action template userstpl users:%Y:@@What's your Name?@@:start Fieldset "A set of fields" Textbox "Employee Name" "=Your Name" number "Your Age" >13 <99 email "Your E-Mail Address" textbox "Occupation (optional)" ! password "Some password" file "File1" fieldset "HTML Checks bang" "bang" "bang" textbox "HTML check 1 bang" "=bang" password "HTML check 2 bang" "=bang" textarea "HTML check 3 bang" "=bang" static "HTML check 4 bang" wiki "HTML check 5 bang" fieldset "even more fields" select "Please select an option" "Peaches|Apples|Oranges" static "Some static text that could be an agreement" yesno "Read the agreement?" textarea "Tell me about your self" textbox "You need to write 'agree' here" /^agree$/ fieldset "Create Your User Page" select "What's your Continent?" "Europe|N. America|S. America|Asia|Australia" textbox "What's your Name?" textarea "Enter a short bio" ! yesno "Do have publication?" fieldset "Add your publications" "Do have publication?" textarea "Publications:" addpage users:publicationtemplate publications fieldset "Finish" submit "Submit Query"