*/ use dokuwiki\plugin\blogtng\entities\Comment; /** * Class admin_plugin_blogtng */ class admin_plugin_blogtng extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { /** @var helper_plugin_blogtng_comments */ protected $commenthelper = null; /** @var helper_plugin_blogtng_entry */ protected $entryhelper = null; /** @var helper_plugin_blogtng_sqlite */ protected $sqlitehelper = null; /** @var helper_plugin_blogtng_tags */ protected $taghelper = null; /** * @var string action in admin to perform */ private $admin; /** * @var int number of comments per page of the comment list */ private $commentLimit; /** * @var int number of entries per page of the entry list */ private $entryLimit; /** * Determine position in list in admin window * Lower values are sorted up * * @return int */ public function getMenuSort() { return 200; } /** * Return true for access only by admins (config:superuser) or false if managers are allowed as well * * @return bool */ public function forAdminOnly() { return false; } /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->commenthelper = plugin_load('helper', 'blogtng_comments'); $this->entryhelper = plugin_load('helper', 'blogtng_entry'); $this->sqlitehelper = plugin_load('helper', 'blogtng_sqlite'); $this->taghelper = plugin_load('helper', 'blogtng_tags'); } /** * Handles all actions of the admin component * * @author Michael Klier */ public function handle() { global $INPUT; if($INPUT->has('admin')) { $this->admin = $INPUT->extract('admin')->str('admin'); //can be post or get } else { $this->admin = ''; } //skip actions when no valid security token given $noSecTokenNeeded = ['search', 'comment_edit', 'comment_preview', null]; if(!in_array($this->admin, $noSecTokenNeeded) && !checkSecurityToken()) { $this->admin = ''; } //get some preferences $this->commentLimit = (int) get_doku_pref('blogtng_comment_limit', 15); $this->entryLimit = (int) get_doku_pref('blogtng_entry_limit', 5); // handle actions switch($this->admin) { case 'comment_save': // FIXME error handling? $comment = $this->getPostedComment(); $this->commenthelper->save($comment); msg($this->getLang('msg_comment_save'), 1); break; case 'comment_delete': // FIXME error handling $this->commenthelper->delete($INPUT->post->str('comment-cid')); msg($this->getLang('msg_comment_delete'), 1); break; case 'comment_batch_edit': $batch = $INPUT->post->str('comment_batch_edit'); $cids = $INPUT->post->arr('comments-cids'); if($cids) { foreach($cids as $cid) { switch($batch) { // FIXME messages case 'delete': $this->commenthelper->delete($cid); msg($this->getLang('msg_comment_delete'), 1); break; case 'status_hidden': $this->commenthelper->moderate($cid, 'hidden'); msg($this->getLang('msg_comment_status_change'), 1); break; case 'status_visible': $this->commenthelper->moderate($cid, 'visible'); msg($this->getLang('msg_comment_status_change'), 1); break; } } } //back to default view $this->admin = ''; break; case 'entry_set_blog': // FIXME errors? $pid = $INPUT->post->str('entry-pid'); $blog = $INPUT->post->str('entry-blog'); if($pid) { $blogs = $this->entryhelper->getAllBlogs(); if(in_array($blog, $blogs)) { $this->entryhelper->load_by_pid($pid); $this->entryhelper->entry['blog'] = $blog; $this->entryhelper->save(); } } msg($this->getLang('msg_entry_blog_change'), 1); break; case 'entry_set_commentstatus': $pid = $INPUT->post->str('entry-pid'); $status = $INPUT->post->str('entry-commentstatus'); if($pid) { if(in_array($status, ['disabled', 'enabled', 'closed'])) { $this->entryhelper->load_by_pid($pid); $this->entryhelper->entry['commentstatus'] = $status; $this->entryhelper->save(); } } msg($this->getLang('msg_comment_status_change'), 1); break; case 'comment_edit': case 'comment_preview': case 'search': default: // do nothing - show dashboard //update preferences if ($INPUT->has('comment-limit')) { $this->commentLimit = $INPUT->int('comment-limit'); set_doku_pref('blogtng_comment_limit', $this->commentLimit); } if ($INPUT->has('entry-limit')) { $this->entryLimit = $INPUT->int('entry-limit'); set_doku_pref('blogtng_entry_limit', $this->entryLimit); } break; } } /** * Handles the XHTML output of the admin component * * @author Michael Klier * @author hArpanet */ public function html() { global $ID, $INPUT; ptln('


