model->sqlite->query('SELECT MIN(create_date), MIN(plan_date), DATE(), MAX(close_date), MAX(plan_date) FROM task'); $data = $this->model->sqlite->res_fetch_array($r); $min_date = min($data[0], $data[1], $data[2]); $max_date = max($data[2], $data[3], $data[4]); //get only year $first = (int) substr($min_date, 0, strpos($min_date, '-')); $last = (int) substr($max_date, 0, strpos($max_date, '-')); $years = array(); for ($year = $first; $year <= $last; $year++) { $years[] = (string) $year; } return $years; } public function get_from_thread(Thread $thread) { $tasks = $this->model->taskFactory->get_all(array('thread_id' => $thread->id), 'thread_comment_id', false, array('thread' => $thread)); $by_thread_comment = array('corrections' => array()); foreach ($tasks as $task) { if ($task->thread_comment_id == null) { $by_thread_comment['corrections'][$task->id] = $task; continue; } if (!isset($by_thread_comment[$task->thread_comment_id])) { $by_thread_comment[$task->thread_comment_id] = array(); } $by_thread_comment[$task->thread_comment_id][$task->id] = $task; } return $by_thread_comment; } public function get_with_closing_comment($thread) { $sql = "SELECT, task.type, task.content_html, task.state, task.cost, task.plan_date, task.close_date, task_closing_comment.content_html AS task_comment_content_html, task.assignee FROM task LEFT JOIN (SELECT content_html, task_id FROM task_comment WHERE closing=1) AS task_closing_comment ON = task_closing_comment.task_id WHERE task.thread_id = ? ORDER BY task.plan_date"; $stmt = $this->model->sqlite->query($sql, $thread->id); $stmt->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ); return $stmt; } public function get_by_type($thread) { $stmt = $this->get_with_closing_comment($thread); $by_type = array('correction' => array(), 'corrective' => array(), 'preventive' => array()); foreach ($stmt as $task) { $by_type[$task->type][$task->id] = $task; } return $by_type; } public function users_involvement(\DatePeriod $period=NULL) { if ($period) { $from = $period->getStartDate()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); $to = $period->getEndDate()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); $sql = "SELECT task_participant.user_id, SUM(task_participant.original_poster) AS original_poster_sum, SUM(task_participant.assignee) AS assignee_sum, SUM(task_participant.commentator) AS commentator_sum FROM task_participant JOIN task ON task_participant.task_id = WHERE task.create_date BETWEEN ? AND ? GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY user_id"; $r = $this->model->sqlite->query($sql, $from, $to); } else { $sql = "SELECT user_id, SUM(original_poster) AS original_poster_sum, SUM(assignee) AS assignee_sum, SUM(commentator) AS commentator_sum FROM task_participant GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY user_id"; $r = $this->model->sqlite->query($sql); } return $r; } public function report(\DatePeriod $period=NULL) { if ($period) { $from = $period->getStartDate()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); $to = $period->getEndDate()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); $sql = "SELECT task_program_name, COUNT(CASE WHEN state = 'opened' THEN 1 END) AS opened, COUNT(CASE WHEN state = 'done' AND close_date <= plan_date THEN 1 END) AS closed_on_time, COUNT(CASE WHEN state = 'done' AND close_date > plan_date THEN 1 END) AS closed_after_the_dedline, SUM(cost) AS total_cost, (CASE WHEN state = 'done' THEN SUM(cost) END) AS cost_of_closed, COUNT(*) AS 'count_all' FROM task_view WHERE create_date BETWEEN ? AND ? GROUP BY task_program_name ORDER BY task_program_name"; $r = $this->model->sqlite->query($sql, $from, $to); } else { $sql = "SELECT task_program_name, COUNT(CASE WHEN state = 'opened' THEN 1 END) AS opened, COUNT(CASE WHEN state = 'done' AND close_date <= plan_date THEN 1 END) AS closed_on_time, COUNT(CASE WHEN state = 'done' AND close_date > plan_date THEN 1 END) AS closed_after_the_dedline, SUM(cost) AS total_cost, (CASE WHEN state = 'done' THEN SUM(cost) END) AS cost_of_closed, COUNT(*) AS 'count_all' FROM task_view GROUP BY task_program_name ORDER BY task_program_name"; $r = $this->model->sqlite->query($sql); } return $r; } public function initial_save(Entity $task, $data) { try { $this->beginTransaction(); parent::initial_save($task, $data); $task->set_participant_flags($task->original_poster, array('subscribent', 'original_poster')); $task->set_participant_flags($task->assignee, array('subscribent', 'assignee')); if ($task->thread_id != '') { $task->thread->set_participant_flags($task->assignee, array('subscribent', 'task_assignee')); $task->thread->update_last_activity(); } $this->commitTransaction(); //notifications if ($this->model->user_nick != $task->assignee) { $task->mail_notify_assignee(); } if ($task->thread_id != '') { $task->thread->mail_notify_task_added($task); } } catch(Exception $exception) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); } } public function update_save(Entity $task, $data) { try { $this->beginTransaction(); $prev_assignee = $task->assignee; parent::update_save($task, $data); if($task->assignee != $prev_assignee) { $task->remove_participant_flags($prev_assignee, array('assignee')); $task->set_participant_flags($task->assignee, array('subscribent', 'assignee')); } if ($task->thread_id != '' && $task->assignee != $prev_assignee) { if ($this->model->taskFactory->count(array( 'thread_id' => $task->thread_id, 'assignee' => $prev_assignee)) == 0) { $task->thread->remove_participant_flags($prev_assignee, array('task_assignee')); } $task->thread->set_participant_flags($task->assignee, array('subscribent', 'task_assignee')); } $this->commitTransaction(); //notifications if ($prev_assignee != $task->assignee && $this->model->user_nick != $task->assignee) { $task->mail_notify_assignee(); } } catch(Exception $exception) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); } } }