* @version 0.1b * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/transform * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14684846/flattening-svg-matrix-transforms-in-inkscape * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7742148/how-to-convert-text-to-svg-paths */ class EasySVG { protected $font; protected $svg; public function __construct() { // default font data $this->font = new stdClass(); $this->font->id = ''; $this->font->horizAdvX = 0; $this->font->unitsPerEm = 0; $this->font->ascent = 0; $this->font->descent = 0; $this->font->glyphs = []; $this->font->size = 20; $this->font->color = ''; $this->font->lineHeight = 1; $this->font->letterSpacing = 0; $this->clearSVG(); } public function clearSVG() { $this->svg = new SimpleXMLElement(''); } /** * Function takes UTF-8 encoded string and returns unicode number for every character. * @param string $str * @return string */ private function utf8ToUnicode($str) { $unicode = []; $values = []; $lookingFor = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) { $thisValue = ord($str[$i]); if ($thisValue < 128) { $unicode[] = $thisValue; } else { if (count($values) == 0) $lookingFor = ($thisValue < 224) ? 2 : 3; $values[] = $thisValue; if (count($values) == $lookingFor) { $number = ($lookingFor == 3) ? (($values[0] % 16) * 4096) + (($values[1] % 64) * 64) + ($values[2] % 64) : (($values[0] % 32) * 64) + ($values[1] % 64); $unicode[] = $number; $values = []; $lookingFor = 1; } } } return $unicode; } /** * Set font params (short-hand method) * @param string $filepath * @param integer $size * @param string $color */ public function setFont($filepath, $size, $color) { $this->setFontSVG($filepath); $this->setFontSize($size); $this->setFontColor($color); } /** * Set font size for display * @param int $size * @return void */ public function setFontSize($size) { $this->font->size = $size; } /** * Set font color * @param string $color * @return void */ public function setFontColor($color) { $this->font->color = $color; } /** * Set the line height from default (1) to custom value * @param float $value * @return void */ public function setLineHeight($value) { $this->font->lineHeight = $value; } /** * Set the letter spacing from default (0) to custom value * @param float $value * @return void */ public function setLetterSpacing($value) { $this->font->letterSpacing = $value; } /** * Function takes path to SVG font (local path) and processes its xml * to get path representation of every character and additional * font parameters * @param string $filepath * @return void */ public function setFontSVG($filepath) { $this->font->glyphs = []; $z = new XMLReader(); $z->open($filepath); // move to the first node while ($z->read()) { $name = $z->name; if ($z->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) { if ($name == 'font') { $this->font->id = $z->getAttribute('id'); $this->font->horizAdvX = $z->getAttribute('horiz-adv-x'); } if ($name == 'font-face') { $this->font->unitsPerEm = $z->getAttribute('units-per-em'); $this->font->ascent = $z->getAttribute('ascent'); $this->font->descent = $z->getAttribute('descent'); } if ($name == 'glyph') { $unicode = $z->getAttribute('unicode'); $unicode = $this->utf8ToUnicode($unicode); if (isset($unicode[0])) { $unicode = $unicode[0]; $this->font->glyphs[$unicode] = new stdClass(); $this->font->glyphs[$unicode]->horizAdvX = $z->getAttribute('horiz-adv-x'); if (empty($this->font->glyphs[$unicode]->horizAdvX)) { $this->font->glyphs[$unicode]->horizAdvX = $this->font->horizAdvX; } $this->font->glyphs[$unicode]->d = $z->getAttribute('d'); // save em value for letter spacing (109 is unicode for the letter 'm') if ($unicode == '109') { $this->font->em = $this->font->glyphs[$unicode]->horizAdvX; } } } } } } /** * Add a path to the SVG * @param string $def * @param array $attributes * @return SimpleXMLElement */ public function addPath($def, $attributes = []) { $path = $this->svg->addChild('path'); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $path->addAttribute($key, $value); } $path->addAttribute('d', $def); return $path; } /** * Add a text to the SVG * @param string $def * @param float $x * @param float $y * @param array $attributes * @return SimpleXMLElement */ public function addText($text, $x = 0, $y = 0, $attributes = []) { $def = $this->textDef($text); if ($x != 0 || $y != 0) { $def = $this->defTranslate($def, $x, $y); } if ($this->font->color) { $attributes['fill'] = $this->font->color; } return $this->addPath($def, $attributes); } /** * Function takes UTF-8 encoded string and size, returns xml for SVG paths representing this string. * @param string $text UTF-8 encoded text * @return string xml for text converted into SVG paths */ public function textDef($text) { $def = []; $horizAdvX = 0; $horizAdvY = $this->font->ascent + $this->font->descent; $fontSize = (float) $this->font->size / $this->font->unitsPerEm; $text = $this->utf8ToUnicode($text); $counter = count($text); for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; $i++) { $letter = $text[$i]; // line break support (10 is unicode for linebreak) if ($letter == 10) { $horizAdvX = 0; $horizAdvY += $this->font->lineHeight * ($this->font->ascent + $this->font->descent); continue; } // extract character definition $d = $this->font->glyphs[$letter]->d; // transform typo from original SVG format to straight display $d = $this->defScale($d, $fontSize, -$fontSize); $d = $this->defTranslate($d, $horizAdvX, $horizAdvY * $fontSize * 2); $def[] = $d; // next letter's position $horizAdvX += $this->font->glyphs[$letter]->horizAdvX * $fontSize + $this->font->em * $this->font->letterSpacing * $fontSize; } return implode(' ', $def); } /** * Function takes UTF-8 encoded string and size, returns width and height of the whole text * @param string $text UTF-8 encoded text * @return array ($width, $height) */ public function textDimensions($text) { $fontSize = (float) $this->font->size / $this->font->unitsPerEm; $text = $this->utf8ToUnicode($text); $lineWidth = 0; $lineHeight = ($this->font->ascent + $this->font->descent) * $fontSize * 2; $width = 0; $height = $lineHeight; $counter = count($text); for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; $i++) { $letter = $text[$i]; // line break support (10 is unicode for linebreak) if ($letter == 10) { $width = $lineWidth > $width ? $lineWidth : $width; $height += $lineHeight * $this->font->lineHeight; $lineWidth = 0; continue; } $lineWidth += $this->font->glyphs[$letter]->horizAdvX * $fontSize + $this->font->em * $this->font->letterSpacing * $fontSize; } // only keep the widest line's width $width = $lineWidth > $width ? $lineWidth : $width; return [$width, $height]; } /** * Function takes unicode character and returns the UTF-8 equivalent * @param string $str * @return string */ public function unicodeDef($unicode) { $horizAdvY = $this->font->ascent + $this->font->descent; $fontSize = (float) $this->font->size / $this->font->unitsPerEm; // extract character definition $d = $this->font->glyphs[hexdec($unicode)]->d; // transform typo from original SVG format to straight display $d = $this->defScale($d, $fontSize, -$fontSize); $d = $this->defTranslate($d, 0, $horizAdvY * $fontSize * 2); return $d; } /** * Returns the character width, as set in the font file * @param string $str * @param boolean $is_unicode * @return float */ public function characterWidth($char, $is_unicode = false) { if ($is_unicode) { $letter = hexdec($char); } else { $letter = $this->utf8ToUnicode($char); } if (!isset($this->font->glyphs[$letter])) { return null; } $fontSize = (float) $this->font->size / $this->font->unitsPerEm; return $this->font->glyphs[$letter]->horizAdvX * $fontSize; } /** * Applies a translate transformation to definition * @param string $def definition * @param float $x * @param float $y * @return string */ public function