/* Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstanceInLinkDialog = true; var update_ckgeditInternalLink, update_ckgeditMediaLink; var fckgInternalInputId, fckgMediaInputId,ckgeditIwikiIndex,ckgeditIwikiData; var ck_m_files_protocol, ckg_dialog, linkOpt; window.onbeforeunload = function() { }; CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', function( editor ) { oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.Lang = editor.lang; ck_m_files_protocol = oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.mfiles ? [ 'm-files://\u200E', 'm-files://' ] : ""; var Doku_Base = oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.dwiki_doku_base; var plugin = CKEDITOR.plugins.link; var oRegex = new Object() ; oRegex.doku_base = new RegExp('^' + Doku_Base.replace(/\//g,'\\/'),'g'); oRegex.media_internal = /lib\/exe\/fetch\.php\/(.*)/; oRegex.media_rewrite_1 = /^_media\/(.*)/; oRegex.media_rewrite_1Doku_Base = new RegExp('^' + Doku_Base + '_media\/(.*)'); oRegex.media_rewrite_2=/exe\/fetch.php\?media=(.*)/; oRegex.internal_link = /doku.php\?id=(.*)/; oRegex.internal_link_rewrite_2 = /doku.php\/(.*)/; oRegex.internal_link_rewrite_1 = new RegExp('^' + Doku_Base + '(?!_media)(.*)'); oRegex.samba =/file:\/\/\/\/\/(.*)/; oRegex.interwiki = /^(.*?)oIWIKIo(.*?)cIWIKIc/; oRegex.samba_unsaved =/^\\\\\w+(\\\w.*)/; ckg_dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog; var fckgSMBInputId; var defaultFBLang = { InternalLink: "internal link", LinkText: "Link Display Text
User defined Text (takes precedence over Page Name or ID)", InternalMedia: "internal media", LinkPageOrId: 'Page Name creates default Dokuwiki Link: [[namespace:page|]]
ID creates: [[namespace:page|namespace:page]]', MediaFileLink: "link to media file", SMBLabel: "Samba Share", GetHeadingsLabel: 'Get Headings' , QStringLabel: 'Query String (For example: value_1=1&value_2=2) ', ResetQS: 'Reset Query String', NotSetOption: 'Not Set', AdvancedInfo: "To create anchors from Dokuwiki headers, click on the Get Headings button, select the header, click OK. You can go back, select a new page and get new headers.", AdvancedTabPrompt: 'Use the advanced tab to create page anchors and query strings', SMBExample: "Enter your share as: \\\\Server\\directory\\file", InterWikiLink: "Interwiki Link", InterWikiType: "Interwiki Type", InterwikiPlaceHolder: "Interwiki Replacement Text", InterwikiInfo: "
Dokuwiki\'s " + "interwiki links are short-cuts which look like this: [[wp>Shakespeare]], which will create a link to the English Wikipedia article on Shakespeare. " + "The wp part designates a link pattern; " + "the text following the '>' will be inserted into the link, replacing a place holder, which is enclosed in curly brackets, " + "as in {NAME}. When there is no place holder, the replacement text will be appended to the end of the link.
", MediaFileLink: "link to media file", URLText:"URL Display Text (optional, defaults to url)", LinkDispText: "Link display text (optional)", }; var fck_Lang = editor.lang.fbrowser ? editor.lang.fbrowser : defaultFBLang; var translateItem = function (js_code) { if(fck_Lang[js_code] && fck_Lang[js_code] != "") { return fck_Lang[js_code]; } return defaultFBLang[js_code]; } ; ckgeditIwikiData = editor.config.ckgeditIwikiData; var getInternalHeaders = function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); var select_id = dialog.getContentElement('advanced', 'internalAnchor').getInputElement().$.id; var select =document.getElementById(select_id); var wiki_id = dialog.getContentElement('info', 'internal').getInputElement().$.id; wiki_id = document.getElementById(wiki_id).value; if(!wiki_id) return; var anchorOption = { push: function(title, value) { this.stack[this.Index] = (new Option(title,value,false,false)); this.Index++; }, Index: 0, stack: undefined, selection: "", ini: function(title) { this.stack = select.options; this.stack.length = 0; this.Index = 0; this.push(title,''); } }; var params="dw_id=" +wiki_id; editor.config.jquery.post( editor.config.ckedit_path + "get_headers.php", params, function (data,status) { if(status=="success") { var str = decodeURIComponent(data); if(str.match(/^\s*__EMPTY__\s*$/)) { anchorOption.ini('No Headers Found'); anchorOption.selection = ""; return; } anchorOption.ini('Headings Menu'); var pairs = str.split('@@'); for (var i in pairs) { var elems = pairs[i].split(/;;/); anchorOption.push(elems[0],elems[1]); } } }, 'html' ); }; var openInternalLinkBrowser = function() { doku_linkwiz.init(jQuery('#dw__editform'), editor); doku_linkwiz.val = 'global'; doku_linkwiz.toggle(); } var useHeading = function(wiki_id) { return jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', data: { dw_id: encodeURIComponent(wiki_id), call: call="use_heads" }, async: true, dataType: "html", }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { alert('Error: ' + textStatus +'/' + errorThrown); }); }; var getSMBInput = function () { return fckgSMBInputId; }; var ckg_iwikiClass; // Handles the event when the "Type" selection box is changed. var linkTypeChanged = function() { oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.isLocalDwikiBrowser = false; oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.isUrlExtern = false; oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.isDwikiMediaFile = false; var dialog = this.getDialog(), partIds = [ 'urlOptions', 'anchorOptions', 