/* * HTML Parser By John Resig (ejohn.org) * Original code by Erik Arvidsson, Mozilla Public License * http://erik.eae.net/simplehtmlparser/simplehtmlparser.js * @license GPL 3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) */ var HTMLParser; var HTMLParserInstalled=true; var HTMLParser_Elements = new Array(); (function(){ // Regular Expressions for parsing tags and attributes var startTag = /^<(\w+)((?:\s+\w+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/, endTag = /^<\/(\w+)[^>]*>/, attr = /(\w+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:\\.|[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:\\.|[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g; // Empty Elements - HTML 4.01 var empty = makeMap("br,col,hr,img"); // HTMLParser_Elements['empty'] = empty; // Block Elements - HTML 4.01 var block = makeMap("blockquote,center,del,div,dl,dt,hr,iframe,ins,li,ol,p,pre,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,ul"); // HTMLParser_Elements['block'] = block; // Inline Elements - HTML 4.01 var inline = makeMap("a,abbr,acronym,b,big,br,cite,code,del,em,font,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,i,img,ins,kbd,q,s,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,u,var"); // Elements that you can, intentionally, leave open // (and which close themselves) var closeSelf = makeMap("colgroup,dd,dt,li,options,p,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr"); // Attributes that have their values filled in disabled="disabled" var fillAttrs = makeMap("checked,disabled,ismap,noresize,nowrap,readonly,selected"); // Special Elements (can contain anything) var special = makeMap("script,style"); HTMLParser = this.HTMLParser = function( html, handler ) { var index, chars, match, stack = [], last = html; html = html.replace(/~~OPEN_HTML_BLOCK~~/gm , '~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~') ; html = html.replace(/~~END_HTML_BLOCK~~/gm , '~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~') ; if(html.match(/~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~/gm) ){ //adopted [\s\S] from Goyvaerts, Reg. Exp. Cookbook (O'Reilly) if(!JSINFO['htmlok']) { html = html.replace(/~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~|~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~/gm,""); } html = html.replace(/()*\s*~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~\s*(<\/p>)*([\s\S]+)~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~\s*(<\/p>)*/gm, function(match,p,p1,text,p2) { text = text.replace(/<\/?div.*?>/gm,""); text = text.replace(//gm,""); text = text.replace(/<\/code>/gm,""); text = text.replace(/fckgL\d+\s*\<\/sup\>)\<\/a\>/gm, function(match,sup,a) { return( '' +sup); } ); stack.last = function(){ return this[ this.length - 1 ]; }; while ( html ) { chars = true; // Make sure we're not in a script or style element if ( !stack.last() || !special[ stack.last() ] ) { // Comment if ( html.indexOf(""); if ( index >= 0 ) { if ( handler.comment ) handler.comment( html.substring( 4, index ) ); html = html.substring( index + 3 ); chars = false; } // end tag } else if ( html.indexOf("]*>"), function(all, text){ text = text.replace(//g, "$1") .replace(//g, "$1"); if ( handler.chars ) handler.chars( text ); return ""; }); parseEndTag( "", stack.last() ); } if ( html == last ) throw "Parse Error: " + html; last = html; } // Clean up any remaining tags parseEndTag(); function parseStartTag( tag, tagName, rest, unary ) { if ( block[ tagName ] ) { while ( stack.last() && inline[ stack.last() ] ) { parseEndTag( "", stack.last() ); } } if ( closeSelf[ tagName ] && stack.last() == tagName ) { parseEndTag( "", tagName ); } unary = empty[ tagName ] || !!unary; if ( !unary ) stack.push( tagName ); if ( handler.start ) { var attrs = []; rest.replace(attr, function(match, name) { var value = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : fillAttrs[name] ? name : ""; attrs.push({ name: name, value: value, escaped: value.replace(/(^|[^\\])"/g, '$1\\\"') //" }); }); if ( handler.start ) handler.start( tagName, attrs, unary ); } } function parseEndTag( tag, tagName ) { // If no tag name is provided, clean shop if ( !tagName ) var pos = 0; // Find the closest opened tag of the same type else for ( var pos = stack.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos-- ) if ( stack[ pos ] == tagName ) break; if ( pos >= 0 ) { // Close all the open elements, up the stack for ( var i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i-- ) if ( handler.end ) handler.end( stack[ i ] ); // Remove the open elements from the stack stack.length = pos; } } }; function makeMap(str){ var obj = {}, items = str.split(","); for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) obj[ items[i] ] = true; return obj; } })(); function HTMLParser_test_result(results) { var test_str = ""; for ( i=0; i < results.length; i++) { var character = results.charAt(i); if(results.charCodeAt(i) == 10) character ='\\n'; if(results.charCodeAt(i) == 32) character ='SP'; var entry = character + ' '; test_str += entry; if(results.charCodeAt(i) == 10) { test_str += "\n"; } } if(!confirm(test_str)) return false; return true; } function hide_backup_msg() { document.getElementById("backup_msg").style.display="none"; return false; } function show_backup_msg(msg) { document.getElementById("backup_msg").