'); ptln('
'); // display link back to dashboard if($this->admin) { ptln('
'); $params = ['do'=>'admin', 'page'=>'blogtng']; ptln('

← ' . $this->getLang('dashboard') . '

'); ptln('
'); } switch($this->admin) { case 'search': // display search form $this->htmlSearchForm(); ptln('

' . $this->getLang('searchresults') . '

'); $query = $INPUT->arr('query'); $query['resultset'] = 'query'; $query['limit'] = 20; $query['offset'] = $INPUT->int('query-offset'); $this->htmlSearchResults($query); break; case 'comment_edit': case 'comment_preview': if($this->admin == 'comment_edit') { $comment = $this->commenthelper->comment_by_cid($INPUT->get->str('comment-cid')); if($comment !== null) { $this->htmlCommentEditForm($comment); } } if($this->admin == 'comment_preview') { $comment = $this->getPostedComment(); $this->htmlCommentEditForm($comment); $this->htmlCommentPreview($comment); } break; default: // display search form $this->htmlSearchForm(); // print latest 'x' comments/entries $query['limit'] = $this->commentLimit; $query['offset'] = $INPUT->int('comment-offset'); $query['resultset'] = 'comment'; $this->htmlLatestItems($query); $query['limit'] = $this->entryLimit; $query['offset'] = $INPUT->int('entry-offset'); $query['resultset'] = 'entry'; $this->htmlLatestItems($query); break; } ptln('
'); } /** * Displays a list of comments or entries for a given search term * * @param array $query url parameters for query */ private function htmlSearchResults($query) { if(!$this->sqlitehelper->ready()) return; $db = $this->sqlitehelper->getDB(); switch($query['filter']) { case 'entry_title': case 'entry_author': $select = 'SELECT * '; $from = 'FROM entries '; $orderby = 'ORDER BY created DESC '; $itemdisplaycallback = 'htmlEntryList'; break; case 'comment': case 'comment_ip': $select = 'SELECT cid, comments.pid as pid, ip, source, name, comments.mail as mail, web, avatar, comments.created as created, text, status '; $from = 'FROM comments LEFT JOIN entries ON comments.pid = entries.pid '; $orderby = 'ORDER BY comments.created DESC '; $itemdisplaycallback = 'htmlCommentList'; break; case 'tags': $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT entries.pid as pid, page, title, blog, image, created, lastmod, author, login, mail '; $from = 'FROM entries LEFT JOIN tags ON entries.pid = tags.pid '; $orderby = 'ORDER BY created DESC '; $itemdisplaycallback = 'htmlEntryList'; break; default: return; } $count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count '; if(isset($query['blog']) && $query['blog']) { $where = 'WHERE blog = ' . $db->quote_string($query['blog']) . ' '; } else { $where = 'WHERE blog != "" '; } if(isset($query['string']) && $query['string'] != '') { switch($query['filter']) { case 'entry_title': $where .= 'AND ( title LIKE \'%'.$db->escape_string($query['string']).'%\' ) '; break; case 'entry_author': $where .= 'AND ( author LIKE \'%'.$db->escape_string($query['string']).'%\' ) '; break; case 'comment': $where .= 'AND ( comments.text LIKE \'%'.$db->escape_string($query['string']).'%\' ) '; break; case 'comment_ip': $where .= 'AND ( comments.ip LIKE \'%'.$db->escape_string($query['string']).'%\' ) '; break; case 'tags': $where .= 'AND ( tags.tag LIKE \'%'.$db->escape_string($query['string']).'%\' ) '; break; } } //comments: if pid is given limit to give page if(isset($query['pid']) && $query['pid'] != '') { $where .= 'AND ( comments.pid = ' . $db->quote_string($query['pid']) . ' ) '; } $sqlcount = $count . $from . $where; $sqlselect = $select . $from . $where . $orderby; $sqlselect .= ' LIMIT '.$query['limit']; if($query['offset'] > 0) { $sqlselect .= ' OFFSET '.$query['offset']; } $res = $db->query($sqlcount); $count = $db->res2single($res); $resid = $db->query($sqlselect); if($resid) { $this->htmlShowPaginatedResult($resid, $query, $itemdisplaycallback, $count, $query['limit']); } } /** * Display paginated results * * @param object $resid Database resource object * @param array $query Query parameters * @param string $itemdisplaycallback called for each item, to display content of item * @param int $count Number of total items * @param int $limit Number of results to display per page (page size) * * @author Michael Klier * @author hArpanet */ private function htmlShowPaginatedResult($resid, $query, $itemdisplaycallback, $count, $limit) { global $lang; if(!$resid) return; $currentpage = floor($query['offset'] / $limit) + 1; $items = $this->sqlitehelper->getDB()->res2arr($resid); if($items) { ptln('

' . $this->getLang('numhits') . ': ' . $count .'