'emailOptions','internalOptions','mediaOptions','sambaOptions','interwikiOptions' ], typeValue = this.getValue(), uploadTab = dialog.definition.getContents( 'upload' ), uploadInitiallyHidden = uploadTab && uploadTab.hidden; dialog.hidePage( 'advanced' ); //Hide Advanded tab. if(typeValue == 'internal') { oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.isLocalDwikiBrowser = true; dialog.showPage('advanced'); } else if(typeValue == 'media') { oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.isDwikiMediaFile = true; } if ( typeValue == 'url' ) { oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.isUrlExtern = true; if ( !uploadInitiallyHidden ) dialog.showPage( 'upload' ); } else { //dialog.hidePage( 'target' ); if ( !uploadInitiallyHidden ) dialog.hidePage( 'upload' ); } for ( var i = 0 ; i < partIds.length ; i++ ) { var element = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', partIds[i] ); if ( !element ) continue; element = element.getElement().getParent().getParent(); if ( partIds[i] == typeValue + 'Options' ) element.show(); else element.hide(); } dialog.layout(); }; // Loads the parameters in a selected link to the link dialog fields. var javascriptProtocolRegex = /^javascript:/, emailRegex = /^mailto:([^?]+)(?:\?(.+))?$/, emailSubjectRegex = /subject=([^;?:@&=$,\/]*)/, emailBodyRegex = /body=([^;?:@&=$,\/]*)/, anchorRegex = /^#(.*)$/, urlRegex = /^((?:http|https|ftp|news|m-files):\/\/)?(.*)$/, selectableTargets = /^(_(?:self|top|parent|blank))$/, encodedEmailLinkRegex = /^javascript:void\(location\.href='mailto:'\+String\.fromCharCode\(([^)]+)\)(?:\+'(.*)')?\)$/, functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex = /^javascript:([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/; var intlink = Doku_Base.replace('/','\/')+'doku.php\?id=(.*)$'; var internalLinkRegex = intlink + '/'; var popupRegex = /\s*window.open\(\s*this\.href\s*,\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\s*,\s*'([^']*)'\s*\)\s*;\s*return\s*false;*\s*/; var popupFeaturesRegex = /(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\d+|yes|no)/gi; var parseLink = function( editor, element ) { var href = ( element && ( element.data( 'cke-saved-href' ) || element.getAttribute( 'href' ) ) ) || '', javascriptMatch, emailMatch, anchorMatch, urlMatch, retval = {}; if ( ( javascriptMatch = href.match( javascriptProtocolRegex ) ) ) { if ( emailProtection == 'encode' ) { href = href.replace( encodedEmailLinkRegex, function ( match, protectedAddress, rest ) { return 'mailto:' + String.fromCharCode.apply( String, protectedAddress.split( ',' ) ) + ( rest && unescapeSingleQuote( rest ) ); }); } // Protected email link as function call. else if ( emailProtection ) { href.replace( functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex, function( match, funcName, funcArgs ) { if ( funcName == compiledProtectionFunction.name ) { retval.type = 'email'; var email = retval.email = {}; var paramRegex = /[^,\s]+/g, paramQuoteRegex = /(^')|('$)/g, paramsMatch = funcArgs.match( paramRegex ), paramsMatchLength = paramsMatch.length, paramName, paramVal; for ( var i = 0; i < paramsMatchLength; i++ ) { paramVal = decodeURIComponent( unescapeSingleQuote( paramsMatch[ i ].replace( paramQuoteRegex, '' ) ) ); paramName = compiledProtectionFunction.params[ i ].toLowerCase(); email[ paramName ] = paramVal; } email.address = [ email.name, email.domain ].join( '@' ); } } ); } } if ( !retval.type ) { var class_name = element ? element.getAttribute( 'class' ) : ""; if ( ( anchorMatch = href.match( anchorRegex ) ) ) { retval.type = 'anchor'; retval.anchor = {}; retval.anchor.name = retval.anchor.id = anchorMatch[1]; } // Protected email link as encoded string. else if ( ( emailMatch = href.match( emailRegex ) ) ) { var subjectMatch = href.match( emailSubjectRegex ), bodyMatch = href.match( emailBodyRegex ); retval.type = 'email'; var email = ( retval.email = {} ); email.address = emailMatch[ 1 ]; subjectMatch && ( email.subject = decodeURIComponent( subjectMatch[ 1 ] ) ); bodyMatch && ( email.body = decodeURIComponent( bodyMatch[ 1 ] ) ); } else if((urlMatch = href.match(oRegex.media_internal)) || (urlMatch = href.match(oRegex.media_rewrite_1)) || (urlMatch = href.match(oRegex.media_rewrite_2)) || (urlMatch = href.match(oRegex.media_rewrite_1Doku_Base))) { retval.type = 'media'; retval.url = {}; retval.url.protocol = ""; retval.url.url = ""; retval.url.selected =urlMatch[1]; } else if( (urlMatch = href.match( oRegex.internal_link )) || (urlMatch = href.match( internalLinkRegex )) || ( urlMatch = href.match(oRegex.internal_link_rewrite_2)) || (urlMatch = href.match( oRegex.internal_link_rewrite_1 )) ) { retval.type = 'internal'; retval.url = {}; var els = urlMatch[1].split('='); retval.url.selected = els[0]; retval.url.protocol = ""; retval.url.url = ""; } else if(urlMatch = href.match(oRegex.samba)) { retval.type = 'samba'; retval.url = {}; retval.url.url = ""; retval.url.protocol = ''; retval.url.selected = '\\\\'+ urlMatch[1].replace(/\//g,"\\"); } else if(urlMatch = href.match(oRegex.samba_unsaved)) { retval.type = 'samba'; retval.url = {}; retval.url.url = ""; retval.url.protocol = ''; retval.url.selected = urlMatch[0]; } else if( urlMatch = href.match(oRegex.interwiki) || class_name.match(/interwiki/) ) { var str = ""; if(urlMatch && urlMatch[2]) { str = decodeURIComponent(urlMatch[2]); } retval.url = {}; ckg_iwikiClass = element.getAttribute( 'class' ); // save for interwiki var iw_select = ckg_dialog.getContentElement("info", 'iwiki_shortcut'); var tmp = iw_select.getInputElement().