helper = plugin_load('helper', 'ckgdoku'); $this->dokuwiki_priority = $this->getConf('dw_priority'); $this->dw_priority_group = $this->getConf('dw_users'); $this->dw_priority_metafn=metaFN(':ckgdoku:dw_priority', '.ser'); if(!file_exists($this->dw_priority_metafn)) { io_saveFile($this->dw_priority_metafn, serialize(array())); } if(!plugin_isdisabled('captcha')) { $this->captcha = true; } } /* * Register its handlers with the dokuwiki's event controller */ function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) { if($this->helper->is_outOfScope()) return; $controller->register_hook( 'TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'AFTER', $this, 'loadScript'); $controller->register_hook( 'HTML_EDITFORM_INJECTION', 'AFTER', $this, 'preprocess'); $controller->register_hook( 'HTML_EDITFORM_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'insertFormElement'); $controller->register_hook('DOKUWIKI_STARTED', 'BEFORE', $this, 'file_type'); $controller->register_hook('TPL_CONTENT_DISPLAY', 'AFTER', $this, 'setupDWEdit'); $controller->register_hook('DOKUWIKI_STARTED', 'AFTER', $this, 'reset_user_rewrite_check'); $controller->register_hook('DOKUWIKI_DONE', 'BEFORE', $this, 'restore_conf'); $controller->register_hook('AJAX_CALL_UNKNOWN', 'BEFORE', $this,'_ajax_call'); $controller->register_hook('HTML_UPDATEPROFILEFORM_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_profile_form'); } function handle_profile_form(Doku_Event $event, $param) { if(!$this->getConf('dw_priority')) { return; } global $INFO; $client = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; //$INFO['client']; $ar = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->dw_priority_metafn)); $which = $ar[$client]; $dwed = ""; $cked = ""; if($which == 'N') { $cked = "checked"; } else if($which == 'Y') { $dwed = "checked"; } $pos = $event->data->findElementByAttribute('type', 'reset'); $_form = '
'; $_form.= '
' . $this->getLang('uprofile_title') .''; $_form.= ' '; $_form .=''; $_form.= '
'; $_form.= '

 "; $_form.= ''; $_form.= '
'; $event->data->insertElement($pos+2, $_form); } function _ajax_call(Doku_Event $event, $param) { if ($event->data == 'cked_upload') { global $lang; $event->stopPropagation(); $event->preventDefault(); global $INPUT; $id = urldecode($INPUT->str('ckedupl_id')); $id = str_replace('/', ':',$id); $this->ajax_debug($id); $fn = mediaFN($id); $this->ajax_debug($fn); $delete = $INPUT->str('ckedupl_del'); if(file_exists($fn)) { $size = filesize($fn); $this->ajax_debug("$fn: $size"); } else $this->ajax_debug("$fn not found"); if($delete && $delete == 'D') { $size = ""; $ft = ""; $oldf = $id; $size_tm = $INPUT->str('delsize'); $this->ajax_debug('size_tm='.$size_tm); if($size_tm != 'undefined' && isset($size_tm)) { list($size,$ft) = explode(';',$size_tm); $size=trim($size); $ft=trim($ft); $size = '-' . $size; } else if(file_exists($fn)) { if(!$size) { $size = filesize($fn); $size = '-' . $size; } if(!$ft) { $ft=filemtime($fn) ; } } else { $this->ajax_debug("$fn not found"); return; } if(isset($ft) && file_exists($fn)) { $newf = mediaFN($id,$ft); $this->ajax_debug("newf: $newf fn: $fn"); if(file_exists($fn)){ $this->ajax_debug("old file: $oldf; $fn"); } else $this->ajax_debug("no old file: $fn"); io_makeFileDir($newf); if(copy($fn, $newf)) { $this->ajax_debug("Copying $fn to $newf"); chmod($newf, $conf['fmode']); $this->ajax_debug("deleting: $fn"); if(!unlink($fn)) $this->ajax_debug("delete failed"); } else $this->ajax_debug("copy failed"); } if(file_exists($fn)) { if(!copy($fn, $newf)) { $this->ajax_debug ("(2nd try) could not copy $fn to $newf"); return; } if(!unlink($fn)) { $this->ajax_debug ("could