'); // show pagination only when enough items if($count > $limit) { $this->htmlPagination($query, $currentpage, $count, $limit); } // show list of items using callback call_user_func(array($this, $itemdisplaycallback), $items, $query); } else { ptln('
'); ptln($lang['nothingfound']); ptln('
'); } // show pagination only when enough items if($count > $limit) { $this->htmlPagination($query, $currentpage, $count, $limit); } } /** * Diplays that pagination links of a query * * @param array $query Query parameters * @param int $currentpage number of current page * @param int $maximum maximum number of items available * @param int $limit number of items per page * * @author Michael Klier */ private function htmlPagination($query, $currentpage, $maximum, $limit) { $lastpage = (int) ceil($maximum / $limit); $pages[] = 1; // first always $pages[] = $lastpage; // last page always $pages[] = $currentpage; // current page always if($lastpage > 1){ // if enough pages $pages[] = 2; // second and .. $pages[] = $lastpage-1; // one before last } // three around current if($currentpage-1 > 0) $pages[] = $currentpage-1; if($currentpage-2 > 0) $pages[] = $currentpage-2; if($currentpage-3 > 0) $pages[] = $currentpage-3; if($currentpage+1 < $lastpage) $pages[] = $currentpage+1; if($currentpage+2 < $lastpage) $pages[] = $currentpage+2; if($currentpage+3 < $lastpage) $pages[] = $currentpage+3; $pages = array_unique($pages); sort($pages); ptln('

'); if($currentpage > 1) { $this->htmlPaginationurl($query, ($currentpage - 2) * $limit, '«', $currentpage - 1); } $last = 0; foreach($pages as $page) { if($page - $last > 1) { ptln('...'); } if($page == $currentpage) { ptln('' . $page . ''); } else { $this->htmlPaginationurl($query, ($page - 1) * $limit, $page, $page); } $last = $page; } if($currentpage < $lastpage) { $this->htmlPaginationurl($query, $currentpage * $limit, '»', $currentpage + 1); } ptln('

'); } /** * Print a pagination link. * * @param array $query Query parameters * @param int $offset number of previous items * @param string $text text of url * @param string $title title of url * @internal param string $anchor url anchor */ private function htmlPaginationurl($query, $offset, $text, $title) { global $ID; list($params, $anchor) = $this->buildUrlParams($query, $offset); ptln("$text"); } /** * Build URL parameters. * * @param array $query Query parameters * @param int $offset number of previous items * @return array($params, $anchor) */ private function buildUrlParams($query, $offset) { $params = [ 'do' => 'admin', 'page' => 'blogtng', $query['resultset'].'-offset' => $offset ]; $anchor = $query['resultset'] . '_latest'; if($query['resultset'] == 'query') { $params = $params + [ 'admin' => 'search', 'query[filter]' => $query['filter'], 'query[blog]' => $query['blog'], 'query[string]' => $query['string'], 'query[pid]' => $query['pid'] ]; $anchor = ''; } return [$params, $anchor]; } /** * Display the latest comments or entries * * @param array $query parameters * * @author Michael Klier * @author hArpanet */ private function htmlLatestItems($query) { $resultset = $query['resultset']; //query,comment,entry printf("