$.id; var select =document.getElementById(tmp); var match = ckg_iwikiClass.match(/iw_([^\s]+)/); if(match && match[1]) { var index = match[1].replace(/_/,'.'); } if(index) { if(!str) { var iwpattern = ckgeditIwikiData[index]; iwpattern = iwpattern.replace(/\{\w+\}$/,""); var regex = new RegExp(iwpattern + '\(.*\)'); match = href.match(regex); str = match[1]; } index = ckgeditIwikiIndex[index]; } if(index) { select.selectedIndex = index; } else select.selectedIndex = '0'; editor.config.selectedIwikiIndex = index; iw_select.disable(); retval.type = 'interwiki'; retval.url.selected =str; retval.url.url = str; } // urlRegex matches empty strings, so need to check for href as well. else if ( href && ( urlMatch = href.match( urlRegex ) ) ) { retval.type = 'url'; retval.url = {}; retval.url.protocol = urlMatch[1]; retval.url.url = urlMatch[2]; } else retval.type = 'url'; } // Load target and popup settings. if ( element ) { var target = element.getAttribute( 'target' ); retval.target = {}; retval.adv = {}; var me = this; } // Record down the selected element in the dialog. this._.selectedElement = element; return retval; }; var insertInternalLinkText = function (text) { if(!text) return; document.getElementById(fckgInternalInputId).disabled = true; document.getElementById(fckgInternalInputId).style.fontWeight="bold" ; document.getElementById(fckgInternalInputId).style.backgroundColor="#DDDDDD" ; var ar = text.split(/;;/); text = ar[0]; var title = ar[1]; text = text.replace(/^[\/\:]/,""); text = text.replace(/\//g,':'); text = ':' + text; document.getElementById(fckgInternalInputId).value = text; var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent(); if(title && oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.useheading == 'y') { dialog.getContentElement("info", "internal_text").setValue(title); } }; update_ckgeditInternalLink = insertInternalLinkText; var insertMediaLinkText = function (text) { if(!text) return; text = text.replace(/^[\/\:]/,""); text = text.replace(/\//g,':'); text = ':' + text; document.getElementById(fckgMediaInputId).value = text; }; update_ckgeditMediaLink = insertMediaLinkText; var fckg_display_obj = function(obj) { for(i in obj) { msg = i + "=" + obj[i]; if(!confirm(msg))break; } }; var setupParams = function( page, data ) { if ( data[page] ) this.setValue( data[page][this.id] || '' ); }; var setupPopupParams = function( data ) { return setupParams.call( this, 'target', data ); }; var setupAdvParams = function( data ) { return setupParams.call( this, 'adv', data ); }; var commitParams = function( page, data ) { if ( !data[page] ) data[page] = {}; data[page][this.id] = this.getValue() || ''; }; var commitPopupParams = function( data ) { return commitParams.call( this, 'target', data ); }; var commitAdvParams = function( data ) { return commitParams.call( this, 'adv', data ); }; function unescapeSingleQuote( str ) { return str.replace( /\\'/g, '\'' ); } function escapeSingleQuote( str ) { return str.replace( /'/g, '\\$&' ); } var emailProtection = editor.config.emailProtection || ''; // Compile the protection function pattern. if ( emailProtection && emailProtection != 'encode' ) { var compiledProtectionFunction = {}; emailProtection.replace( /^([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/, function( match, funcName, params ) { compiledProtectionFunction.name = funcName; compiledProtectionFunction.params = []; params.replace( /[^,\s]+/g, function( param ) { compiledProtectionFunction.params.push( param ); } ); } ); } function protectEmailLinkAsFunction( email ) { var retval, name = compiledProtectionFunction.name, params = compiledProtectionFunction.params, paramName, paramValue; retval = [ name, '(' ]; for ( var i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) { paramName = params[ i ].toLowerCase(); paramValue = email[ paramName ]; i > 0 && retval.push( ',' ); retval.push( '\'', paramValue ? escapeSingleQuote( encodeURIComponent( email[ paramName ] ) ) : '', '\''); } retval.push( ')' ); return retval.join( '' ); } function protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address ) { var charCode, length = address.length, encodedChars = []; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { charCode = address.charCodeAt( i ); encodedChars.push( charCode ); } return 'String.fromCharCode(' + encodedChars.join( ',' ) + ')'; } function getLinkClass( ele ) { var className = ele.getAttribute( 'class' ); return className ? className.replace( /\s*(?:cke_anchor_empty|cke_anchor)(?:\s*$)?/g, '' ) : ''; } var commonLang = editor.lang.common, linkLang = editor.lang.link; //get link browser linkOpt = {}; var fbUrl = CKEDITOR.instances.wiki__text.