not delete $fn"); return; } } addMediaLogEntry($ft, $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE, $lang['deleted'],'', null, $size); } else addMediaLogEntry(time(), $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE, $lang['created'],'', null, $size); echo 'done'; return; } //cked_deletedsize if ($event->data == 'cked_deletedsize') { $event->stopPropagation(); $event->preventDefault(); global $INPUT; $id = urldecode($INPUT->str('cked_delid')); $fn = mediaFN($id); if(file_exists($fn)) { $this->ajax_debug(filesize ($fn) . ';' .filemtime($fn) ); } else echo ("$fn not found"); return; } if ($event->data == 'use_heads') { $event->stopPropagation(); $event->preventDefault(); global $INPUT; $page = $INPUT->str('dw_id'); $page = urldecode($page); $page = ltrim($page, ':'); $t= trim(p_get_first_heading($page)); echo $t; return; } if ($event->data == 'wrap_lang') { $event->stopPropagation(); $event->preventDefault(); global $INPUT; $which = $INPUT->str('lang'); $path = DOKU_PLUGIN . 'wrap/lang/' . $which . '/lang.php'; if(file_exists($path)) { $data = file($path, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES ); array_shift($data); } $result = array(); for($i=0; $idata == 'cked_selector') { //choose profile editor priority $event->stopPropagation(); $event->preventDefault(); global $INPUT, $USERINFO,$INFO; if(!isset($USERINFO)) return; $ar = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->dw_priority_metafn)); $dwp = $INPUT->str('dw_val'); $client = $INPUT->str('dwp_client'); $ar[$client] = $dwp; $retv = file_put_contents($this->dw_priority_metafn,serialize($ar)); if($retv === false) { echo $this->dw_priority_metafn; } else echo "done"; return; } if ($event->data == 'geshi_sel') { //get geshi file names , return as ;; separated string w/o php extensions $event->stopPropagation(); $event->preventDefault(); if( class_exists('GeSHi')) { if(defined('GESHI_LANG_ROOT') ) $geshi_dir =GESHI_LANG_ROOT; } else { echo "ENotfound\n"; return ; } $gfiles = scandir ($geshi_dir); $selects = array(); foreach($gfiles as $gfile){ if(is_dir($gfile)) continue; $gfile = preg_replace("/\.php\n?$/","",$gfile); $selects[] = $gfile; } $selects = implode ( ';;', $selects ); echo $selects; return; } if ($event->data !== 'refresh_save') { // save ckgedit backups in native dw format return; } $event->stopPropagation(); $event->preventDefault(); global $INPUT; $rsave_id = urldecode($INPUT->str('rsave_id')); $path = pathinfo($rsave_id); if($path['extension'] != 'ckgdoku') { echo "failed"; return; } $this->wiki_text = urldecode($INPUT->str('wikitext')); if(!preg_match('/^\s+(\-|\*)/',$this->wiki_text)){ $this->wiki_text = trim($this->wiki_text); } /* preserve newlines in code blocks */ $this->wiki_text = preg_replace_callback( '/(|)(.*?)(<\/code>|<\/file>)/ms', create_function( '$matches', 'return str_replace("\n", "__code_NL__",$matches[0]);' ), $this->wiki_text ); $this->wiki_text = preg_replace('/^\s*[\r\n]$/ms',"__n__", $this->wiki_text); $this->wiki_text = preg_replace('/\r/ms',"", $this->wiki_text); $this->wiki_text = preg_replace('/^\s+(?=\^|\|)/ms',"", $this->wiki_text); $this->wiki_text = preg_replace('/__n__/',"\n", $this->wiki_text); $this->wiki_text = str_replace("__code_NL__","\n", $this->wiki_text); $this->wiki_text .= "\n"; $pos = strpos($this->wiki_text, 'MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN'); if($pos !== false) { $this->wiki_text = preg_replace_callback( '|MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN.*?MULTI_PLUGIN_CLOSE|ms', create_function( '$matches', 'return preg_replace("/\\\\\\\\/ms","\n",$matches[0]);' ), $this->wiki_text ); $this->wiki_text = preg_replace_callback( '|MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN.*?MULTI_PLUGIN_CLOSE|ms', create_function( '$matches', 'return preg_replace("/^\s+/ms","",$matches[0]);' ), $this->wiki_text ); } $this->replace_entities(); $this->wiki_text = preg_replace('/\<\?php/i', '<?php',$this->wiki_text) ; $this->wiki_text = preg_replace('/\?>/i', '?>',$this->wiki_text) ; file_put_contents($rsave_id, $this->wiki_text); echo 'done'; } function replace_entities() { global $ents; $serialized = FCK_ACTION_SUBDIR . 'ent.ser'; $ents = unserialize(file_get_contents($serialized)); $this->wiki_text = preg_replace_callback( '|(&(\w+);)|', create_function( '$matches', 'global $ents; return $ents[$matches[2]];' ), $this->wiki_text ); } function insertFormElement(Doku_Event $event, $param) { global $FCKG_show_preview; $param = array(); global $ID; $dwedit_ns = @$this->getConf('dwedit_ns'); if(isset($dwedit_ns) && $dwedit_ns) { $ns_choices = explode(',',$dwedit_ns); foreach($ns_choices as $ns) { $ns = trim($ns); if(preg_match("/$ns/",$ID)) { echo ""; break; } } } $act = $event->data; if(is_string($act) && $act != 'edit') { return; } // restore preview button if standard DW editor is in place // $FCKG_show_preview is set in edit.php in the register() function if($_REQUEST['fck_preview_mode'] != 'nil' && !isset($_COOKIE['FCKG_USE']) && !$FCKG_show_preview) { echo ''; } elseif($FCKG_show_preview) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } global $ckgdoku_lang; if($_REQUEST['fck_preview_mode']== 'preview'){ return; } $param = array(); $this->preprocess($event, $param); // create the setDWEditCookie() js function $button = array ( '_elem' => 'button', 'type' => 'submit', '_action' => 'cancel', 'value' => $this->getLang('btn_fck_edit'), 'class' => 'button', 'id' => 'edbtn__edit', 'title' => $this->getLang('btn_fck_edit') ); $pos = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE'); if($pos === false) { $button['onclick'] = 'return setDWEditCookie(1, this);'; } else { $button['onmousedown'] = 'return setDWEditCookie(1, this);'; } $pos = $event->data->findElementByAttribute('type','submit'); //inserts HTML data after that position. $event->data->insertElement(++$pos,$button); return; } function preprocess(Doku_Event $event, $param) { $act = $event->data; if(is_string($act) && $act != 'edit') { return; } global $INFO, $ckgdoku_lang; $discard = $this->getLang('discard_edits'); echo "\n"; echo << SCRIPT; } function check_userfiles() { if($this->getConf('no_symlinks')) { return; } global $INFO; global $conf; $save_dir = trim($conf['savedir']); $animal = isset($conf['animal']) ? $conf['animal'] : 'userfiles'; $userfiles = DOKU_PLUGIN . "ckgdoku/fckeditor/$animal/"; if(isset($conf['animal']) && $conf['animal'] !== 'userfiles') { setcookie('FCK_animal',$animal, $expire, '/'); setcookie('FCK_animal_inc',$conf['animal_inc'], $expire, '/'); preg_match('#^(.*?' . $conf['animal'] . ')#', $save_dir,$matches); $save_dir=$matches[1] . '/data/pages'; setcookie('FCK_farmlocal',$save_dir, $expire, '/'); return; } // msg('BASE='. DOKU_BASE); // msg(DOKU_URL); // msg('REL='. DOKU_REL); if(!preg_match('#^\.\/data$#',$save_dir)) { $data_media = $conf['savedir'] . '/media/'; $domain = trim(DOKU_BASE,'/'); $expire = null; if(! empty($domain )) { list($prefix,$mdir) = explode(trim(DOKU_BASE, '/'),$userfiles); $mdir = ltrim($mdir, '/'); $media_dir = DOKU_BASE . $mdir . 