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("backup_msg_area").innerHTML = "Backed up to: " + msg; return false; } // legacy functions function remove_draft(){ } function dwedit_draft_delete() { } // legacy functions end function setEdHeight(h) { h = parseInt(h); document.cookie = 'ckgEdht=' + h +';expires="";path=' +JSINFO['doku_base']; } function ckgd_setImgPaste(which) { var state = JSINFO['ckgEdPaste'] ? JSINFO['ckgEdPaste'] : ""; if(state == 'on') { which = 'off' } else which = 'on'; JSINFO['ckgEdPaste'] = which; document.cookie = 'ckgEdPaste=' + which +';expires="Thu, 18 Dec 2575 12:00:00 UTC";path=' +JSINFO['doku_base']; alert(LANG.plugins.ckgdoku.ckg_paste_restart + ' ' + LANG.plugins.ckgdoku[which]); } function GetE(e) { return document.getElementById(e); } var dokuBase = location.host + DOKU_BASE; if(window.getSelection != undefined) { var doku_ckg_getSelection = window.getSelection; window.getSelection = function(ta) { if(!ta) ta = GetE("wiki__text"); return doku_ckg_getSelection(ta); }; } function ckgdoku_seteditor_priority(m,client,dw_val_obj) { var which = {'Y': 'Dokuwiki', 'N': 'CKEditor'}; if (typeof m === "undefined") { // Safari if(dw_val_obj[0].checked) { m= dw_val_obj[0].value; } else if(dw_val_obj[1].checked) { m = dw_val_obj[1].value; } } var params = "dw_val=" + m; params += '&call=cked_selector'; params += "&dwp_client=" + client; jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', params, function (data) { if(data == 'done') { if(!m) alert(LANG.plugins.ckgdoku.dwp_not_sel); else alert(LANG.plugins.ckgdoku.dwp_updated + which[m]); } else { alert(LANG.plugins.ckgdoku.dwp_save_err + data); } }, 'html' ); } /* gets both size and filetime: "size||filetime" */ function ckged_get_unlink_size(id) { var params = 'call=cked_deletedsize'; params += "&cked_delid=" + id; jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', params, function (data) { if(data) { JSINFO['ckg_del_sz'] = data; //console.log(data); } else { // alert(LANG.plugins.ckgedit.dwp_save_err + data); } }, 'html' ); } function ckged_setmedia(id,del, refresh_cb) { var params = 'call=cked_upload'; params += "&ckedupl_id=" + id; if(del) params += "&ckedupl_del=D&delsize="+JSINFO['ckg_del_sz']; jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', params, function (data) { if(data) { if(refresh_cb) { refresh_cb.postMessage(JSINFO['doku_url'], JSINFO['doku_url']); } console.log(data); } else { // alert(LANG.plugins.ckgedit.dwp_save_err + data); } }, 'html' ); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { if(JSINFO['hide_captcha_error'] =='hide') { jQuery("div.error").hide(); } }); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery( "#editor_height" ).keydown(function(event) { if ( event.which == 13 ) { event.preventDefault(); } }); $dokuWiki = jQuery('.dokuwiki'); jQuery('.editbutton_table button').click(function() { var f = this.form; jQuery('').attr('type','hidden').attr('name','mode').attr('value','dwiki').appendTo(jQuery(f)); jQuery('').attr('type','hidden').attr('name','fck_preview_mode').attr('value','nil').appendTo(jQuery(f)); }); if(typeof(JSINFO['dbl_click_auth'] !== 'undefined') && JSINFO['dbl_click_auth'] == "") return; if(!JSINFO['ckg_dbl_click']) return; /** * If one or more edit section buttons exist? * This makes sure this feature is enabled only on the edit page and for users with page edit rights. */ if (jQuery('.editbutton_section', $dokuWiki).length > 0) { // register double click event for all headings and section divs jQuery('[class^="sectionedit"], div[class^="level"]', $dokuWiki).dblclick(function(){ // find the closest edit button form to the element double clicked (downwards) and submit the form var f = jQuery(this).nextAll('.editbutton_section:eq(0)').children('form:eq(0)'); //alert(jQuery(f).hasClass('button')); jQuery('').attr('type','hidden').attr('name','mode').attr('value','dwiki').appendTo(jQuery(f)); jQuery('').attr('type','hidden').attr('name','fck_preview_mode').attr('value','nil').appendTo(jQuery(f)); f.submit(); }) } if(JSINFO['template'].match(/bootstrap/) && jQuery('div.editButtons').length>0) { //var n=jQuery('div.editButtons input').length; jQuery( "div.editButtons input").each(function( index ) { if(jQuery(this).hasClass('btn-success')) { jQuery(this).removeClass('btn-success') } if(jQuery(this).hasClass('btn-danger')) { jQuery(this).removeClass('btn-danger'); } }); } }); function ckg_edit_mediaman_insert(edid, id, opts, dw_align) { var link, width, s, align; //parse option string var options = opts.substring(1).split('&'); //get width and link options link = 'detail'; for (var i in options) { var opt = options[i]; if (opt.match(/^\d+$/)) { width = opt; } else if (opt.match(/^\w+$/)) { link = opt; } } //get alignment option switch (dw_align) { case '2': align = 'medialeft'; break; case '3': align = 'mediacenter'; break; case '4': align = 'mediaright'; break; default: align = ''; break; } var funcNum = CKEDITOR.instances.wiki__text._.filebrowserFn; var fileUrl = DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/fetch.php?media=' + id; CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(funcNum, fileUrl, function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); if ( dialog.getName() == "image" ) { if (align != null) { dialog.getContentElement("info", "cmbAlign").setValue(align); } if (link != null) { dialog.getContentElement("info", "cmbLinkType").setValue(link); } if (width != null) { dialog.getContentElement("info", "txtWidth").setValue(width); dialog.dontResetSize = true; } } }); } function ckg_edit_mediaman_insertlink(edid, id, opts, dw_align) { var funcNum = CKEDITOR.instances.wiki__text._.filebrowserFn; CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(funcNum, id, function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); if (dialog.getName() == "link") { dialog.getContentElement('info', 'media').setValue(id); } }); } function getCookie(name) { var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)"); var value = re.exec(document.cookie); return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null; }