defTranslate($def, $x = 0, $y = 0) { return $this->defApplyMatrix($def, [1, 0, 0, 1, $x, $y]); } /** * Applies a translate transformation to definition * @param string $def Definition * @param integer $angle Rotation angle (degrees) * @param integer $x X coordinate of rotation center * @param integer $y Y coordinate of rotation center * @return string */ public function defRotate($def, $angle, $x = 0, $y = 0) { if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) { $angle = deg2rad($angle); return $this->defApplyMatrix($def, [cos($angle), sin($angle), -sin($angle), cos($angle), 0, 0]); } // rotate by a given point $def = $this->defTranslate($def, $x, $y); $def = $this->defRotate($def, $angle); $def = $this->defTranslate($def, -$x, -$y); return $def; } /** * Applies a scale transformation to definition * @param string $def definition * @param integer $x * @param integer $y * @return string */ public function defScale($def, $x = 1, $y = 1) { return $this->defApplyMatrix($def, [$x, 0, 0, $y, 0, 0]); } /** * Calculates the new definition with the matrix applied * @param string $def * @param array $matrix * @return string */ public function defApplyMatrix($def, $matrix) { // if there are several shapes in this definition, do the operation for each preg_match_all('/M[^zZ]*[zZ]/', $def, $shapes); $shapes = $shapes[0]; if (count($shapes) > 1) { foreach ($shapes as &$shape) { $shape = $this->defApplyMatrix($shape, $matrix); } return implode(' ', $shapes); } preg_match_all('/[a-zA-Z]+[^a-zA-Z]*/', $def, $instructions); $instructions = $instructions[0]; foreach ($instructions as &$instruction) { $i = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]*/', '', $instruction); preg_match_all('/\-?[0-9\.]+/', $instruction, $coords); $coords = $coords[0]; if (empty($coords)) { continue; } $new_coords = []; while (count($coords) > 0) { // do the matrix calculation stuff [$a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f] = $matrix; // exception for relative instruction if (preg_match('/[a-z]/', $i)) { $e = 0; $f = 0; } // convert horizontal lineto (relative) if ($i == 'h') { $i = 'l'; $x = (float) array_shift($coords); $y = 0; // add new point's coordinates $current_point = [$a * $x + $e, $b * $x + $f]; $new_coords = [...$new_coords, ...$current_point]; } elseif ($i == 'v') { // convert vertical lineto (relative) $i = 'l'; $x = 0; $y = (float) array_shift($coords); // add new point's coordinates $current_point = [$c * $y + $e, $d * $y + $f]; $new_coords = [...$new_coords, ...$current_point]; } elseif ($i == 'q') { // convert quadratic bezier curve (relative) $x = (float) array_shift($coords); $y = (float) array_shift($coords); // add new point's coordinates $current_point = [$a * $x + $c * $y + $e, $b * $x + $d * $y + $f]; $new_coords = [...$new_coords, ...$current_point]; // same for 2nd point $x = (float) array_shift($coords); $y = (float) array_shift($coords); // add new point's coordinates $current_point = [$a * $x + $c * $y + $e, $b * $x + $d * $y + $f]; $new_coords = array_merge($new_coords, $current_point); } else { // every other commands // @TODO: handle 'a,c,s' (elliptic arc curve) commands // cf. http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataCurveCommands $x = (float) array_shift($coords); $y = (float) array_shift($coords); // add new point's coordinates $current_point = [$a * $x + $c * $y + $e, $b * $x + $d * $y + $f]; $new_coords = [...$new_coords, ...$current_point]; } } $instruction = $i . implode(',', $new_coords); // remove useless commas $instruction = preg_replace('/,\-/', '-', $instruction); } return implode('', $instructions); } /** * * Short-hand methods * */ /** * Return full SVG XML * @return string */ public function asXML() { return $this->svg->asXML(); } /** * Adds an attribute to the SVG * @param string $key * @param string $value */ public function addAttribute($key, $value) { return $this->svg->addAttribute($key, $value); } }