'image/'; } else $media_dir = '/lib/plugins/ckgdoku/fckeditor/'. $animal . '/image/'; setcookie('FCK_media',$media_dir, $expire, '/'); } else { $data_media = DOKU_INC.'data/media/'; } if($this->getConf('winstyle')) { $htaccess = $data_media . '.htaccess'; if(!file_exists($htaccess)) { $security = $userfiles . ''; if(file_exists($security)) { if(!copy($security, $htaccess)) { msg($this->getLang("ws_cantcopy") . $htaccess); } else msg($this->getLang("ws_copiedhtaccess")); } } return; } if(!is_readable($userfiles) && !is_writable($userfiles)){ msg($this->getLang("userfiles_perm" ) . ' ' . $userfiles) ; return; } $version = io_readFile(DOKU_PLUGIN . 'ckgdoku/version'); if(!$version) return; $meta = metaFN('fckl:symchk','.meta'); $symcheck = io_readFile($meta); if($symcheck) { if(trim($version)== trim($symcheck)) { //symlinks should already have been created return; } } if (function_exists('php_uname')) { $sys = php_uname() ; if( preg_match('/Windows/i', $sys) ) { preg_match('/build\s+(\d+)/',$sys, $matches); if($matches[1] < 6000) { // we can make symlinks for vista (6000) or later return; } $winlinks = array(); $userfiles = str_replace('/', '\\',$userfiles); exec("dir " . $userfiles, $output); foreach($output as $line) { if(preg_match('/\s+(.*?)\s+\[/i',$line,$matches)) { $winlinks[] = $matches[1]; } } } } else if( preg_match('/WINNT/i', PHP_OS) ) { // if we can't get php_uname and a build and this is Windows, just return return; } $show_msg = false; if($INFO['isadmin'] || $INFO['ismanager'] ) { // only admins and mgrs get messages $show_msg = true; } $link_names = array('flash', 'image', 'media', 'file', 'image'); if(is_array($winlinks) && count($winlinks)) { $link_names = array_diff($link_names, $winlinks); } $links = array(); foreach ($link_names as $ln) { $links[$ln] = $userfiles . $ln; } $bad_create = false; $successes = array(); if(@file_exists($userfiles)) { foreach($links as $name => $path) { if(!is_link($path)) { if(file_exists($path) && is_file($path) ){ unlink($path); } if(file_exists($path) && is_dir($path) ){ rmdir($path); } if(!@symlink($data_media,$path) ) { $bad_create = true; if($show_msg) msg($this->getLang("sym_not created_1") . " $name link: $path",-1); } else { $successes[] = $name; } } } } else { if($show_msg) { msg($this->getLang("sym_not created_2") ." $userfiles",-1); } } if($bad_create) { if($show_msg) { msg($this->getLang("sym_not created_3") . " $userfiles"); } } else { if(count($successes)) { $links_created = implode(', ',$successes); msg($this->getLang("syms_created") . " $links_created",2); } } io_saveFile($meta,$version); chmod($meta, 0666); } function set_session() { global $USERINFO, $INFO; global $conf; global $ID; global $ACT; if($this->session_id) return; $cname = getCacheName($INFO['client'].$ID,'.draft'); $fckl_draft = $cname . '.fckl'; if((isset($ACT) && is_array($ACT)) || isset($_REQUEST['dwedit_preview'])) { if(isset($ACT['draftdel']) || isset($ACT['cancel']) || isset($_REQUEST['dwedit_preview'])) { @unlink($fckl_draft); @unlink($cname); } } if(file_exists($cname)) { if(file_exists($fckl_draft)) { unlink($fckl_draft); } @rename($cname, $fckl_draft); } $session_string = session_id(); $this->session_id = $session_string; $_SESSION['dwfck_id'] = $session_string; $default_fb = $this->getConf('default_fb'); if($default_fb == 'none') { $acl = 255; } else { $acl = auth_quickaclcheck($ID); } $_SESSION['dwfck_acl'] = $acl; if($this->getConf('openfb') || $acl == 255) { $_SESSION['dwfck_openfb'] = 'y'; } else { $_SESSION['dwfck_openfb'] = 'n'; } $_SESSION['dwfck_grps'] = isset($USERINFO['grps']) ? $USERINFO['grps'] : array(); $_SESSION['dwfck_client'] = $INFO['client']; $_SESSION['dwfck_sepchar'] = $conf['sepchar'] ; $_SESSION['dwfck_conf'] = array('sepchar'=> $conf['sepchar'], 'isadmin'=>($INFO['isadmin'] || $INFO['ismanager']), 'deaccent'=>$conf['deaccent'], 'useslash'=>$conf['useslash']); $elems = explode(':', $ID); array_pop($elems); $_SESSION['dwfck_ns'] = implode(':',$elems); $_SESSION['dwfck_top'] = implode('/',$elems); $_SESSION['dwfck_del'] = $this->getConf('acl_del'); // temp fix for puzzling encoding=url bug in frmresourceslist.html, // where image loading is processed in GetFileRowHtml() if(preg_match('/ckgdoku:fckeditor:userfiles:image/',$ID)) { $_SESSION['dwfck_ns'] = ""; $_SESSION['dwfck_top'] = ""; } // $expire = time()+60*60*24*30; $expire = null; setcookie('FCK_NmSp_acl',$session_string, $expire, '/'); setcookie('FCK_SCAYT',$this->getConf('scayt'), $expire, '/'); setcookie('FCK_SCAYT_AUTO',$this->getConf('scayt_auto'), $expire, '/'); $scayt_lang = $this->getConf('scayt_lang'); if(isset($scayt_lang)) { list($scayt_lang_title,$scayt_lang_code) = explode('/',$scayt_lang); if($scayt_lang_code!="en_US") { setcookie('FCK_SCAYT_LANG',$scayt_lang_code, $expire, '/'); } } if ($this->getConf('winstyle')) { setcookie('FCKConnector','WIN', $expire, DOKU_BASE); } if ($this->dokuwiki_priority && $this->in_dwpriority_group() ) { if(isset($_COOKIE['FCKG_USE']) && $_COOKIE['FCKG_USE'] == 'other') { $expire = time() -60*60*24*30; setcookie('FCKG_USE','_false_', $expire, '/'); } else { setcookie('FCKG_USE','_false_', $expire, '/'); } } } function file_type(Doku_Event $event, $param) { global $ACT; global $ID; global $JSINFO,$USERINFO; global $INPUT; global $updateVersion; global $conf; $do = $INPUT->str('do','NOTADMIN'); if($do === 'admin' && isset($USERINFO)){ msg($this->getLang('deprecation'). ' CKGDOKU',2); } $plist = plugin_list('helper'); if(in_array('ckgedit', $plist)) { msg($this->getLang('ckgcke_conflict'),2); } $acl_defines = array('EDIT'=> 2,'CREATE'=> 4,'UPLOAD'=> 8,'DELETE'=> 16,'ADMIN'=> 255); $_auth = $this->getConf('captcha_auth'); $auth_captcha = (int)$acl_defines[$_auth]; $auth = auth_quickaclcheck($ID); if($auth >= $auth_captcha && $this->captcha) { $conf['plugin']['captcha']['forusers']=0; } $JSINFO['confirm_delete']= $this->getLang('confirm_delete'); $JSINFO['doku_base'] = DOKU_BASE ; $JSINFO['cg_rev'] = $INPUT->str('rev'); $JSINFO['dw_version'] = (float)$updateVersion; if(preg_match("/Chrome\/(\d+)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$cmatch)) { $JSINFO['chrome_version'] = (float) $cmatch[1]; } else $JSINFO['chrome_version'] = 0; $JSINFO['hide_captcha_error'] = $INPUT->str('ckged_captcha_err','none'); $dbl_click_auth = $this->getConf('dw_edit_display'); if($dbl_click_auth == 'none' || empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { $JSINFO['ckg_dbl_click'] = ""; } else if($dbl_click_auth == 'all' ||$auth == 255 ) { $JSINFO['ckg_dbl_click'] = "1"; } $onoff = $this->getConf('dblclk'); if($onoff == 'off') $JSINFO['ckg_dbl_click'] = ""; $JSINFO['ckg_canonical'] =$conf['canonical']; $JSINFO['doku_base'] = DOKU_BASE; $JSINFO['doku_url'] = DOKU_URL; if($this->helper->has_plugin('tag')) $JSINFO['has_tags'] = "Tag"; if($this->helper->has_plugin('wrap') && ! plugin_isdisabled('wrap')) { $JSINFO['has_wrap'] = "Wrap"; $wrap_helper = plugin_load('helper','wrap'); if($wrap_helper ) { $syntaxDiv = $wrap_helper->getConf('syntaxDiv'); if(!empty($syntaxDiv)) { $JSINFO['wrapDiv'] = $syntaxDiv; } else $JSINFO['wrapDiv'] = ""; $JSINFO['template'] = $conf['template']; $syntaxSpan = $wrap_helper->getConf('syntaxSpan'); if(!empty($syntaxSpan)) { $JSINFO['wrapSpan'] = $syntaxSpan; } else $JSINFO['wrapSpan'] = ""; } } if(!isset($_COOKIE['ckgEdPaste'])) { $JSINFO['ckgEdPaste'] = 'off'; } else { $JSINFO['ckgEdPaste'] = $_COOKIE['ckgEdPaste']; } $JSINFO[ 'rel_links'] = $this->getConf('rel_links'); $this->check_userfiles(); $this->profile_dwpriority=($this->dokuwiki_priority && $this->in_dwpriority_group()) ? 