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl; if (fbUrl.indexOf('fckeditor') === -1) { linkOpt = { type : 'button', id : 'browse1', label : commonLang.browseServer, onClick: openInternalLinkBrowser }; } else { linkOpt = { type : 'button', id : 'browse1', label : commonLang.browseServer, filebrowser: 'info:url' }; } return { title : linkLang.title, minWidth : 475, //350, minHeight : 300, //230, contents : [ { id : 'info', label : linkLang.info, title : linkLang.info, elements : [ { id : 'linkType', type : 'select', label : linkLang.type, 'default' : 'url', items : [ [ linkLang.toUrl, 'url' ], [ translateItem('InternalLink'), 'internal' ], [translateItem('InternalMedia'), 'media' ], [ linkLang.toEmail, 'email' ], [translateItem('SMBLabel'), 'samba' ] , [translateItem('InterWikiLink'), 'interwiki' ] ], onChange : linkTypeChanged, setup : function( data ) { if ( data.type ) this.setValue( data.type ); }, commit : function( data ) { data.type = this.getValue(); } }, { type : 'vbox', id : 'urlOptions', children : [ { type : 'hbox', widths : [ '25%', '75%' ], children : [ { id : 'protocol', type : 'select', label : commonLang.protocol, 'default' : 'http://', items : [ [ 'http://\u200E', 'http://' ], [ 'https://\u200E', 'https://' ], [ 'ftp://\u200E', 'ftp://' ], [ 'news://\u200E', 'news://' ], ck_m_files_protocol ], setup : function( data ) { if ( data.url ) this.setValue( data.url.protocol || '' ); }, commit : function( data ) { if ( !data.url ) data.url = {}; data.url.protocol = this.getValue(); } }, { type : 'text', id : 'url', label : commonLang.url, required: true, onLoad : function () { this.allowOnChange = true; }, onKeyUp : function() { this.allowOnChange = false; var protocolCmb = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'protocol' ), url = this.getValue(), urlOnChangeProtocol = /^(http|https|ftp|news|m-files):\/\/(?=.)/i, urlOnChangeTestOther = /^((javascript:)|[#\/\.\?])/i; var protocol = urlOnChangeProtocol.exec( url ); if ( protocol ) { this.setValue( url.substr( protocol[ 0 ].length ) ); protocolCmb.setValue( protocol[ 0 ].toLowerCase() ); } else if ( urlOnChangeTestOther.test( url ) ) protocolCmb.setValue( '' ); this.allowOnChange = true; }, onChange : function() { if ( this.allowOnChange ) // Dont't call on dialog load. this.onKeyUp(); }, validate : function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); if ( dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) && dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'linkType' ) != 'url' ) return true; if ( this.getDialog().fakeObj ) // Edit Anchor. return true; var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( linkLang.noUrl ); return func.apply( this ); }, setup : function( data ) { this.allowOnChange = false; if ( data.url ) this.setValue( data.url.url ); this.allowOnChange = true; }, commit : function( data ) { // IE will not trigger the onChange event if the mouse has been used // to carry all the operations #4724 this.onChange(); if ( !data.url ) data.url = {}; data.url.url = this.getValue(); this.allowOnChange = false; } } ], setup : function( data ) { if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) ) this.getElement().show(); } }, { type : 'text', id : 'url_text', label : translateItem('URLText'), required: false, }, ] }, { type : 'vbox', id : 'internalOptions', children : [ linkOpt, { type : 'text', id : 'internal', label : translateItem('InternalLink'), //"internal link", required: true, setup : function( data ) { if(data) { if (data.url && data.url.selected ) { var id = data.url.selected.replace(/^\:/,""); this.setValue(':'+ id ); } } }, }, { type : 'text', id : 'internal_text', label : translateItem('LinkText'), required: false, }, { type: 'radio', id: 'ilinkstyle', label: translateItem('LinkPageOrId'), items: [ [ 'Page Name', 'page' ], [ 'ID', 'id' ] ], 'default': 'page', required: false }, { id: 'anchorsmsg', type: 'html', html: translateItem('AdvancedTabPrompt'), //'Use the advanced tab to create page anchors and query strings', } ] }, { type : 'vbox', id : 'interwikiOptions', children : [ { type : 'text', id : 'interwiki', label : translateItem('InterwikiPlaceHolder'), //"interwiki link", required: true, setup : function( data ) { if(data) { if (data.url && data.url.selected ) { var id = data.url.selected.replace(/^\:/,""); this.setValue(id ); } } }, commit : function( data ) { if ( !data.url ) data.url = {}; data.url.selection = this.getValue(); }, }, { id : 'iwiki_shortcut', type : 'select', label : translateItem('InterWikiType'), 'default' : '', items : [ [ 'Not Set', 'Not-Set' ], ] , setup : function( data ) { if ( data.url ) this.setValue( data.url.iwiki_shortcut || '' ); }, commit : function( data ) { if ( !data.url ) data.url = {}; data.url.iwiki_shortcut = this.getValue(); }, } , { id: 'iwikimsg', type: 'html', html: translateItem('InterwikiInfo'), } , { id: 'iwikidisp', type: 'text', label: translateItem('LinkDispText'), required: false, }, ] }, { type : 'vbox', id : 'mediaOptions', children : [ { type : 'button', id : 'browse2', filebrowser : 'info:media', label : commonLang.browseServer }, { type : 'text', id : 'media', //width: '24em', label : translateItem('MediaFileLink'), //"link to media file", required: true, setup : function( data ) { if(data) { if (data.url && data.url.selected ) { var id = data.url.selected.replace(/^\:/,""); this.setValue(':'+ id ); } } }, }, ] }, { type : 'vbox', id : 'sambaOptions', children : [ { type: 'html', id: 'smb_msg', html: translateItem('SMBExample'), //"Enter your share as: \\\\Server\\directory\\file", }, { type : 'text', id : 'samba', width: '50', label : translateItem('SMBLabel'), //"Samba Share", required: true, setup : function( data ) { if (data.url && data.url.selected) { this.setValue(data.url.selected); } }, }, ] }, { type : 'vbox', id : 'emailOptions', padding : 1, children : [ { type : 'text', id : 'emailAddress', label : linkLang.emailAddress, required : true, validate : function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); if ( !dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) || dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'linkType' ) != 'email' ) return true; var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( linkLang.noEmail ); return func.apply( this ); }, setup : function( data ) { if ( data.email ) this.setValue( data.email.address ); var linkType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ); if ( linkType && linkType.getValue() == 'email' ) this.select(); }, commit : function( data ) { if ( !data.email ) data.email = {}; data.email.address = this.getValue(); } }, { type : 'text', id : 'emailSubject', label : linkLang.emailSubject, setup : function( data ) { if ( data.email ) this.setValue( data.email.subject ); }, commit : function( data ) { if ( !data.email ) data.email = {}; data.email.subject = this.getValue(); } }, { type : 'textarea', id : 'emailBody', label : linkLang.emailBody, rows : 3, 'default' : '', setup : function( data ) { if ( data.email ) this.setValue( data.email.body ); }, commit : function( data ) { if ( !data.email ) data.email = {}; data.email.body = this.getValue(); } } ], setup : function( data ) { if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) ) this.getElement().hide(); } } ] }, { id : 'upload', label : linkLang.upload, title : linkLang.upload, hidden : true, filebrowser : 'uploadButton', elements : [ { type : 'file', id : 'upload', label : commonLang.upload, style: 'height:40px', size : 29 }, { type : 'fileButton', id : 'uploadButton', label : commonLang.uploadSubmit, filebrowser : 'info:url', 'for' : [ 'upload', 'upload' ] } ] }, { id : 'advanced', label : linkLang.advanced, title : linkLang.advanced, elements : [ { id : 'msg', type: 'html', html: "

" + translateItem('AdvancedInfo') +"

" }, { id : 'internalAnchor', type : 'select', 'default' : '', items : [ ['Not Set' , '' ], ], setup : function( data ) { if ( data.hash ) this.setValue( data.hash ); }, commit : function( data ) { data.hash = this.getValue(); } }, { type : 'button', id : 'getheaders', onClick: getInternalHeaders, label : translateItem('GetHeadingsLabel'), //'Get Headings' }, { type: 'html', html: "
", }, { type : 'text', id : 'queryString', label : translateItem('QStringLabel'), //'Query String (For example: value_1=1&value_2=2) ', setup : function( data ) { if ( data.qstring ) this.setValue( data.qstring ); }, commit : function( data ) { data.qstring = this.getValue(); } }, { type : 'button', id : 'clearquerystring', onClick: function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); var qs_id = dialog.getContentElement('advanced', 'queryString').getInputElement().$.id; var qs = document.getElementById(qs_id); qs.value = ""; }, label : translateItem('ResetQS'), //'Reset Query String' }, { type : 'vbox', padding : 1, hidden: true, children : [ { type : 'hbox', widths : [ '45%', '55%' ], children : [ { type : 'text', label : linkLang.cssClasses, 'default' : '', id : 'advCSSClasses', setup : setupAdvParams, commit : commitAdvParams }, { type : 'text', label : linkLang.charset, 'default' : '', id : 'advCharset', setup : setupAdvParams, commit : commitAdvParams } ] }, ] } ] } ], onShow : function() { var editor = this.getParentEditor(), selection = editor.getSelection(), element = null; // Fill in all the relevant fields if there's already one link selected. if ( ( element = plugin.getSelectedLink( editor ) ) && element.hasAttribute( 'href' ) ) selection.selectElement( element ); else element = null; this.setupContent( parseLink.apply( this, [ editor, element ] ) ); }, onOk : function() { var internal_text = false; var iwiki_text = false; url_text = false; var ImagesAllowed = new RegExp( oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.imageUploadAllowedExtensions); var attributes = {}, removeAttributes = [], linkstyle = 'page', me = this, tested = false, data = {}, editor = this.getParentEditor(); var other_media = false; var media_text; this.commitContent( data ); // Compose the URL. var other_mime_file = ""; switch ( data.type || 'url' ) { case 'media': if(document.getElementById(fckgMediaInputId).value) { data.url.url = document.getElementById(fckgMediaInputId).value; } data.adv.advTitle = data.url.url; media_text = data.adv.advTitle; var mf = data.url.url.match(/(\.(\w+))$/); other_mime_file = data.url.url.replace(/^:/,""); data.url.url=top.dokuBase + 'doku.php?id=' + data.url.url; if( mf[1].match(ImagesAllowed)) { data.adv['advContentType'] = 'linkonly'; } else { data.adv['advContentType'] = "other_mime"; data.url.url=top.dokuBase + 'lib/exe/fetch.php?media=' + other_mime_file; other_media = true; } data.adv[ 'advCSSClasses'] ="media mediafile"; if(mf) data.adv[ 'advCSSClasses'] += " mf_" + mf[2]; var protocol = ( data.url && data.url.protocol != undefined ) ? data.url.protocol : 'http://', url = ( data.url && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( data.url.url ) ) || ''; attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = ( url.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 ) ? url : protocol + url; break; case 'internal': internal_text = this.getValueOf( 'info', 'internal_text' ); ilinkstyle =this.getValueOf( 'info', 'ilinkstyle' ); if(!data.url.url) { data.url.url=document.getElementById(fckgInternalInputId).value; if(!data.url.url.match(/^:\w+/)) { var ns = top.getCurrentWikiNS() + ':'; ns = ns.replace(/:$/,""); var regex = new RegExp(':?'