CHANGELOG 30/June/2005 - Mark Grimshaw & Christian Boulanger v2.0 1/ A web interface OSBib-Create for creation and editing of XML style files has been added to the package. 2/ The bibtexParse package is now included. 3/ Users should note that this OSBib package replaces OSBib-Format and OSBib-Create which are deprecated and no longer supported. 4/A preview link is displayed next to each resource type template when editing a style. (Requires JavaScript and, currently, does not work with Internet Explorer.) 17/June/2005 - Mark Grimshaw v1.7 1/ Date ranges are now supported in bibliographic styles. 2/ User-defined strings for each of the 12 months may now be supplied in the bibliographic styles. NB - an upgrade of the bibtexparse package is also required since handling of month fields has been improved in bibtexparse::PARSEMONTHS 08/June/2005 v1.6 Some debugging of creator list formatting in bibliographic styles. Multiple punctuation following a name is now allowed if the punctuation characters are different. 19/May/2005 v1.5 1/ Removed a typo. 2/ Reorganised export filters in preparation for work on citation formatting. 3/ Added OpenOffice 'sxw' format for export. 4/ Added bibliography_xml.html describing the structure of the bibliography section of the XML files. 15/May/2005 v1.4 1/ Better support for UTF-8 multibyte strings provided by Andrea Rossato. 2/ Correction of bibtex solution @inproceedings bug. 6/May/2005 v1.3 1/ Removed some WIKINDX-specific code for bibtex parsing. 2/ Fixed a bug with bibtex 'misc' reference types. (The above two affect those using STYLEMAPBIBTEX.) 3/ Some error checking code for file paths added by Guillaume Gardey. 5/May/2005 v1.2 1/ Corrected an error in the incorrect formatting of author names for the bibtex solution. 2/ Based on modifications suggested by Christian Boulanger, changed path information to make setting of flags easier or redundant and made the storing and loading of XML files more flexible: a) Changed BIBFORMAT constructor call to: $bibformat = new BIBFORMAT(STRING: $pathToOsbibClasses = FALSE [, BOOLEAN: $useBibtex = FALSE]); By default, $pathToOsbibClasses will be the same directory as BIBFORMAT.php is in. b) $bibformat->bibtexParsePath by default is now a bibtexParse/ directory in the same directory as BIBFORMAT.php is in. This path is where PARSECREATORS, PARSEMONTH and PARSEPAGE classes can be found if you wish to use STYLEMAPBIBTEX. c) The XML files are downloaded from bibliophile in uppercase format (e.g. APA.xml). If you wish to store them in lowercase (e.g. apa.xml), BIBF0RMAT::loadStyle() now automatically detects this. Unless you store PARSECREATORS, PARSEMONTH and PARSEPAGE classes elsewhere, there is now no need to set $bibformat->bibtexParsePath. 3/ Added an osbib.html page as a more easily navigable verion of README. 29/April/2005 v1.1 1/ Added an (almost) 'out-of-the-box' BibTeX solution. 2/ Added the method BIBFORMAT::addAllOtherItems(). 28/April/2005 v1.0 Initial release