', $query['limit']); $this->htmlLimitForm($query); if(!$this->sqlitehelper->ready()) return; $count = 'SELECT COUNT(pid) as count '; $select = 'SELECT * '; if($resultset == 'entry') { $from = 'FROM entries '; $where = 'WHERE blog != "" '; $itemdisplaycallback = 'htmlEntryList'; } else { $from = 'FROM comments '; $where = ''; $itemdisplaycallback = 'htmlCommentList'; } $orderby = 'ORDER BY created DESC '; $sqlcount = $count . $from . $where; $sqlselect = $select . $from . $where . $orderby; $limit = $query['limit']; $sqlselect .= 'LIMIT ' . $limit; if($query['offset']) { $sqlselect .= ' OFFSET ' . $query['offset']; } $res = $this->sqlitehelper->getDB()->query($sqlcount); $count = $this->sqlitehelper->getDB()->res2single($res); $resid = $this->sqlitehelper->getDB()->query($sqlselect); if(!$resid) { return; } $this->htmlShowPaginatedResult($resid, $query, $itemdisplaycallback, $count, $limit); } /** * Displays a list of entries, as callback of htmlSearchResults() * * @param array $entries of entries * @param array $query parameters * * @author Michael Klier */ private function htmlEntryList($entries, $query) { ptln('
'); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); foreach($entries as $entry) { $this->htmlEntryItem($entry, $query); } ptln('
' . $this->getLang('created') . '' . $this->getLang('author') . '' . $this->getLang('entry') . '' . $this->getLang('blog') . '' . $this->getLang('commentstatus') . '' . $this->getLang('comments') . '' . $this->getLang('tags') . '
'); ptln('
'); } /** * Displays a single entry and related actions * * @param array $entry Single entry * @param array $query Query parameters * * @author Michael Klier */ private function htmlEntryItem($entry, $query) { global $lang; global $ID; static $class = 'odd'; ptln(''); $class = ($class == 'odd') ? 'even' : 'odd'; ptln('' . dformat($entry['created']) . ''); ptln('' . hsc($entry['author']) . ''); ptln('' . html_wikilink(':'.$entry['page'], $entry['title']) . ''); ptln('' . $this->htmlEntryEditForm($entry, $query, 'blog') . ''); ptln('' . $this->htmlEntryEditForm($entry, $query, 'commentstatus') . ''); $this->commenthelper->setPid($entry['pid']); // search comments of this entry link ptln(''); $count = $this->commenthelper->get_count(null, true); if($count > 0) { $params = array('do' => 'admin', 'page' => 'blogtng', 'admin' => 'search', 'query[filter]' => 'comment', 'query[pid]' => $entry['pid']); ptln('' . $count . ''); } else { ptln($count); } ptln(''); // tags filter links ptln(''); $this->taghelper->load($entry['pid']); $tags = $this->taghelper->getTags(); $count = count($tags); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $params = array('do' => 'admin', 'page' => 'blogtng', 'admin' => 'search', 'query[filter]' => 'tags', 'query[string]' => $tags[$i]); $link = '' . $tags[$i] . ''; if($i < ($count - 1)) $link .= ', '; ptln($link); } ptln(''); // edit links ptln(''); $params = array('id' => $entry['page'], 'do' => 'edit'); ptln('' . $lang['btn_secedit'] . ''); ptln(''); ptln(''); } /** * Displays a list of comments, as callback of htmlSearchResults() * * @param array[] $comments List of comments * @param array $query Query parameters * * @author Michael Klier * @author hArpanet */ private function htmlCommentList($comments, $query) { global $lang; ptln('
'); ptln('
'); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); foreach($comments as $comment) { $this->htmlCommentItem(new Comment($comment)); } ptln('
' . $this->getLang('comments') . '
'); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln('
'); ptln('
'); } /** * Displays a single comment and related actions * * @param Comment $comment A single comment * * @author Michael Klier * @author hArpanet */ private function htmlCommentItem($comment) { global $lang; global $ID; static $class = 'odd'; ptln(''); $class = ($class == 'odd') ? 'even' : 'odd'; $cmt = new Comment($comment); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln('
' . hsc($comment->getText()) . '
'); ptln(''); ptln(''); ptln(''); $params = array('do'=>'admin', 'page'=>'blogtng', 'comment-cid'=>$comment->getCid(), 'admin'=>'comment_edit'); ptln('' . $lang['btn_secedit'] . ''); ptln(''); ptln(''); } /** * Displays a preview of the comment * * @param Comment $comment submitted comment */ private function htmlCommentPreview($comment) { $this->entryhelper->load_by_pid($comment->getPid()); $blogname = $this->entryhelper->get_blog(); ptln('
'); ptln(p_locale_xhtml('preview')); ptln('
'); $comment->output($blogname); ptln('
