'There can be only one list per insertion', instructions_4: 'Nested lists are not yet supported', instructions_5: 'The best way to deal with complex lists is to paste them into the CKEditor,
select them with your mouse, then open this dialog.' + 'The list will load into the Text Window.
Click OK. This will clean up the list for use in Dokuwiki. ', instructions_6: 'Try to make your selections for lists and tables as exact as possible.', });