+ ns+':'); if(!data.url.url.match(regex)) { data.url.url = ns +':' + data.url.url; data.url.url = data.url.url.replace(/\:{2,}/g,':'); } } } if(!data.url.url.match(/\w/)) { data.url.url = ""; internal_text = ""; break; } var ar = data.url.url.split(/;;/); if(oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.useheading == 'y') { data.adv.advTitle = ar[1]; } data.url.url = ar[0]; data.url.url = data.url.url.replace(/^.*?\/pages\//,""); data.url.url = data.url.url.replace(/^\:/,""); data.url.url = ':' + data.url.url.replace(/\//g,':'); data.adv.advCSSClasses = "wikilink1"; if(ilinkstyle == 'page' && oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.useheading == 'n') { var elms = data.url.url.split(':'); data.adv.advTitle = elms.pop(); } else { //if(!tested) { data.url.url = data.url.url.replace(/^:/,""); data.adv.advTitle = data.url.url; } data.url.url=top.dokuBase + 'doku.php?id=' + data.url.url; if(data.hash) { data.url.url += '#' +data.hash; } if(data.qstring) { data.url.url += '&' +data.qstring; } var protocol = ( data.url && data.url.protocol != undefined ) ? data.url.protocol : 'http://', url = ( data.url && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( data.url.url ) ) || ''; attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = ( url.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 ) ? url : protocol + url; break; case 'interwiki': if(typeof editor.config.selectedIwikiIndex == "number") { var id = this.getContentElement('info', 'iwiki_shortcut').getInputElement().$.id; var select = document.getElementById(id); select.selectedIndex = editor.config.selectedIwikiIndex; } if( ckg_iwikiClass) { data.adv.advCSSClasses = ckg_iwikiClass; } else data.adv.advCSSClasses = 'interwiki ' + 'iw_' + data.url.iwiki_shortcut; var iwiki_pattern = ckgeditIwikiData[data.url.iwiki_shortcut]; data.adv.advTitle = data.url.selection; if(data.url.selection) data.url.selection = 'oIWIKIo'+data.url.selection+'cIWIKIc'; if(iwiki_pattern) { if(iwiki_pattern.match(/\{.*?\}/) ){ data.url.url = ckgeditIwikiData[data.url.iwiki_shortcut].replace(/{.*?}/,data.url.selection); } else data.url.url = iwiki_pattern + data.url.selection; } iwiki_text = this.getValueOf('info', 'iwikidisp') || "";//data.url.url; attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = data.url.url; break; case 'url': var protocol = ( data.url && data.url.protocol != undefined ) ? data.url.protocol : 'http://', url = ( data.url && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( data.url.url ) ) || ''; attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = ( url.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 ) ? url : protocol + url; url_text = this.getValueOf( 'info', 'url_text' ); break; case 'anchor': var name = ( data.anchor && data.anchor.name ), id = ( data.anchor && data.anchor.id ); attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = '#' + ( name || id || '' ); break; case 'samba': if(!data.url.url) { data.url.url=document.getElementById(getSMBInput()).value; } if(!data.url.url) { alert("Missing Samba Url"); return false; } data.url.protocol = ""; var protocol = ""; // ( data.url && data.url.protocol != undefined ) ? data.url.protocol : '', url = ( data.url && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( data.url.url ) ) || ''; attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = ( url.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 ) ? url : protocol + url; data.adv.advCSSClasses = "windows"; data.adv.advTitle = data.url.url; break; case 'email': var linkHref, email = data.email, address = email.address; switch( emailProtection ) { case '' : case 'encode' : { var subject = encodeURIComponent( email.subject || '' ), body = encodeURIComponent( email.body || '' ); // Build the e-mail parameters first. var argList = []; body && argList.push( 'body=' + body ); subject && argList.push( 'subject=' + subject ); argList = argList.length ? '?' + argList.join( '&' ) : ''; if ( emailProtection == 'encode' ) { linkHref = [ 'javascript:void(location.href=\'mailto:\'+', protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address ) ]; // parameters are optional. argList && linkHref.push( '+\'', escapeSingleQuote( argList ), '\'' ); linkHref.push( ')' ); } else linkHref = [ 'mailto:', address, argList ]; break; } default : { // Separating name and domain. var nameAndDomain = address.split( '@', 2 ); email.name = nameAndDomain[ 0 ]; email.domain = nameAndDomain[ 1 ]; linkHref = [ 'javascript:', protectEmailLinkAsFunction( email ) ]; } } attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = linkHref.join( '' ); break; } // Advanced attributes. if ( data.adv ) { var advAttr = function( inputName, attrName ) { var value = data.adv[ inputName ]; if ( value ) attributes[attrName] = value; else removeAttributes.push( attrName ); }; advAttr( 'advId', 'id' ); advAttr( 'advLangDir', 'dir' ); advAttr( 'advAccessKey', 'accessKey' ); if ( data.adv[ 'advName' ] ) attributes[ 'name' ] = attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-name' ] = data.adv[ 'advName' ]; else removeAttributes = removeAttributes.concat( [ 'data-cke-saved-name', 'name' ] ); advAttr( 'advLangCode', 'lang' ); advAttr( 'advTabIndex', 'tabindex' ); if(!other_media) { advAttr( 'advTitle', 'title' ); } advAttr( 'advContentType', 'type' ); advAttr( 