assertEquals(1, $result->length, "selector: \"$pqSelector\" not found in\n$xhtml\n"); } /** * Chceck if defined namespace doesn't violate $standardArgs */ function test_syntax() { $standardArgs = array( '!' => 'input[type=file].edit', '^' => 'input[type=file][required].edit.required', '@' => 'input[type=file][required].edit.required', '! /regex/' => 'input[type=file].edit', '@ /regex/ "**Example error"' => 'input[type=file][required].edit.required' ); //upload namespace not defined foreach ($standardArgs as $arg => $pqSelector) { $input = "
\nfile \"Some label\" $arg\n
"; $this->assertPqSelector($input, $pqSelector); } //upload namespace defined, nothing shoud change in syntax foreach ($standardArgs as $arg => $pqSelector) { $input = "
\nfile \"Some label\" upload:here $arg\n
"; $this->assertPqSelector($input, $pqSelector); } //upload namespace in "" foreach ($standardArgs as $arg => $pqSelector) { $input = "
\nfile \"Some label\" \"upload:here\" $arg\n
"; $this->assertPqSelector($input, $pqSelector); } } /** * Parse the bureaucracy form syntax and simulate a file upload * * @param $form_syntax bureaucracy form syntax containg only one file field * @return string a name of the uploaded file */ protected function simulate_file_upload($form_syntax) { $media = 'img.png'; $media_src = mediaFN('wiki:dokuwiki-128.png'); $syntax_plugin = new syntax_plugin_bureaucracyau(); $data = $syntax_plugin->handle($form_syntax, 0, 0, new Doku_Handler()); $actionData = $data['actions'][0]; $action = plugin_load('helper', $actionData['actionname']); $fileField = $data['fields'][0]; //mock file upload $file = array( 'name' => $media, 'type' => 'image/png', 'size' => filesize($media_src), 'tmp_name' => $media_src ); //this is the only field $index = 0; //this is the only form $form_id = 0; $fileField->handle_post($file, $data['fields'], $index, $form_id); //upload file $action->run( $data['fields'], $data['thanks'], $actionData['argv'] ); return $media; } function test_action_template_upload_default() { $template_id = 'template_upload_default'; $id = 'upload_default'; saveWikiText($template_id, 'Value:@@Some label@@', 'summary'); $form_syntax = "
action template $template_id $id\nfile \"Some label\"\n
"; $media = $this->simulate_file_upload($form_syntax); //check if file exists where we suspect it to be $this->assertTrue(file_exists(mediaFN("$id:$media"))); } function test_action_template_upload_absolute() { $template_id = 'template_upload_absolute'; $id = 'upload_absolute'; $upload_ns = 'upload:ns'; saveWikiText($template_id, 'Value:@@Some label@@', 'summary'); $form_syntax = "
action template $template_id $id\nfile \"Some label\" $upload_ns\n
"; $media = $this->simulate_file_upload($form_syntax); //check if file exists where we suspect it to be $this->assertTrue(file_exists(mediaFN("$upload_ns:$media"))); } function test_action_template_upload_relative() { $template_id = 'template_upload_relative'; $id = 'upload_relative'; $upload_ns_rel = 'upload:ns'; $upload_ns = ".:$upload_ns_rel"; saveWikiText($template_id, 'Value:@@Some label@@', 'summary'); $form_syntax = "
action template $template_id $id\nfile \"Some label\" \"$upload_ns\"\n
"; $media = $this->simulate_file_upload($form_syntax); //check if file exists where we suspect it to be $this->assertTrue(file_exists(mediaFN("$id:$upload_ns:$media"))); } }