'); } /** * Displays the form to change the comment status of a blog entry * * @param array $entry Blog entry * @param array $query Query parameters * @param string $field 'blog' or 'commentstatus' * @return false|string * * @author Michael Klier * @author hArpanet */ private function htmlEntryEditForm($entry, $query, $field = 'commentstatus') { global $lang; $changablefields = ['commentstatus', 'blog']; if(!in_array($field, $changablefields)) return hsc($entry[$field]); $form = new Doku_Form(['id'=>"blogtng__entry_set_{$field}_form"]); $form->addHidden('do', 'admin'); $form->addHidden('page', 'blogtng'); $form->addHidden('entry-pid', $entry['pid']); $form->addHidden('entry-offset', $query['offset']); if($field == 'commentstatus') { $availableoptions = ['enabled', 'disabled', 'closed']; } else { $availableoptions = $this->entryhelper->getAllBlogs(); } $form->addElement(form_makeListBoxField("entry-$field", $availableoptions, $entry[$field], '')); $form->addElement(''); ob_start(); html_form("blotng__btn_entry_set_$field", $form); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Displays the comment edit form * * @param Comment $comment * * @author Michael Klier */ private function htmlCommentEditForm($comment) { global $lang; ptln('
'); $form = new Doku_Form(['id'=>'blogtng__comment_edit_form']); $form->startFieldset($this->getLang('act_comment_edit')); $form->addHidden('page', 'blogtng'); $form->addHidden('do', 'admin'); $form->addHidden('comment-cid', $comment->getCid()); $form->addHidden('comment-pid', $comment->getPid()); $form->addHidden('comment-created', $comment->getCreated()); $form->addElement(form_makeListBoxField('comment-status', ['visible', 'hidden'], $comment->getStatus(), $this->getLang('comment_status'))); $form->addElement('
'); $form->addElement(form_makeListBoxField('comment-source', ['comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'], $comment->getSource(), $this->getLang('comment_source'))); $form->addElement('
'); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('comment-name', $comment->getName(), $this->getLang('comment_name'))); $form->addElement('
'); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('comment-mail', $comment->getMail(), $this->getLang('comment_mail'))); $form->addElement('
'); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('comment-web', $comment->getWeb(), $this->getLang('comment_web'))); $form->addElement('
'); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('comment-avatar', $comment->getAvatar(), $this->getLang('comment_avatar'))); $form->addElement('
'); $form->addElement(''); $form->addElement(''); $form->addElement(''); $form->addElement(''); $form->endFieldset(); html_form('blogtng__edit_comment', $form); ptln('
'); } /** * Displays the search form * * @author Michael Klier */ private function htmlSearchForm() { global $lang, $INPUT; ptln('
'); $blogs = $this->entryhelper->getAllBlogs(); $form = new Doku_Form(array('id'=>'blogtng__search_form')); $form->startFieldset($lang['btn_search']); $form->addHidden('page', 'blogtng'); $form->addHidden('admin', 'search'); $query = $INPUT->arr('query'); $form->addElement(form_makeListBoxField('query[blog]', $blogs, $query['blog'], $this->getLang('blog'))); $form->addElement(form_makeListBoxField('query[filter]', ['entry_title', 'entry_author', 'comment', 'comment_ip', 'tags'], $query['filter'], $this->getLang('filter'))); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('query[string]', $query['string'],'')); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'admin', $lang['btn_search'])); $form->endFieldset(); html_form('blogtng__search_form', $form); ptln('
'); } /** * Displays the limit selection form * * @param array $query Query parameters * * @author hArpanet */ private function htmlLimitForm($query) { global $lang; $resultset = $query['resultset']; ptln('
'); $form = new Doku_Form(['id'=>'blogtng__'.$resultset.'_limit_form']); $form->startFieldset(""); $form->addHidden('page', 'blogtng'); $form->addElement( form_makeListBoxField($resultset . '-limit', [5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,100], $query['limit'], $this->getLang('numhits'))); $form->addHidden($resultset . '-offset', $query['offset']); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'admin', $lang['btn_update'])); $form->endFieldset(); html_form('blogtng__'.$resultset.'_cnt_form', $form); ptln('
'); } /** * Create a comment with the posted from data * * @return Comment */ private function getPostedComment() { global $INPUT; $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setCid($INPUT->post->str('comment-cid')); $comment->setPid($INPUT->post->str('comment-pid')); $comment->setCreated($INPUT->post->str('comment-created')); $comment->setStatus($INPUT->post->str('comment-status')); $comment->setSource($INPUT->post->str('comment-source')); $comment->setName($INPUT->post->str('comment-name')); $comment->setMail($INPUT->post->str('comment-mail')); $comment->setWeb($INPUT->post->str('comment-web')); $comment->setAvatar($INPUT->post->str('comment-avatar')); $comment->setText($INPUT->post->str('comment-text')); return $comment; } }