# Plugin BootNote ## Description Bootnote is a plugin for [Dokuwiki](https://www.dokuwiki.org). It display some note inside the wiki with bootstrap style. ## Install Download this plugin into your ``${dokuwiki_root}/lib/plugins`` folder and restart dokuwiki or use the plugin manager inside Dokuwiki. ## Requirements This plugin does not need any requirements but you need a template like [Boostrap 3](https://github.com/LotarProject/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/) to display icons in Dokuwiki. Otherwise, notes are displayed without icons. ## Syntax You can display actually 6 different types of notes : * "nothing" : display a simple note with info sign : `...Note...` * Web : display a note with an globe sign : `...Note...` * Question : display a note with question sign : `...Note...` * Learn : display note with an education sign : ``...Note...`` * Warning : display a note with a warning sign : ``...Note...`` * Critical : display a note with a fire sign ``...Note...`` **Note :** If you want more type of note, please let me know by opening an issue in this repos. ## Settings * **bootnote.note**: You can choose to override the plugin [note](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:note) in settings to continue using its syntax. * **bootnote.theme**: you can come back to old theme if you want. (See below for further informations) * **bootnote.position**: defines if you want to display your text beside or below the note title. ## Current Render Here is a preview of each note : ![new-bootnote.png](https://s2.postimg.org/aguld4eah/new-bootnote.png) **Important:** The old theme is always available in settings but he's deprecated for Dokuwiki theme and only works properly with a bootstrap theme ! This theme may be remove in future versions For further information, see also [Bootnote on dokuwiki.org](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:bootnote)