'advCSSClasses', 'class' ); advAttr( 'advCharset', 'charset' ); advAttr( 'advStyles', 'style' ); advAttr( 'advRel', 'rel' ); } var selection = editor.getSelection(); var hasSelectedText = selection.getSelectedText() ? selection.getSelectedText() : false; // Browser need the "href" fro copy/paste link to work. (#6641) attributes.href = attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ]; if ( !this._.selectedElement ) { // Create element if current selection is collapsed. var ranges = selection.getRanges( true ); if ( ranges.length == 1 && ranges[0].collapsed ) { // Short mailto link text view (#5736). var text = new CKEDITOR.dom.text( data.type == 'email' ? data.email.address : attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ], editor.document ); ranges[0].insertNode( text ); ranges[0].selectNodeContents( text ); selection.selectRanges( ranges ); } if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(Trident|MSIE)/) || !text) { var el = editor.document.createElement( 'a' ); el.setAttribute( 'href', attributes['href']); if(!hasSelectedText && (data.type == 'media' || data.type == 'internal')) { if(internal_text) { el.setHtml(internal_text); } else el.setHtml(data.adv.advTitle); } else el.setHtml(selection.getSelectedText()); for(attr in attributes) { if(attr.match(/href/i))continue; el.setAttribute( attr, attributes[attr]); } editor.insertElement( el ); } else { // Apply style. var style = new CKEDITOR.style( { element : 'a', attributes : attributes } ); style.type = CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE; // need to override... dunno why. style.apply( editor.document ); } } else { // We're only editing an existing link, so just overwrite the attributes. var element = this._.selectedElement, href = element.data( 'cke-saved-href' ), textView = element.getHtml(); if(other_media) { attributes['type'] = 'other_mime'; attributes['title'] = ':' + other_mime_file; } element.setAttributes( attributes ); element.removeAttributes( removeAttributes ); if ( data.adv && data.adv.advName && CKEDITOR.plugins.link.synAnchorSelector ) element.addClass( element.getChildCount() ? 'cke_anchor' : 'cke_anchor_empty' ); // Update text view when user changes protocol (#4612). if ( href == textView || data.type == 'email' && textView.indexOf( '@' ) != -1 ) { // Short mailto link text view (#5736). element.setHtml( data.type == 'email' ? data.email.address : attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] ); } if(internal_text){ element.setText(internal_text); } else if(iwiki_text && iwiki_text != data.adv.advTitle) { var url = href.replace(iwiki_text, data.adv.advTitle); element.setText(url); } selection.selectElement( element ); delete this._.selectedElement; } if(text) { try { if(media_text) { text.setText(media_text); } else if(internal_text) { text.setText(internal_text); } else if(text && iwiki_text) { text.setText(iwiki_text); } else if(url_text) { text.setText(url_text); } else if(text && data.adv.advTitle) { text.setText(data.adv.advTitle); } }catch(err) { //alert(err.toString()); } } }, onLoad : function() { ckgeditIwikiData = editor.config.ckgeditIwikiData; ckg_iwi_Select_Id_x = this.getContentElement('info', 'iwiki_shortcut').getInputElement().$.id; var setUpIwikiSel = function() { if(!ckgeditIwikiData) return; var select =document.getElementById(ckg_iwi_Select_Id_x); this.stack = select.options; this.stack.length = 0; this.stack[0] = (new Option("Not Set","not-set",false,false)); ckgeditIwikiIndex = new Array(); var count = 1; for(var i in ckgeditIwikiData) { this.stack[count] = new Option(i + ' >> ' + ckgeditIwikiData[i],i,false,false); ckgeditIwikiIndex[i] = count; count++; } }; setUpIwikiSel(); var myStopFunction = function () { clearInterval(myVar); } oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.isDwikiImage = false; fckgInternalInputId = this.getContentElement('info', 'internal').getInputElement().$.id; fckgMediaInputId = this.getContentElement('info', 'media').getInputElement().$.id; fckgSMBInputId = this.getContentElement('info', 'samba').getInputElement().$.id; // this.getContentElement("info", 'iwiki_shortcut'). disable(); //restricts attempts to enter filenames into text box var update_schemes = function(proto_ref, ed) { var selectx = document.getElementById(proto_ref); var schemes = ed.config.ckgProtocols; var ar = schemes.split(/\n/); var ar_final = new Array(); for(i=0;i * @author Pierre Spring */ var doku_linkwiz = { $wiz: null, $entry: null, result: null, timer: null, textArea: null, selected: null, $ck: null, /** * Initialize the doku_linkwizard by creating the needed HTML * and attaching the eventhandlers */ init: function($editor, ck){ // position relative to the text area var pos = $editor.position(); $ck = ck; // create HTML Structure if(doku_linkwiz.$wiz) return; doku_linkwiz.$wiz = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: true, title: LANG.linkwiz, resizable: false }) .html( '
