it means that it was not initialized * But we always inserts NULLs instead of empty strings. * **/ use dokuwiki\plugin\bez\meta\PermissionDeniedException; use dokuwiki\plugin\bez\meta\ValidationException; use Mailer; abstract class Entity { /** @var Model */ protected $model; /** @var Validator */ protected $validator; /** @var Acl */ protected $acl; abstract public static function get_columns(); public static function get_select_columns() { $class = get_called_class(); return $class::get_columns(); } public static function get_acl_columns() { $class = get_called_class(); return $class::get_select_columns(); } public function get_assoc($filter=NULL) { $assoc = array(); $columns = $this->get_select_columns(); if ($filter !== NULL) { $columns = array_intersect($columns, $filter); } foreach ($columns as $col) { $assoc[$col] = $this->$col; } return $assoc; } public function get_table_name() { $class = (new \ReflectionClass($this))->getShortName(); return lcfirst($class); } public function __get($property) { if (!property_exists($this, $property) || !in_array($property, $this->get_select_columns())) { throw new \Exception('there is no column: "'.$property. '"" in table: "' . $this->get_table_name() . '"'); } if ($this->acl_of($property) < BEZ_PERMISSION_VIEW) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(); } return $this->$property; } protected function set_property($property, $value) { if ($this->acl_of($property) < BEZ_PERMISSION_CHANGE) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("cannot change field $property"); } $this->$property = $value; } protected function set_property_array($array) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $this->set_property($k, $v); } } public function set_data($post) { $val_data = $this->validator->validate($post); if ($val_data === false) { throw new ValidationException($this->get_table_name(), $this->validator->get_errors()); } $this->set_property_array($val_data); } public function purge() { if (property_exists($this, 'content') && property_exists($this, 'content_html')) { $rule = $this->validator->get_rule('content'); $html = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($this->content), $ignore); //probably content contains only white spaces if (empty($html) && $rule[1] == 'NOT NULL') { $html = '
'; } $this->content_html = $html; } } public function changable_fields($filter=NULL) { $fields = $this->acl->get_list(); if ($filter !== NULL) { $fields = array_filter($fields, function ($k) use ($filter) { return in_array($k, $filter); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); } return array_keys(array_filter($fields, function ($var) { return $var >= BEZ_PERMISSION_CHANGE; })); } public function can_be_null($field) { $rule = $this->validator->get_rule($field); $null = $rule[1]; if (strtolower($null) == 'null') { return true; } return false; } public function __construct($model) { $this->model = $model; $this->validator = new Validator($this->model); $this->acl = new Acl($this->model->get_level(), $this->get_acl_columns()); } public function acl_of($field) { return $this->acl->acl_of($field); } protected function html_link_url() { return '#'; } protected function html_link_content() { echo $this->id; } public function html_link($pre='', $post='', $print=true) { $ret = ''; $ret .= $pre . $this->html_link_content() . $post; $ret .= ''; if ($print) { echo $ret; } return $ret; } protected function getMailSubject() { global $conf; return $conf['title']; } // // public function mail_notify($content, $users=false, $attachedImages=array()) { global $conf; $mailer = new Mailer(); $mailer->subject($this->getMailSubject()); if ($users == FALSE) { $users = $this->get_participants('subscribent'); //don't notify myself unset($users[$this->model->user_nick]); } $muted_users = $this->model->factory('subscription')->getMutedUsers(); foreach ($users as $user) { if (is_array($user)) { $user = $user['user_id']; } //omit muted users if (in_array($user, $muted_users)) continue; $email = $this->model->userFactory->get_user_email($user); //do we have user email address if (!$email) continue; $name = $this->model->userFactory->get_user_full_name($user); $mailer->to("$name <$email>"); // $token = $this->model->factory('subscription')->getUserToken($user); // $resign_link = $this->model->action->url('unsubscribe', array('GET' => array( 't' => $token))); // $html = str_replace('%%resign_link%%', $resign_link, $content); $mailer->setBody('', null, null, $content); try { $mailer->send(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $msg = $this->get_table_name() . '#' . $this->id . ': ' . $e->getMessage(); throw new \Exception($msg); } } } }