* @author Myron Turner
// must be run within Dokuwiki
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
// we inherit from the XHTML renderer instead directly of the base renderer
require_once DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/xhtml.php';
* The Renderer
class renderer_plugin_ckgdoku extends Doku_Renderer_xhtml
var $ver_anteater;
var $dwiki_version;
* Establish version in constructor
* @author Myron Turner
function __construct() {
global $conf;
$this->ver_anteater = mktime(0,0,0,11,7,2010);
if(isset($conf['fnencode'])) {
$this->ver_anteater = mktime(0,0,0,11,7,2010);
else if(function_exists('getVersionData')) {
$verdata= getVersionData();
if(isset($verdata) && preg_match('/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/',$verdata['date'],$ver_date)) {
if($ver_date[1] >= 2005 && ($ver_date[3] > 0 && $ver_date[3] < 31) && ($ver_date[2] > 0 && $ver_date[2] <= 12)) {
// month day year
$this->dwiki_version=@mktime(0, 0, 0, $ver_date[2],$ver_date[3], $ver_date[1]);
if(!$this->dwiki_version) $this->dwiki_version = mktime(0,0,0,01,01,2008);
$this->ver_anteater = mktime(0,0,0,11,7,2010);
* the format we produce
function getFormat()
// this should be 'ckgdoku' usally, but we inherit from the xhtml renderer
// and produce XHTML as well, so we can gain magically compatibility
// by saying we're the 'xhtml' renderer here.
return 'xhtml';
* The standard xhtml renderer adds anchors we do not need.
function header($text, $level, $pos) {
// write the header
$this->doc .= DOKU_LF.'';
$this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($text);
$this->doc .= "".DOKU_LF;
* The FCKEditor prefers over
function strong_open()
$this->doc .= '';
function strong_close()
$this->doc .= '';
* The FCKEditor prefers over
function deleted_open()
$this->doc .= '';
function deleted_close()
$this->doc .= '';
* isolate table from bottom and top editor window margins
* @author Myron Turner
function table_close($pos = NULL)
global $conf;
$this->doc .= "\n \n";
if($this->dwiki_version >= $this->ver_anteater) {
$this->doc .= "";
function table_open($maxcols = null, $numrows = null, $pos = null, $classes = NULL){
$this->doc .= "\n \n";
parent::table_open($maxcols, $numrows, $pos,$classes);
* Dokuwiki displays __underlines__ as follows
* underlines
* in the fck editor this conflicts with
* the //italic// style that is displayed as
* italic
* which makes the rathe obvious
function underline_open()
$this->doc .= '';
function underline_close()
$this->doc .= '';
function listcontent_open()
function listcontent_close()