'+ '' ) .parent() .attr('id','link__wiz') .css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': (pos.top+20)+'px', 'left': (pos.left+80)+'px', 'z-index': '20000' }) .hide() .appendTo('.dokuwiki:first'); doku_linkwiz.textArea = $editor[0]; doku_linkwiz.result = jQuery('#link__wiz_result')[0]; // scrollview correction on arrow up/down gets easier jQuery(doku_linkwiz.result).css('position', 'relative'); doku_linkwiz.$entry = jQuery('#link__wiz_entry'); if(JSINFO.namespace){ doku_linkwiz.$entry.val(JSINFO.namespace+':'); } // attach event handlers jQuery('#link__wiz .ui-dialog-titlebar-close').click(doku_linkwiz.hide); doku_linkwiz.$entry.keyup(doku_linkwiz.onEntry); jQuery(doku_linkwiz.result).delegate('a', 'click', doku_linkwiz.onResultClick); }, /** * handle all keyup events in the entry field */ onEntry: function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39){ //left/right return true; //ignore } if(e.keyCode == 27){ //Escape doku_linkwiz.hide(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 38){ //Up doku_linkwiz.select(doku_linkwiz.selected -1); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 40){ //Down doku_linkwiz.select(doku_linkwiz.selected +1); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 13){ //Enter if(doku_linkwiz.selected > -1){ var $obj = doku_linkwiz.$getResult(doku_linkwiz.selected); if($obj.length > 0){ doku_linkwiz.resultClick($obj.find('a')[0]); } }else if(doku_linkwiz.$entry.val()){ doku_linkwiz.insertLink(doku_linkwiz.$entry.val()); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } doku_linkwiz.autocomplete(); }, /** * Get one of the results by index * * @param num int result div to return * @returns DOMObject or null */ getResult: function(num){ DEPRECATED('use doku_linkwiz.$getResult()[0] instead'); return doku_linkwiz.$getResult()[0] || null; }, /** * Get one of the results by index * * @param num int result div to return * @returns jQuery object */ $getResult: function(num) { return jQuery(doku_linkwiz.result).find('div').eq(num); }, /** * Select the given result */ select: function(num){ if(num < 0){ doku_linkwiz.deselect(); return; } var $obj = doku_linkwiz.$getResult(num); if ($obj.length === 0) { return; } doku_linkwiz.deselect(); $obj.addClass('selected'); // make sure the item is viewable in the scroll view //getting child position within the parent var childPos = $obj.position().top; //getting difference between the childs top and parents viewable area var yDiff = childPos + $obj.outerHeight() - jQuery(doku_linkwiz.result).innerHeight(); if (childPos < 0) { //if childPos is above viewable area (that's why it goes negative) jQuery(doku_linkwiz.result)[0].scrollTop += childPos; } else if(yDiff > 0) { // if difference between childs top and parents viewable area is // greater than the height of a childDiv jQuery(doku_linkwiz.result)[0].scrollTop += yDiff; } doku_linkwiz.selected = num; }, /** * deselect a result if any is selected */ deselect: function(){ if(doku_linkwiz.selected > -1){ doku_linkwiz.$getResult(doku_linkwiz.selected).removeClass('selected'); } doku_linkwiz.selected = -1; }, /** * Handle clicks in the result set an dispatch them to * resultClick() */ onResultClick: function(e){ if(!jQuery(this).is('a')) { return; } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); doku_linkwiz.resultClick(this); return false; }, /** * Handles the "click" on a given result anchor */ resultClick: function(a){ doku_linkwiz.$entry.val(a.title); if(a.title == '' || a.title.substr(a.title.length-1) == ':'){ doku_linkwiz.autocomplete_exec(); }else{ if (jQuery(a.nextSibling).is('span')) { doku_linkwiz.insertLink(a.nextSibling.innerHTML); }else{ doku_linkwiz.insertLink(''); } } }, /** * Insert the id currently in the entry box to the textarea, * replacing the current selection or at the cursor position. * When no selection is available the given title will be used * as link title instead */ insertLink: function(title){ var link = doku_linkwiz.$entry.val(), sel, stxt; if(!link) { return; } link = ':' + link.replace(/^:/,""); //insert link into field var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent(); dialog.getContentElement("info", "internal").setValue(link); if(title && oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.useheading == 'y') { dialog.getContentElement("info", "internal_text").setValue(title); } else { var ltype = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'ilinkstyle' ); if(ltype == 'page') { var link_ar = link.split(':',link); link = link_ar.pop(); } dialog.getContentElement("info", "internal_text").setValue(link); } doku_linkwiz.hide(); // reset the entry to the parent namespace doku_linkwiz.$entry.val(doku_linkwiz.$entry.val().replace(/[^:]*$/, '')); }, /** * Start the page/namespace lookup timer * * Calls autocomplete_exec when the timer runs out */ autocomplete: function(){ if(doku_linkwiz.timer !== null){ window.clearTimeout(doku_linkwiz.timer); doku_linkwiz.timer = null; } doku_linkwiz.timer = window.setTimeout(doku_linkwiz.autocomplete_exec,350); }, /** * Executes the AJAX call for the page/namespace lookup */ autocomplete_exec: function(){ var $res = jQuery(doku_linkwiz.result); doku_linkwiz.deselect(); $res.html('') .load( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', { call: 'linkwiz', q: doku_linkwiz.$entry.val() } ); }, /** * Show the link wizard */ show: function(){ doku_linkwiz.$wiz.show(); doku_linkwiz.$entry.focus(); doku_linkwiz.autocomplete(); // Move the cursor to the end of the input var temp = doku_linkwiz.$entry.val(); doku_linkwiz.$entry.val(''); doku_linkwiz.$entry.val(temp); }, /** * Hide the link wizard */ hide: function(){ doku_linkwiz.$wiz.hide(); doku_linkwiz.textArea.focus(); }, /** * Toggle the link wizard */ toggle: function(){ if(doku_linkwiz.$wiz.css('display') == 'none'){ doku_linkwiz.show(); }else{ doku_linkwiz.hide(); } } };