1 : 0; if(isset($_COOKIE['FCK_NmSp'])) $this->set_session(); /* set cookie to pass namespace to FCKeditor's media dialog */ // $expire = time()+60*60*24*30; $expire = null; setcookie ('FCK_NmSp',$ID, $expire, '/'); /* Remove TopLevel cookie */ if(isset($_COOKIE['TopLevel'])) { setcookie("TopLevel", $_REQUEST['TopLevel'], time()-3600, '/'); } if(!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || isset($ACT['preview'])) return; if(isset($_REQUEST['do']) && isset($_REQUEST['do']['edit'])) { $_REQUEST['do'] = 'edit'; } } function loadScript(Doku_Event $event) { echo << SCRIPT; } /** * Handle features need for DW Edit: * 1. load script, if not loaded * 2. Re-label Cancel Button "Exit" when doing a preview * 3. set up $REQUEST value to identify a preview when in DW Edit , used in * set_session to remove ckgdoku and DW drafts if present after a DW preview */ function setupDWEdit(Doku_Event $event) { global $ACT; $url = DOKU_URL . 'lib/plugins/ckgdoku/scripts/script-cmpr.js'; if(($ACT == 'login' || $this->session_id == false) && $this->getConf('preload_ckeditorjs')) { $url2 = DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/ckgdoku/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'; } else $url2 = ""; echo << SCRIPT; if(isset($_REQUEST['do']) && is_array($_REQUEST['do'])) { if(isset($_REQUEST['do']['preview'])) { echo ''; } } } function reset_user_rewrite_check() { global $ACT; global $conf; global $JSINFO; if(isset($_COOKIE['FCKG_USE']) && $_COOKIE['FCKG_USE'] =='_false_' ) return; if($ACT == 'login') $this->chk_dbl_clk_time(); if($ACT == 'edit') { $this->user_rewrite = $conf['userewrite']; $conf['userewrite'] = 0; } if($conf['htmlok'] || $this->getConf('htmlblock_ok')) { $JSINFO['htmlok'] = 1; } else $JSINFO['htmlok'] = 0; } function chk_dbl_clk_time() { global $INFO; if($INFO['isadmin'] || $INFO['ismanager'] ) { // only admins and mgrs get messages $show_msg = true; } if(!$show_msg) return; $filename = metaFN('fckl:dblck','.meta'); $msg = $this->getLang('dblclk'); if (file_exists($filename)) { $reps = io_readFile($filename); if($reps <2) { $reminder = $this->getLang('dblclk_reminder'); msg("($reminder) " . $msg,2 ); io_saveFile($filename,$reps+1); return; } } else { io_saveFile($filename,'1'); msg($msg,2); } } /** checked for additional dw priority possibilities only if the dw priority option is set to true */ function in_dwpriority_group() { global $USERINFO,$INFO; if(!isset($USERINFO)) return false; if(empty($this->dw_priority_group)) return true; // all users get dw_priority if no dw_priority group has been set in config $client = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $ar = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->dw_priority_metafn)); // check user profile settings $expire = time() -60*60*24*30; if(isset($ar[$client])) { if($ar[$client] =='Y') return true; // Y = dw_priority selected if($ar[$client] =='N') { setcookie('FCKG_USE','_false_', $expire, '/'); return false; // N = CKEditor selected } } $user_groups = $USERINFO['grps']; if(in_array($this->dw_priority_group, $user_groups) || in_array("admin", $user_groups)) { return true; } setcookie('FCKG_USE','_false_', $expire, '/'); return false; } function restore_conf() { global $conf; global $ACT; if($ACT == 'edit') { return; } if($this->user_rewrite !==false) { $conf['userewrite'] = $this->user_rewrite; } } function ajax_debug($data) { return; echo "$data\n"; } function write_debug($data) { return; if (!$handle = fopen(DOKU_INC .'meta.txt', 'a')) { return; } if(is_array($data)) { $data = print_r($data,true); } // Write $somecontent to our opened file. fwrite($handle, "$data\n"); fclose($handle); } }